Veronica and Sean 6


Finally home. Traffic a nightmare today. They are doing roadworks on one of the major routes out of the city. A usual thirty minute drive took an hour.

I put my bag on the bench. I go to the wine rack opening a bottle pouring it into a glass and take a sip.

” Shit yes ” I say putting the glass down.

I look at my bag and reach it pulling out a piece of paper. ” Greg. ” I say. ” I will call you ” seeing his phone number.

I take my glass of wine upstairs going to the bathroom. I put the glass on the vanity. I undo my blouse and take it off, I turn on the shower. I lift my camisole over my head dropping it on my blouse. I unclip my bra pulling it off. I cup my breasts. I think of Sean. Him fondling them this morning, kissing them. I smile as I look at my bosom in the mirror. I just see breasts. He, and men in general see them as sex objects. They are just tits.

I undo my skirt letting it drop to the floor. I pull my stockings down with my underwear and sit on the toilet. I pee as I push them off my feet kicking them onto my growing pile of clothes on the bathroom floor.

I get in the shower and pour bodywash over my body. Washing everywhere. I let the water wash over me. I stand under the water letting it pour over me. I wash my hair and put my head back letting it wash through my hair. The cleansing water pouring over me.

I think of Sean in bed with me. We are getting closer to crossing the line further. I want to.

I turn off the shower and step out. I dry myself and my hair. I walk to the bedroom and hear a car pull up.

” Shit home already. ” I say Sean is out with his father again. Id say been asked more questions about my sex life.

I peak out the window. No shit My sister. What is she doing in town. She has a rental car. I grab my satin gown and wrap it around my naked body. I tie it at my waist. The purple gown sits mid thigh. The door bell rings.

I open it. There she is. My sister Tess.

She is 50. She has been single for five years. She left her husband who spent more time with his mates than her. Don’t know why but I suppose no kids. They live separate lives.

She is 5 ft 10. Long dark hair, Nice C cup bust. She is wearing black floral short sleeved v neck dress with black stockings. The dress has red rose a print on it. Her hair back inna pony tail. She wears red high heels with a red hair tie in her hair.

” Hi sis. ” She says arms out.

” Hi. ” I say smiling at he. We hug. I let her in the door.

” How are you sexy. ” She says.

” Great. ” I say. ” You ? ” I ask.

” Bloody fantastic thanks. ” She says as we head to the kitchen

” Glass of wine ? ” I ask.

” Thought you would never ask. ” She said. I take two glasses down pouring two glasses of wine from the already opened bottle.

” What are you doing here. You haven’t said you are coming ” I say leaning against bench. Arms folded sipping my wine.

” Conference, short notice, thought Id surprise you. Surprise. ” She says.

” I bet you want a bed ? ” I say.

” Yeh, and pizza for dinner, I knew you will have red wine so I have taken the liberty to order two pizzas for us and Sean. Where is my handsome nephew. ? ” Tess said.

” Dinner, father. ” I say

” Oh. ” She says almost a distasteful look on her face. ” Bet hes having fun. ” She says looking at the papers on the bench. ” Dance school. ” Tess said lifting the front copy.

” Yes, Sean wants to become a dancer, either Ballet or Ballroom. Much to his fathers disapproval. ” I say smiling.

” Ballet, Sean doing Ballet. You know at Nicole’s wedding he danced with me and at thirteen he is a good dancer. Good on him. ” Tess said.

” You think he should ? ” I ask.

” Fuck yes, the boy can dance, and if hes happy. Who cares. ” Tess said.

” His dad wants him to play football. Men’s things. ” In said.

” Girls play football. ” Tess said.

” I know, shows his fathers fucked up logic. ” I say.

” Arsehole. ” Tess says as the doorbell rings.

” Dinners here. ” Tess says reaching for her bag. Getting out money. I walk to the door opening it. A young skinny boy stands there.

” Order for Tessy. ” He says.

” Nice. ” Tess says looking at his name badge. ” Toby. ” She says our eyes are up here not on our tits. ” Tess says.

Toby’s eyes coming up of the busts of Tess and Veronica.

” Are yeh. ” He says

They pay and take the pizzas into the kitchen putting them on the bench. The sit on the bar stools and open the box.

” Poor guy. ” I say.

” Ah, probably a virgin, never seen real tits only ones in magazines that are airbrushed and photoshopped to make to look perfect ” . Tess said.

” Yeh, still, young curious. ” In say thinking of her son. Probably Toby’s age.

” We should of dragged him inside, fucked him and sent him on his way. Or you could have flashed him. ” She said laughing.

” Tess. ” I said

” Speaking of sex, hows your sex life babe ? ” Tess said. Never known to be tactful.

” Don’t have one. ” I say.

” Come on really, your sexy, attractive available single. A real MILF. Some young guy will be great for you. ” Tess said. ” Need to be careful your pussy wont dry up from lack of sex. ” Tess said eating her pizza winking at her.

I watch her lips around the pizza as she bites, her red lip gloss. ” Haven’t found the right man. ”

” Right man. Who needs the right man. ” Tess said.

