The Tale Of Danny Collins – Chapter 5

On Monday, during the lunch break, Gloria came to Danny’s table and sat beside him. He smiled at her, saying, “How you doin’, beautiful?”

“I’m good,” she replied with a sweet smile. “I just wanted to tell you what a wonderful time I had with you on Friday night.”

“You seemed to be enjoying yourself,” he said with a grin.

“It was really unbelievable, Danny,” she said in a hushed voice. “I mean it. Perhaps I should feel ashamed of myself for being such a slut, but you took me to a place I’ve never been.”

“You aren’t a slut, Gloria,” he told her seriously. “You’ve just never been with a guy who knew what he was doing.” He paused a few seconds before asking, “Are you still a virgin?”

Gloria blushed. “Yes and no,” she said with an embarrassed grin. I stayed at my family’s lake house for two weeks during the summer. My Mom and Dad both work, so I convinced them I was old enough to stay alone. It turned out a college guy was staying in the house near ours. We met and got friendly. I was going to have sex with him, but every time the head of his member touched me, he had an instant orgasm. So, in a sense, I’ve had a man’s penis touch my pussy but never went inside.”

“That’s really sad for him and for you,” Danny said with a laugh. “I can’t imagine being that close to having your wonderful body and blowing it.” He laughed. “I guess blowing it was exactly what happened.”

“Are we going to do it again?” she asked. “I mean… go to the drive-in and… repeat what we did?”

“Do you want to?”

“Oh, yes, Danny. I’m afraid you’ve taken away all my defenses, and I’m stuttering like a silly girl. What you gave me was fantastic. I want more of it.”

He wanted to touch her leg and run his fingers up the inside of her thigh. He knew he’d find her panties wet again. However, that would be a little too bold to do in the school cafeteria with a couple hundred kids looking at them.

“There’s a football game Friday night. Why don’t we go to the game and find a place to be alone afterward. I have a place that will give us plenty of privacy, and I can still get you home in time to please your mother.”

“Do I have to wait that long?”

“If you are anxious,” he said, “I can take you home after school on Wednesday. I have tennis practice today and Tuesday afternoon. It won’t end until 5:00.”

“I usually ride home with Anna Ortiz. I’ll tell her I have to stay late at school. Can we go to your private place before dark?”

“We can if that’s what you’d like.”

“I’d like that very much, Danny. I wish I could kiss you right now.”

Danny studied Gloria briefly before asking, “What do you wear when you go to bed?”

Gloria thought it was strange but replied, “I wear pajamas. In this weather, I wear shorty PJs. Is that what you wanted to know?”

“Yeah,” he replied. “Do you ever sleep naked?”

“Gosh, no,” Gloria laughed. “If my mother came into my room and found me naked, she’d have a fit.”

“This is what I want you to do,” he said quietly. “Tonight, I want you to go to bed with your PJs on. Once you’re under the sheets, I want you to remove the bottoms and leave them under the sheet. Then, I want you to unbutton the top. Open your legs and fondle your tits. Let a hand drift between your legs when it starts to feel good. I’m gonna bet you’ll be wet and need to touch yourself. If you do that, you’ll be less anxious.”

Gloria was blushing. She had avoided masturbation for the most part, but now she couldn’t wait to do as Danny suggested.

“Will you do that for me?” he asked.

“Yes, I will,” she whispered. “And when I do, I’ll think of you kissing me.”


The following morning, after her third-period class, Gloria had stopped at her locker to change books. Suddenly, Danny was standing beside her.

“Did you do what I suggested?” he asked.

“I did,” she whispered with a blush.

“Did you enjoy it?”

“I did,” she whispered again. “Maybe a little too much.”

“Why do you say too much?”

Gloria’s eyes darted around to see if anyone was near enough to hear. “I had such a strong orgasm the first time, I did it again. Then, I woke up at about 2:00 and did it again. I was still wet when I woke up this morning.”

Danny grinned. “That’s about what I thought would happen. Now I guess you won’t be wearing anything to cover that sweet pussy to bed at night.”

“Probably not,” she replied with a blushing smile. “Danny, I think you are the devil. You make me do things I’ve never done before.”

“But you enjoy what you’re doing, don’t you?”

“Yes, I do. And I’m looking forward to seeing you after school on Wednesday.”

