Toni’s Tail

She is younger than 16 Toni is only 13 in this tale so I hope the browsers of this will be patient and tolerant of this point, Honestly I just wast up to going back and changing her age through out the story. With out further adu here is the story of Toni, enjoy….

Little Toni was in heaven, on her 11th and 12th birthdays her dad took her to a cabin in the mountains, she fell in love with it, this year he was taking her back, though she had not received her present yet, usually he gave her a new electronic to play with on their way to the cabin but this year he told her she would have to wait and enjoy the ride. That was fine, she had a closer relationship with her dad than most girls her age did, he was firm but fair, he spoiled her, was never overly strict with her, and also the only parent she had. Her mom left when she was very young and he never got over it, he never even dated, “There will be plenty of time to date when you leave for college, kitten,” he would say when ever she brought up the subject. She was growing up and knew that there were things he was missing out on keeping only her at the center of his world. She had begun to become a woman and had unrestricted access to the internet, her dad knew what was out in the world and wanted her to be safe at home where she could ask him about what she discovered and had questions about.

Last year when they got back from the cabin she had been going through her email, opened one, and a naked woman covered her screen sliding something purple in and out of her cunny, Toni’s eyes got huge and she began laughing so hard she almost peed on herself. After she calmed down she told her dad what happened and he laughed a little as well, he got out his lap top and pulled up another video on it, it was a lot tamer, he explained that it was called porn, told her that a lot of men and woman enjoy watching it and doing what they see. For the rest of that week end they watched different kinds of porn together, her dad laughing as she goofy acted out some of it as they watched. It was a fun week end and she has watched it on a weekly basis since then. Her dad would ask what are you watching, she would say porn, and he would just shake his head and go back to doing what ever. As that year progressed she noticed that at times her dad would be blushing when she responded or that lately he would be wearing baggier clothes and not doing as much moving around.

A week before their trip she had a thought and tried and experiment, For a few days she would wear loose clothes, sweats and baggy shirts, on these days her dad would be his old self all day long, then for the next few days she wore more revealing clothes, fitting jeans and tank tops, he would still be himself, but with less physical contact that the prior days. Finally on the days before their trip she wore only a thin T shirt and some old wore panties, there was a lot less contact on them days, and now they were on their way to the cabin for their annual week of goofing off and doing what ever she wanted. She had realized that more than just her mind had expanded over the last year. Her body was changing, getting smaller in some areas as well as bigger in others and she knows that her dad has noticed as well.

When they got there she was so excited that she ran to the front door, happy that her dad had given her the key before they left the city, she flung the door open wide a cold breeze and some snow flying in due to the abrupt action. She ran in to check her room, then to start getting the fire going in the fireplace, a few minutes later her dad walked through the front door, “Thanks for the help, Kitten,” he managed to mumble through a mouth full of grocery bags, ‘Crap,’ she thought as she ran to help him with the bags. He laughed as she took the bags from his mouth and headed to the kitchen with them. He let the rest of the bags fall and went after the last few. She kissed him on the cheek as she took her bags from him and went running up stairs, yelling back down that she was going to get cleaned up and would be down in a while, ready to start her special week.

When she came out of the bathroom she smelt fresh trout being fried so she ran to her room to get dresses, all she packed was one pair of sweat pants, two pairs of jeans, and a wide assortment of panties and T shirts, she was going to dress as skimpy as she could get away with this week, she looked at herself in the mirror as she modeled a few pair of panties, then pulled on a T some sweats then headed down stairs for supper and to get her party started. They enjoyed their supper, played some board games, watched some movies, then went to bed, when they woke up the next day their lives would change forever, she would be 13 and had a list of things she wanted to start doing on a weekly, or even better, a daily basis.