” So what about you ? ”

” Me, oh. I have three men all married, and one wife. ” Tess said.

” Pardon ? ” I question.

” Yeh that’s right. I have three married men In fucking, variety. One wife as well. ” Tess said.

” So let me get this right. You are fucking three married men, and the wife of one of them.? ”

” Yep, the husband is unaware that his wife is fucking the woman hes having a affair with. So me and her compair notes about him in bed, its great. ”

” Tess. ” I say.

” I know. I’ve still got the body. Looks sex appeal. Hey I’m not getting any younger. Might as well have some fun while I can right. ”

” Married men ? ” I say.

” Oh come on every man has his mistress. ” Tess says. ” Just cant get this one pregnant. ” Tess added.

” Yes well, my ex husband did. ” I say.

” Look babe at our age, we are single. Every woman needs a casual bloke and a female lover. ” Tess said.

” A female. Really ? ” I say.

” Yoy have never been with a woman. Your still a virgin. ” Tess said.

” Yes I a female virgin, who has never slept with another female. ”

” Oh baby, its fun. I mean shit. Being with another woman naked in bed playing with tits and pussy. Oh fuck you need to try it. ” Tess said.

” So how old is the woman you are playing with. ” In ask.

” Fourty five. Her husband is 51. We have fun. Toys, oral sex, lingerie, spanking, strapons we try all sorts of positions. The sex is wonderful. ” Tess said.

” My gosh. So how old are the other two ? ”

” Alan is a insurance agent hes 56. He came to my place to do a insurance assesment for me, somehow we ended up in bed. Nick is a landscaper, same thing hes 36. We ended up in bed. Both married.

Cheryl and Andrew are both teachers, I met Andrew in a bar we ended up at my place. Six months later I was having lunch at a cafe and this stranger sits next to me. Says hi I’m Cheryl. I say hi. She says. I’m Toms wife. I say Who’s Tom. She says the teacher you are having sex with and shows me a photo of him and me outside a hotel. Apparently she got a friend to follow him he didn’t know. She knew he was having a affair. She I think shit. Whats she going to do. Then she says quietly. Keep fucking him. It takes the pressure off me. So we talk, we become friends having lunch, dinner outings meanwhile I’m seeing her husband. We organise dates I see him. Then one night at my place. We get drunk and end up in my bed and wake up next morning naked. Its just kept going. I’m fucking both husband and wife, only he doesn’t know the woman hes fucking is fucking his wife. ” Tess said smiling almost proud of her self.

” Wow Tess. ” I say.

” So go on, get yourself a married man, and a female. Have some fun. Shit sex is great. Use it to your advantage. Stop thinking you need the right guy, at our age go out and open your legs. Be careful, don’t fuck anybody, still be choosy but not fussy. ” Tess said. ” Look. I will even take your female virginity. ”

” Tess, your my sister. ” I say.

” So, even better aye. ” Tess said.

” Fuck I don’t know. ” I said as Tess stood up. We finished our pizza. She stood in front of me. ” I will be gentle for your first time. ” She added.

A smile came over my face, my younger sister coming on to me. Oh shit. Her hand on my hip moving in to me. I smiled. It felt nice.

” Kiss me. ” Tess said smiling.

I leant in our lips meeting a smooth soft kiss. Our lips touching. I could taste her lip gloss. Her perfume, something in my body changing. We kissed. Our mouths passionately intertwined. Our tongues moving into each others mouths. She moved closer pushing me into the bench. Both her hands on my hips, my hands on hers kissing. I lifted her dress to her hips running my hand over her stockings on her arse. She pulls my ties open. My gown falls open. My breasts and pussy free. She pulls my gown open. Her eyes running over my body.

” Wow babe you still have a great body. We have seen each other naked lots over the years. ” Tess said lifting her hands to my breasts fondling them. Her hands cupping each breast her thumbs running over my erect nipples. It feels so nice.

” Your right. ” I say ” The touch of another female is nice. ”

She leans in kissing my neck, my chest, my bust, my breasts leaving small lipstick marks on my bosom. Her tongue flicking my nipples. Her hand sliding down to my pussy, her fingers touching my clit.

” Fuck. ” I say as she rubs me. Her fingers sliding into my labias as she kisses and sucks my nipples. Her amazing fingers teasing my womanhood. I love it. I need it. ”

I close my eyes as my sister pleasures me. My body accepting my sisters touch, it loves the touch of another female.

Her finger slips in my wet moist pussy.

” Oh shit. ” I say as her fingers slowly finger me. Her hand caresing one breast as she sucks and kisses the other nipple and breast. Her fingers slowly fingering me. In and out of my pussy. I moan as her trails over my bosom

My son sucked and kissed and played with them this morning now my sister tonight.

I hear a car pull up and a door close.

” Shit. ” I say as I hear footsteps come to the front door a key in the lock. ” Sean’s home. ” I say Tess stands up. I drop her skirt. I retie my gown. As we walk into the lounge, I see Sean. He looks annoyed.