Their New Toy….

A 13-year-old girl is kidnapped by an incestuous family. Will she submit to temptation?

Myra loved cold nights. So the gloomy Thursday was perfect for the teen. When she was younger she was too scared to go off walking alone, big now that she was older she was confident in her safety in the small town. She knew just about everyone, what could happen?
She walked along the dirt road, earphones blasting music as her chest-length Brown hair swayed with every movement.
Myra wasn’t stunning, she knew that. But she wasn’t ugly either, her breasts were of medium size, B cups, and her hips were big as they were accompanied by her large ass. She had dark green eyes and freckles sparkled on her nose. Her pale skin shinning under the pale moonlight.
“Excuse me? Miss?” Myra turned at the sound of an unfamiliar voice. Sitting next to a stop sign was an old gray truck with a young woman outside of it, she was tall with striking blond hair.
“Hey?” Myra answered she was uneasy but didn’t want to be rude. She stepped closer to the woman and the truck, taking out her earphones.
“Hi, sorry, could you please help me? A stereo fell from the back of my car and I cannot lift it myself. It was supposed to be my husband’s birthday present, I don’t know what to do.” The pretty told her, her pink pol-a-dot sun dress accenting her thick black eyelashes.
“Uh yeah, ok.” Myra walked over to the car, her hands still resting in the pockets of her sweatshirt. She approached the side of the car where the woman stood. “Um, I don’t see a speaker?”
“Oh yes, it’s over here.” the woman lead her to the grass field behind the car. “It’s under the car because I backed up.”
Myra was confused, this story didn’t make much sense but she tried to hide her judgment as she slightly bent to see the underneath the car.
She heard I noise and started to turn her head back up the woman when she saw what was about to happen.
The woman held a crowbar and swung, hard. Everything went black.

Point of View: Lena Rolin. The woman.
I lifted the girl’s limp figure into the back seat, her hair sprawled across the dark seat covers as I got in and started to the car. It wasn’t a good performance, I admit that my story made little sense, but it did its job. I began to drive, heading down the road. The drive would be an hour long, so I had tried to make sure she would stay out of it.
As I drove, my thoughts wandered as to why I was doing this. Well, my son is the quick answer. 28 Aiden was adamant to me and his father that we NEEDED to do this. And knowing the nature of my husband and I, we said yes with little to no hesitation.
A sex toy. For the family. Sounded good.

Point of View: Myra Rivers
I woke up to the feeling of a car stopping. A car? What? I jerked up to decipher my surroundings. I lay in the back of a truck well a woman, the same woman from earlier, talked to a man outside of the driver’s window. I felt my breath begin to quicken. I was kidnapped. I needed to get off her, but how? I focused on the woman’s conversation with the man, trying to make sense of my situation.
“Yeah, she was off walking on the roadside. I fed her some bullshit about a broken stereo and then knocked her out. She should wake up soon, go tell Aiden she’s here and get ‘er inside.” The woman told the man calmly.
She turned around to the backseat and smirked.
“Never mind, she’s awake John!” At the sound of her words, I began to scramble towards the door. I opened it and practically jumped out of my car before I started to sprint, I had to get out of there!
“Get her John!” I heard the woman yell as I felt the man run after me, I moved as fast as I could but it was useless. I was in the middle of nowhere and there was nowhere to run. The man grabbed me hard. His dark eyes filled with rage as he stared at me.
“P-please sir, just let me go! I don’t have any money, please I won’t tell anyone!” My words seemed useless as he hauled my struggling body back to the car. Only then did I truly take in my surroundings, a huge Brown manor. Like the kind one might see in a movie, surrounding by fields of grass. For miles. I let out a sob and the knowing that I was far away from help. The still dark night made it hard to see too much but the light was enough.
“Aiden! We got her!” the man yelled as his hands squeezed my young body. I whimpered desperately.

Point of View: Aiden Rolin
I walked out of the gray door to the front of the manor, to see my mother’s gray truck and my father holding onto a small girl, 5’2 probably. I smirked. I walked over to my father and the girl as my mother left the car and joined us also.
“She sure is curvy, a bit of diet will help with that.” I and my father joined in a bitter laugh as the girl’s green eyes welled with tears. “Well, let’s take her in, shall we?”
My father nodded as we both held tightly to the wiggling girl as we brought her inside, mother following closely behind. We led her down a long flight of brown stairs to the room. Her room. I unlocked the metal door and pushed her in, we all entered the dark prison behind her.
I shut the door, loudly. The girl thrashed and begged as my father and I strapped to a long wood table.
When she was finally secured, I began to speak.
“Welcome, slave. To your new home. Do not beg, no one here is going to help you. My father, my mother, and I have decided to keep you as our own personal sex toy. Don’t get all flattered, choosing you was random. But you will only refer to us as told, welcome to your new life, pet.”

I hope you all liked this! Sorry for the no sex in the first part, I really tried to build the story first!
Thank you so much for reading part one of my very first story! Leave any suggestions you would like to give!
Love ya!

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