“You First”

I heard mommy, and daddy talking about it. They whispered, but that’s how we learned the rules.

Not all the time, but we thought it was naughty, because they whispered. Told us to go to bed, but they slept together.

That’s how we learned the rules, “If you want me to suck it, you have to eat me out.” Talking dirty, but they’re married, so that’s okay.

My brother and me weren’t married, but it was incest, too. We just didn’t know it, but then we started playing mommy, and daddy. So, we had a pretend wedding first, so I guess we’re really playing Honeymoon.

Our Aunt Kelly got married first, and we got a new uncle. They didn’t have kids yet, but they went on their honeymoon. Mommy, and daddy talked about their wedding night after the party, but before the wedding, they talked about the Bachelor Party, and the Wedding Shower.

Daddy got strippers, for both of them. Okay, he took his new brother in law to the strip club for their party, but he also ordered a fireman for his little sister. Mommy sent us to bed, so they could go out, and play in the yard, with the garden hose, and the fireman.

We opened up our windows, and stuck out heads out. Looked over at each other, and I had to hold in the giggles with both hands. “I’m hot,” Aunt Kelly took her top off, but she had on an undershirt. You could see her bra through it when he sprayed her down with the water hose, but mommy had to go back inside for a teeshirt.

Most of their friends didn’t have teeshirts on, so they stripped down to the bras when they got hot. Mommy knocked on Jackson’s door, and made him shut the window. Then, she went outside, and told all the “Ladies. We better go back inside.”

They looked around, and covered up their bras when they saw all the lights on around the neighbor’s. I went in to listen on the landing, but Jackson was already there with a boner.

“You better take off those wet clothes,” mommy said, “So you don’t drip on the carpet.” They all stripped naked before they went in the living room, but Jack. He’s not Jack Junior, he’s Jack’s Son. You get it?

Well, I know that’s not as funny as daddy getting stuck on a horse. It never really happened, but just pretend he got stuck on a horse. Would you help Jack off a horse?

I giggled, “Pst! Come on.” I tried to wave him back to my room, but he was busy looking at mom, and Aunt Kelly’s friends, naked in the living room.

“Is it hot in here?” The fireman finally throw his helmet in the corner, “Or is it just me?” The naked ladies just yelled “WOO!” Mommy just had on a teeshirt, and panties, but she missed out on the wet-teeshirt contest. So, she took that off, but I bet she would have won it.

His pants came off next, like magic. He bent over for the ladies to rip them off, and he had a bright red spedo on under it, but they he said “Ladies,” backing up. “There’s plenty to go around, but which one of you is Kelly?”

She jumped up, and down, giggling like a little girl, but he took his shirt off. Instead of tearing it off, he just pulled the snaps open, and slipped it down off his arms. Big muscles, and she put her hands on her chest, but then Jack pushed past me, to my room.

Finally, I went back to join him, but he pulled down his shorts before I shut the door, and turned the light on.

“Take your shirt off, nice and slow.” He had to unbutton it, his pajama shirt, but he didn’t have matching pajama bottoms on. He didn’t have a big boner either, but I pulled my shirt off, and my sleep shorts down next.

My shirt right off, but then he started trying to pull his over, but I said “No no no. Unbutton it all the way.”

Then, he stared at my boobs when he saw I didn’t have my bra on. “Huh!” I puled my panties out the side, and down my hip. “Go on, keep on going, nice, and slow.”

“Okay,” he just saw a stripper, a male stripper, but the ladies didn’t let him do it right. He got the idea though, so he started slipping it down his shoulder. Nice and slow.

Short sleeve, but it’s not like I never saw him topless. It was starting to get warmer, so he could take his shirt off when it got hot. He had a pretty nice tan, and what little muscle he did have.

I’d like to say that I don’t like a man with too many muscles. (Like Janet Weiss) but I haven’t seen too many of them. Some pro wrestlers, but not most of them. Power lifters, but not regular weight lifters. Gymnasts are just about perfect, but Jack. Little jack, he was just about swimmer, or diver. He sure liked to swim at the pool, while I’d rather just take a dip when i got hot, working on my tan lines.

