Veronica and Sean 7

8 Pm.

” Hi ” I say to him surprised to see him, ” Your home early.

” My father is a arsehole. A complete and utter arsehole. ” He says sitting on the couch.

” Hey why ? What happened baby ? ” I say sitting next to him. Been modest with my gown. I need to be a mum in front of my sister, not potential lover. So I close my legs putting my hand across my thighs.

” What a shit night ” Sean said then realised Tess was there, he hadn’t said hi to her. ” Hi Aunty Tess. What are you doing here ? ” He said.

” Passing through. ” She says sitting on the other side of me.

” So tell me what happened ? ” Mum asks again.

” Ok, well we had just ordered dinner, then he asks how you are. I say good. He says, does your mum have a boyfriend. For some reason he thinks you have heaps of lovers staying over. I say I don’t know. He says. Look the reason I ask is because I still love her, and want her back. Us be a family again. ” I say.

” Really does he ? . ” Mum says. ”

” Yeh, he says hes sorry, really sorry for hurting you. Then blah blah blah. He shouldn’t have got his personal assistant knocked up. That he loves mum. ” I say looking at mum’s fantastic legs.

” His loss. ” Tess says.

” Then he gets annoyed I wont tell him. Then he says hes going to a football match on Friday night he has tickets, do I want to come. I say no I’m going out with mum. ”

” Where are you going babe. ” Tess asks mum.

” Ballet. ” Mum says proudly almost pleased her son prefers ballet with his mum, than football.

” Oh cool. ” Tess says.

” Nick has never wanted to go to the Ballet. So now I have someone to go with. ” Mum says.

” Awesome. ” Tess says.

” What else happened ? ” Mum asked.

” Then he says, why the fuck don’t want to do dance and water polo. I said because I enjoy it. He says its for girls. ”

” Really fuck. ” Tess says.

” So I say, I’m good at it. Its what I want to do. Then he says dance is for girls, play football. So then I say, please accept what I want to do. He says its for poofters. I say are you calling me a poofter. Hes says no. Then I say I’m not a poofter. Then he says. Well your mum’s turning you into one. ”

” Really ? ” Mum says. ” I’m turning you into a poofter. ” Mum looks at Tess.

” So I got up and said. Enjoy your dinner, sorry I’m not the son you want me to be, I don’t ever want to see you again. Stay out of my life. ”

” Sean. ” Tess said.

” He wont accept me for who I am. I’m not gay. I’m straight. I just love dancing and water polo. In fact, it piss him off even more. I haven’t told him, that my dance teacher said have I considered gymnastics. I said no. She said it could be good for my dance. ”

” Really cool babe. ” Mum said.

” Why does dad hate me, why am I such a disappointment to him. ” I said.

” Come on he doesn’t hate you. ” Tess said. ” Hes just not into the things you like. He thinks your mother is a bad influence on you. ”

” Well if you are happy. Then you do what you want. ” Mum said smiling.

” I will. ” I say smiling. ” Sorry Tess. I am not much fun at the moment. How are you ? ”

” I’m great nephew. Aunty Tess is great. You had dinner ? ”

” No but dads getting mine tonight as well as his. ” I said

” Oh that’s funny. ” Tess replied. ” You want pizza ? ” She said.

” We have eaten. ” Mum said.

” Oh my treat. ” Tess said.

I knew tonight I had to sleep in my bed. I hadn’t slept in it four a few nights now. I would miss it. Being with mum cuddling up with her. She was topless in bed now. How soon will it be before we are naked. Having sex. Shit having sex with mum.


After dinner and catching up with my mum’s sister. I went to bed. Mum wearing her sexy gown.


Earlier that night.

Veronica left work. She ran some errands before getting on the road to come home. She sat thinking as she drove. About her time this week with her son. The boundaries as mother and son they had crossed. But she enjoyed been on that side of the line. She knew he was out for tea tonight. She could enjoy a nice night in just her and a bottle of wine.

She wondered how long it would be before she wanted to meet a man. Would she ever. She couldn’t fuck her son for the rest of her life.

She loved her car. Her new car. Her new Porsche Boxster. A present to her self after her husband moved out. She was shaken out of her trance by sirens.

” Shit shit shit. ” She said looking at her speedo. Thirty over the speed limit. ” FUCK. ” She yelled.

She pulled over and turned off the engine. She looked in the mirror as the patrol car door opened a tall slender officer stepped out putting his hat on. Ticket book in hand. She wound down the window. He came to the door looking in.

” Evening ma’am. ” He said.

” Evening officer. ” She said.

” So do you know why I pulled you over ? ” He asked.

” Because I won the lottery and I don’t know yet. So they sent you to tell me. ” She said smiling.

” No ma’am. Try again. ” He said.

” Oh ummm maybe…. ”

” You were speeding ma’am. ” He said.

” Oh yes, ok. Sorry I wasn’t thinking. Its been a long day. ” She said

” License please. ” He said.

” Oh ok yes, ” she said turning to her husband on the seat looking in. ” Shit my purse. Wheres my purse ? ” She said. She looked in glovebox. ” Oh shit where is it. ”

” Floor ma’am. ” He said She looked on the floor seeing her purse.

