What a great game to play

We invented a game called the “Spunk-HER” challenge and it was the most fun we’d had in ages, until we got caught.

Half my class got suspended from school because of a game we invented and played for about a week, until we got caught.

We called it the “Spunk-HER” challenge and the aim was simple, you had to get your spunk either on or in a girl in any way you could think of without them knowing.

Some of the best ones were sneaking in to the cloak room and ejaculating in to girls coat pockets and then watching them at break or home time putting their coats on, when they stuck their hands in their pockets they got their hands covered in spunk.

There was a girl in our class who always chewed on her pencil, one of the boys jerked off under his desk and then while some of us distracted her, he took her pencil and rubbed the end in his spunk and placed it back on her desk, she then picked it up and put it right in her mouth as she always does, we could tell by the expression on her face that she realised her pencil tasted funny, but then she shrugged her shoulders and just put it back in her mouth anyway.

There was an incident in the canteen where some of the girls left their seats to go get a pudding and while they were at the counter a few of us, who had already jerked off and had a puddle of spunk in our hands, went up to their table and poured the spunk off our hands in to their glasses of milk and then enjoyed watching them drink down the whole glass as the bell rang.

One time we were waiting at a bus stop and there were a group of girls in front of us, they were talking and weren’t taking any notice of us as we go really close to them from behind, me and another boy, carefully lifted up the backs of their short skirts, slipped out cocks underneath and ejaculated all over the backs of their panties, they shuffled around in their seats on the bus ride home, they couldn’t keep still because their asses were wet and sticky, probably thinking they’d wet themselves or something.

Another time we were on the bus home and near the end of the ride there were two girls left sitting at the front, three of us sneaked up behind them and ejaculated in their hair.

Mathew was really bold though, he jerked off in to his hand and then smeared it on one of the girls faces as he was getting off of the bus and yelled, “You’ve been spunked!” it was so fucking hilarious.

And the next day we were all called in to the principal’s office because the girl’s parents had called the school and told them what happened, I guess Mathew did go too far and he broke the rules because he wasn’t meant to be seen doing it, we all got suspended and we had to stop playing that game.

It was so much fun though, you should try the “Spunk-HER” challenge it is hilarious, and there’s nothing more satisfying than ejaculating on a girl without her knowing it.