Winning the lottery part 5

After winning the lottery a young man sees how far he can push his luck with a childhood friend.

And so there I was standing in a large, luxurious shower cleaning someone else’s body.

Lauren called it a punishment though I don’t know if she knows what that word really means. I was having a blast groping her. She told me since I had gotten her dirty I had to clean her. It was fair enough and we’d gotten a top floor room with a fancy shower that had water coming from all sides.

She was still so sexy, enjoying the hot water and my hands massaging literally every inch of her body. My hands caressed her tits, sliding up to her neck where I lightly massaged it. My hands traveled down her chest again resting for a slight time under her boobs, feeling them rest on the back of my hands. My hands slid down feeling her midriff. I felt the hardness of her abdomen muscles under my fingertips. They followed its edges down to her groin, I rubbed her pubic hair slightly, then gently massaged her clit. I slipped a couple of fingers into her pussy and moved onto her legs. Subtly muscled, i paid them close attention at times resting my cheek on her soft ass. I changed my attention focusing on her back. I lathered the soap onto her skin admiring as it dropped down her body collecting on her voluptuous and proportional ass. Nobody could blame me for getting an erection, nor for accidentally bruising it against Lauren by accident, she noticed but didn’t say anything. Especially not while I did her hair. Lauren is quite short so my half erect cock was sandwiched between my torso and her upper back.

After Lauren’s body had been cleaned by my exploring hands many times over I asked if she would do the same to me. She wouldn’t. Realizing we’d been in the shower quite a long time she yawned gave me a wink and left the shower drying herself off.

I quickly washed the my own body which didn’t take long since so much soap water had made it’s way to my body over the course of the shower. I dried myself off chasing after Lauren to bed.

She was already fast asleep or pretending to be. She looked peaceful in bed, cozy in Disney themed pajamas. She had clearly made an effort to avoid the cum stains on one side of the bed so I decided to do the same. Without bothering to redress myself I slid under the sheets and cuddled up behind her, being the big spoon so to speak. I rested my balls on her covered ass nestling my cock between our bodies, I fell comfortably asleep.

I woke late in the morning when Lauren began stirring. I separated myself from her to let her move about but I wanted to sleep in so I lied still for a while. Eventually I felt Lauren’s eyes boring into me so I opened my eyes back up. She hadn’t changed, still in her Disney pajamas. She was looking intently at me, I felt awkward so I decided to break the silence.

“Ummm hey-“ I said shifting my body to a sitting position meeting her gaze.

She blushed out of nowhere. “Hey-“ she said her eyes drifted down my chest and I realized she was checking out my muscles. Not a bad feeling at all. “ did we-?”

She asked hesitantly. I tilted my head in confusion. “You mean last night? You don’t remember?”

She shook her head. “No I remember or at least I think I do- just making sure I didn’t have a really weird dream or something.” She said noncommittally.

I shrugged, she was there it’s not like it was some sort of secret. “We drank, we got naked felt eachother up kissed and rubbed and that sort of thing. Eventually I ummm cummed on you and you made me shower with you to clean you up.” I said recapping the previous twelve hours or so.

She nodded and turned to look out of our top line apartment. “So what’s the plan?” She asked

I yawned “ I dunno scope out the casinos I guess, I wanna try my luck at blackjack” I said “We can order room service for now if you want-“

Lauren turned on me. “You’re not a virgin are you?” She suddenly accused. “Wh-what?” I stuttered. “What makes you think that?”

She was right but still o was a nerdy kid in high school, still was it’s not like I was really taking in the babes. Not yet anyways.

“You’re so – ugh chill about all this!” She said with a pout.

“I-uhh sorry?” I said. “Do you want me to act like more in love with you or…?”

She gave me a good look before whispering-“Love?”

I shrugged “I’ve loved you for a while- wether that’s just as a friend or something more- well I don’t know but I do know that I love you. I like spending time with you and it’s kind of a chore to worry at this point. No matter what I’m gonna be fine, and if I’m gonna be fine I’m gonna do my best to make sure your fine” I explained.

“So…..” she said slowly as if her mind was trying to assemble her feelings into thoughts and her thoughts into words. ”are you going to want to do that Umm again?” She asked sounding more timid than I’ve ever heard her.

“Only if you wanted to-“ I explained. “If I made you uncomfortable I am sorry” I said seriously. “But the fact is you’re a beautiful woman, and I was very horny last night. I’m sorry if you felt pressured, let me know if you ever need me to stop doing something. I’ll listen to you no questions asked” I promised her.