The next morning she woke up and got dressed for breakfast, a very thin tank top, no bra, and a thin pair of panties that she has has since she was 11, they were a little tight, but she chose them because they were so this that they showed everything. She ran down stairs to get things started. They sat at the table eating, her dad not saying much but he kept glancing in her direction, she knew that he had a clear site at at least one of her boobs, because the shirt hangs from her slim body while she leans over to eat. She finished her plate put it in the sink and came back to the table, “Daddy, if you don’t hurry up and finish I will have to sit in your lap and feed you.” He adjust himself under the table and informed her that that wouldn’t be a good idea at the moment.

She smiled knowingly at him, though he didn’t seam to catch it, “You have been a bad daddy, daddy, you never gave me my present yesterday.” He said nothing, just set there finishing his plate with a slight smile on his face this time, now she was really curious, “What is it, Daddy? I see you smiling and know you are up to something,” she glanced down real quick then back at him. He just set there eating and smiling, if she didn’t know any better she would think that he was eating slower, “Let me guess, you will tell me when you are done?” He smiled a little bigger, “Yep and you have to be setting in the living room like a good little kitten.” He glanced up as she took off into the other room, her shirt bellowing up, her ass showing through the tightly stretched panties, his dick gave a pulse and got even harder than it ash been the past few days.

He finished and cleaned up, then headed for the living room, where Toni was being a some what good girl. She was sitting in the floor, leaning against the chair, with her legs stretched out in front of her and spread just far enough apart to give him a clear view of what is under her very thin panties, ‘I really have to get her some new clothes.’ he thinks to himself. He sits down in his char and looks at her, pushing away thousands of thoughts that have no place in his mind. “So, Kitten, Happy Birthday, and how are you enjoying it so far?” She shifts around, arranging herself to be sure her sweet daddy was getting an eye full of virgin cunny.

“Well, it just started and is ok so far, but you never gave me my gift yesterday, you know to play with on the way here, like you usually do. I was a little bummed about that, but it is ok and I know we are going to have a lot of fun. Remember the rule for this week is I am in charge and we do what ever I want to do all week. I have a lot of fun things I want to do and try this week.”

He watched her as she spoke, from time to time glancing down then back, as she spoke he could have sworn that she was developing an impish grin and that her panties were getting a little darker, as if her little pussy was actually getting wet. Well he wont be able to get up for a while with this thought running through his head.

“Kitten, I am disappointed in you, I gave you your gift yesterday as I do every year.”

“Daddy, all you gave me was the cabin key, it was nice to get to be in charge of it but wasn’t very entertaining.”

He smiled at her and leaned further back into his chair. “Kitten, would you please make me a Scotch on the rocks and hand me my briefcase from the hallway closet?”
She looks at him, floored and slightly annoyed, “OK, Daddy.” She says with a smile as she hops up and heads to the den to make his drink. He smiles and looks to the spot where she was sitting, pauses for a minute, then leans forward. There is a small puddle there, ‘So it wasn’t my imagination, she did get wet.’ He glances toward the den and hears ice being dropped into a glass, so he dips two fingers into the puddle, sniffs his fingers, then touches them to his tongue, what w wonderful sweet flavor. It reminded him fondly of her mother, how she would ride his face until she was cumming in his mouth over and over. His cock was getting to the point it where it was going to explode. He settled back in his chair just as she came in with his drink and his briefcase and handed both of them to him and set on the couch, avoiding the wet spot she left on the floor.

He opened the case and took his time rummaging through the papers in there, mumbling to himself in a chipper tone, without looking up he asks, “Where is the key to the cabin?” She thinks for a second, then jumps up, runs to her room, and returns with it. She stands beside him holding her hand out. He looks up from the case and hands her an envelope, she took it and he sets the case down beside him as she sets down on the couch curiously looking at the envelope. She opens it and begins to read the papers inside, she reads it three times before the meaning of it sinks in, slowly she looks to her dad, back to the paper, back to him, then jumps into his lap, and hugs him harder than he ever has before.

