Wife Temporary Takeover by Friend

I Sameer Sharma aged 30 working with a Government company for surveys and other social works. I’m married & my wife Shobhna Sharma is 24, she is flawless beauty, 5’ 7” tall, slim, fair complexion, and spotless body, average fitted body, slender legs, especially curved thighs, firm and straight boobs. I was amazed to see that even boobs could stand so straight even without bras. We are married for three years and everything was fine. Due to survey work we have to go out of the city, accompanied by several Government officers. Now Government officers having lots of side income usually are involved in Drinks & Girls. While staying at hotel and lodges they hire girls for night. I was never involved in any such activities but they always forced me to try at least once. Once after lots of force I decided to give it a try. A girl in teen was arranged for me; she looked hardly of 17-18 and was good looking. I took her to room, made her nude, had a nice foreplay with her and then fucked her mercilessly for two times. Then we both took a nap cuddling each other. Later in night I was forcefully been woke up. I woke up to see lots of policemen standing in the room. I was allowed to dress and was dragged up outside the room to the hall. There were lots of guys and gals collected in the room and the policeman was writing FIR’s. The officers who came along with me were missing so I asked one high ranked officer about it. He smiled at me first, then took me to a side and told me few things. He told me that they all had influence sources and so he let them get out. I called few of them and all the mobile numbers of officers were switched off. I looked at the officer and begged him for some solution. He smiled and said that he need money and if I can give him desired money, he’ll let me go. I asked him about it and he told me a figure. It was a huge sum but getting caught in such a case, with FIR will be more trouble. I started to think about the solution. After 10 minutes of thinking I finally remembered a name “Somesh Mahant.” He was my childhood fast friend so I called him, I told him that I need some money and will return in few months. He told me that he was out of town and will return in few days. I begged him for money and he said that he can transfer the money directly to the desired account. He asked me to hand over the phone to the person whose account money needs to be transferred. I handed the mobile to the officer. The officer took the phone and went outside. He talked there with him for nearly 15 minutes and returned back, checking his mobile. He showed me a transaction message and gave me screen shot of it. He took me outside the hotel and told me that I was free to go. I called Somesh and thanked him 100 times.

I had taken time of 6 months and collected all resources I got but failed to collect that sum. Nearly 8 month passed from that incident, Somesh never asked for the money and I didn’t call him for the same. Actually I didn’t have that much amount so it was useless for me to call and feel awkward. But the tension was always there. One fine day I went to have lunch with my wife Shobhna. It was a fine restaurant and everyone visited there cause of good food and service. We were both having lunch when Somesh called. By shaking hands, I picked his call. He told that he was sitting in the same restaurant and as I was with my wife he wasn’t disturbing me. While he was talking I searched around and found him sitting on a table nearby with few more peoples. I just smiled at him and he said that he needs to talk with me and I should visit the same place for dinner. I said alright and he disconnected the phone. As I he was present there I peeped towards him in few intervals and found him lecherously looking towards my wife. But I knew him as good man and he helped me also, that’s why I omitted that looks. Few times I found him showing hand actions towards his friends, like we refer to girl’s figure. Sometimes actions were indicating firm boobs. But I wasn’t sure that his indications were towards my wife or not. After the lunch was over we both exited the place. I was tensed till evening, and reached the restaurant around 9 pm. I told my wife that I would be having dinner outside so not to cook for me. I took a seat and was waiting for him to arrive. A waiter arrived and told me that I was been called in second cabin. I walked to the cabin and opened the door. It was Somesh inside the cabin so I smiled at him and took the seat. He offered me snacks and coffee which he had already ordered. After the snacks were over he asked whether I considered him friend or not. I told him that I considered him, so he asked that I come to him with problems but don’t listen to his. I humbly asked him to tell his problem. He told that he was living all alone in the city as his family has been shifted to another city. He told that he was living in this city with his wife only. He said that since last 1 year, he and his wife were having some issues and since last 6 months the divorce case was running. He told that his family and in laws family were negotiating with his wife for settlement and resume marriage and parallel the divorce was also going on. His advocate told him that the case will finalize in 2-3 weeks or maximum in 4 weeks. He had given that much time to his family too for negotiations. I asked him that why he needed divorce so he told that she was having illegal affairs with few peoples. I listened to his details and finally asked what he wanted. He told that he was staying lonely now, with very tough schedule of house chores. So he wanted someone who can do a household chorus for him. I suggested him to heir a maid for the same. He told me that he needs someone to take care of his every need. I pressured him that maid will do that. He asked me what about sex? I accidentally spoke that he can go to prostitutes. I smiled wickedly and said that he can go to prostitutes and get caught by law. My face expression changed and I apologised to him. After a minute pause I asked him that what he need actually.

