
When I found out about sex, I was to young too understand what I was seeing.

I fell asleep in the car, but not in the back seat. It was a station wagon, and we had a doggy bed for taking Duchess to the park. I woke up, and the car was shaking sideways. There was a man, hitting the door with his legs, but I couldn’t see what my brother was doing in the driver seat.

He must have borrowed the car, because he was 15, and he could drive. I couldn’t even remember where we were, but then I saw the man’s penis. My brother had it in his mouth, but I could barely see his face behind the headrest until he got out.

First, the stranger pulled out, and rubbed his penis all over with both hands. “Yeah yeah,” my brother nodded, excited, “Come on.”

“Shit,” the man let go, and slapped the roof of his car, then he started peeing all over the front seat. He pushed the car door one last time, and shook it in his other hand. Then, Max grabbed it, and held it to kiss the end.

The stranger stepped back, and pulled his shirt off. Then, he duck walked around, so his pants fell down around his ankles, and Max got out. His pants were open, and he had a rubber sock on his penis.

The man bent over the hood, and max got behind him. Pushing him into the bumper, and the stranger kept getting these funny looks on his face. “UH!” He grunted real loud, and winced like it hurt, but then he smiled. “Yeah, UH!” I couldn’t see what Max was doing behind him, but I could guess. I didn’t even imagine him putting it in his butthole, but it had to be some kind of grownup stuff.

The mystery things adults said, “I’ll tell you when you’re older.”

“UH UH UH UH!” Max sure had a good time, and took his shirt off two. Then, he hugged the man, and kissed his back. (His bare back, you could say.)

“Let me up,” the stranger pulled his pants up, and Max took the rubber off. Tucked it in, and zipped up his fly. While the stranger went over to squat in the bushes. Max pulled a clean shirt out, and threw his dirty one in the back seat, but he wiped pee off the door, and the armrest before he got in.

I climbed over to the safety seat, and buckled up, because I thought we’re leaving. Finally, the stranger pulled his pants up one last time, and zipped them up. He was still working on his belt, when Max started up the car.

“What?” He put his arm up, to back out. “What are you doing?” He shook his head, “How long have you been back there?”

I shrugged in the harness. “I don’t know, I fell a sleep in the wayback.” That’s what we called it, all the way back behind the back seats. “Who was that man?” He just walked off, down the road. A dirt road, all I could see was trees, and bushes on either side until he back up where he could turn around.

“I don’t know, just some guy.”

“A stranger? It’s not safe to talk too strangers, you could get hurt.”

He laughed, “Well, whoever never talked to strangers never had any friends, but you’re not going to tell dad what you saw.” He didn’t ask, sometimes he told me things, I wasn’t supposed to do, instead of asking me if I would.

“No, I promise.”

“You could get in a lot of trouble two, just for watching.”

I giggled, “He peed on you. Uh!” I had to lean way over too grab his shirt. “He peed on your ear.” I pointed, and he looked up in the mirror.

“No, the other side.” He turned the other way, but we stopped at the end of the dirt road. There wasn’t a whole lot of cars going bye, but I saw a pickup truck.

“Thanks,” he drove off, and took me back home, but it was a long way. Way out in the country, so I got sleepy again, and passed out in the car seat.

Then, the next day was a school day. I don’t know what day it was exactly, but a weekday, and I was in Mrs. Oakley’s class. So, it must’ve been 3rd grade, and I was 7, or 8. I can’t remember how many teeth I had missing, or grew back, but I still believed in the tooth fairy.

I didn’t want my brother getting in trouble for talking too strangers, so I didn’t say anything. I even forgot about it for a little while, until I heard this six grader yell “SUCK MY DICK!” Real loud on the playground. So the teacher came, and pulled him away by the shirt. She shook her finger at him, and I heard her scolding him for his language all the way back too the office.

I followed them, but at the office, the secretary asked me if she could help me with something? I said “No, I’ll wait.” I sat down, and waited until the boy came out, real mad, but he didn’t say anything. So, I followed him out, and pulled his shirt so he’d stop.

“Let go of me,” he turned around, “What do you want?”

