Why is it so small?

“Like this?” The little girl asked, as she clumsily stroked his penis. “Yeah, but do it a little faster” the boy replied.

I had been living in the neighborhood for the last two months, having just moved from the West Coast. After 10 years of marriage, my wife decided she was a lesbian. She left me for her girlfriend, and I can’t say I was broken up about it. Truth be told, I had a thing for children.

I was 56 years old, and had more than enough money, that I didn’t need to keep working. I bought a little house in a small community. I was on my daily run, which I usually start at about 4 in the afternoon when it started to get cooler. I was running by the park, when I realized I needed to pee so I went into the men’s room. As soon as I entered I heard talking, so I quietly walked forward, my interest piqued.

There were two people in one of the stalls. I could see feet under the partition so I knew they were children. I entered the stall next ti them and just stood there quietly listening.

“How come it’s sticking out like that?” I heard a young voice asked. “That’s the way it gets when I’m horny” replied the voice of what had to be an older boy.

I quietly stood on top of the toilet and peered over the stall partition. There was a boy of about 15 years old standing there, his pants were down around his ankles and a little girl of about 10 or so was fully clothed and holding his penis.

That’s what really caught my attention, was the size of this little boy’s penis. It had to be 8″. The little girl was holding it in both hands trying her best to masturbate him.

“Keep moving the skin back and forth” the boy instructed her, “it really feels good.”

“Like this?” The little girl asked, as she clumsily stroked his penis. “Yeah, but do it a little faster” the boy replied.

I stood there quietly watching the little girl masturbate the boy. He was moaning, head tilted back and eyes closed.

“My arm is getting tired” complained the little girl.

“Oh please, just do it a little bit longer. I’m almost ready to squirt” the boy pleaded.

True to his word, about 30 seconds later he thrusts his hips out, moaning loudly and the first squirt of sperm shot out of his penis onto the girl’s arm. She pulled back, and freaked out saying, “eww you peed on me”.

“No, don’t stop” the boy said as he reached down and grabbed his own penis and resumed stroking. “It’s not pee, it’s sperm” he told her.

“What’s sperm?” She asked him.

“It’s what a man squirts into a girl’s vagina to make a baby” the boy explain to her as he continued to stroke his hard penis.

“I’m going to have a baby?” She asked.

“No, to have a baby I would have to put my penis inside your vagina and then squirt my sperm. Besides, you’re too young.” The boy told her.

“Your penis wouldn’t fit inside me anyway. It’s too big.” She said.

I quietly got down off the toilet and exited the stall. I was at the sink washing my hands when the other stall door opened and the boy looked out to see if anybody was out there. He saw me standing there, and pulled back closing the door behind him.

“It’s okay to come out, I know what you guys were doing in there.” I said.

The door slowly opened, and the boy stepped out. “Is the little girl coming out too? I asked him. Then the girl stepped out behind him.

I looked right at the little girl and asked, “So, is that the first time you played with a boy’s penis?”

She didn’t say anything, but she looked down at the floor and nodded her head yes.

“Are you brother and sister? I asked them.

“No, we’re cousins.” The boy replied.

“Well, my name is Rick. What are your names?” I asked them.

“I’m Tony, and this is Josephine, but we all call her Jo.” He said.

“I’m very pleased to meet you Tony and Jo. I have to tell you Tony, I’m really impressed with your penis. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen one that big on such a young boy. I’d like to watch you play with his penis up close Jo. I didn’t get a chance to see it really good from where I was.” I said to them as I put my arms around them and ushered them back into the stall.

“Here Jo, you sit on the toilet and Tony, you stand in front of her and pull your pants down.” I instructed them.

Once the little girl was sitting on the toilet, her older cousin stood in front of her, and pulled his pants down around his knees. His huge penis sprang out, too big and heavy to stand upright like mine, but he was fully erect again, and it stood straight out from his body, I told the little girl to go ahead and play with it.

She reached out and took it in both her hands, much the same way she had earlier and began to masturbate him.

At this point, my own penis was as hard as it’s ever been. While I watched her masturbating her older cousin, I pulled my penis out of my pants. Both kids looked over at me, eyes wide open in shock.

I wish I could say I was huge, but my penis measures just under 5″ and was rather thin. Tony’s made mine look like a child’s.

Jo giggled and said, “why is it so small?” It was a little embarrassing, a nine-year-old girl asking why my penis was so much smaller than her cousins.

“Everybody’s penis is different.” I told her “some boys have big ones and some boys have small ones.”

She reached out and held my penis between her thumb and finger, gave it a few strokes then said, “I think it’s cute”.

“Can I touch your penis Tony?” I asked the boy. “Okay” he said rather tentatively.

I took it in my hand. It filled my entire hand, which was not a feeling I was accustomed to when holding a penis. It felt heavy and solid. I could see why you would need both hands to stroke this monster.

I slowly stroke him for a few minutes, staring at his enormous penis the entire time.

“Do you want to know what feels even better than this Tony?” I asked the boy.

“What could possibly feel better than this” the boy moaned.

“Stand up on the toilet seat” I told him.

Tony got up on the toilet seat and faced me. His penis was so long, I didn’t even need to bend over to take it in my mouth. I tried to take as much as I could, but it reached the back of my throat before more than half was inside my mouth. “Oh, fuck” he said.

“Oh my God, you’re sucking his penis?” Little Jo asked. “that’s gross.”

“No it’s not, it feels really, really good.” Tony told her.

I was only able to suck it for about 30 seconds before I felt the head of his penis swelling inside my mouth, then suddenly his cum was squirting into the back of my throat.

I swallowed as much as I could, but some ended up running out of the sides of my mouth.

“Ewww, he’s eating your sperm Tony” she said pointing to the cum dripping down my chin.

“It’s delicious.” I told her.

I licked his huge penis clean, then helped him get dressed. “You guys come to the park very often” I ask them.

“My cousin is only visiting for the week, but I live nearby so I come here sometimes.” Tony told me.

“Cool do you want to meet here again tomorrow around the same time? I asked him.

“Mister, if you’re going to suck my penis again, I’ll meet you anytime anyplace. That was awesome”. he said excitedly.

“Great, then it’s a date. See you tomorrow.” I said, then I’ve left and resumed my run.

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