He said that he needs a domestic girl or woman who can do his house hold works and accompany him in bed. I suggested him to any girl of his choice; he can keep that girl and marry her afterwards. He questioned me what if his wife comes back. Now I didn’t have any solution for this question. We paused for few minutes and I asked that whether he had any kind of solution. He said he has a solution and that’s why he has called me. He told me a possible solution. According to him he wanted some married woman to do this job. He wants to take that woman in his custody for few weeks. In this term period that woman will do his entire house chorus and accompany him in bed also. After 3-4 weeks is his wife agrees to return back than that woman can go back to her husband. If his wife doesn’t agree than he’ll get a divorce and later on he can marry any girl of his choice and gets settled. I hummed on his solution and practically it sounded good enough. So I just didn’t reply anything but gave him a question. I asked him that any couple he approaches for that, he’ll have to disclose his personal issues and that can ruin his social image. He said that exactly he was thinking the same and that’s why wanted someone close to him. I asked him that any husband willing to do this will need a huge favour in return. He said that he wasn’t concerned about the favour and was willing to give any favour. I asked him whether he had searched for any options or have someone in his mind. I smiled and said that he has someone in mind. I was eager to know about the name and asked him who she was. He paused for a complete minute and then said that he was thinking about my wife Shobhna. I nearly jumped in anger and rage. How the hell he was telling me that. I started to abuse him with light words. I told him that no favour can make me to this with my wife. He managed to settle me down and then said that I already owed him a favour. I knew he was referring about the money I owed him. He said to do this favour to him and he’ll forget all my debts forever. I hauled at him that how the fuck I’ll approach my wife for this nonsense. I told him that she’ll divorce me immediately as soon as I approach her with this. He said that she’ll divorce me on that condition too when she knows why I owed him that sum. Now the matter had dropped to force and blackmailing. I just stood up and swung out of the restaurant. In night I thought about all possibilities and options and consequences that could happen with me. I knew my condition and so I called him next day. The first question he asked was whether I was sending Shobhna right now. I told him that I wanted two three days’ time. He agreed to my pleas and I started to think about it.

Eventually I got a plan and started to work on it. I approached to a very shady hotel. The owner of the hotel lived in another city and the manager was friend of mine. As soon as I reached the hotel I found the manager was sick and was on leave. There was only one hotel staff present there and I he told me that as the hotel wasn’t running well so he was the manager and the room keeper. He told that a maid came in morning and cleaned the area. In case someone resides here, he brought food from nearby restaurant. I hesitated to say anything so he asked me whether I want to bring any girl and fuck here. I should him Shobhna picture and said that he was my friend’s wife. He commented vulgarly at her and said that I was lucky person. I smiled and said that I will bring her tomorrow and will fuck her here. I told him that I will mention her as my wife on the counter. He agreed with the terms. I paid him the entire amount he demanded. I was about to leave when I asked him whether he will like to fuck this woman. He nearly jumped in excitement. He asked whether she will allow him to fuck her. I said that she will not but I can arrange something. He asked me about it and I told him the entire plan. When he understood all I gave him few more cash and rushed back to market. I purchased sulphur from the market. I took a leave from office for three days. My wife was preparing lunch around 11 am; she was wearing just a nighty at that time. As per her habit she didn’t wore anything underneath. So I poured some sulphur in hidden place in the kitchen. I waited for some time and then my wife called me inside the kitchen. I was in lower and t-shirt. She called me inside and asked me to smell. I smelled and it was indeed sulphur. I panicked and told her that was a gas leak. She panicked immediately and I turned the gas knob immediately. I grabbed her hand and ran outside. I closed the main gate and then took an auto. I gave him hotel card and we rushed to the hotel. In the way I told my wife that I’ll arrange someone to go and check the leak at house and arrange a fix for it. Till then we can stay in hotel. We reached hotel and then to the reception. I mentioned my real address on the counter and the staff assumed it as fake. This way neither the staff nor my wife suspected anything. Then I asked him to show me the room.