Not quite enough muscle, but not even close to too much. He could flex a little, but he had to keep working on his arms, and chest. Not his abs, those were nice and tight. Firm, and bouncy when he’s panting, and gasping for breath. Finally, he got his shirt off, and I walked around him to my bed. Already kicked my feet out of my sleep shorts, but now I could slip my undies down over my other hip, and let him see my ass.

I wasn’t really sure if he liked that side as much as tits, but it’s hard to find a teenage boy, that likes anything as much as tits. Well, a straight one, he doesn’t hate fags. We weren’t raised that way, but that doesn’t mean he wants to watch a male stripper getting naked. I bet he was even jealous, but he’s a stripper. You can’t compare your body to strippers, and porn stars, unless you are one.

We’re not old enough to do porn, I’ll leave it at that. We’re not sheltered, it’s kinda hard to hide it when your daddy likes strippers enough, to get one for his little sister, but it was mostly just dirty jokes. “Huh!” I finally turned around, and hopped up on my bed. So, I could spread my legs, and point down, “You know the rules.”

“You’ll suck my dick if I eat your pussy?”

“With Relish!” We both laughed. I was really curious if what I heard was true. My friends said that no boy could ever eat a girl out as good, or even fingerbang you, because they don’t have one to practice on. I wonder if gay boys give better hand jobs, and blowjobs too, but he’s not the one to ask. He’s not even bi-curious, which sucks really.

That means he can’t really do a threesome. Okay, maybe for about 5 minutes, but that’s about how long the average teenager can last, with 2 naked girls in the room. Then, he has to take a break, and it’s a lesbo scene again. I guess he can hang around, and watch you until he gets hard again, but that’s about it. Okay, there’s 2 pussies, he’s got 2 hands, and a mouth, but again. With another girl there, it’s still pretty much just lesbo.

At least that’s what I heard. I don’t remember exactly how she put it, but mommy talked dirty when she thought you weren’t listening too. There’s mommy jokes, like Relish (I don’t think that Pickle Relish would really feel all that great, even if it doesn’t give you acid burns from the vinegar. Then, there’s the little chunks of pickle, but I don’t want to think about gross stuff like that.)

He did okay, lots of relish, but I could tell he was really just feeling around for the right button. Sorry boys, there is no button you can press, and spam it until she cums. Doesn’t stop them trying to find that cum button until they give up.

“Huh!” He licked his mouth, all the way around it, and grinned. His face glistening like a glazed donut, and he asked, “How was that?”

“Huh, not bad.” I had to roll over, turn around, then back over so my head hung off the side of the bed. “Come here.”

With relish, but I don’t even like it on a real hot dog. I don’t want to pretend it’s anything else, because it’s not just any dick. It’s Jack’s, little jack’s, but it’s still more than a mouthfull. He didn’t jam it down my throat, so I had to feel up his legs, around back, and pull him in by the butt cheeks.

“Uhl!” Relax my throat just like I practiced, but you eat hot dogs, and bananas, pretending it’s a dick, not the other way around. He pulled out. “COCK!” I spat, but he said “Sorry.”

“Don’t be,” I pulled his butt in, and even gave him a couple swats, so he didn’t pull out again. Not all the way, but then he got the idea. I could take it, all the practice payed off, so he could fuck my throat all he wanted.

“Aguk guk guk guk gagagagagag!”

“Up!” He pulled out again, but this time, he couldn’t hold it. His dick popped up, so when I pulled him back down, I had to suck his balls. I sure am glad I talked him into shaving, vene though he wouldn’t let me help up.

“Oom!” They twitched in my mouth. “Hm!” I wanted a mouthful I could swallow, but I settled for the hot wet splashes, all over my body. He held onto my boobies, but there was plenty on my tummy to rub it in. “Snh, swop! Pubp!” They popped out, one by one, and brushed my nose so I had to wipe it off. “Huh!” My face too, but then I felt him sit down next to me.

“Huh, wow, where’d you learn to suck dick like that?”

I rolled over, and felt the drops I missed in the middle of my chest. Rubbed it in my boobies until it soaked in like lotion, but that left me sticky, instead of greasy. “Huh, let me think.” He caught his breath, nodding patiently. “Uhm, Emma, you know Emma Nowak?”

