White Spritzer

I saw them across the living room, but the mosic was too loud for them to say anything to me, right by the speakers…

On one end of the bar, they stood in the corner, but I could see knees sticking out between their hips, and her calves crossed.  A heel hooked over a bar between 2 legs on a bar stool, like others lined up, but nobody was sitting in them.  

On the other side, there were couples standing in the kitchen, talking, and eating hors d’oeuvres from tiny paper plates, the size of saucers, but instead of teacups, they held mini kebabs with cubes of seared meat speared with a chunk of onion, and pepper.  Crostini with anchovy, and some kind of cheese.  

Then, the men stepped back, zipping up their pants, and looking around so I could see our hostess adjusting her bra by the straps.  Looking down, and straightening the low neckline of her dress, she uncrossed her legs, and slipped off the seat.

Meanwhile the 2 guys went out on the deck to smoke.

“Huh!”  I looked up from the crisscrossed stripes running down the front of her skirt, and she caught my eye.  With a smile that twisted into a smirk with a wink, she went around the pillar to the kitchen, and washed her hands in the sink.  I looked around to see if anyone else was paying attention, but the couple by the buffet where oblivious.  Still munching tiny treats from small plates, even though they were the closest.  

I turned around, and put my heel up on the side.  Slid my buttock over the edge, and felt the wood circle was still warm.  “Out of the way!”  She had to shout, and almost pushed the woman out of the corner, to wipe the counter.  She leaned over it, so her boobs pushed up on the edge, but she didn’t have to shout in my ear.  “Can I get you something to drink?”  Another wry smile, smirk, and wink.  “While you wait.”

She didn’t have to suggest what she was talking about, and I nodded.  “A beer?”  I guessed, but it didn’t take long for a guy to come over.  

“Well, I’d offer to buy you a drink,” he leaned over, and the next stool pushed back when he moved in with his hand on it.  “But it looks like you have one in hand.”  He raised an eyebrow, so I nodded, and just took a sip.  To cover my nervousness, and anticipation, but it’s not like I hadn’t jerked off guys before.  

I’m not much of a beer drinker. At 20 I was almost old enough to legally, but about the most public thing I’d done is a quick tugger in the passenger seat as a “Thanks for the date.”  You know, sometimes a guy does almost enough, to trust him, or make me horny enough to invite him in, but you don’t want to send him home empty handed, and if you might consider a second date.  It’s a first date kind of thing, you don’t want to go too far, or be that kind of girl, but if you don’t give him something, it just might be the last.

Also, I am the kind of girl that sincerely enjoys a good handfull of hard cock.

“Huh!”  I felt up his trouser leg, “well, maybe if you stick around.”  I found it, curled off to the other side a little, but good.  I actually enjoy the whole thing.  Enough that I don’t want to rush ahead to the finish, but I don’t want to tease him too much either.  The blood pumping into it, so it swells, and straightens out, then another guy showed up, on the other side.

“This a private party?”

“Oh, no.  2’s company, but can you move.”  I looked out between their arms, and patted his hip.  “A little closer.”

I had to cross my legs, so one knee was over the other, and they could crowd in as close as possible.  2 guys, I don’t even know, complete strangers, starting to feel around the front of my top, and picking out the flap of the first one’s slacks to find the zipper pull.  Up at the top, like a metal clitoris, and slowly spreading the teeth.  The other guy reached over my lap, and fished around in his own to flop it out, before it got to hard.

“Nice.”  The first guy nodded, and just looked back at me.  Put his hand on mine, and rubbed the back with his thumb, to remind me to start stroking, but the other guy wasn’t completely hard yet.  A little cubby, so I could pick it up, and rub the top with my thumb, the bottom with my fingers.  Really feel his pulse, and locked my eyes on to watch the veins start to show.  Bulging, and turning dark purple when I squeezed it.  “Don’t stop.”  

I looked back, and he had to guide my hand up and down, a couple strokes until I got the rhythm.  It’s was kinda hard to juggle both at once, especially with 2 different grips, but I looked back and forth, pushing and pulling my left hand, pumping my right up and down, but he didn’t have to say faster, or harder.  The first one held on, and guided my hand, faster, and harder until he gripped it, and took a deep breath.  Holding it, and jerking my hand slower.
Really, he jerked off with my hand, let’s be honest.  “Oh, ahahuhn!”  His other hand relaxed, down the neck of my top, and he let out a ragged sigh.  “Whoohuhew!”  He slipped his hand out of my top, and let go of my fingers, but I held on, to feel it go soft again.  Licking my lips at the last of it running down the web of my arm to the wrist, and milking the last of it before he went soft.  “Huh!’  He leaned over, and kissed the top of my head.  “Thanks.”

“Stick around.”  I stuck my fingers in his pocket before he left.  Looking around to see if anyone caught on, the Hostess just nodded, and laughed at someone’s joke.  Not even glancing over, as if oblivious to what was going on behind them. 

The same couple came back, and stood in the same place, complimenting her on the “Tapas.”  I heard the word “Tapas,” and they had wine glasses in their other hands.  Red, and white, but then I felt another hand on mine.

“Slow down, that’s right.”  he guided me, “No hurry, just take the time to let me enjoy it.”  I nodded, and looked back down to what I was doing.  Payed attention to his hand, and gave it a little twist.  That was different, but my right hand free, I let go and switched.  Pinched it, and pulled it back down to get my thumb over it.  Run it back to the base, and rub my fingers up and down the empty tube along the bottom.

“Uh, yeah huh!  You’re getting good at that.”  He just spread his heels a little wider, and put his hands on his hips.  Turned to say something to the guy that came before him.  I couldn’t hear it, but I didn’t care.  He was just so confident, and nonchalant, as if he was talking about the weather, or some sport.  Not about getting stroked off by a stranger, and I wondered if they know each other. 

Are they bisexual?  I certainly didn’t expect one to look over at the other and say “Nice.”

“Snh!”  He just sniffed, and brought his heels back together.  His knees locked, so they wouldn’t knock, and I slipped the urethral ridge out to my fingertips to feel it bulge.  The wad back up, and leak out, so it dribbled from the end, and fell on the side of my pant leg.  Almost sorry that I’d worn pants, but it was a spur of the moment thing.  

Honesty, I was underdressed, I barely touched my hair, and just put on lipstick, a little eyeliner.  That was pretty much it, but once he stopped twitching, I stopped pinching to let the rest come out in one big fat plop.  “Huh!”  He hunched, and softened, slipped out, and flopped down with just a drop wasted.  Falling to the floor, but the biggest load soaked right in so my pants stuck to my thigh.

He zipped up, and they walked off together, went out to smoke, and talk to the first couple guys, who looked back.  I took a sip of my beer, wincing at the bitter taste, but I wanted something else.  There it was, soaking through my pant leg, right there, but I don’t know those guys.  What little I do know is they have no problem whipping it out with a total stranger, right there at a party.  Right here, still stuck in the corner, the first 2 finished their cigarettes, and came right back.

“Another round?”  The hostess propped her tits back up on the bar.

“One of you guys want to finish this for me?” I handed over the longneck.  “I’m not going to drink it with my hands full.”

“How about a white spritzer?”  The same wry knowing smile, the same smirk, and wink, I nodded excitedly.  Feeling up their legs to find what they had hanging between them, and see how long it took them to recover…

“Ooh, a foreskin!” You don’t see enough of those, and I don’t really know why. They can’t all be Jewish.

“You like it?”

“Huh, yeah. I love a nice meaty uncut cock.” It swelled proudly, to rear it’s cute little head when I gripped it, and pulled the skin back to the base.

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