He came along with me and I entered the room. I placed the mobile in recording mode in the bathroom, and hid it with a vase. Then I returned back and told my wife that it was alright. I asked the staff how much and he told me an amount. I pulled my purse and told him that I didn’t have cash. I asked him for ATM and he told me that it was 10 minutes walking from here. I told him that I will bring cash and give him after getting freshened up. He smiled and we walked in the room. I asked my wife to have a bath first. She told me that he only had a nighty and nothing. I told her to remove the nighty and then get bath, till then I’ll get a towel and then she can wear the nighty again. She nodded and got inside the bathroom and passed me the nighty. She closed the door and I called the hotel staff to get a towel. He came in the room in 2 minutes. He gave me the towel and asked whether that bitch was in bathroom. I was annoyed with his language but just nodded my head. He said that he will like to peep from the key hole. So I didn’t object him and she sat on the knees and started to peep inside. After 5 minutes he got up and rushed outside. I myself peeped inside and found her washing away soap. So this lecherous man has saw her all nude and soaping her body. She knocked the door and I passed her the towel. She wore the towel and came out and then slipped inside her nightie. I went inside the bathroom and grabbed my mobile. I played the mobile and found perfect recording of my wife bath scene. Then I myself took and bath and came out. After the bath I came out and told her that I was going to get someone from the gas agency and get the leakage fixed and then will get cash from ATM. I told her that it will take me around 2 hours. She nodded her head and I came out of the room. As soon as I reached the reception the staff was ready, he immediately pulled the main switch off. Now it was hot climate and I was sure the room must be hot in 5 minutes. After 5 minutes he pulled a coke bottle and I gave him a tablet. He mixed the tablet in the bottle, kept it on the tray and moved to the room. I was standing at the end of the corridor to hear and see them. He knocked the door and Shobhna opened the gate. She inquired about the power and he told her that it was power cut. She told him that she was sweating a lot so he passed her the coke. He told her that the coke was complementary from hotel side and he was arranging generator in the meanwhile. She smiled and took the coke and went inside locking the door.

After 5 minutes we both went to the door and knocked the door. But there was no reply, so he shouted at her but still no reply. So he opened the gate and we found her knocked off on the bed. He was about to jump on her when I asked him to get a wet towel first. He nodded his head and went off. In the meanwhile, I fixed my mobile and started the recording button. He returned with a bucket and a towel in it. He kept the bucket near the door and looked at me. I signed him to proceed. He came near her and started to raise her nighty upwards. Within few minutes he managed to get rid of her nighty completely. She was all naked lying on the bed and that guy was feasting on my wife naked body. He immediately attacked her boobs and started to suck and bit her nipples. Meanwhile he was mauling her breasts. He kissed her few time and licked her pussy. He was desperate to fuck her anyhow, so he just got rid of his clothes. After becoming bare he came back to her, pulled her downloads and spread her legs apart. He pushed his dick inside and started to fuck her furiously. The speed he was showing was telling me that he won’t last longer. And as expected he filled her inside & pulled himself out. He was panting now and then cleaned his sweat and smiled. We cleaned her pussy and then made her wore her nighty. I left my wife there and we came outside. He thanked me and I told him that I was going for a work and will return in 30 minutes. He nodded his head and I came outside the hotel. I moved towards my house so that I could clear the smell and can take Shobhna back. In the way I remembered that I had left the mobile in record mode, in the room itself. Instead of going back I reached home in 10 minutes. It took me 10 minutes to get rid of the smell and then 10 minutes more to reach the hotel. When I reached the hotel that hotel staff was missing from the counter. I moved to my room and pushed the gate of the room. The first scene I was filled me with rage, the hotel staff was all naked inside with two unknown guys. All were naked including my wife. One of them was inside her banging her pussy, holding her legs. Rest two were sucking her nipples and kissing on her boobs and lips. That hotel staff was telling them that she was a housewife and her husband friend brought her here to fuck. While talking the guys fucking her deposited his load inside and got aside. Now the second guy took his place and started to fuck her with immerse pleasure. He didn’t take very long and deposited his load inside her. Then the hotel staff took liberty to fuck her well fucked pussy once more. When they were finished one of them said that let’s fuck her once more. The hotel staff stopped them and told him that we should exit the place before the owner of this bitch arrives. They all nodded their head, made her pussy clean and slipped her in her nighty. When they were about to exit the door I quickly rushed outside and then came from the main door. They looked at me and smiled, but didn’t tell anything. I moved back to the room, pulled the camera first and found all the recording. My plan was going to work with the first two recording but the last one was even better.

