Wrong turn, wrong house

You should never take the back roads as you may never get out

My work conference had finally finished . I went back to the hotel room they had gotten for me . I looked at the clock . Wow it was already 7.30pm . I picked up my suitcase and went to my car . I sat there for a minute thinking about this long 8 hour drive home I still had to make . I started up the car and started the trip home . The night before I had looked on a map broucher and seen there was a long road I hadn’t noticed on the way . I thought it looked like it might save some time . I thought it’s the dark so should I stay on the highway or give it a try . I made the wrong decision . I turned onto it when I got to it . It was rough and so many bumps . As I was going along I saw lights pop up on my dashboard. Then my car jumped and stopped . I got out and went and looked under the hood and with the light on my phone moved around the spark plugs and tried again and nothing . I noticed a long long driveway and a house at the end . I could see a light on . Maybe they have a phone I could use as my mobile has no service . I walked up that long driveway and knocked on the door of this rugged looking house . I heard footsteps coming and the door opened . ” Who are you and what are you doing on my property ” this big , middle aged man asked . ” Sorry my car broken down just before your driveway and my phone has no reception . Do you have a phone I could use ? . He looks me up and down and says ” Well you don’t look like trouble so I guess you can ” . He opens the door and I walk in . He points to a phone on a table in this long hallway . I get to it pick it up and go to call a local towing company and the next thing I remember feeling is this big hand covering my mouth and one squeezed around my neck . I drop the phone handle to fight but it’s no use . I’m feeling weak and things are blurred and that’s it I must off passed out . I come to and look around . WTF where am I ? Why am I in a cage ? Why am I naked ? . I see that man in a rocking chair in a corner . ” WTF is going on ?” I yell at him . ” Welcome home . This is your new home . You won’t be leaving here ever . Your car is in my shed so no one will ever know you are here . You are now my property . You came onto my property so now I own you ” . WTF how do I get out of here I thought to myself if I ever can . ” So what’s your name ?” he asks . ” Tash ” I say in a scared voice . ” Well now it will be slut ” he laughs back . ” Hold are you slut ” he asked . Again in a scared voice I reply ” I’m 21 ” . ” Is there a boyfriend waiting back home for you ” he asks . ” No I’m single I had to much going on to worry about boys ” . ” Ever been fucked slut ” he laughingly asks . ” Only twice by my old boyfriend but we broke up ” . He gets up and walks out of the room we are in . A hear 3 locking sounds . If I only had not taken that turn . Soon enough he walks back in . He unlocks the cage I’m in and grabs me . He puts this collar thing around my neck and attaches a lead . ” Get on all fours and walk like the fucking dog you are ” he yells . I’m so scared I do it . I’m lead two bowels one with water and one with food scraps . ” now eat and drink ” . I go to use my hands and I feel the lead pull and the collar tighten . ” Your a fucking dog so eat like one ” he screams . So I have to just use my mouth . It takes abit but I finish the disgusting food . ” That’s it as you are going to need your strength . Looks like alot of it you skinny slut ” . Well I was only 5,5 and like 45kg . He locked me back up and said he would be in and out to bring in some stuff . During the day he brought in a mattress . It looked old and dirty . He put it in near my cage . Next he came in and drilled holes in the floor and roof and put in hooks . They scared me as I could only imagine what they would be for . Last was a huge metal box . I never got to see what was in it . It must of been late by the time he had finished as he brought in two bowls again . Once again I was lead to them and made to eat like a dog . He then said he would see me in the morning and we would start my new life . I hardly if any slept that night . I heard them locks opening so I knew it was morning . He walks in and comes to my cage . I watched from my cage as he stripped naked . He had a fat belly and his penis was long and fat . He opened the door and put the lead on me . He then told me to walk like a dog and get on the mattress like a dog . I did as I was told hoping maybe I would be let go . Once on the mattress I felt that penis poking at my vagina . I yelled as it found what it was looking for . He pushed and I felt it enter me . ” scream all you want slut no one can hear you out