“I’ll suck your dick.” I nodded.

“Sh!” He pulled me aside, “Keep your voice down.” I giggled, but he took me out front. Where the busses dropped us off, and picked us up, but it was just lunch, and recess. So, there wasn’t anybody out there. “Well, I’m supposed to leave anyway, so come on.”


“You can’t give me a blowjob at school.”

“Oh,” I nodded, “Why do we have two leave?” Shaking my head.

He didn’t mind me following him. “Because I’m suspended for the rest of the day.”


“For swearing in front of the little kids, but how old are you?”

“10, I’m in 5th grade, and 10 years old.” I nodded. He believed me, even though those were suspiciously round numbers, but I didn’t want him to think I was to little too ask him questions about S.E.X. “I’m Linda.”

“Eddy.” He shook my hand.

I giggled, “It’s naughty, and you have a dirty mouth. A potty mouth.” I looked around, but he took me off to some bushes, over by the corner of the fence. Right out in front of the school, but I opened up my mouth, and pointed.

He unzipped his pants, and fished it out, but he wasn’t hard yet. It was limp, and floppy, like the stranger’s when he shook the last drop off, and it stuck to my brother’s ear. He just flopped it up in front of me, but I didn’t have a place too sit, so I had to bend over, and put it in my mouth. My head turned sideways, but I just sucked it until he started swelling, and hardening in my mouth.

“Huh, yeah.” He patted the top of my head, but sideways, and then he started humping my face. He didn’t have a car door in the way, which is a good thing, because he was only 11. In 6 grade, and also if I said I was 11, he might wonder why I wasn’t in 6 grade with him? He only got a couple inches in my mouth, but he held onto the other inch or 2 with his thumb, and then he pulled out. “Oh yeah. OH CRAP!”

I just stood up, and watched him, but he didn’t pee, or anything. He made that face, like it hurt, but then he smiled, and leaned back up against the fence. “Huh!” He looked so happy, and I was happy for him. I made him happy, even though he couldn’t ejaculate, so I couldn’t taste what his white pee tasted like. I barely even smelled it on my brother’s shirt, and just dropped it in the back seat.

“Okay, now you turn around, and pull your pants down.”

“What for?”

“It’s my turn, we take turns you know.”

“Oh, okay. You want me too touch you in your panties?”

“No,” I just realized he was a stranger, but then I remember what my brother taught me about talking too strangers.

“Now what?” He dropped his pants, so I grabbed him, and rubbed his butt with my belly.

I laughed, “Bend over.” It was so naughty, and dirty, it was funny. I laughed the whole time, but I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. So, I just spanked him with my tummy, and rubbed it up and down the front of my dress until it wasn’t funny any more.

“You’re weird.” He pulled his pants back up, “But you like blow jobs,” I nodded, “and where’d you learn too suck dick like that?”

“My brother. I mean a stranger, and my brother. I didn’t suck his dick, he sucked the stranger’s dick, and then they got out too hump in front of the car, I saw it.”

“Ew, fags.”

“What’s a fag?”

“That’s a gay man that sucks dick, and butt fucks.”

“What’s buttfucks?” So, that’s how I found out about the rest of what I saw, and what that ment. My brother was gay, but I still love him. Eddy thinks that’s bad, but who is he too talk? I mean he’s a really very naughty boy with a dirty mouth, but he’s also my boyfriend.

So, I made him promise not too tell on my brother. If daddy found out he was gay, he would ground him forever, but if Eddy told anyone, then I wouldn’t go out with him any more, and he doesn’t want that, because that means he won’t be getting any more head either.

Just like mommy! I didn’t understand that part, until I got a boyfriend of my very own, but when daddy’s in the doghouse. I don’t mean the doghouse, as in a real doghouse. We have a dog, but Duchess lives in the house with us. We don’t even have a yard, we have to share a yard with the whole apartments, but we get too share a pool two. So that works out, but when he says the doghouse, that means he has to spend the night on the couch.

They sleep together most of the time, except when he’s in the doghouse. So that means mommy won’t suck his dick too teach him a lesson. I figured that out all by myself!

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