I woke her up and then told her that everything at house was fine so we should go back. She nodded her head and we came back home. For the whole evening I took the laptop on roof, transferred those videos on the laptop and then trimmed the clip as I desired. In the night I fucked Shobhna twice as I was well aware that I was not getting to fuck her in next few days. Next day Somesh called me, he commanded me to handover Shobhna today itself. I hadn’t accepted his proposal yet but he was so sure that he was ordering me now. I only told him that I will try, on which he said that if I fail today; he’ll tell everything to Shobhna. She will divorce me and after I get divorced, he’ll offer Shobhna family to marry her to him. He asked me what I think about it. I didn’t say anything and disconnected the phone. I rushed to Shobhna and asked her whether she took anything in the hotel. She tried to remember and told me about the cold drink. I slapped her immediately, not once but 4 times. She was hell shocked and looked at me. I pretended to cry and then showed her the video clip. She started to cry immediately and told me that she was tricked and her purity was gone now. She told me that she was very much ashamed of herself and started to cry heavily. I scolded her that what will happen with crying. I asked her what will happen if the video is been released in city. She shivered in terror so I asked how her sister will get married. What will happen to our name and position in the society? She asked who had recorded it and what does he want. I told her that that guy wants her to stay with a guy for few weeks and do all type of house chores for that guy like wife does. She said that guy wants her to be a maid. I paused for a while and then said that all type of chores including sex. She started to sob again and I started to tell her all type of consequences that could happen. I forced her to accept to that demand. She was denying it all that time and finally asked whether I will accept her after this. I assured her that I will and so she finally gave up. I gave her a set of bridal dress and asked her to get ready in the evening. Though Somesh didn’t ask for bridal dress but I thought it would be nice with that. She cried all day and in evening took a bath and wore the dress. She was looking ravishing and I was feeling very sorry that she was going to get used by Somesh today and that too for a very long time. Anyways we took and auto and reached a desired point. Somesh arrived immediately with his car and he was sitting in back seat and driver was driving the car. He asked Shobhna to get inside, and opened the back door. When she got inside and I was about to get inside, he asked me to sit in the front with the driver. Finding no choice, I sat on the front seat and the car started to move. Somesh house was little outskirt of the city. It was within city radius but little outer side. In between there was a 3-4 km gap without residents, fully isolated area. We reached that location and the driver turned the car to a ground. The ground was flat field and was covered with small grasses. The boundary of the field was covered with thick shrubs. It was hard for any ongoing vehicles to notice a car standing there.

As soon as the engine stopped Somesh turned towards Shobhna. He pulled her sari veil down and grabbed her both breasts with his both hands above her blouse. He started to maul her both breasts and she twitched his hands, rolled her veils again, opened the gate and moved outside the car. Somesh looked at me and asked what that was. I only requested him to do this at his house in closed bedroom. He roared at me that she will be his mistress for the whole month now and he will do what he wants and wherever he wants. He asked me to go out and make her understand that, else you know the consequences. He threatened me again so I came out of the car and headed towards Shobhna. I asked her what happened and she said she was very uncomfortable before me and the driver. I started to convince her once again, threating her about future consequences. Consequences she’ll face in city and consequences her family and sisters will face later on. I told her that it was quite shameful for me too but if I wasn’t creating any scene because I know our condition. She asked me why we can’t go to the police. I said that it’s very easy to spread these types of clips these days. Suppose we take the police and reach the hotel but before reaching that man, if he managed to send that clip to one WhatsApp group, it will take only 2 minutes to spread in the entire city. She nodded her head as she agreed to my justification. I asked whether she was ready to do this or we can move to police station. On both decisions I was with her. She paused for a minute and said she was ready to do this and told me she loved me a lot. I hugged her and said I loved her a lot too. We reached back to the car, she got inside the back seat and I got inside the front seat. After few seconds Somesh asked her that whether he should proceed. She nodded her head but Somesh said he needs surety for all the time. He asked her to keep her hand on my head and take an oath that she will loyally follow each order without any objection. She paused few second and with trembling hands did exactly as he told her. Somesh smiled and pulled her veil again. This time instead of grabbing her boobs he started to unbutton her blouse. The driver had had adjusted his mirror in such a way that he was able to see what was going on in the back seat. I was sitting on the same angle so I was able to see the same. I was feeling uncomfortable with driver seeing so I turned the mirror up. The driver adjusted the mirror again, looked at me angrily and said, not to touch the mirror cuckold. I didn’t dare to touch the mirror again and stated to see what was going on in between.