“Yeah, her brother Marshal.”

“Yeah, she’s Polish, so her mom always has Polish sausages.”

“Yeah, huh.” He sat back, and wiped his fore head. Still catching his breath, but I caught mine first. It’s spelled Nowak, but they say Novak.

“Huh, so we play this game, to see who can bite off the most, and swallow it without chewing.”

“The whole sausage?”

“Oh, no. I can barely swallow half a banana in 1 bite. Her mom’s the only one I know that can swallow the whole sausage.”

“Wow,” he shook his head. “Not the whole, big one.” He held his hands up, in a horse shoe. About the size of the ones that come in a package, bent around like a horse shoe, so it’ll fit in the meat drawer.

I nodded, then I shook my head, and shrugged. “I don’t know, but that’s what Emma said. I never actually seen her do it, so she might be lying.”

“Huh! Yeah, I guess that’s not the kind of party trick you show off in front of your daughter’s friends.”

He got up, “Speaking of which.” He pulled his shorts on, so I licked my fingers while he wasn’t looking. Okay, I know it’s incest, but it was just a taste. “I bet she deep throats even better than you do, then. Huh?” He pulled them on, and turned the light out. Over the door, so he could sneak out without it shining down on the living room.

From the balcony, but with the party ball spinning around the ceiling, maybe it was just force of habit. We only had to do that when mom, and dad are fooling around down there, with the lights off. So we can listen to them talking dirty, if I don’t giggle loud enough for them to hear us.

“Huh!” Oh well, plenty of time to savor my first real BJ, but he’s right. There’s quite a wild party going on down there, so I better go see what they’re up to now.

They did a second round of opening presents, but the fireman had a red ribbon on. Holding the camera up, so you could see his dick, and balls tied together with ribbon, but we must have missed the big finish. I hope that Aunt Kelly swallowed every drop, but I bet she did. She’s not exactly qualified to wear all white, so they decided on a Black and White theme.

White dress, and black underwear, so grandma, and grandpa can believe that she’s still a virgin. Yeah, right, but they’re old, and old fashioned. “Mertyl, get the hose. Those dadblamed liberals is at it again!”

I giggled, but “WOOH!” They were too loud to hear me anyway. Oh yeah, so the point is all the honeymoon lingerie was black, but round 1 was mostly kitchen stuff. Never get your wife, or girlfriend anything with a plug, unless you’re lesbians. Men just don’t know how to shop for kitchen stuff, since they cook outside, but lingerie. That’s is much for him, as her, but after she finished modeling that stuff.

They did a round 3 of marital aids, and the stripper got dressed to go home. They didn’t really need him once the vibes, and dildos came out, so they just passed the camera around, except for mom, and Aunt Kelly. It was mom’s party, and Kelly’s wedding, so they did most of the receiving.

Jack snuck off to bed with his tail between his legs, but then came the wedding. That was pretty much just a wedding: Rice, Bouquet, a black garter at the reception. Then, the grandparents went home early, the square or vanilla aunts, and uncles took their kids back to the hotel, while the cool ones stuck around for the after party.

So, they could get wild, and naked, but uncle Charley came from a big old Catholic family! That means lots of aunts, and uncles, so they had lots of nieces and nephews. That left me, and Jack to meet the cousins. At least the ones with cool parents, that were old enough to watch the video from the Wedding Shower.

Jack hadn’t really put on much more muscle, but not for lack of trying. I showed him my secret spot for suntanning to get rid of his farmer tan. We couldn’t find stripper pants on such short notice, so he borrowed some courtsider warmups from a friend he had, on the basketball team.

A nice tall friend, with a long black schlong, and a foreskin too! He kinda stole the show, once Jack got naked, and all the cousins started getting too hot for their clothes, but I guess that’s enough for a whole nother story…

PS: It’s okay, I know they’re our cousins, but not first cousins. Cousins by marriage, step cousins in law, but I don’t care how many times removed. The point is, if anybody gets pregnant, at least it’s not inbreeding.