She blushed again. “Ahhh no it’s nothing like that I just- well I enjoyed myself and I really didn’t expect to-“ she said with a small smile.”I was pretty sure before last night I was a lesbian “

Honestly that checked out for me. Most of her friends have been guys, she kinda was awkward around other girls especially prettier ones much like I was.”oh man I’m sorry “ I said, I truly had no idea and if she ever wanted to stop I would’ve.

“No I mean I wanted to, you know once just to see-“ she corrected me.

“And?” I prompted

“I think maybe we should do something like that again “ she said sheepishly.

I gave a broad smile. “Great!, like now or….?”

She hit me lightly in the shoulder. “Later” she said definitively.

“Sounds good to me” I said rolling out of bed walking to my backup silk suit.

I had some small pleasure in putting on a show of sorts for Lauren, walking away from her and swinging my half erect cock around casually.

Eventually I was changed and looking somewhat professional and rich. “Are you Umm going out in those?” I asked

Lauren still had her pajamas on.”yup” she said with a shrug.

We hit up a high end casino and drifted apart from one another almost instantly. I was playing blackjack with jackpots in the tens of thousands. Theoretically I could’ve gone higher but those high numbers still scared me quite a bit.

Lauren went off to the Roulette wheels.

I was playing winning some and losing some and eventually I realized I was down something like 100,000 in chips. I figured I’d take a break so I went to go look for Lauren.

Unlike me Her luck was pretty good. I’d given her 20,000 to start with and told her if she ran out or just wanted more than to go ask me. She’d worked her way up to about 40k in chips .

I was going to approach her when some guy beat me to it. Stereotypical tall dark and handsome. I couldn’t hear them across the room but I could guess how the conversation was going. I looked on with great interest.

They explained pleasantries and She quickly laughed uncomfortably, her expression was so pained that even though I’d planned on watching from afar to let itself play out I found myself walking over to the pair.

“Hey-“ I said to Lauren. “Looks like you made out killer-“

She nodded, and the guy she’d been talking to soon lost interest and went off somewhere else.

I leaned in close to her. “Is that happening a lot?” I asked

She nodded. “Fifth guy tonight”


“Ahhh well I can’t blame them for trying, a loaded hottie like you?” I shrugged and stepped away from her. “Hard to resist”

She blushed “oh stop-“


She rolled her eyes clearly desperate to change the subject.

“So wanna keep playing or?” I asked.

She frowned. “Can you stay?”

I nodded and she continued gambling. It was fun watching her, her excitement and disappointment were equally cute every time and her body was tantalizing beneath her thin dress. Eventually she went on a loosing streak dipping to 30k in chips. “This plays blows-“ she said clearly upset at not winning anymore. Let’s go-“

And so I followed. For the afternoon and early evening I acted as a deterrent for her, a role I happily filled until she decided she wanted to find a place to serve us alcohol. We were both 20 which is under the drinking age here in America so we couldn’t find a place that would serve us. So even though it was only 10 we decided to go back to our rooms and order room service. Deciding to try every place on our way back.

In the club next to our hotel we entered and after we were refused drinks and as we made our way out the bar we were approached by a cute blonde, blue eyes typical American Beauty type stuff. And she started flirting pretty hard. About halfway through her opening line it became obvious to me that she was actually flirting with Lauren which was pretty funny once I realized she didn’t know that was happening. I looked down at her to find her eyes wondering as if she didn’t realized she was being talked to.

I nodded and adresses the pretty stranger, “she’s interested, give her your number “

She lit up and pulled out her phone. Lauren started protesting but I took a picture of her number and told the girl “I’ll make sure she texts you”

She smiled and bounded away immediately becoming lost in the crowd.

“What was that about” Lauren Inquired on our way to our room.

“Text her and ask to find out” I said only half paying attention.

“No I mean wasn’t she flirting with you why-“

I shook my head. “Nah she had you pegged from across the room, and later she’ll peg you if you want” I joked. “If you like I’ll get you two your own room”

“Hey stop- don’t joke- I’m not even sure if I’m like actually into girls-“ she said in a low voice.

I shrugged. “Only one way to find out” I suggested.

We reached our room and Lauren was being pretty quiet. Not saying much of anything besides what she wanted from room service.

It had been 15 minutes or so of almost complete silence. It was making me crazy. “Hey what are you thinking about?” I ask

she looks up at me and we lock eyes. Her gaze is so intense it’s a little terrifying honestly. “I want to try”

I cock my head. “What?”

“I want to Try to fuck you”

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