Danny softly touched her cheek. “I am, too. Before you meet me in front of the school, be sure to take your panties off.” He turned and walked away, leaving Gloria to think about how bold he was. Walking to her next class, she could feel that her panties were dripping wet.


On Wednesday afternoon, Danny stood outside the school’s main doors for fifteen minutes, waiting for Gloria. He began to wonder if she had reconsidered going with him. Looking up, he spotted her coming down the steps.

“Hi,” Gloria said with a bright smile. “I’m sorry to keep you waiting, but I had to do what you told me.”

“Good girl,” he said and took her books.

When they reached his car, he held the door for her, waiting until she gave him a look up her skirt. Gloria revealed that she was not wearing panties. Danny was pleased she’d followed his directions. Once the car was moving, he placed his hand on the inside of her bare thigh.

“Don’t you feel better with those panties off?”

“It feels a little strange,” Gloria admitted and then giggled. “I’ve never been in public without something covering my butt.”

“My car is not public,” he replied firmly. “And from now on, this is the way I’ll expect you to be dressed in my car. Or perhaps I should say, undressed.”

Gloria put her hand on his, moving it up almost enough to touch her sex. “And will you always touch me like this in your car?”

“More like this,” he said, moving his hand to cover her pussy. “Isn’t this better?”

Her eyes closed, and her mouth opened. “Yes,” she replied in a gasp. “You are turning me into a slut.”

“I’m not,” he insisted. “You are what you are. I’m simply supplying the motivation for you to let your true self out. If you didn’t want to know about the glories of sex, you wouldn’t be here with your panties in your purse.” He slipped a finger inside her wet slit, and she moaned and spread her legs wider.

“I may not be a slut, but I’ll be your slut,” she said in a whisper. “I love what you do to me.”

“We’ll be there in five minutes,” he said, pushing his finger deeper. “When we get there, I’ll show you something new.”

“I’m happy as a clam right now,” she giggled. “Your finger feels so much better than mine.”

Danny turned off the paved road onto a dirt path. Gloria opened her eyes, asking, “Is this where your spot is?”

“Yep. Just about a half mile ahead.”

He pulled up to a spot in the shade of a large oak tree.

Gloria sat up and looked around. She could see their location was slightly higher than the land around them. “It’s really pretty here.”

“It is,” he replied. “And we can see for about a mile in every direction. If someone were to drive toward us, we would hear and see them. I want to be the only one to see you naked.”

She was a little shocked by his statement but also excited. The idea of being naked with Danny made her body temperature rise. She could feel her wetness begin to spread to her inner thighs.

“Take off your skirt,” he instructed, “and put it on the floorboard next to you. Then take off your blouse and bra and put them on your skirt. Should someone interrupt us, I want you to be able to get dressed in a hurry.”

Danny watched while Gloria removed her clothes and finally sat, looking at him, completely naked.

“You are unbelievably beautiful,” he said, seeing her in all her naked beauty. “Lean against the door and let me see your body. I think you could probably be in Playboy magazine. That’s how beautiful and sexy you are.” Danny remembered advice Vivian had given him… always tell a girl how beautiful she is. Her legs will spread for you more quickly. 

When she turned to put her back against the door, Danny could see her wetness glistening against the sunlight. He took her leg and moved it against the seat back. Leaning forward, Danny began kissing her inner thigh, moving slowly upward. Feeling his cheek touch her pubic hair, he turned to run his nose through her bush and smell her unique fragrance. When she groaned, Danny placed his mouth against her dripping pussy.

When his tongue swirled through her slit, Gloria almost screamed. She had never felt anything quite so extraordinary. Her fingers dug into his hair and pulled him deeper into her need. His tongue moved and slurped up her wetness, making her cry out with pleasure.

“Oh, god, Danny,” she screamed.

He continued his tongue lashing and slipped two fingers into her pussy, making her scream once again.

“Oh, Danny, I’m going to cum,” she groaned.

He continued until he felt her body tremble, and her juices covered his tongue.

Danny waited until she stopped quivering before he pulled her to him and kissed her. It was a long, slow, passionate kiss, with tongues dancing and heavy breathing.

When he stopped, Danny said, “Can you taste your pussy on my lips and tongue?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Do you like it?”

“Yes,” she answered. “It’s amazing. I love it.”

He ran his hand across her breasts. “I’m glad,” he told her. “There is so much more to learn.”

