toby, alan and I 2

two boys and an older friend, have the best time ever, This actually happened, years ago

i had just turned the corner near Alans house when I saw Toby, I knew he was way to excited to be late. We were close together and then we were knocking on the front door. We heard Alans voice telling us to come in. He was sitting on the lounge as naked as and Toby literally gasped as he saw the size oh Alans limp cock. Fucking wow said Toby, god I love your cock, spluttered the ten year old, it is just sooo sexy. Alan smiled a thank you, Toby and I were simply transfixed by the sight.

Alan looked at me and smiled more as he said Willie have you forgotten our promise?
I said oh fuck no and in seconds I was naked.
Can I get naked as well said Toby, we certainly hope so said Alan. Toby said would you mind if I did it in a way that I think you will like? Yes please we nodded. Can I use a room and Alan said of course please just pick whatever suits you. Toby walked to the doorway directly opposite where Alan and I were sitting on the lounge and went in and closed the door.

We are both so excited called Alan, his 60 year old cock was stiff and throbbing, my five and a half inches was doing the same, especially when our fingers played with each others. Toby called back I will be out soon. Take your time sweet boy said Alan, the anticipation is oh sooo good. Finally the door opened.

Toby was on his hands and knees, his legs wider spread that I could have and he was naked with his firm butt in the air and his taunt cheeks wise open, we could both see his anus and he made it wink at us. His balls we clearly visible jiggling away and his 4 inch cock was wobbling away. It was suck a hot sight that in all this time I have never forgotten a single detail, both Adam and I were without words.

it was at this stage Toby showed us the hot dog Frankfurt in his bag, he looked at us and smiled and we intently watched as he slowly inserted it into his open bum. We were mesmerised as so much of the sausage disappeared into his tiny slim body. His young hand reached around his wide spread bum and he began to fuck himself with the Frankfurt. His pert arse thrusting back to meet what his hand was doing.

After a few minutes he stopped and asked Alan would he like to pull out the pink sausage with his mouth. I stared as Alan knelt behind that ever so sweet 10 year old arse and very slowly ate it all from Tobys insides and slowly chewed and swallowed.. More if you would like, thinking of BDSM and Zoo

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