Veronica and Sean 12 (Sunday)

7.23 Pm

They had finished dinner. Takeaways. Tess and Veronica had planned the whole week. The girls sharing time with Sean. But Sean thinking he was playing with them discretely.

Tess wore a short red high waisted leather skirt, black fishnet stockings, a sleeveless v neck top. Her long hair up in ponytail.

Veronica wore a green patterned strapless knee length dress, it sat around her breasts showing her shoulders. A hint of cleavage showing through.

Sean sat at the breakfast bar. He knew his mothers body well. His eyes admiring Tess. He sat knowing she knew about her underwear she hadn’t said anything. Was she going to leave it ? No this was Tess, she was so forth right. She said what she was thinking. Not always discrete.

” Well ” Veronica said. ” I need the toilet. ” She said walking out the kitchen through the lounge up the stairs to her room.

Tess stood stepping to the bench. Sean’s eyes drilling into his Aunty’s arse. The hem of her skirt only a few inches below her groin. His cock hard. He could knew the smell of her pussy from her underwear under his bed.

” Good game last night ” she said turning his eyes darting to her face feeling she knew they were on her arse mentally undressing her.

” Yeh good win, final this Friday night. ” He said ” 22 8 to us good result ” he said

” You must be happy ? ” She said leaning on the bench on her elbows, her arms crossed.

” Oh yeh. ” He said. ” Its pretty cool. ”

” Mums pretty proud of you. ” Tess said smiling.

” Yeh she is. ” He said. Tess loving knowing he had fucked his mother, if only he knew she knew about it.

” You know I know about my knickers aye. ” She said whispering

” What ? ” He said.

” You know. ” She said.

” Sorry. ” He said looking ashamed.

” Oh fuck Sean. Don’t fuckin worry about it. Its our secret baby, actually I don’t mind.. ” she said as she heard Veronica come into the lounge.

” Hi babe. ” Tess said as Veronica stepped into the kitchen. She wore a white string bikini, with a halter neck top.

” Spa time. ” She said walking past Tess and Sean. Sean’s eyes oogling over his mothers body. Even though he had fucked her, not knowing Tess knew he had fucked her. He tried not make it obvious.

” I will get changed. ” Tess said smiling at Veronica. She headed off to her room next to Sean’s. Sean headed to his room to change.

He sat on his bed reaching under his mattress pulling out Tess’s knickers. He sniffed them. He could hear Tess through their shared bathroom in her room undressing. He wondered what bikini she would wear.

He put her underwear on the bed and stripped off. He held his hard cock giving it a few strokes.

” Fuck. ” He said. He wanted to get into his mother again. But with Tess here he knew he wouldn’t be able to when he wanted.

He put in his board shorts. He headed out of his room leaving Tess’s knickers on top of his bed. He got out to the spa, his mother already in it.

Tess heard him walk out of his room and go out to the spa. She snuck into the room and saw her knickers on the bed. She smiled and went back to her room. She picked up the knickers she wore for that day. She put them to her nose sniffing them.

” It that what the fuss is about with worn knickers. ” She said.

” She went into his room taking her blue knickers he had. She then put her black lace g string on the bed. ” Enjoy those. ” She said.

” Hi babe. ” She said. ” Where’s Tess ? ”

” Still changing. Fuck I’m horny. ” He said smiling at his mother.

” Oh baby. ” She said smiling at him sliding her hand to his groin feeling his hard cock. ” Oh my it is hard, you are horny, might have to sort that out later. ” She said. ” When Tess is asleep. ” She added as Tess walked out wearing a red string bikini with a white rose print.

Sean’s eyes trying not to perve at her but couldn’t help it. His Aunty’s sexy body.

He sat in the pool with them. Their two bodies in their bikinis. He couldn’t help but to perve discretely. His cock so so so hard.

An hour passed. Tess decided to get out. She smiled at her sister. Sean stayed in the pool with his mother both watching Tess disappear around the corner.

” Fuck Tess is hot. ” He said to his mother.

” As hot as me. ” Veronica said sitting closer to him.

He smiled as Veronica grabbed his groin feeling his hard cock.

” Oh mum. ” He said reaching in her groin feeling over her pussy rubbing it.

” Oh baby. Tell you what when Tess is asleep, come upstairs quietly and get rid of your load in me ok. ”

” Yeh. ” He said.

” See you later baby. ” Veronica said smiling.

She stood and got out. He sat in the pool by himself his hand in his pants.

Tess went and got into the shower. She washed and changed into a black satin slip, with matching women’s boxer nightwear. Sean got out and went to the kitchen to get a drink. He met Tess in the kitchen. She gave him a smile.

He went to his bedroom, and undressed, he saw her knickers on the bench. He picked them up and sniffed them. He stood naked his cock in hand, he needed to cum, so bad he needed to cum. He put them down, he went into the bathroom turning on the shower. He saw her bikini on the floor. He reached down picking up her bottoms holding them out, he locked the door from Tess’s room. He put on the bottoms over his cock. He them put on the top. He then got in to the shower wearing her bikini. He wanted to cum so badly. He smiled as he washed over his body, his cock so hard, he wanted to cum.