Gloria was suddenly aware that she was completely naked, and Danny was fully dressed. However, she was so satisfied she couldn’t think of complaining. After recovering some composure, she asked, “When are we going to… you know… go all the way?”

“Soon,” he answered, knowing he was being very restrained. “If you’re ready, it could be Friday night after the football game. We’ll come back here and have sex if that’s what you want to do.”

“I do, Danny,” she replied. “If you won’t do it now, I’ll wait until Friday night.”

“I have to get you home,” he said. “If I get outside the timeline boundaries, your mother will question what we’re doing. I don’t want that to happen. I want you now, but sometimes it’s best to wait.”

Gloria wanted to lose her virginity right now but was willing to take Danny’s advice. He was easily the most mature lover she had ever encountered. She wanted to feel his thick cock sliding into her vagina but knew she could wait. Not long… but she could wait a couple of days.

As they drove back to Gloria’s home, Danny kept his hand between her thighs, and she purred with delight. When he pulled into her driveway, Gloria pulled her panties back on.

“I’d prefer to keep them off,” she told him with a grin. “But I don’t want my Mom to catch me bare-butt.”

Danny opened the car door for her. Gloria pressed herself close to his chest as she slid off the seat. “When am I going to get to taste you?” she said in a sexy voice. “That’s something else I’m anxious about.”

He gave her a quick kiss and squeezed her butt cheek. “We’ll see what happens Friday night, but you might want to plan on going to the movies on Saturday night.”

“That would be great,” she said with a bright smile. “Danny, does that mean we’re going steady now?”

“Would that make you happy, love?”

“It would make me very happy,” she gushed.

“Get inside,” he encouraged her. “I don’t want your mother thinking bad things about me.”

While Danny drove home, he thought about how Gloria had never given him the time of day for the last three years. She was a part of that elite group of the most attractive and popular kids in their class. He wondered if going steady with Gloria would make him a part of that group. Turning onto his street, Danny realized that his cock was still rock hard. He drove past his home and pulled into Vivian’s drive.

Walking in her back door, Vivian spotted him and shouted, “Danny! I haven’t seen you in days and days.”


“Well,” he said in a shy voice. “Tony was home over the weekend, and I’ve been kinda busy this week.”

“Are you going to tell me that you no longer want any three-way sex?”

“Not a chance,” he laughed. “I just don’t want to push my way in while Tony’s home. I know how he likes to make up for lost time.”

Vivian sauntered to him, running her fingers up the front of his shirt. “Do you have time to give me a little ride before you go home for dinner?” She began unbuttoning her shirt to show him her bare breasts.

“When was the last time you masturbated?” he asked while taking her soft white mounds in his hands.

“It was hours ago,” she answered, unbuckling his belt. “And you’ve been at school all day. You must be horny by now.”

“I’m always horny when my dick is in your hands. Is there something I can do to release your stress?”

“You can pound me with this big, beautiful dick,” she said. “The question is, are you going to fuck me on the kitchen table or take me back to my bed?”

Danny removed his pants and took Vivian’s hand. “If you’re going to ride me, I’d rather be on my back in your bed. Then when I’m ready to cum, you can take me in your mouth.”

“You have such a dirty mind,” she cooed. “But I do love the way it works.”

Forty-five minutes later, they lay side by side in bed. Both of them were covered in sweat and still breathing hard.

“I’ve got a new girlfriend now,” he announced. “I’d have to say she’s probably one of the prettiest girls in my school. Her tits aren’t as good as yours, but she’s got a great body.”

“Have you had sex with her yet?” Vivian asked.

“Not yet, but I expect that to happen Friday night.”

“I wish I could watch,” Vivian giggled.

“After I get her broken in, I’ll bring her by here one day and let you coach us.”

“I would love that, baby,” she said as she leaned over to kiss his cheek. “But I’m sure I’d get jealous watching you put this beautiful tool into another woman’s pussy.”

“I seriously doubt you’d get jealous,” Danny laughed. “You might get extra horny, but never jealous.”


On Friday, during the lunch break in the cafeteria, Gloria came to sit with Danny at his table. “Hi, handsome,” she said. “Wanna fool around?”

“I’d love to,” he replied with a grin. “Should we cut our afternoon classes and go to the oak tree?”

“What a great idea. I can’t wait to get naked with you again. I want for us to go all the way,” she whispered.