“Is this real, Daddy,” she says as she leans back, releasing him from her tight clinch. He looks her in the eyes, adjusting a little, “Yes, Kitten, the cabin is yours. We can come here any time you want,” is all he could say. He set there with her sitting in his lap, hoping that she doesn’t realize that he is seriously aroused. She hugged him again before jumping out of his lap and running around the cabin, pointing at various different things, and hollering, “Mine..Mime..Mine..” When she was finally out of breath she came back to the living room, panting, and collapsed on the couch. One foot on the floor, the other leg stretched out on the couch, once again giving him a perfect view of her lovely little snatch under her thin panties, his hard on was beginning to hurt.

“Kitten, I know this is your week and we do what you want to do, but do you think you could change your clothes, please?” She lay there looking at him and began to smile, “Well, Daddy you are right, it is my week and I think a change of attire is in order. First rule for the week, we only wear our underwear, Yes I think I like that idea.” Her dad set there watching her in shock as she stood up and took off her shirt. She stood there in front of him tapping one foot, “Well, Daddy, it is your turn, strip to your undies, I’ll wait.” He looked down to his lap, knowing that he couldn’t get out of this. It has been the rule for years that she gets to set the rules for this week. He pulled off his shirt, then slowly stands and begins to unbutton and unzip his pants.

“Kitten, are you sure this is what you want? You are liable to see something you don’t want to,” he asks standing there with his jeans only been held up by his hard on. She walks closer to him, “Yes, Daddy,” she says with a sheepish grin on her face as she reaches out to pull his jeans down for him. Her eyes go wide as they fall with a gentle tug and her father stood in front of her nude, and only a rock hard cock between them. He blushes as she looks from his face to his cock and back, with a girlish grin she asks, “Daddy, you seam to be a little under dressed, but I will match you,” She slides her panties down and they stand there, face to face and as naked as the day they were born.

“Kitten, you know this in neither natural nor right, you are my daughter I am already having thoughts about you that I should not be having,” she looks back down at his raging hard on once again then back up to his eyes, smiling devilishly. “Daddy,” she says as she steps forward and takes his cock in her small soft hands, “I have been having these thoughts about you and I for months.” She smiles as she gives her daddy’s cock a little squeeze as she move a little closer, “I want this, more than you know. We are already close, I want to be closer.” She looks around the cabin once before looking back at him, “I will help you manually release this one,” sh gives a gentle tug on him,” Because when we first do anything to each other I want it to be mutually full filling. I am 13 today, I am almost a grown woman and I want You to be the man to help me cross the final threshold of womanhood.” He looks at her, “Kitten, you might not want to do this, it has been a long long time and there is liable to be a very big mess when it is done.” She smiles and begins the task at hand, “Leave it to me, Daddy, Like I said I have fantasized about us for months.”

She begins to gently stroke his hard, hot cock in her small soft hand, then wrapping her second hand around it. He run he fingers through her long brown hair, looking deep into her eyes as he edges closer to an orgasm, ‘Thus ain’t right, but it feel so good,’ he thinks to himself. She feels his body tense and his cock actually grow harder and begin to swell forcing her hands apart and she knows that he is close to blowing his top. She smiles at him as she pulls a little faster, then she leans over and places the head in her mouth and begins to stroke faster. Once she closes her sweet wet lips around him, she tickles the tip of his dick with the tip of her tongue, he cant hold back any more, with a grunt her mouth is instantly filled with his hot sticky stuff. She gags for only a second, not expecting so much so fast, but she quickly picks up the pace and is able to get all of it swallowed. When she has swallowed the last of it she looks up at him, smiling and blushing, “Well, now that was more than I was expecting, Daddy. I think I want to amend rule 1, we both stay naked all the time. Rule 2 I think should be every time you have to cum I want it inside me. I don’t care where, but I want all of it inside me.” He looks into her eyes and sees that she is serious, “I still don’t like it, Kitten, but for this week you make the rules and I have to follow them just like you follow mine. I have a feeling that you plan on us getting very very close. Well it will be interesting to see where this leads,” he gently lifts her chin and kisses her on the lips before sending her upstairs to get cleaned up.

