Whore and her daughter pt 2

I know its a slow burner, but its gets there.

As we are sat my little finger resting on her pussy I manoeuvre it so it’s sitting between her lips and wiggling it around. She let’s out a giggle and tells me it tickles and clamps her legs closed, I tell her to reopen them slightly then go back to using my finger this time trying to find her little clit, I knew I’d got it when all of a sudden I feel the tiniest pin point of a clit and she jolted when I touched it like a bolt of electricity went through her.
I tell her to keep quiet it’s part of the rules not to make noises.
I continue to rub her little clit as she sits there finally quiet with a glazed look on her face eating her fries, occasionally she scrunches her face and breaths In deeply so I guess its starting to feel good.
Suddenly she jumps up saying she needs a pee and is going to wee her self as she rushes off to the toilet.
Minutes pass and she returns, all better I ask? She says a bit and tells me it’s wierd as sitting here she was busting like it was ready to come out but by the time she got to the toilet there was only the littlest bit of wee, that is wired I tell her grinning to myself thinking shit she was on the verge of an orgasm, didn’t even know that was possible at her age.
Back in the car I tell her we are going to head back to mine now and ask if she wants to phone her mum
On loud speaker I hear her telling her mum I’d taken her to mcdonalds and it’s her favourite she loves it, I could hear from her mums voice she had already scored and was off her face.
Taking the phone off jess and turning loud speaker off I tell Sarah we are going home now to have fun and she pleads with me not to have sex with her telling me she is too innocent and small, offering me anything but that.
I tell her to calm down and that from what I felt in mcdonalds she was way to little to take a full grown cock, hearing me say that Sarah sobbed a bit more as I hung up the phone.

Back at mine we go straight to my room, I have a TV in there a6md it’s a big comfy room. I tell jess I want some pictures of my daughter because I don’t have any. There she is obeying every pose I tell her to take whilst on my bed, of course every pose I put her in I make sure I can see that still bare pussy, so I take a full body shots and a close up pussy shots without her realising.
I suddenly get a thought and tell her to lay back and make a star shape, stick your arms out by there side and spead your legs open so you look like a star, as she did her dress rose up past her pussy, it looked amazing zooming in on it it was small neatly tucked in puffy pale lips and with her legs spread she had partially opened and I could just about to see the pink glistening of the inside of her lips.
I send the close up to Sarah her mum saying can you guess who’s this is, straight away I get a text back saying noo please don’t im begging, then I sent the full body shot saying look she’s happy she is smiling, then my phone rang:
Me – Hello
Sarah – please don’t do it please bring her home
Me – ok have my £100 ready and you won’t be getting the rest
Sarah – I cant I’ve spent it, please anything but her.
Me – let’s let jess decide

I put loud speaker on and say, jess it’s mum she asked if you wanted to go home or stay the night with me, just as Sarah says come home baby I’ve missed you, I switch on my massive wall mounted TV and flick to the Disney channel. Her eyes light up and she Says no I want to stay with daddy. Hearing her say that melted my heart, and made my cock rock solid. I turn the phone off loud speaker and pass jess the TV remote as I walk to the otherside of the room and lower my voice saying

Me – there you go she made her choice, she is smiling and happy as I’ve not done anything yet, but as soon as I hang up she is going to have wished she choose to go home.
I hung up the phone, straight away it was ringing again, I declined the call and turned my phone off.

Part 3 ?

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