“All the way? What the hell does that mean?”

“You know what it means.”

“No, I don’t. Explain it to me.”

Whispering again, Gloria said, “To have sex.”

Danny wasn’t smiling. “Do you mean fuck?”

Gloria seemed to wince. “Well, I guess so.”

“Then say it. Tell me what you want to do.”

Gloria glanced around to be sure no one was close enough to hear her. He almost could not hear her when she said, “I want to fuck.”

“Say it again,” Danny insisted. “I want to hear you say it.”

Looking into his eyes, Gloria said, “Danny, I want you to fuck me. It’s all I can think about. I am so ready.”

Danny smiled. “That’s what I wanted to hear, my love. We’ll go to the oak tree when the football game ends. When we get to the tree, I’ll expect you to be naked and ready.”

“I will be. I promise. Am I really your love, Danny, or am I just another girl willing to open her legs for you?”

“You are the only girl I want to be with,” he said softly. “You are my own private Playmate. I’ll worship your body and make you glad you’ve chosen me. You’ll be too weak to walk when I’m through with you.” He could see the excitement in her eyes. “I’ll pick you up at 6:30.”


Danny and Gloria’s team had a seventeen-point lead at the end of the third quarter.

“Can we leave now?” she asked.

“Are you in a hurry?” Danny asked without looking at her.

“Yes, I am,” Gloria whispered. “You know I am.”

“You don’t mind being seen leaving early with me?”

“Right now, I don’t care,” she replied. Leaning to his ear, she said, “I’m anxious to get naked for you. I want to feel your lips on my nipples and your hand between my legs.”

At that moment, everyone in the stands jumped up to cheer as their team made a touchdown. Danny took Gloria’s hand, pulled her to her feet and said, “Let’s go now.”

When they reached his car, Danny opened the door for her. When he moved in behind the wheel, Gloria handed him her panties.

“Here,” she said. “Why don’t you hold on to these until you get me home?”

“They’re wet,” Danny said as he folded them and stuffed them in his pocket.

“Of course they are,” she giggled.

Danny leaned over and kissed her. He gave Gloria a long, passionate kiss. When he broke the kiss, his hand was between her legs, and his fingers touched her pubic hair. “Maybe I should just take you right now.”

With a grin, she responded, “I wouldn’t mind if you did, but we would probably end up being a floor show for the people parked around us when the game ends.”

“Good point,” he laughed and started the engine.

When Danny parked his car under the oak tree, he turned to see that Gloria was already naked. She threw herself at him, showering him with hot, wet kisses. When she finally took a breath, Gloria said, “I’ve been waiting for this, Danny. I want you so much.”

He took her hand and moved it to his crotch. “I think you should meet little Danny.”

Gloria sucked in her breath as she felt the lead pipe in his trousers. “May I?” she asked while unbuckling his belt.

“It’s what I’ve been waiting for,” he said before putting his hand around her ass cheek.

Once she had his pants opened, Gloria pulled them down to his knees. Looking up at his stiff cock, she gasped. “Oh, my. It’s so beautiful,” and immediately wrapped her fingers around it, excited that it was so hard and hot. Leaning down, Gloria kissed the tip, tasting the drop of precum that had already formed. Within seconds, she had the head of his cock in her mouth. A few seconds later, she was busily bobbing her head up and down, trying to swallow it.

Danny had no plan to stop her. He knew that his first orgasm was always relatively quick and guessed that her vagina would be tight. Cumming too quickly wasn’t something he wanted to do. Gloria was not overly experienced at giving head; however, she managed to get him to the edge within two minutes.

“Don’t stop, baby,” he whispered. “I love what you’re doing.”

Feeling encouraged, she continued slurping on his shaft until she felt his fingers in her hair. Before she could give any thought to what was happening, Danny shot his load into her mouth. He shot five hot ropes of cum into the back of her mouth. At that point, the only thing she could do was swallow.

Danny was afraid that Gloria would be spitting mad at him. But when she looked at him with wide eyes, she gasped, “That was wonderful! Oh, Danny, I loved it.”

Feeling relieved, he pulled her up to his chest. “Then kiss me,” he whispered. “Let me taste myself on your tongue.”