here ” . I screamed and screamed as he continued to force his cock in and out of me . I had only had sex twice before and my ex boyfriend wasn’t huge in that department compared to this man . More and more he fucked me . Harder and harder . Deeper and deeper . I kept on screaming and crying . ” That’s it get fucked like the dog you are ” he says to me . I feel horrible not only being raped but him saying these things . Soon I feel him tense up and a huge push and he is cumming inside my pussy . Once he pulls out he takes off the lead and I collapse on the floor . I’m so sore I can hardly move . ” Don’t worry you can stay there I’ll be back soon enough ” he says . I lay there curled up in a ball . In this room with no windows I can’t even tell time . If it’s day or night . When he comes back he sits in the rocking chair . ” Get up and give me a dance ” he says . I try my best to dance for him . He sits there drinking a beer as I dance . ” Get that ass here now ” he yells . I move to him . ” Now bend over infront of me ” he tells me . So I bend over not knowing what was to come . Next I feel this coldness at my pussy . Omg he is trying to put that bottle into me . The pressure builds as he pushes . ” Please don’t . Please your hurting me ” I pleaded with him . No use he pushes and pushes . ” That’s it bleed and take it slut ” he laughs as I feel my vagina streach and tear . I feel something running down my thighs and see smears of red . I know I’m bleeding from there . He has torn me and who knows just how bad . I scream and try and fight as he pushes harder . I can feel it going in more . The neck of it is fully in but he doesn’t want just that he wants the body of the bottle in as well . Next push I remember screaming and then passing out due to the pain . When I come to I’m laying on the mattress . Around my legs is blood and my legs are smeared with blood . He is in the chair . ” How that pussy slut ? ” he laughs at me . I put my hand down and feel just the base of the bottle . He put the whole thing in me . ” You can get the thing out if you want ” he says . He sits and watches as I struggle and finally get the blood soaked bottle out . What seemed like the next couple of weeks he continued to come in 4 or 5 times a day and rape me . Sometimes with his dick and others with a bottle . This whole time I was always sore and could hardly move . For a long time I couldn’t stop bleeding at times due to what he was causing . Then he must have decided it was time for a change . He came in and I saw him pull out of his box some restraints . I had no idea what else he could possibly do to me . I had them put around my ankles and the were put around the hooks on the floor . My legs were spead out so wide . Next my wrists . My arms were stretched so high and put onto the hooks on the roof. I thought my joints were going to dislocate . Next he went back to the box and I couldn’t believe what he had . It was a whip . It had lots of leather strands coming from the end . He walks around me and I scream so loud and tears are rolling down my face as snap it is whipped right across my ass cheeks . Again and again he whips my ass . I have moved felt this pain so I thought at that moment but worse pain was coming . Once he was satisfied that he did a good job of my ass he moves around and it starts . He whips that whip right onto my pussy . Time after time I feel it tearing my skin around my pussy . I’m in more than agony . I can feel my bottom half going numb . The front , insides and back of my legs can feel the blood from the torn skin of my pussy and ass . Next he thinks I have not had enough . His next target are my breasts . I have a view of this and I see each and every whip hitting my breasts . It only takes 4 goes before each one after starts to tear the skin and little droplets of blood start to form . Once he thinks he is done he undoes the restraints and I drop the the floor . I want to die . I want this punishment to be over . What more can this man do to me . Over the next period things stay basically the same . More daily rapes with his cock and bottles . More whippings but they now include my legs , back , stomach and one of the worst he does it to my feet . Still having no idea of when it is or how long it has been it getting to my . It plays tricks with my head . But I find out what he can do to me has only started . He still has plans to cause me pain . The next thing he does I had never even really thought about . It is something I told my ex would always be off limits . Again he got me out and I was on all fours on that mattress . Next I yells at him ” God no please not this . I don’t want you fucking me there ” I cry at him . ” You will just take it you slut dog ” . His cock is pushing at my ass . Omg this guy is going to rape my ass . To make it worse my ass is already still sore from all the whippings . I feel the pressure of his cock pushing at my ass . The tip pushing hard at the ring . Then I jumped a winced and screamed as I felt the head pop into my ass . Soon he was working back and forward trying to get more in . A huge hard push came and my ass felt like a hot poker had been put in it . I could feel Sharpe pains all the way up my spine . I could tell he wasn’t close to all the way in . He pulls back and hard in again . I remembered this unimaginable pain and everything went fuzzy and I must have passed out . When I come to that pain is still shooting through my whole body . He has managed to get his whole cock inside me and I fucking my ass hard . It feels like he is in my stomach it’s that deep . Soon he cums in my ass . I hear this horrible sloppy pop sound as he comes out . I lay there unable to move due to the amount of pain my body is in . During the next period of being kept captive is complete torture . I honestly thought I would die at times due to the things he did to me . He continued to rape my ass and pussy . Sometimes I would have items inserted in one while he fucked the other . Bottles , cans really anything that he thought would fit . The whipping continued . Just when I thought he couldn’t humiliated or hurt me anymore than he already had he had even more sadistic things to do to me . He brought in this item and I instantly knew what it was . Omg he is going to pierce me . I was right . Next thing I was having my nipples and clit pierced . I soon found out why he wanted that done . I soon had clips on my nipples with a chain that lead down to my clit and and attached to that piercing . Anytime he wanted to cause me pain he would pull on the chain . The pain that would shot through both my nipples and my clit was so intense it was unbelievable . Then one day something happened that still today I have nightmares over . I still want to throw up when I think about it . He blindfolded me this particular time . I heard him leave and soon was back . I felt this weird feeling at my pussy . Then a tongue darting in and out of it . In my head I had no clue what was going on . Then I felt this cock inside me but it didn’t feel like his . I thought who is fucking me . Then as this cock fucked me more and more I felt something different . There was this ball at the end of it . I kept thinking what is this ? What is he doing to me ? Then I felt it this big ball like thing went into me . It felt so uncomfortable . Then it came clear as I heard panting . No way he can’t be having a dog fuck me ? I was sure I was hearing a dog . The cock was working in and out like a piston . The ball like thing would go out and in as this cock was fucking me . Then I felt the ball getting bigger . The cock going faster . The ball now stuck in me and it was so huge. Then legs gripping my body tight as cum shot into me . Shot after shot after shot . It felt like it took forever for that ball to get small again . It was so painful the pulling as it was trying to get it out . Soon as it was free . My blindfold taken off and I saw it a huge German Shepard infront of me . It was licking at its cock . He says ” I don’t think that is fair . You better help him ” as he grabs my chains and pulls me down . ” now suck him clean ” . I do it and nearly instantly throw up . The smell and taste of this dog’s cock in my mouth . This really pushed me past the breaking point . My mind was dead . I didn’t care I just thought he should kill me . Then eventually the day came . He said that he thought he had used me up and it was time for me to go . He shoved me in a car and we drove for ages . He finally stopped and pulled me out . He just dumped on the side of some deserted road . I was there naked in the middle of nowhere . It was start to get dark when I saw head lights coming at me . The car saw me and pulled over . An elderly couple was in the car and picked me up and took me to the local hospital . The doctors did a first exam and called the police . When I saw the police again they said they did find the house I described but it was abandoned . He had left . So guess he moved on to find someone new . When they told me what year it was I was in shock and denial it had been 5 years . I am writing this to try and help myself move forward . It’s been 2 years since I was found . I’m going to spend my life with the reminders . Scars all over from the whipping . I can’t ever have kids due to damage he caused with the objects . If I see a dog I have panic attacks . This will probably always be who I am .

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