In few seconds the buttons were off and her blouse was pulled out. It was followed by her bra and only a mangalsutra was handing in her neck on upper part of her body. Somesh grabbed her naked breasts and started to maul them hard. He soon started to lick on her neck, kiss full mouth on her lips and suck her nipples. He was commenting that my God, what a pair of boobs she got, firm and solid. He kept on licking and sucking her nipples. When he was satisfied he pushed his hands in her sari below her tummy. I think he released the knots of her petticoat and then grabbed her sari binding from both side of her waist. He started to pull the sari downwards, still tied up. Within a minute or little more the entire sari slipped from her legs, she was bare completely. I think with petticoat he managed to pull her panty as well. He threw the entire clothes back side of the seat. She was bare now, so he spread her legs and was seeing her pussy. He touched her pussy few times and then pushed his pants and underwear down. He asked her to suck his dick and with some hesitation she gulped his dick inside her mouth. The driver pulled his dick out and started to masturbate. I looked at his disgusting looking dick and he asked, “What do you also want to suck a dick, I don’t mind, go on.” I looked elsewhere and he just commented me cuckold and started his act again. Meanwhile Shobhna lipstick was smeared now and she was sucking Somesh dick. Somesh stopped her, pushed her on the seat over her back. He spread her legs wide and managed to push his dick inside her pussy in one shot. Shobhna cupped her mouth with her hand as she screamed lightly. Somesh roared at her to shut up. He said that she wasn’t virgin and why she was behaving like one. She sobbed for a little while and stopped sobbing. Somesh was thumping her abusing her all the time. His words were like what was fine and tight pussy she had, he will fuck her all the time everywhere in house, he will not let her free a single second, he was going to enjoy her full month. He kept on mauling her boobs in between and kept on biting on her neck and cheeks. From the angle I was sitting I could see that on each hit my wife’s breasts wobbled like balloon filled with water. After a long duration of continues fucking he grunted and deposited his load inside me wife’s fertile womb.

He pulled his dick out and both of them sat on the seat. I managed to see few of her bangles broken and sindoor spread on her forehead. I think he was holding her arms tightly while fucking her. She opened the glass of her side and picked the broken bangles and threw it outside. While she was throwing the bangles her butts were little up from the seat and Somesh managed to finger her asshole. She turned to him immediately and looked horrified. He smiled and said, “Yes, very soon.” And Shobhna shook in fear, her face went pale. He looked at her carefully and said that sindoor is all cleaned up. He pulled a box and opened it. It had a small box of sindoor. He opened it and took a little from it. Before anyone could react, he applied it on her head. She was shocked and so he said that he’s her husband for a month now and he’ll apply sindoor daily. She was shocked on his action when he asked where her mangalsutra was. She searched and found on the seat, she was about to wear it when Somesh said he’ll help her. He took it from her hands and opened the screw. He placed it on her neckline and screwed it back again. She was about to grab her clothes when he asked her to leave it there. He declared that she was with him like honeymoon and she’ll not be wearing clothes soon. He pulled his purse and pulled a 100 rupees note. He pulled Shobhna on his laps and was kissing her now. He asked her someone and she took the note and tapped on my shoulders. I turned back to see him kissing her earlobes and mauling her one breast. I looked at her confused so Somesh said, “Sameer, what I suggest you that you take a taxi from here. The evening is getting dark now and you know well you won’t get transport from my place easily. So take the main road and you’ll soon find a transport to go home.” I was still confused and Shobhna was still holding the note. When I had turned back the driver also had turned back and was enjoying the scene back side. I quietly without making any scene took the note and got outside. Somesh shouted my name and I came to the back door. He opened the window glass, and I was able to see that he was massaging Shobhna ass. He said, “Don’t visit my house, its humble request; if Shobhna wants to see you or anything will be required I call you.” He took Shobhna phone and passed it to me. He said that he has lots of phone at home so he’ll give one to Shobhna and currently I can take that phone with me. I silently took the phone and kept it in my pocket. The glasses went closed and the car engine started. The car turned and speeded up to its location. I took and auto after 10-minute walk and came back home.