Their kiss was furious. Gloria was groaning and moving her body to be on top of his. While they were still kissing, she managed to maneuver herself into a position over his still-hard cock. Gloria pressed down until the head of his member touched her dripping wet pussy opening. “Yes!” she moaned as she pushed his cock inside her pussy.

Gloria felt a sharp pain but continued pushing his member deeper and deeper. She wanted it all. “Oh, fuck!” she yelled when she had taken his entire length.

“I don’t want to hurt you, Gloria,” Danny said sincerely.

“It’s wonderful,” she said as she began to move. “Fuck me, Danny. I want it so much!”

He wasn’t really in a position to move much, so he let her move up and down his shaft. He managed to get one of her nipples into his mouth, knowing that his touch of her breasts consistently increased her excitement.

It didn’t take long for Gloria to reach her orgasm. Her body trembled. Her nipples were like rocks.

“That was so good,” she told Danny. “Did you cum too?”

“No,” he said with a grin. “It will take me a while to get to number two.”

She began to move up and down on his shaft again. “I enjoyed number one,” Gloria said with a giggle. “I hope you plan to let me do that again.”

“I’m glad you are enjoying this, but I want to show you another way.” He opened the car door and instructed her to get out of the car.

Gloria was a little mystified but followed his instructions.

He followed her out of the car, taking her in his arms and kissing her, making sure that his cock was pressed against her belly.

“I want more,” she whispered.

Danny moved her to the side of the car. “Turn around and put your hands on the hood.” Standing behind her, he could see all her naked beauty lit by the moon’s rays coming through the tree limbs. “You have an exceptional body, baby,” he said as he moved up behind her, pressing her back so she would lean over the fender. “Press those beautiful tits against the hood, Gloria.”

When she was bent over, Danny pressed his cock to her wet pussy opening and pushed it inside her.

“I love it,” she moaned.

Once he was entirely inside her, Danny took a handful of hair, pulled on it, and said, “Now we are going to fuck.”

He built up speed and began pounding her. “Do you like it this way?” he said, listening to their bare skin slapping together.

“Yes!” was her reply. “Yes, Danny. I love it.”

He reached around her and massaged her clit until she had a second orgasm. “I’m going to cum,” he told her. “Where do you want it?”

“Inside me, please, Danny. I want to feel you cum inside me!”

Danny gave her two more hard thrusts and let loose another monster orgasm. He took her breasts in his hands and pulled her back against his chest.

When he pulled out, Gloria could feel his hot semen running down her leg. “It’s all coming out,” she said, sounding disappointed.

Danny put his hand on the inside of her thigh and scooped up some of the liquid running down her leg. “That’s how it usually happens,” he said, wiping his fingers across her lips and nose. “I want you to taste and smell what we are together.”

Gloria shivered with excitement and licked her lips. She turned around, putting her arms around his neck. “Can we do that a thousand more times?”

“I hope so,” he said, squeezing her ass cheeks. “Maybe not all tonight.”

She giggled. “I’m so happy, Danny. I hope I was good enough that you’ll want me again.”

“You don’t need to worry about that, sweetheart. I hereby volunteer to do that with you five times a day for the rest of your life.


Danny pulled up in the driveway at Gloria’s house at 11:30. “We’re home a little early, but I don’t want to give your mother any reason to question what we’ve been doing.” He opened the car door for her and watched as she exposed herself once again.

When the door was closed, Gloria put her arms around him. “Do me one more time,” she begged. “We’re early, and I want it once more.” With that said, she leaned over the car, spread her legs, and pulled her shirt up to show him her magnificent ass.

“That ass will always overcome my self-resolve,” he said while unzipping his trousers.

It didn’t take long for Gloria to have another orgasm. “Cum for me,” she gasped.

“I’m close,” he replied.

Gloria quickly spun around and squatted in front of him. Looking up, she said, “I want it in my mouth.”

When he had dropped his load on her tongue, Gloria stood and whispered, “I love the way you taste when you’ve been inside me. And now I’ll go to bed and taste you until I’m asleep.”

Danny pulled her panties out of his pants pocket. “Maybe you’d like to put these on before entering the house.”

She giggled again as she pulled them up. “I love you, Danny Collins. I want us to have sex a million times. I can’t wait to do it in a bed.”

“We’ll work on that,” he said as he smacked her butt and turned her to go into the house.

Driving home, Danny smiled. “I’ll have to report my success to Captain DeAngelo.”

Edited by ChrisM