What did you expect to happen?

A young girl comes home after being sexually assaulted at a party. Instead of finding them sympathetic, her parents blame her for dressing like a slut and they punish her.

“So what did you expect to happen,” said young Crystal’s mom. “You sneak out of the house when you’re supposed to be asleep, you dressed like a slut. Don’t blame me if you get what’s coming to you.”

“But mom- they raped me. Don’t you care? Aren’t you going to do anything?”

“Yes. Your father and I are going to punish you like you deserve. We were in bed, half asleep. We had to get dressed and we were just about to hunt you down. You are in big trouble.” They all stood in the living room. Usually it was a quiet place, but on this night, it was filled with angry energy. Crystal just wanted to go to bed and forget about this night and what happened at the party, but she knew that wasn’t going to happen.

Finally, Crystal’s father, red faced with anger, spoke up through gritted teeth. He had been quiet for most of the conversation and that scared Crystal more then if he’d been yelling at her.

“God damn it Crystal, you’re twelve years old. You can’t just do whatever you want. You’re too young for parties. A month ago, you were acting your age- the way a twelve year old should act. I know you’re going to be a teenager soon, but that’s no excuse for acting like a slutty little whore. Just look at you!”

The girl knew she looked like a tramp. Being thin and tightly toned, she was being dogged after by the boys even without dressing like she had. She wanted to add fuel to her sexual fire by wearing sexy black boots, a short matching miniskirt and a veil-thin yellow tube top that show off her firm, budding, dinner roll-sized breasts clear to her tiny perked nipples. She may as well not have been wearing anything over them. She wanted to look older then she is, but during the party, she realized that she just came off as slutty.

“I know I shouldn’t have snuck out, but I was just going to stay for a little…”

“I don’t care how long you were going to stay,” interrupted her mother, “that’s not the point. We said no parties, and we meant it.”

Exasperated, Crystal flung what happen out again, “But they raped me, mom!” she shouted. “Don’t you care about that?”

“Hey! Don’t you dare talk back to us!” retorted her dad, towering over her. “If you had listened to us, it never would have happened.”

Her mom nodded in agreement, “Yeah, and besides, you can’t blame those boys. At their age, they do things like that. It’s up to the girl to keep them at bay- not dress and act like a slut. You turned them on. If you act like you’re in heat, boys are going to respond. Tease them to much and boys will be boys. Just think of the signals you were sending out- being dressed like a tramp. So a couple of boys got carried away. What did you expect to happen?”

“It was five boys,” Crystal corrected, trying to surf her voice steady.

“Whatever,” her mother blasted. “I’m fed up with you. Your father and I have discussed it and we’re going to home school you from now on. And no more buying your own clothes.”

“But daddy…”

The young girl’s words froze in place as her father boldly pinched her nipples through the thin, yellow tube top. “Look at this! I can see your nipples clear as day.” Crystal looked expectantly at her mother who just stood there with her arms crossed angrily, saying nothing.

“I can’t believe you’re not even wearing a damn bra,” said her dad.

Crystal held her breath and felt her chest instinctively tighten as her own father mauled her, but fearfully, she didn’t say a word, even as his pinching turned into a mild nipple twist. “We’re very disappointed in you,” he claimed as he glared at her chest. Then his nipple fiddling expanded into a full breast fondling. “You can’t dress like this and expect boys not to want to fuck you- showing off these little firm tits like a slut.”

“See,” said her mother, “look at what you’re doing to your own father. You’re driving him crazy. I told you, boys and men can’t help themselves. Tell your daddy that you’re sorry for getting him all hot and bothered.” The whole time her father continued to caress her tight titties, staring at them like a hungry dog.

“I’m sorry daddy, I wasn’t trying to…” Crystal was interrupted by her own gasp as her father grabbed her tube top and yanked it down over her smooth, flat tummy. Her hands instinctively covered what little titties she had, only to be slapped down by her mother. It was a true parental team effort.

“You fucking tramp- you’re going to play modest with us?” she said. “Where was your modesty when you got dressed for that damn party? Keep those arms down until we say different.”

Reluctantly the young girl let her arms hang down, feeling the weight of them as if they were made of stone. It was strange to have her breasts completely exposed in front of her parents, even if she only had tiny ones. She was unsure why her tiny pink nipples were hardening so, but it definitely added to her embarrassment. Her parents had always disciplined her by spankings, humiliation, and unusual punishments, but they had never gone this far. “But mom, please…”

“No!” her dad said boldly. “No more backtalk. You wanted to show off to your friends and total strangers, now you can show off to us. Now it’s time for your spanking. Turn around, bend over and hold your knees.”