For complete 15 days, neither I got call from Shobhna nor from Somesh. In every 2-3 days I called Somesh to ask how Shobhna was but each time he disconnected the call and didn’t answer. I was feeling very much worried about Shobhna so I decided to go and see her myself. So on the 15th day I took a public transport and reach his place around 11 am. I knocked the gate and Shobhna herself opened the gate. She was wearing an expensive nighty and hugged me as soon as she saw me. She welcomed me inside and offered me juice and snacks. While having juice and snacks I asked how she was. She said she was missing me a lot and she was alright. I asked about Somesh and she said that he was out of city and will return tomorrow morning. I wanted to talk with Somesh only but as he was not here I decided to spend some time with Shobhna. While I was about to say something the door opened and the driver came inside. He looked at me and smiled. He turned towards Shobhna and said, “Boss is on the line.” She took the phone and listened to Somesh for few second and then dropped the call. She looked at me and smiled. She asked me to wait here and she will search some files in the bedroom. She told me that the driver came here to take the files. She turned towards the driver and said him to come inside and help. She went inside immediately and then the driver followed her whispering to me cuckold again. It was around 5 minutes now so I decided to help them in finding file. I got up and walked inside. Inside was a big hall and at the end of hall was the bedroom. I walked few steps and found Shobhna nighty lying on the ground. It was the same nighty she was wearing just now. I went suspicious and instead of making any sound I top-topped to the bedroom. The door was wide ajar and as I saw inside it was terrified. Shobhna was on bed all naked and that cheap driver was holding her legs around his waist, holding her thighs and was fucking her furiously. He was sucking her nipples and was kissing her lips. Shobhna was making very much effort to suppress her moans. I was spellbound, what was going on. He kept on fucking her for few minutes and grunted. He was depositing his load inside. Within seconds he pulled his dick, pulled his pant up and came out. I even forgot to run back to the drawing room. He came face to face to me and smiled. He passed beside me and went off. Shobhna came out in a minute, looked at me but didn’t look at my face. She picked her nighty and wore it up. She asked me to come to the drawing room. She walked to the drawing room and I followed her. I was about to ask what was going on when two fellows entered the place. I recognised them; they were same guys who were sitting in the restaurant that day with Somesh. One of them asked whether they will have to talk with Somesh. She said they weren’t required. She got up and said to me to wait as she needs to talk to me. She went inside again and both of them followed. I was suspicious so as soon as they got inside I peeped inside.

To my horror they were trying to get rid of her nighty. She was only asking them to get inside the bedroom first. But they didn’t listen to her and she was all naked in the hall itself. Both of them were groping her boobs and butts and she was being taken inside the bedroom. I was so much shocked with the events happening down here. But I didn’t utter anything, I only thought that Somesh was interested in her company but never thought that he’ll use her like a professional prostitute. After about 2-3 min I tip topped to the bedroom gate and peeped inside. She was being deposited on bed in diagonal type. She was on bed till her waist and a guy was fucking her pussy holding her thighs. Her head was hanging from the bed and another guy was getting blowjob, instead fucking her mouth. He was groping cum squeezing her boobs very hard. They kept on fucking her for a while and then exchanged places. They resumed fucking her and in next 10-15 minutes deposited their load inside her. The guy fucking her mouth didn’t allow spitting it out and I saw her gulping it down her throat. Now I tip topped back to the room as they will exit anytime. After 2-3 minutes they both came out, talking something which I didn’t understand. They looked at me for a second and the left the house. Shobhna came out after 5 minutes with tea and few more snacks. She was back in the same nighty and she sat on the sofa front to me. I thought to finish the tea first and then to have conversation with her. I was nervous in asking what was going on. As soon as the tea was over and I was about to ask her something, a man entered the drawing room. He was talking very loudly over phone, he was around 50 years old, pot belly, and grey hairs and was chewing pan. For the words I was clear he was talking with Somesh himself and was threatening him about something. He passed the phone to Shobhna and Shobhna listened to the instructions which were given to her on phone. Then she passed the phone back to him, he asked whether he had instructed her well or not and after the answer he disconnected the call. He looked at me and then towards her and asked with expression that who I was. Shobhna just smiled and said nothing. Then he asked with sign that everything was fine on which she answered it was. She got up and was about to enter inside when the man holds her by palms and made her sit. She looked confused and said that they should go inside. He said that he doesn’t like in bedroom and made her stand. He started to raise her nighty from below. Shobhna clutched his hands for a while and he slapped on her hand. He raised her nighty up and pulled it completely from her head. When she was all naked, he pulled her and made her sit on his laps. My wife was sitting all naked on the laps of this jerk. He forwarded his hands under her armpits and grabbed her both breasts. He started to massage them and squeeze them hard. He started to tell me how big slut she was and I should ask Somesh permission and fuck her. He was telling about her features, like her spongy boobs, bums, tight pussy and other physical features. When he was satisfied with the play he forced her to climb on the sofa table on her fours. Her face was towards me but she was avoiding direct contact with my eyes. The man dropped his pants, and immediately got inside her. He started to fuck her with great pleasure and speed. He was mauling her breasts and pulling her hairs hard. He was old guy and it didn’t take him long to flood her. He finished pulled up his pants and then exited the building immediately. Shobhna got up, cleaned herself and sat on the sofa after wearing her nighty.