Toni and her dad spent the rest of the day putting around the cabin, both naked, and checking the unstable bounds of their new short time relationship. She would pat him here and he would pinch her there, they would sit closer to each other while watching TV or when eating. She sat in his lap at one point and had to quickly move. Her dad was OK with the new relationship but wanted to wait a few days before they got into any full penetration of her young virgin body. She agreed to stick to oral for right now.

Toni came in the back door and found her dad napping on the couch so she stood there for a minute taking in every inch of his body, strong arms and legs, just a little hair on his chest, and as with most men his age he was a little soft around the middle. His dick was another story, it was long and thick, as she discovered earlier that day is more than her small hands can take. She opened the closet door to look at herself in the full length mirror, she looks nothing like the girls in the porn flicks she has grown fond of. She is petite for her age, her boobs are too small, her ass is too flat, and she is also a little soft around the middle. She looks at her cunny and thinks about it for a minute, ‘Most of the girls look a lot better then I do, but they are older and more developed than I am, so there is still hope.’ She runs her fingers through the hair that is down there and decides to go ans shave it so that at least there she can look just like them. With her mind made up she eases up to her room to clean the playground, lol she heard that somewhere and found it funny.

Her dad awoke from his nap on the couch with a smooth, soft, warm pussy in his face when she noticed his eyes open she reached down and spread her little cunny open, showing him her sweet pink center. He smiled up at her and knowing what she wanted extended his tongue out toward her, she bit her lip and eased herself down, making his tongue the first thing ever inside her down there. She has a shiver run up her spine as he begins to slide it in and out of her, he opens his mouth a little wider allowing him to get more of his tongue inside her, as he does this she gets stimulated and pushes into his mouth harder, scraping her freshly shaved patch into his teeth. He knows she is starting to get close to a climax so he begins to tongue fuck his daughter faster and faster, “OH..Oh..Oh..Daddy…I have to get up…I think I’m about to pee…My tummy is…Oh….Tingling….Oh…” She begins to move, but he wraps his hands around her legs and pulls her back down hard on his face, he knows whats coming and it is not peeing. She gives up trying to get off of him and starts to rock back and forth, ‘Well if he won’t let me up I’m not going to stop,’ she thinks as she begins grinding his mouth, when she couldn’t hold the pee any longer she grabbed his hair, pulled his head up as she pushed into him, and filled his mouth.

When she was done she sat there for a few minutes, her dad had slid his tongue out of her and was now licking her, back and forth, back and forth, she released her hold on his hair and eased up a little, allowing him to continue to lick her as long as he wanted, it felt good. At one point his tongue slid over her butt hole and her body tensed at the sensation. After a few more minutes he stopped licking and gently kissed her cunny. She laid back on him and felt his cock poking her in the back of her head. She rolls off of him and kneels next to him on the floor, she looks at her Daddy with a wicked smile, he smiled back and watched as half of his dick disappeared into her mouth. Holding on to the base of his dick she begins to slide it in and out of her mouth, just like the girls in the videos. After fifteen or twenty minutes she feel him place his hand on the back of her head as she bobs, she knows it is close so she removes her hand and continues, bracing herself for when he was ready, a few minutes later she feels the pressure and takes a deep breath, in an instant he pushes her head down, his hips up, and shoots his hot sticky cum down her throat and right into her belly. She lifts her head until she was at the half way point where she sucked hard, waiting to be sure he was done and she has all of it inside her. When she was sure he was empty she slid the rest of him out of her, kissed the tip, then looked at him, “Well, Daddy, I was beginning to get hungry, but that was a filling snack.” He sat up so she could set next to him, “Kitten have you never masturbated, played with your pussy while watching porn?” She shook her head no, “I didn’t think you had, you didn’t pee in my mouth, you came, just like I just did in your mouth. It is a natural thing if you are being stimulated properly.” He kisses her on the side of the head as she turns on the TV and snuggles in tight against his side, with the taste of him on her tongue, and then she fell fast asleep.