Crystal did as she was ordered, feeling her tiny miniskirt rising until the bottom of her ass came into view.

“Spread your legs wider, slut,” he added. She opened them to about shoulder length. “Wider!” shouted her dad. Afraid to make him angrier, she spread them much farther than she ever had during any previous spanking, and that forced the hem of her short skirt to rise above her hairless cunny, exposing it completely.

She could feel her face turning hot and red with embarrassment. They must also be able to see that she was wearing no panties, although it was not by choice. She could have predicted what happened next as if she were a prophet.

After a shocked gasp, her mother said her full name, something she only did when she was at her boiling point. “…I can’t believe you! Did you shave your cunt hairs?”

“No ma’am. I haven’t gotten them yet.”

Her mother shook her head. “You don’t have any yet and you’re already acting like some two-bit whore.” She reached out and latched on to her daughter’s pussy, holding it firmly. “Do you know what hairless pussies do to young boys? It makes them go wild. Is that what you want?”

Crystal glanced at her mother peripherally as she debated on whether her mom was being rhetorical. “You went out in a miniskirt and no panties,” continued her mother, “and you’re going to try and blame some innocent boys because you drove them crazy?!” Then she pinched Crystal’s cunt lips, causing the little girl to squeak out. “Is this the way we raised you?”

“But I was wearing panties when I left. One of the boys kept them. He said it was a souvenir.”

“Yeah, right,” said her father. “You lied about going to bed. You lied as soon as you walked in the door about where you’d been, and now you’re lying again. Aim your ass up high! I’m sick of this!”

Still clasping her wide spread kneecaps, Crystal arched her lower back, which tilted her toned bottom upward. It was not unusual for them to make her do that, but never before had she been this exposed as it happened.

Her mother let go of her cunny, and her father lifted her mini skirt over her slender hips. The young girl craned her neck to see her parents behind her. “Can I at least put on some underwear please,” she pleaded.

“You mean MAY I put some on,” corrected her mother. “And no, you may not. You did this to yourself. I don’t what to hear another word out of you, slut, or it won’t be you father’s hand that’ll be doing the spanking, it’ll be the paddle… the big paddle. Got it?”

The young girl faced forward again, readying herself for the enviable. When her daddy’s hand made contact, it wasn’t just thwacking her ass-end. Several of his fingertips struck her cum soaked pussy and she jumped. “You’d better hold still,” he warned. He hit her again and his finger momentarily jetted into the opening of her twat. He withdrew and struck again- hard.

After a number of times, Crystal bit her lower lip and held her breath, unable to control tiny squeaks and yelps. She knew better than to scream out like she wanted to. They had no tolerance for such a thing. After a few initial blows, he would stop and leave his hand to rest on her reddening ass cheeks. Then he did it for longer and longer periods, giving minuet rubbings, even sliding up and down her slit.

She couldn’t believe her mother wasn’t stopping this. She had to have noticed. Then her daddy reared back and struck again. The small girl could not keep count how many times she was being spanked, nor did she try. Each smack that managed to make contact on her bare pussy lips was a shameful reminder of what her pussy had already been through that night.

She could not help but tighten the pink tunnel of her pussy, which squeezed out some of the cum she been unable to get out on the way home. Suddenly her father stopped, resting his hand over her slit, only to brazenly toy with it. He openly fingered her cunny entrance.

“My god, Lisa,” her dad said to his wife as he rubbed the puffy, hairless surface, “her cunt is soaking wet. I think this little bitch is getting horny.”

“I’m not… it’s from the…”

“What did I tell you, Crystal!” said her mother. “For talking during your punishment, you’re going to get a little something extra now. Do you want to go for more? Put your eyes forward and shut up.”

The girl said nothing- not even when her daddy did something he’d never done before. Instead of just resting his hand over the surface of her twat, he began stroking it vigorously, essentially masturbating her. “You like that, don’t you, you little slut. You’re getting this tight thing felt up again, aren’t you?” he said.

Crystal’s little pussy was still a bit sore, and she could scarcely admit to herself that it did actually feel somewhat soothing. The moister made hushed slurping sounds and she could feel her embarrassment welting up like a flash fever of adrenaline. She was unsure as to whether or not she was enjoying this forbidden incestuous act.