I looked at her as the ball was in her court now. She fired a question on me that whether I wanted to know what was happening. I shook my head and she started to elaborate the whole event. According to her when I left her fresh fucked in the car by Somesh, she was all naked in the car all the way to his home. They reached home and parked the car outside the house. Immediately the driver turned and asked Somesh whether he will get the chance to fuck her. Somesh smiled and took her clothes in a carry bag and exited the car. Before closing the door, he told the driver to fuck Shobhna as long as he wants. The driver asked what if Shobhna doesn’t cooperate. Somesh told him to kick her out of the car and leave her naked on the road. Shobhna was shocked as well as terrified that she was now on the mercy of the driver. As soon as the door closed, the driver removed his clothes and came on the back seat. He forced her to deposit herself on the seat and attached her boobs. He gulped her one nipple and started to suck them. He sucked her nipple for 5 minutes and then alternated himself to the second one. He took privilege to suck the other nipple for 5 minutes and then alternated again. As per her action she came to know that he was boobs fetish. He alternated himself several times in next 30 minutes focusing on her boobs and nipples. In between he started to finger her pussy. After 30 minutes he spread her legs apart and got between it. He forced his dick inside her pussy in one go and started to bang her mercilessly. She was still wearing her bangles and bridal makeup. He fucked her for next 20 minutes and flooded her inside. Then he himself took a rag and cleaned her up. After cleaning her, he gave her clothes and after getting it on they moved inside. Driver left immediately after that. Somesh asked her to keep the dress on and showed him entire required stuffs. She was asked to cook food and after that she served the dinner. Both of them hand dinner and after the dinner Somesh took her in bedroom and fucked her two more times. She didn’t elaborate it in detail, instead moved quickly to next day events. Next day the hall was made clean and 2 tables with 4 chairs on each table were arranged. Somesh four friends those were with him in restaurant arrived and took one table. Somesh and Shobhna took another table. The food and drinks were already been brought up from restaurant and the driver dressed like a waiter was serving them. They all started to comment on Shobhna structure and body parts. All comments were lewd and vulgar. One of them called Somesh and asked whether Shobhna was his wife. Somesh nodded his head and he asked whether he will mind is they can see her all naked. Somesh smiled and said that he won’t and he asked the driver or rather the waiter to help. The driver came and asked Shobhna to get up. As she was up, he started to remove her clothes. Within minutes he was all naked and was asked to sit back again. They all enjoyed the views and then asked whether he will mind if they can fuck her also. Shobhna panicked and objected, on which Somesh interfered. He said she was his wife now and will have to do whatever he demands. So immediately after the rude ordering she was been pulled on the side table, deposited on the back. Food was been placed on her body, on her tummy, boobs, thighs, neck and cleavage. Just after she was been served like a dish they started to eat the stuff over her body. Naturally while the stuff finished there were lots to licking and nibbling. All the actions were making her uneasy yet she stayed firm.