He watched TV for a few more hours still gently stroking her hair and thinking about what has happened over the last two days and wonders how they reached this unnatural point in their relationship. As the thoughts run through his head he gently lifts her off the couch and carries her up the stairs to her room. He lays her down in her bed, her long hair fanning over her pillow, and he stands there for a few minutes looking as her young naked body. He notices that she is under developed for a girl her age, sh is 13 but looks 11, her breast are very small, but she does have a nice curve to her tight little ass. He kneels on the floor next to her still wondering how it has come to this, he knows that if they continue this way she will become pregnant at some point due to the fact that he can never make himself pull out of a woman and does not use condoms ever, one of the reasons he has not been laid in so long. He lightly rubs her ass, allowing his middle finger to slowly work its way into her butt crack until it is sliding over her tight little butt hole. As he slides it back and forth she shifts in her sleep, pushing her butt toward him and slightly spreading her ass cheeks. He pauses not wanting to wake her up, but not wanting to stop either, his cock has grown to full size and he looks at it, he wonders if it doesn’t seam to be an inch or two longer as well as thicker, ‘Damn, if I’m not careful I can really hurt her and I don’t want to do that,’ he thinks to himself as he continues to rub her ass. He gets to his feet, kisses her temple, and walks out of the room, quietly closing her door then goes to bed himself. When he gets into bed it doesn’t take him long to get to sleep and to begin dreaming about what has already and hopefully will be happening in the days to come.


He wakes the next morning to Toni standing next to his bed holding a tray with his breakfast, she is smiling and not to his surprise still nude. “Well, to what do I owe this honor,” he asks as he sits up and accepts the tray. She sits on the side of his bed and looks at him, “Just to thank you for a very exciting birthday and, as you can tell I hope it is repeated. Maybe we can go a little further today though,” she leans toward him, kissing his cheek and gently squeezing his cock through the blanket before she gets up and walks out the door, swaying her firm little ass as she goes and humming to herself. He watches her as she leaves then enjoys his meal. When he finishes he places the tray on his dresser then heads into his bathroom to preform his morning ritual, ‘Morning ritual,’ he thinks to himself, ‘That may be changing soon.’

He finishes and walks back into his room to gt the tray, but it has already been removed. ‘Toni must have came and got it already,’ he thinks as he checks himself in the mirror before headed down stairs. He hears her in the kitchen, cleaning the dishes he would assume, so he heads to his office to get the days business started. Toni walks into his office and saw him typing away at his computer, he was not wearing a shirt, but was behind the desk and she wasn’t sure if he was wearing pants or not. She walks into the room, “You know we have an interesting situation here, Daddy,” she says as she pauses in front of the window and watches a few deer grazing down by the lake. He pauses and leans back in the char, “How is that, Kitten?” He stares at her standing there with the early morning light illuminating her nude body, “Well, you are an author, I am home schooled, and I now own a cabin in the woods. There is no time frame for us to have to go back to the apartment in the city, we can just come and go as we please.” He tents his fingers, “This is true, speaking of school, I got your report card this morning and as usual you did very well.” She looks at him and smiles, “I always do, Daddy, just for you.”

She walks over and sets in the chair across from his desk. She always found it strange that he only had one chair in front of any of his desk, but hey Daddy does what Daddy wants. He watched her as she sat and lifted her legs up so she could rest her chin on her knees, he laughs to himself because this is a habit she developed at an early age and has yet to break. She looked at him for a minute, “Well I’ll let you get back to work,: she said as she rose from the chair, lingering for a second allowing him to take in every curve, then heads to the door, “I think I am going to go sin in the hot tub for a while” With this said she walks out the door, rubbing one of her ass cheeks as she dispersal around the corner. He shakes his head with a smile then gets back to work on his book.

