Unexpectedly Getting Fucked all Night

Mistake at home leads me to seek a place to stay where the cost was to sell my body

I love dressing up and looking pretty.

Recently, I’ve been getting a little more confident dressing up in public. I would dress up and wander around later at night when its dark so I’m not easily identified. I’m now at the point where I’m walking with my women’s clothes underneath my regular clothes.

My parents are split apart and live on each other side if town. My mom is judgmental, and my dad is pretty homophobic. I’m telling you this because it it important to know that me liking guys and dressing up like a girl would have me disowned by both parents.

it was very early in the morning, while it was still dark out. I had told my dad that I was staying the night at my friends. instead I was staying at another guy for the night. I when i got home and entered the house, everyone was asleep.

I was about to go upstairs to take a shower to remove the smell if cum from my body when my dads alarm clock went off and I heard him turn it off and started getting dressed for work.

I was going to rush upstairs past him when I realized that I hadn’t changed my clothes yet. I was freaking out and shaking while trying to figure out what to do. the next thing I knew, I was outside and halfway down the street.

I sat down, leaning my back on a wall of an apartment across the street and watched until I saw my dad drive away on his way to work.

When i got back to the house, I turned on the doo handle, but it wouldn’t open, so I quickly ran to the back door and tried that too. also locked. now I realized I fucked up.

The key to the house that I had on me to get in was put back on the fridge when I got back inside,
I knew that I couldn’t get back inside even though I tried. My backpack with my clothes inside so
I knew I couldn’t re-dress, so i started walking down the street.

While walking, I walked to a hotel and connected to its internet. I was lost so i was looking for a way to my moms, it was about a 3 hour walk from the hotel when I got a Grindr notification. I opened the app and saw a message from someone close by. 424 meters away it said. I checked the message and it read “I saw your profile and would be happy to make you my slut” “I’m going to dress you up and sell your body. Would you like daddy to sell your body?”

Now usually I’d love to meet up with people that like this kind of stuff, but this time I was panicking. it was 6:30 and was starting to get brighter out. people were getting up to go to work, and i was at the point where i was walking past someone every few minutes, soon enough, people would be able to see my face.

I told the guy a little bit about the situation I’m in and about how I cant get back home for the day. he replied that i can stay as long as I want if I please anyone he wants. it took me a while before agreeing, it was getting too bright and I was closer to the center of town.

He gave me his address and I googled it and followed the map. I got at the door 5 minutes later. he opened it and let me in. I took my boots off at the door and followed him to his living room. the house looked like a mess, boxed of food everywhere, grocerie bags filled with junk piled on top of each other, beer cans and dishes all over the place. I sat on the couch and he sat on his rocking chair, he was in his underwear and was drinking. I was uncomfortable.

He got up and tossed me a bag. he told me to strip and put my clothes in there, he added that he what I wearing wasn’t very sexy. I said that this outfit is for outside and that my sexy on was back home. he didn’t say anything but tossed me another bag after I was naked. it was a sexy pair of pink panties and bra, super tight pink leggings and short booty shorts. there was a short pink skirt that didn’t even cover half my ass, and a thick pink long-sleeved shirt and a small pink collar.

The color was a bit much, but I preferer black. he waived me over towards him while he was on a call. I quietly walked towards him and he walked down stairs, I followed. we went to what looked like an office. i was surprised because the basement looked spotless. there was a large king sized mattress on the ground and what looked like a large glass wall. I tole me to get inside, which I did. he locked the door behind me and said he’ be right back.

I realize now how bad this could have been.

He left and came back about 30 minutes later with 2 other people, all three of them had what looked like expensive camera gear. the man walled over to the door and opened it. he walled over to me and said that ill be staying for the night and that ill leave in the morning. I nodded. he said that he’s a fair man and that id be getting a cut of whatever he makes off me, I was a bit confused.

As he walked out the door, another man walked in. he looked much younger, probably close to 30. he looked quite fit and I could see a bulge in his underwear. the man walked over to me and sat on the mattress, be began rubbing my leg, slowly up my body. he began kissing me and rubbing himself with his other hand. I reached over and started rubbing his dick for him, which he seamed to really like.

He got up and another guy came in. he looked around 40, the first guy pulled my cheek with his hand and rubbed his dick on my lips with his other hand. I opened my mouth and began sucking him off as the second guy was pulling my clothes down.

Everything was going so fast, the first guy kept pumping in my mouth as i was struggling to stay in the right spot not to choke on him as the second guy was pulling my body around, legs apart, lifting and lowering my body, pulling my arm, and rubbing my dick as he positioned himself at my ass.

The second guy spit on his finger and rubbed it on my ass hole as he slowly pushed in. as soon as he started fucking me, I started choking on the first guy. we did this until they came, i swallowed every drop and i pushed back on the second guy and sat on hid dick until he pushed me off.

I was loving it, and to make things better, another 2 guys came in. with went on for hours, and at the end of the day, I was fucked by a total of 46 guys. I was fucked again by 4 more in the morning before i was let out to take a shower. when I got out of the shower, the guy pulled out his wallet and handed me $250, he said $5 a person and that instead of paying me for all the videos and pictures, he handed me some clothes that I didn’t have to walk home in women’s clothes.

Everything was great, until the next day when my mouth and ass was so fucking sore

That was an amazing day for me and am waiting of a text to do it again.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