In between, one of them started the conversation with Somesh. He stated Somesh a pervert and kinky fellow. He told rest of them the reason about why his wife was seeking a divorce. According to him Somesh was kinky guy who liked to see his wife getting fucked from someone else. In a span of 5 years nearly 70 odd guys had fucked her wife and sometimes brutally. His wife was fed up and so just was quitting the marriage. This was a shock for me as well as Shobhna. She could imagine how her rest of the time will be spending with Somesh. One of them asked Somesh how he managed to get her laid. He closed the topic with one line that weak points lead her here. He didn’t disclose the entire matter which was a relief to me. After the conversation, the actions begun, legs spread wide, pants dropped and one by one inside her, fucking her to core. As expected by Shobhna, since next day the pervert took her over. She started to get fucked by Somesh whenever he was around. She cooked food for him, cleaned house, utensils and clothes. As an additional job she was getting fucked by his friends, in 15 days she was been introduced to 6 new faces excluding his 4 friends and the driver. When Somesh was out of the town and any of them visited, that person called Somesh and Somesh instructed Shobhna to let him fuck her. She led that person inside and let him fuck her inside the bedroom or wherever he liked. After getting the clarification I moved back to my place, in late night Somesh called me. He was very much frustrated of me being intruding in his property. I gently reminded him that Shobhna was my property and he was using her as prostitute. He criticized me by saying that I was fond of going to prostitutes and now Shobhna being like that I wouldn’t be going out. He continued that he wouldn’t mind disclosing the matter to Shobhna and why she was being suffering. I apologized to him immediately. He commanded me not to interfere in his authority from now onwards. I accepted his command and he ordered me to visit his place next day. Next day around 10 in the morning I arrived at his place. He was sitting on the sofa and having drinks and offered me too. I rejected and he offered me snacks instead. After 10 minutes the driver arrived, went inside and brought a Dunlop and placed it on the floor, with few cushions. Shobhna arrived all naked after few moments, looked at me and dropped her eyes down. She walked to the Dunlop and arranged herself on her fours. Just after that three fellows arrived who were unknown to me, but were supposed to be Somesh friends. They were already naked and they all sat around Shobhna and started to feel her body. They were mauling her boobs, bums and thighs. When they were finished one of them took position behind and started to get inside. Shobhna turned around and meekly said, “Not there! Anyone hasn’t tried there ever.” I immediately understood that he was trying to get inside her asshole. But he didn’t listen and kept on entering her. She was weeping and screaming lightly. She looked at Somesh and he said, “Your husband interfered in my property and authority. This is a payback for you.” She looked at me in a short while, but finding no option I just dropped my eyes down. Meanwhile the guy entered her completely and she was in misery. He started to piston his dick and she was all falling down. So in few intervals, the guy pushed his hands below her tummy and pulled her up, made her stand in perfect position. Then he started to push again. She was all messed up, weeping and trying to adjust with her newly abused asshole. As she was tight so it didn’t took her long to flood her inside. As soon as he pulled his dick out and stepped aside, her asshole was immediately replaced by the second guy. Her all resistance and weeps were of no veins and that guy managed to get inside. He mercilessly fucked her ass with full speed and after flooding her inside, he stepped aside. The third guy took liberty and ravished her ass identically.

After the assault was over Somesh asked me to leave and told me he will drop Shobhna in a week. I didn’t argue with him and just left the place. After a week he called me and asked me to take Shobhna back. He gave me address of a restaurant and I reached there in 15 minutes. They were having lunch so I joined in. We had lunch together and after lunch I took Shobhna and we departed to home. Before leaving Somesh said that he was having few packed stuffs of Shobhna at home and I should collect them after dropping Shobhna home. I nodded my head and we rolled the road. In the way Shobhna told about all fuck events in short, she was being fucked by all 12 peoples i.e. Somesh his four friends, the driver and that 6 faces. Nearly every day at least 4 guys excluding Somesh and the driver fucked her. Somesh usually fucked her in night and the driver just before the dinner. On three occasion Somesh took her to someone else place. On first occasion she was been brutally ravished in the bedroom by three guys, taking liberty to fuck her pussy and ass one-one time each. On next instance she was escorted to a political exposed person and she was firstly fucked by that person and then 3 of his assistant fucked her separately in another room. Likewise on third instance 4 guys obtained privilege to fuck her in hotel room. I dropped her home and then took a U turn towards Somesh place. I returned back after obtaining those stuffs and reached home in around 45 minutes. I reached home and tried to open the knob of the door when it rotated from inside and the door opened wide. The guy inside my house, who opened the door, sent a shiver to my spines. He was the same hotel guy with whom I planned the stuffs of blackmailing Shobhna. I looked inside and saw Shobhna all naked on the bed and was collecting her clothes. I called him outside and asked what he was doing here. He smiled and said, “I came here to ask address, but maim started to abuse me that I filmed her and blackmailed her and made her sleep with many guys. When I asked about the guy with her that day, she told that he was her husband. So I asked her to let low and let me fuck her once more. She accepted and I fucked her just before you arrived.” He said that he didn’t understand what was going on and he doesn’t care either. But now as he knows where she lived, and who I was, so he has certain demands. He asked me to bring Shobhna to his hotel on every Saturday. He will like to fuck her, serve her to friends or customers. He threatened me that on consequences he will disclose to Shobhna that I was the one who planned everything and not him. After saying that words he left my house premises and went away, leaving me in another mess.

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