“Now look at what you’ve done,” chimed her mother. “You’re getting your father all horny- just like those poor boys. I hope you’re happy. What am I going to do with you?”

Crystal couldn’t have been more shocked as her daddy began to press forward- squirming his index finger inside her taut pussy. Although she was young and tight, the spunk of the five boys, mixed with her own arousal, lubed the way for her daddy. The young girl couldn’t help but whimper out shamelessly at her father’s blatant actions, and her mother’s nonchalant reaction to this whole thing made it all the more illicit and arousing. Then he abruptly shoved his finger up her tiny asshole.

“They fucked you up here too, didn’t they? I bet you loved it too, slut.” Then he started to siphon his juiced up finger in and out of her little exposed rectum. Crystal tried not to moan, but failed.

She rolled her eyes and thrust her head back. The truth was that those boys had not even touched her asshole, but she knew she could say nothing in her own defense. She was in enough trouble and they wouldn’t have believed her anyway. Never had anything gone up her ass before and it was hard for her to admit that it felt good. Soon her daddy was pounding her pussy with his knuckles as his deeply embedded finger slammed the squealing girl’s asshole.

She couldn’t deny it to herself- she wanted him to put his big finger back in her cunny and feed the burning fire of its lust. She felt teased and fought the urge to masturbate right then and there. Crystal looked between her legs at her tiny but swollen clit and could wait no longer. She reached for it, rubbing it rapidly in little circles. This did not go unnoticed.

“See,” claimed her father, “the little cock-whore is getting off on it. She loves driving guys crazy.”

“Aw, Tom-baby,” said Crystal’s mom, “You poor thing, the little tease got your prick hard as a rock.”

The young girl turned her head as she continued to fiddle with her clitty just enough to see her mother rubbing her daddy’s cock through his pants. She wanted to see it so badly. While sex had by far never been taboo within their house, and Crystal had seen her parents fuck since she was a little girl, it had always been different than this.

They would leave the room, although her mother would sometimes blow off her father while she was right there watching TV or doing her homework, but mostly they would get going and head for their bedroom, leaving the door wide open. A few times, they would get carried away and fucked on the couch with her in the room and she would pretend not to watch, but of course, she did.

They seemed to be especially loud on purpose when she was around. She had watched them fucking more times than she could possibly count, and they knew it. In fact, she knew they knew it. They would glance her way while their daughter would finger herself to orgasm, but never did any of them make eye contact. It just went on for years that way; with everyone pretending that they didn’t know or didn’t care. She learned much about fucking that way, but it had remained happily unspoken.

But now, she was being directly included, whether she liked it or not. While still resisting, she was losing the battle with herself in denying the naughty feelings that this decadent act was shining upon her lust like a spotlight. Now that the attention was focused on her asshole, her young pussy was really tingling- itching for more. Part of her, deep down inside did enjoy the rape she had dealt with at the party after the initial fear had thinned out and she realized they weren’t going to kill her- just fuck the Hell out of her.

It isn’t so easy to NOT feel pleasure. There was no brutality or direct pain involved, so after a time, she just let it happen and by the end of the gang rape, she was changing positions without being told and she had cum several times. Now she was about to cum again, but this time it was her very own daddy that was bringing her off, and with her mom watching none-the-less. She was only too happy when her daddy decided to switch back to her pussy.

He rolled his finger in little circles deep inside of her before he went back to pumping it back and forth. His thumb would occasionally bump her little clit while she rubbed it, and his finger squirmed inside her at the same time. “How can I concentrate on spanking this tramp when she’s getting all wet and horny like this?” her dad asked.

“Tom,” her mother said, “do you need some relief before you get blue balls?”

“God yes.” His finger was beginning to switch back and forth between pumping and wiggling as he replied, making slurping sounds the whole time. “I can smell this little slut of ours. She’s driving me fucking nuts.”

“Will a blowjob do?”

“No… no way… I need some pussy- bad!”

“I’ll bet. Well, I’m on my period, sooo…” she looked at her daughter, who was snow looking back at them out of the corner of her eye. “You did this to you’re poor dad. Tell him you’re sorry. Now!”

“I’m s…sorry daddy,” stammered the girl, feeling an orgasm approaching like a storm in the distance.

“Well, now you’re going to have to take care of him.”

“T… take care of him?” she groaned.