” Oh silly me, I tell you its been one of those days today. ” She said pulling out her license handing it to the officer. He looked at it.

” Have you been drinking ? ” He asked.

” Oh no. In don’t drink of I’m driving. ” She said smiling at him.

” Good to hear, I’m going to breath test you anyway. ” He said pulling out his device putting it to her mouth. ” Name and address please. ” He said.

Veronica said her name and address. He looked at it and smiled. ” All clear. ” He said. I will be back in a minute. He walked back to his car getting in.

Two minutes later he re appeared.

” You know its a good way to get a girls name and address. ” She said.

” What ? ” He asked.

” Breath testing. Name and address please. Next day flowers arrive. Cards. Gifts. ”

” We don’t do it to stalk you. ” He said smiling.

” Oh ok. ” She smiling

” Or to pick you up ? ” He said.

” If I’m really naughty you can cuff me. ”

” There’s no reason for that. ” He said.

” Yeh. If you want my phone number to. ” She said.

” Be a bit weird asking for a phone number. Name and number. ” He said smiling. She smiled back.

” Yeh, ” she said looking at his fingers. No wedding band. She smiled. ” So hows it looking ? ” She asked.

” What, hows what looking ? ” . He asked puzzled

” My ticket, you know I am really sorry. ” She said.

He looked at her. ” Are you trying to get out of
a ticket ? ” He asked.

” Well yeh I suppose I am. Look I know its no excuse speeding, I’m usually really careful. Look my son is having problems with his father, I’m a single mum with a seventeen yr old. Its just been one off those weeks. I am really sorry. I will be more careful. Please officer. ” She said.

” Well, I should give you a ticket. ” He said.

” I know I deserve one. Twenty over the limit…. ”

” Thirty !! ” He said.

” Ok Thirty. Shit. Sorry. ” She said a tear coming to her eye.

” How much is the ticket ? ” She asked.

” Look Veronica. ” He said looking at her license. ” You have a clean slate. I’m going to give you a chance. No speeding, concentrate on the road. I don’t want you to become a statistic. ” He said.

” No I know. Thanks. ” She said .

” I see far to many deaths on the road. ” He replied.

” Yes I know. Do you want my number ? ” She said.

” Your number ? ” He replied.

” I see your not married would you like to go for coffee ? ” She said

” Well ma’am. ” He said writing something on a bit of paper. ” Have a safe evening. ” He said handing it to her.


9.30 pm.

She sat on the sofa with Tess. They talk and drink.

Sean goes to his bedroom and showers. He goes to bed. He lay down looking at the ceiling. He slids his hand into his boxers. He pulls out his hard cock. He knows his mother and Aunty in the lounge. He wanted mum alone tonight. He didn’t realise Tess was staying.

He closed his eyes picturing Veronica. He imagined her breasts. Her firm tanned breasts. Her hard erect nipples in his hand this morning. He imagined fondling them. Caressing them. He pulled his hand up and down his cock imaging her stroking it, imaging her hand around it.

He imaging been asleep, in his mothers bed, was it their bed now. He imaged her knowing he was asleep. Next to him naked. He imagined her rubbing her pussy her hand on his cock wanking it. Watching her hand slid up and down his hard erection. He imagined his precum on her hand lubricating her hand. His cum on her fingers.

He imagined his cum oozing out of his cock dripping down between her fingers. His hard thick rod in her hand.


She sat with Tess. They lean in kissing. Their tongues again finding each others mouths. Veronica’s hand sliding up Tess’s leg under her dress. Tess opens her legs. Veronica rubs over Tess’s pussy over her underwear.

Tess moans as she opens Veronica’s gown fondling her breast. Her hands exploring her sisters breast. Veronica’s hand slids up to Tess’s bust squeezing her bust over her dress.

” We need to fuck. ” Tess says.

” We do babe. ” Veronica says.

” I’m here next week for my conference. ” Tess says smiling. ” You will have to come to my hotel. ” Tess says.

” Yeh ” Veronica says smiling.

” Yeh come around and fuck me. ” Tess said. ” I think we could find a stranger and maybe have a one night stand threesome with a guy. Get you some cock. ” Tess said.

” I might have found my own cock to bring. ” Veronica said.

” Oh who ? ” .

Well saying my son would be wrong she thought. She would love to have a threesome with her son and sister. But her sister might not appreciate that.

” Well I got pulled over by a cop tonight, I chatted him up and got off the ticket. ”

” Well really, did you flash your tits ? ” Tess asked.

” No, I just used my charm. I asked him for his number. He gave it to me, and hes single. ”

” Oh really. What have I said. Married is better. ” Tess said.

” Well, I’m not Tessy. ” Veronica said.

” You bitch. ” Tess said. ” Well my reputation precedes me. ” She added.

They kissed and fondled as Sean cum in his bedroom. Shooting cum over his body imaging it inside his mothers body. He cleaned up and turned out the light.

Tess went to the spare room getting in the bed.

Veronica got into bed wanting her son next to her. She hated him been downstairs. She was getting used to having him there.

She missed his hugs, missed his company.

The thought of a threesome with her sister and a stranger. She thought of her police office friend. She couldn’t wait to meet him for coffee and get to know him.