true story of getting touched/raped at school

Hi im Alina and im 12 yrs old when this happened and I still am. It all started in my homeroom a couple of months ago. Im a quiet girl, who has basically no friends. I had to sit next to this popular eigth grader(prety sure hes 13 almost 14) he was nice in the beginning and always complimented me saying I had nice lips and beautfiul dirty blonde hair. It started getting weird when he complimented me on my boobs. Im barely developed im like an a-cup almost b? After he said that I got really embarrased and shy and looked down. A day after he put his hand on my thigh and said that im really pretty and asked for me to be his girlfriend. As a shy girl I said okay, not wanting to hurt bhis feelings. Whenever I saw him in the hall he would always stop me and corner me into a orner and feel me up, i would always resist and he would just say “shh its okay baby.” one time he stuck his hand into my shirt and i started to cry a tiny bit telling him to stop. thats when he got rough. he told me to shut the fuck up. and told me i was a whore. he slapped me over and over until my face was red. He pushed me into a closet and forced my face onto his private parts and told me to suck. i criend while choking on his penis. he kept saying “good good gir” after he finished he ripped me off his penis and threw me on the ground screaming “do you wanna know what girls like you are for” i just looked at the ground and shrugged. he slapped me and said answer, i sniffled “um i dont know” he grabbed my boob and squeezed it really hard, and yelled ” girls like you are worseless sluts who onpy are meant on the earth for pleasure.
i look at the floor and whisper “thats not true” he screams at me and hits me and tells me hes bringing his friends to rape me tomorrow.

pls dont be weird in commentzs 🙂
part 2 ?

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