Whore and her daughter

In decent proposal in this part more coming

Been seeing a local young street prostitute for long time now, so long that I can get her to fuck for as little as a fiver ( I know when she is in desperate need of cash for drugs ).

After picking her up the other week I drove us to a carpark, I was feeling generous so gave her 10 quid and said she can just suck me, she is quite a good fuck for a whore but I know she fucks without protection and I was out of rubbers so told her I just want sucking.
After a job well done we sat talking for a bit, like I said known her for a while now and we get on.
It was getting on and she said she has to get home to her daughter. That was the first time I heard her mention she had a daughter.
I asked why she never mentioned her when she told me she is 10 and as soon as punters find out they pester her to bring her along on meets ( to which she hasn’t done ).
I drive her back to where she lives as she gets out the car this tiny girl comes running up to her mum and hugs her. I can tell from the little chat as they were walking off that she is slower mentally then most, not surprising really with the way her mum only focuses on her next fix.

9am Saturday morning I wake to my phone going mental, 10 messages and 15 missed calls. It was Sarah my local whore. I called her and she was in a bad way asking to lend her 30quid she was desperate, Ive lent her money before and always get her to pay me back in a suck or fuck how ever I’m feeling at the time.
She proceeds to tell me she owes  her dealer 30quid by 1pm today or she will been beaten infront of her daughter and she is out of food and electricity. When she said daughter my mind flashed back to when I saw her and my cock started to stir. I told her to give me time to wake up and ill see what I can do.
Sitting in bed my brain goes dark whilst thinking what I can get done to me to day whilst having a tug.

I call Sarah its now 10am I tell her to let me look after jess her daughter till tomorrow, straight away she says no way that’s not happening, I tell her ok and that I was offering £100 today when I pick her up and £100 tomorrow when I drop her back.
The phone goes dead she hangs up, 30 mins goes by I get a text from Sarah saying just the word OK,
I text back getting in the shower I will be to you to pick her up at 12, make sure she is showerd, dressed cute and is to do what ever I tell her otherwise when I drop her home you won’t get the other £100, I’ll feed her make sure she is well looked after so don’t worry.

Getting dressed after my shower I get a text saying we are ready and I’ve told her your her dad and wants to get to know you, thats why she spending the night with you and must do whatever you say no matter what it is.
Shes slow and always asking about her dad so good thinking on her mums side.

I pull up and standing there is Sarah holding little Jesse’s hand, she looks soo cute and my heart starts beating soo fast, jess has the biggest smile on her face and bouncing up and down on her toes excitedly, her mum however looks defeated.
She runs round the car getting in the passenger side, I turn to her saying hi im ₩¥£#@ your dad you looking forward to today, she beams saying yes dad I can’t wait. Sarah bends through the window kisses jess on the head and says be a good girl do as your told and ill see you tomorrow, then she comes to my window tears in her eyes saying please don’t hurt her. I say don’t worry there’s ya £100 go pay ya debt and you have enough to get bang on it tonight I’ll drop her off midday tomorrow and drive off, looking in my rear view I see her standing there crying walking back to her front door.

Jess sitting next to me in her little flowery pink dress, hair in pig tails looking so cute, she doesn’t stop talking nonsense to which I pretend to seem interested.
You hungry I ask her. She tells me yes as she not had anything to eat yet as mum has nothing in. Wanna go mcdonalds I ask her, her eyes widen, really,  she says I’ve never been there mum don’t let me I always wanted to go there.
We pull up in the carpark and I tell her there are rules in mcdonalds and we can’t go in unless you Stick to them. Women and girls aren’t allowed to wear underwear, it’s somthing to do with there rules been happening forever. Ok she says all excited to actually be going in.
Hop up on your knees on the seat I tell her, now lift your dress let me see what your wearing, as she does im presented with the perfect little mound, the tiniest little camel toe coverd in her little pink knickers.
She holds her dress up as I pull her panties down and off, I feel light headed and sweaty as I see for the first time her neat tight untouched perfect pussy, I nearly cum there and then. Put her knickers in my pocket as we get out the car and head in hand in hand, to everyone I just look like her dad. We are gretted by a member of staff and I tell them my daughter issues can we sit out the way not near anyone, we are then shown to a table facing a wall with a wall behind us like a little booth.
While waiting for our food I rest my hand on her leg stroking up and down when I stop near the top feeling heat radiating off her little pussy and my little finger resting on her little lips.

I’m no author be kind I just like writing,
Part 2 anyone?

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