Uncle and Nephew – Part 2

After the beach hut incident, they spend more time together at Uncle’s house. Despite his better judgement, Uncle lets things continue.

It was a few days before Joe and I get together again. I had a phone call from my Sister asking me if I could look after Joe for the evening as she had been invited out for an evening out with friends. I said “yes” as I always did but, after the phone call, I started to have second thoughts.

Half-an-hour later my sister rang back and said “Why don’t I drop Joe off at yours. He could stay the night so you wouldn’t have to go home so late?” This was starting to get difficult.

After what had happened in the beach hut I was worried about what Joe might have in mind. My mind was in turmoil. Do I allow myself to play again, or do I lay down the law and say that was a one-off and we would not do anything like it again? I decided it should stop before anything more serious happened.

“Go on Bro, you know you two always have a great time together and he loves staying over at yours.”

“What you mean is you might get lucky and you don’t want Joe there spoiling your fun.” We both laughed.

“I should be so lucky. Is that OK then? I’ll drop him off around 6 and you can bring him back whenever you like tomorrow. See you later. Thanks so much.”

And that was it. Against my better judgement it had been arranged and I would be having Joe all to myself overnight, or was it that he would be having me all to himself overnight. I really wasn’t sure. Probably quite a lot of both if I’m honest.

Just a few minutes after 6 I heard a car pull up. Looking out the window I could see my sister and Joe getting out of the car. Joe ran up to the front door and pressed the doorbell again and again, knowing it annoyed me. “OK, OK, I shouted.” I opened the door and Joe burst in, grinning like an idiot, flung his overnight bag on the floor in the hall, kicked off his Crocs and ran into the lounge, jumping on the sofa and settling back with the TV remote in his hand.

My sister came in and said “Thanks so much. It means I don’t have to rush back and know that Joe will be safe with you. See you sometime tomorrow, not too early please, I might be a bit fragile!” And with that she gave me a peck on the cheek, returned to her car and was gone, leaving me feeling very uneasy about the whole situation.

I went into the lounge. “Has mum gone, Unc?” Joe asked.

“Yes, she’s off for a wild night out with the girls.”

“Great,” he said. He stood up and pulled off his T-shirt, then dropped his shorts to the floor, stepping out of them and stood there dressed only in his jockeys. I could clearly see his cock growing already.

“Woah there boy. Look, what happened in the hut was a one-off and we can’t let it carry on. It’s not right. Mum would go apeshit and I could be sent to prison if anyone found out.”

“Yeah, well I really enjoyed it and so did you. Besides, no-one will find out. I’m not going to tell anyone because it was so much fun, and you’re not going to tell anyone ‘cos you’d go to prison. So we are safe.”

He virtually leapt at me and his hands went to the fly of my shorts, rubbing my cock through the thin material before fiddling with the zip and sliding it down. As his hand went inside, reaching for my hardening cock, I said “Look, this just isn’t right. We really ought to stop.” But he knew as well as I did that we would not stop. It was so good.

I just stood there and let his hands roam inside my shorts, fondling my cock and balls. His hands went to the waistband feeling for the clasp. I felt I had to do something so grabbed his wrist to stop him, but he looked up at me with that idiot grin and I was lost. I let go and let him do whatever he wanted. He undid my shorts and they fell to the floor, his hands rubbing and grabbing my now hard cock, his other hand squeezing my balls. I could have cum right there and then but managed to control myself. There was obviously much more to come, so to speak.

My hands went to his underwear, feeling his wonderful hardness in my hand. He pushed his hips forward letting me know it was what he wanted. I was rubbing his cock through the constraints of his jockeys. It was obviously uncomfortable for him so I eased the waistband forward and slipped the front down below his balls, causing them to be forced upwards so as I wrapped my hand around his cock and slowly rubbed up and down, my hand would press against his balls.

He grabbed the waistband of my boxers and pulled them down to my thighs, then slid them down further so they fell to the floor on top of my shorts. I stepped out of them both and kicked them across the floor out of the way.

As soon as he had full access to my genitals he sank to his knees, slid back my foreskin and immediately took the head into his mouth, sucking like crazy while sliding his mouth up to the tip then down about half way. God it was wonderful. One hand was sliding up and down the shaft in time with his mouth while the other was cupping my balls, rolling them around in his hand.

I was beyond excited and just couldn’t hold back any longer. “I’m cumming,” I gasped and he redoubled his efforts, taking me deeper in his mouth, almost into his throat and sucking like he was trying to suck a baseball through a hosepipe.

I just exploded. I hadn’t cum since the beach hut incident so he copped a real load. He sucked and swallowed like a champ but his small mouth really didn’t stand a chance. It flooded out the corners of his mouth and dripped to the floor. Still he sucked until, eventually, I could stand it no more. “For Christ sake stop,” I almost shouted, trying to pull away from his mouth. He let me go as the last little spurt shot out and landed on his cheek.

His grin was priceless. Looking up at me, sperm around his mouth and on his cheek. He licked his lips and said “Was that good?”

“Are you kidding, that was fantastic. I don’t think I’ve cum like that since I was a teenager. Give me a minute or two. Just let me sit down. God that was so good.”

I collapsed on the sofa and glanced at the clock. It was not even 7pm and I felt spent. I just hoped I could meet his expectations for the rest of the night.

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