He got out looking at himself wearing her bikini. He heard Tess in her room. He felt so naughty wearing her bikini. He took it off and wrung all the water out of it carefully putting it back where he found it.

He went back to his room. He put on shorts and a singlet. He went to the kitchen where Tess was having a coffee.

” Hi, ” she said.

” Hi. ” He replied, they could hear Veronica in the upstairs shower.

” Did you like them ? ” Tess asked. ” Did they smell nice ? ” She said.

” What. ” He asked.

” My knickers, wore those today babe. ” She said.

” Oh, yeh they are nice. ” He said.

” Good ” Tess said, ” I don’t mind you, you know looking at my underwear. Feel free babe. ” Tess said.

” Serious. ” He replied.

” No, I’m quite flattered you find your aunty sexy enough to do that. ” She said.

” Fuck you are, ” he said.

” Thank you. ” She said. He could see the outline of her nipples through her satin top and gown.

” So do find me sexy ? ” She asked.

” Tess your my Aunty ? ” He replied.

” Well then, your allowed to find your Aunty sexy babe. ” She said sitting next to him. ” I think your kind of sexy. ” She said watching you play polo, you have a nice body baby. ” She said.

” I work on my fitness. ” He said.

” I see that, I bet all the girls like you. ” Tess said sitting next to him.

” I don’t really know. ” He said as Veronica walked into the room wearing her purple gown tied around her waist. His cock hard, he wanted his mother, but couldn’t because Tess was here, was his Aunty coming onto him. He wanted to cum. But wanted to save his cum for his mothers pussy.

” Hi. ” Veronica said smiling. She poured a glass of water. Tess winked at Sean.


” Well. Im off to bed Veronica said. ” I have a busy day tomorrow. In a bit tired.


Sean was in room. He could hear his Aunty in the bathroom. He stood in his shorts and opened the door. She was in there brushing her teeth.

” Sorry. ” He said. She had her gown off, just wearing her satin boxers and slip.

” Its ok babe. ” She said. ” Guess we are sharing a bathroom. He looked down at her bikini on the floor. She noticed him look at it. ” Aunty Tess has moved in. ” She said smiling.

” I guess. ” He said. ” You know there are locks on the doors. ” He said.

” I know, only if we need to use them. ” She said smiling. ” Must be cool having your own bathroom. ” She said as Sean put toothpaste on his brush.

” It pretty cool. ” He said. ” I have to clean it and keep it tidy. Moms orders.

” Will be good for bringing girls home. Do you have a girlfriend ? ” Tess asked.

” Na I don’t. ” He said.

Tess started removing her makeup. ” Get ready for a shock, Aunty Tess with no make up. ” She said.

Sean laughted his eyes seeing her peeky nipples through her slip. Tess saw him in the mirror looking over her.

” No, no girlfriend a handsome boy like you. Your eighteen in four days. Your not snapped up by some nice girl ? ”

” Na. I have girls who are friends,but nothing serious aye. ” Sean said.

” So tell me, are you a virgin ? ” Tess asked

Sean couldn’t have had a more inconvenient question from his Aunty as he stood in the bathroom talking to her as she removed her make up. He had to think fast. He had to be honest. But not to honest.

” No. ” He said.

” Your not ? Who was she. Are you still having sex. Shes a friend with benefits ? ” She said smiling.

” Well yeh, a girl I know. Its a casual thing you know. ” He said.

” Dose you mum know about her. ” Tess asked. Tess knew about his relationship with his mother. Knew exactly who he was talking about. Being honest, but not to honest.

” Yeh she dose. ” He said thinking he had been honest. Sort of.

” That’s cool. Sex is great. I lost mine at 18. To my boss. ” Tess said.

” Your boss ? ” Sean replied.

” Yeh after work everyone had gone, I was a waitress. Id been flirting with him. We were in his office counting the money. I was wearing a short dress. He put his hand in my knee. So I said yes. We fucked in his office. ” Tess said.

” How old was he ? ”

” He was 45. Married. Three kids. We had a affair for about three months. I left and moved away. I was eighteen having a affair with my boss twice my age. I loved going to work, no one knowing about our affair. ” Tess replied.

” Wow. ” Sean said.

” I suppose that’s why I like married men. ” She said smiling at him.

” Really ? ” Sean replied.

” Oh yes baby. ” Tess said. ” There is just something about a married man. I guess its the whole. No expectations, just sex thing. ” she replied.

” Yeh, ” he said his cock rock hard in his shorts standing topless with his Aunty in his bathroom watching her remove her makeup and do her night routine.

” Saw you perving at me in my bikini. ” She said.

” You look nice in it. ” He said.

” Thank you. ” She said. ” Its nice my nephew complimenting his Aunty. ” She replied smiling at him. ” Tell you what. For the next few nights lets have some fun. ” She said.

” Fun. What kind of fun ? ” He said.

” Well. ” She said standing in front of him putting her finger on his chest running it down to his shorts.

” Some special Aunty, Nephew fun baby. ” She said.

” What, you mean….. ”

” ……what do you think I mean ? ” She said lifting her slip up taking it off. Her breasts hanging, Sean’s eyes fixed in her bare breasts. ” You like them. We cant tell your mother this is our secret right. ” She said. ” Go on touch them baby. ” Tess said.