About and hour later she walks back through the door, still dripping water on the floor, and clears her throat, he looks up noticing automatically that her small nipple were rock hard from the cool mountain air, “What is it, Kitten?” She looks at him, well it is still my week, soooo you are not supposed to be working. When I told you I was going to the hot tub, well that was a hint that I wanted you to come and set in it with me,” she said in a little kid voice and with a pout y face. He smiles, saves and closes the file, the turned off the monitor, “Your wish is my command, kitten,” he said as he stood. She glanced down and his semi hard cock slowly waved back and forth, she smiled. She grabs his hand and leads him out of the room, they walk down the stairs and into the living room again, “I though you wanted us to get in the hot tub?” She turns to look at him, walking backwards she says, “Well you took too long and I don’t want to get prunny, I want you to want to touch me and I didn’t think you would if I were all wrinkly. We can go skinny dipping later, well maybe not, it is probably too cold.” She leads him into the living room and sets him down on the couch, then she sets in his lap, grabs the remote and turns on the TV. Feeling the warmth of her pussy his cock began to get harder, she smiled and wiggled as she felt it pushing against the bottom of her legs, and she giggled.

Still setting in his lap she found a movie, ‘Stitch’ then laid back stretching her body out giving him a full view of her again. Not paying any attention to the TV, she has watched the movie a million times already, he in steads pays attention to her body. As she watches he begins to run his hands over her body, sliding one hand up her flat firm belly to her small firm tit, the other he started at her knee and eased to the smooth where using two fingers he spread her apart, enjoying the faint shade of pink that glistened back at him. He noticed a change in her breathing so he looked toward her, she was looking at him, “You can stick what ever you want in there, Daddy, Anything,” then she looks back at the TV and enjoys the rest of her movie with him just petting and rubbing her.

The day rolls on with them entertaining themselves with movies, games, the normal things they do on a daily basis, though what is normal for them is up in the air right now. She has almost got what she really wants, but thinks it will be a little while longer. She waits for the day he cums in her pussy for the first time, then she has a thought. ‘He seams reluctant to take my virginity, so I bet my butt hole is next. I wonder, if I get him drunk can I get him to cum in me?” As she thinks about it the clock in the hallway chimes three times. She hops off the couch and walks to the bar to mix him a drink, she did this on a daily basis so she knew his usual was a bourbon and soda, she made him one and herself just a soda, returned to the couch and gave him his drink. She stood there with her back to him watching to see what was coming on next when she felt his hand on her butt, so she kind of stuck it out, giving him more to feel. She knew she had no body, boobs way to small and little to no butt. Deep down she was grateful that he was willing to do anything with her, when in reality he thought her body was perfect everything was just the right size in just the right places.

She shifted to sit down and he moved his hand, as she lay her arm in his lap she noticed that his cock was rock hard again, this made her smile. She sets there thinking about how she can hurry this up, she wanted to just climb in his lap and sit on it popping her own cherry, but she new she couldn’t do it. He would let her if she wanted to, there was not doubt about that, but it would not be as special if it was done that way. ‘I guess I could ask him if he would at least jack off in me there,’ she thought, ‘but, well, she just didn’t know. I think I will just see if I can get him drunk then take it from there. Yes it would have to be drunk, if he was just buzzed I don’t think it will work.’ She looks at his glass, ½ full, “Drink up, Daddy, I want this to be a fun evening, and not that I am 13 and about to become a woman I think I would like to have my first and maybe second drink also.” He looks at her, either shocked or surprised she wasn’t sure which it was, “Really? You want to have a couple of drinks? Well I don’t have a lt of stuff for little girls. Scotch, bourbon, gin, things men drink but.” He pauses and looks at her, she sets there looking so innocent and couldn’t tell her no, it was her week after all. “OK, you can have bourbon and coke if you want, here,” he downs his glass, “I want a scotch on the rocks if you please.” With a squeal of excitement she grabbed his glass, kissed his cheek, and ran to the bar. She returned with their drinks, clinked glasses and he watched as his little girl took her first, and maybe last, drink.