“Yeah- what did you expect to happen? Did you think you could just get him all horny and not take care of him? That would be selfish.”

With that, she undid his zipper and freed his starving cock with its seven and a half inch hard on. She was unable to resist jerking it off a few times before lining it up to her daughter’s dripping, cum soaked pussy. Crystal could no longer deny that she wanted it and bent her knees slightly, hoping to give his better access. The boys that raped her were roughly between 14 and 17. Some of the older ones were fairly big too- a couple of them could even rival her father’s length, but none of them had been even close to being as thick.

With her ass still poised slightly upwards, the young girl just held still while her mother opened her precious daughter’s swollen twelve year old year old mounds. The girl looked between her wide spread legs just long enough to see her dad’s dangling balls and her mother guiding the swollen cock into her awaiting passageway. The very moment it sank into her, he began to pump madly, like a crazed, horny dog, and whatever remained of Crystal’s inhibition disappeared with each pounding thrust.

It wasn’t until then that her father grabbed her immature hips and slammed her with pure male virility. Crystal did nothing to veil the pleasure which encompassed her, squealing out shamelessly, even as her mother grabbed her by the hair and drew her head back, saying, “You fucking whore! You do love this! Your daddy was right! You’re just a fucking slut! Your daddy can’t help it… he’s a man- but you… you aren’t suppose to love it! You’re a dirty little cum-whore!” Then she spit in Crystal’s face, “Slut! Bitch! Dirty little cunt- whore! Stop it this instant! He’s you’re daddy, you cum loving cocksucker! You’d better not cum, you little whore!”

This only made the young girl feel sluttier and enriched her exploding feelings. She began pushing back as she soared into new sexual heights. Crystal had never felt such amazing gratification and the more her mother humiliated her, the more she loved it. Her mother added sporadic hard slaps to her face, and as she alternated between calling her dirty names and spitting as she did it. This drove the girl to burst into a cascade of long, pulsating orgasms which nearly dropped her to the ground.

Her knees buckled, her ears rang and she saw tiny stars floating randomly within the outskirts of her vision, and she screamed out like she was being murdered. This excited her dad even more, and he could no longer hold back. His balls shriveled and blasted his incestuous semen deep inside the bowels of his little girl’s throbbing cunt, as he yelled out, “You little fucking whooooorrre!”

Finally, he slowed to a stop and all was quiet. No one moved. They had gotten far too carried away, and they knew it. What now? Would their little girl call 911 the first chance that she got? The worry filled the air like a dense fog around the two adults. For a moment, they just stood there, his softening cock still embedded in his own little girl’s soft pussy like a cork, holding back dollops of cum. They only panted in the silence- exhausted.

Still bent over, Crystal was the first to shatter the flagrant stillness hovering around them. She cocked her head so she could partially see them. “Daddy… when you can… when you can get… hard again… can we do it again… please,” she huffed.

Her parents were shocked, but her dad quickly recovered, realizing in that brief moment that his little girl was a natural submissive, and he knew just what she wanted to hear. “You’re damn right I’m going to fuck you again, you little slut,” he replied, “Your punishment is far from over. I’m going to pound your cunt raw. We’re going to take the doors off your bedroom and the bathroom so wee can keep a constant eye on you- and that’s just the beginning. Oh yeah, you’re going to love being home schooled, whore.”

Crystal smiled to herself as she tried to catch her breath. Relieved at her daughter’s attitude, her mom used her fingers like a soft squeegee to gently caress the spittle from Crystal’s face, much like she was tending to a little baby. Her mother’s demeanor had done a 180, and now she was cooing over her little precious preteen whore. She softly tilted her daughter’s head by her hair and began gently licking the girl’s face.

Crystal just enjoyed it for a few moments before responding by lapping her tongue out to meet her mother’s. Before they knew it, they were French kissing as Crystal’s father moaned purely from the raunchy taboo sight. He felt his cock already beginning to re-inflate. If Crystal could have, she would have been purring in that post-orgasmic moment.

She didn’t know whether they were serious about her being a dirty little slut who shouldn’t be feeling pleasure from her daddy fucking her or if it was just a sexual game to them, but she no longer cared. She liked what she felt. Her daddy fucked her better than she could have ever imagined. Perhaps they did turn her into a little crazed slut after all. But after a fucking like that, what did they expect to happen?

The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in “real life” can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.

by Art S Healing

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