Threesome anal with my girlfriend and neighbor

Janice, my girlfriend was arriving today and I had made some preparations. I missed her a lot while she was away on a work trip for 10 months. I was also missing the sex, quite obviously and often found myself thinking of our neighbor. I also had a craze for threesome anal and soon it was going to happen. Brad was a lean and fit gym instructor, whom I often ogled at discreetly. And today, he was standing at my door, asking to wait as the handyman repaired his leaking roof.

I don’t remember how exactly it started, but one moment, we were talking and the next I had my hand over his clothed cock. I remember looking at it, thinking about it because it stood out even when covered by his pants. And now I am touching it. He is sitting comfortably and watching me with curiosity, but the point to note is that he isn’t stopping me. I go ahead and press his cock, pulling it toward me. He comes closer and places a soft kiss on my mouth.

I am pleasantly surprised and kiss him back, licking his lips. He tastes of coffee and I kiss him with fervor. I am playing with his cock while his lips are on mine. He moans every time I press the cock head. “I am going to present you to Janice,” I tell him. “You mean I get to see Janice naked? Whom do I fuck?” he jokes. I take him to the bedroom and find the butt plug.

He takes it from my hand and begins to suck the glass-like object. It looks so hot, watching him suck and lick it. “Do me,” I whisper and he grins, “No, you first do me.” I pull down his pants taking the large cock in my mouth. His cock is thick and long. I lick the head and pull back the foreskin, touching the sensitive spot. “Ooofff,” he mutters and sits down on the bed. His pants are off and he is only in a t-shirt. I suck on his balls while my hands rub the length of his cock. He shakes and breathes out as I massage his balls gently, squeezing them. And then I hear the doorbell ring.

I stop, realizing that Janice is here. “Your girlfriend? Can I pound her ass or shall we try threesome anal?” Brad laughs. “She decides,” I reply and go away to open the door. “Hey baby,” Jenna hugs me and starts kissing me. We both like physical affection and can’t live without sex. So, I am sure she will like the gift – Brad. “I have a surprise for you,” I tell her and take her to the bedroom. Brad is lying naked on the bed, fondling himself and lasciviously looking at Janice. She reddens but doesn’t stop looking at his cock. “Do you want him to fuck you?” I ask her. She licks her lips and says “Yes!”

I am standing right behind her, so I pull her close to me and start fondling her breasts as she watches Brad touching himself. “Won’t you show Brad your pussy?” I whisper in her ear. I pluck her nipples, making them turgid and feel her moving, pulling up her dress. Brads eyes are focused between her legs. I can see him, getting hornier.  I watch her fingers moving and I know that she is masturbating and showing Brad her pussy now. “Do you want Brad to suck your boobs or lick your cunt? Huh? Tell me Janice,” I goad her, kissing her neck. “Lick my pussy Brad,” she says herself.

Brad smiles like he won the lottery and comes over. His cock is in his hand and he bumps her clit with the cockhead. “Ahh! Ahh!” I hear Janice’s moans and feel her body grinding against my cock. He kneels, parting her folds and giving her a hard lick. The way her body moves, I know she likes what he is doing to her. I play with her breasts, pinching and pulling her nipples. I turn her mouth and give her a dirty kiss. “Mmmm, I like all this,” she says, “Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahh!” she goes on.

Taking heavy breaths she says, “Do…do you want to have that butt plug in you?” That was for me and I say yes. She stops Brad and all of us get to the bed. I lie down, naked and spread my legs. Brad and Janice are naked too and I feel her breasts as she leans over my thighs. The right side of the bed has a large mirror, covering the whole wall and I can see my whole body. Janice straddles my body, her back to me and I can see Brad with the butt plug. He adds lubricant to my asshole and massages it in with his rough, large fingers. First, I feel some pain, but then I enjoy his long, strong fingers stroking my ass. Janice rubs my cock with both palms stretching my skin and pressing my length. The dream of threesome anal was actually happening.

First, I let them do things to my body while I watch Janice’s ass. I grab it and give it a sound smack. I grab her boobs from behind and fondle them as she fondles me. I see and feel the butt plug at the rim of my asshole. Brad is concentrating, trying to push in the small head of the sex toy. The head is almost in, but my ass is resisting. That moment Janice bows down, shoving her ass in my face, she tightly grasps the base of my cock and sucks on the tip. That moment my asshole relaxes and Brad is able to push the sex toy inside. It is like a corkscrew so he starts rotating it, moving it inside, bit by bit. I can smell Janice’s pussy in this position, so I part her folds and start licking. She grinds against my face, nose and mouth, covering me in her juices.

I swallow in pleasure as the whole sex toy is inside me. Janice gets off and I watch Brad covering his cock in a condom. My cock is hard and erect, long and hard because of the butt plug. Janice takes advantage of that and slides over it facing me. My cock moves into her pussy hole, impaling her. I can see Brad rubbing lubricant into Janice’s asshole, knowing that his fingers would be touching her and massaging her intimately. Her eyes are closed as she feels his fingers. Then he pushes his cock into her hole. Janice holds her body up by her hands and begins to move up and down on my cock. While Brad moves in and out of her asshole. It is about Janice’s pleasure first, so I press her boobs as she moves over my cock as we did threesome anal. I know she is in immense pleasure because her thighs are shaking as she straddles me, fucking me and getting fucked by Brad.

I smile and decide to give her the orgasm that she is waiting for. I put my hand in between our bodies and pull her clit, then pinch it. “Ahhhhhh!” she screams and squirts all over me. She shakes and falls on top of me, her soft breasts squishing against me. I hold her and kiss her hair. She looks at me satisfied and then rolls off me. “I want to watch you both,” she gestures to Brad. She lies limp on the bed, watching us with wide open eyes. I get on my knees and wait as Brad delicately pulls out the butt plug. I feel like something is missing and I have a gaping asshole. But Brad quickly fills it with his sheathed and lubricated cock.

His cock starts pounding me as he holds my hips. Each time he thrusts, his balls hit mine and there is a different type of pleasure. He holds the base of my cock tightly as he fucks me faster and faster. This was my fantasy for so long and Janice is a part, as she is watching me. Brad, massages my cock and soon I shoot cum on the bed. He leaves my cock as I cum and I hear him moaning in orgasm I believe. I can see his closed eyes in the mirror, shivering, pumping in and out slowly.

After I cum, I feel Janice snuggling closer to me. Brad sits down on a couch for a while and then leaves after getting dressed. Janice and I are snuggling as she whispers, “That was hot, watching you get fucked by Brad and trying threesome anal.” I look at her and kiss her lips pulling her close for a nap.