She pretends to sip hers, only taking a drink about every three times so her glass would get lower, just slower. Her dad finished his off and asked her for just one more, so she went to get it, less ice and more scotch this time, it was going good, ‘If I can get him to drink a couple more then I can do it,’ she thinks as he takes his 3rd drink. “Daddy, do you think you could lick me again today? I wanted to do something in the hot tub, but you never came out,” she asked him, but his answer came back slurred and incomprehensible, she knew it was time so she got ready. His finished off the drink in two big gulp then tried to get up, but he just fell back on the couch, this excited her a lot. He was still awake, but she thought it would still work, she helped him lay down on the couch and began to play with his cock, a smile crossed his face, she got excited when he started to get hard, her plan was ½ way there if it stood up and stayed. It did. She went to the bathroom and got a tube of lube he had and returned to the living room where her dad was now fast asleep, but still rock hard. She looks at it wondering if it didn’t get a little bigger while she was gone. ‘Well time to finally get some cum from Daddy. At least you can’t get pregnant the first time,’ she thinks to herself as she gets everything set and ready.

She puts some lube on her pussy, then thinking about it a little inside it as well. She puts more on her hand and rubs it up and down the shaft of his cock, it begins to throb a little as she does this and she keeps it up. After 10 minutes of jacking him off she straddles him, holds his cock firmly, and eases down until the whole head was inside her. She lets go and sets/stands there for a second thinking, ‘No wonder he is going slow about this. He will tear me in half if he pushes this thing in too fast.’ After her pussy has adjusted to the large foreign object to him being in it she reached down and began to jerk him off again. She stroked him for another 20 minutes, her arms and her legs were beginning to get really tired and she thought that she was going to have to try it again later when she feels him beginning to swell, just like he did yesterday before. She got excited, but contained it because she didn’t want to wake him up, she stroked and strokes, then in a rush of pressure and heat she felt the same explosion she tasted yesterday. She had to bite her lip this time though, there is not the same amount of room in her pussy as there was in her mouth. She had to bring her other leg up onto the couch to help brace herself to give her body time to soak in every bit of Daddy’s cum. She had to sit there, hovering over her sleeping daddy with the head of his cock still in her for 30 minutes before she felt the pressure ease up, to be safe she waited a few more minutes. She slowly eased him out of her, covering her pussy as as she did so to keep what was left inside her. She got the towel and gently cleaned him off and picked up the lube. Holding her hand in place she slowly made her way to her room, she spread the towel on the bed and laid on it, never moving her hand. She pulled the sheet over her, closed her eyes, and embraced the feeling of Daddy’s sperm wiggling around inside her virgin pussy, the last thought she had before she dozed off to sleep was, ‘I wonder how it will all stay in when he has all of his cock in me?’

She woke up the next morning needing a shower, when she inspected her little pussy she felt a crust over it, it took her a second to remember what she had done the night before, ‘I must have had more of my drink than I thought,’ Gingerly she tried to open it up, but it was stuck good, now she was getting nervous, she decided on a bath. She jumped up and went into her bathroom, where she drew a nice hot bath, turned her radio on, and settled in. She laid back in the tub until her knees were out of the water and her head was resting on the little pillow her daddy bought her when she discovered soaking in the tub. She spread her legs and under the water began to rub herself, hopeful that this would open her back up and sad that she wasn’t about to keep all of it inside her. As she rubbed herself her pussy started to open up, she looked at the clock and noticed that it had only took a few minutes, she was relived, so she just laid there enjoying the bath with her hands resting on her tummy. A knock came st her door and she jumped, “Kitten, I’m sorry that I fell asleep on you last night, I am going to get a shower also then when I get out you will have my full attention all day.” “OK, Daddy,” she calls and hears him walk away from her door. After a few minutes she gets out of the tub and dries off then heads out the door and down to the kitchen, where to her surprise sets a breakfast made for her by her daddy. She smiles, sits down, and enjoys the food as she looks out the window.

To be continued….