11 years old and sent to my uncles for the summer

my uncle pumping his dick up and down pretty fast he was watching porn on the tv and finally I could feel his other hand slowly squeezing my dick

My name is Ronnie and this is a going to be a series of experience spanning over 8 weeks where I went from being an innocent virgin boy to gaining more sexual experience than most people in their thirties. Please note there is plenty of action but the story side is there to. I’m not a writer just someone recapping so if I wonder off I apologise.

The year was 1996 I lived in London with my mum Christine and Sister Lisa who is 13 months younger than I am, prior to this year I would have said my mum was a good caring person but about 5 months ago she met her new Bf sadly he hated kids, Or at least that’s how it felt to us he was always shouting at us and sending us to our room for the whole night.

My mum started to go with him to the pub almost every night and when they were at home they would drink leaving me and my younger sister to fend for ourselves, anyway it was July and school was breaking up they had talked about wanting time to themselves and my mum asked my uncle Alan who lived by the seaside if he would have us over the summer holidays he agreed so long as my mum sent some money with us towards food etc.

It was a long journey to Lincolnshire by coach 6 hours total and my mum hopped on the train back almost as soon as we got there, my uncle met us at the coach station and asked if we wanted him to show us around before going home he took us to the beach and bought us an ice-cream then we went over to the arcade’s and he gave us some money to play with and after that he took us for fish and chips before finally going home.

That day from the moment we arrived was like our lives had changed we was never taken out on days like this and it was our first time going to a beach sadly it had to end as the time was getting on and it had been a long day.

Finally at Alan’s Flat he showed us around there was only 2 bedrooms he gave the spare smallest bedroom to my sister and in his bedroom there was a double bed, that me and him would be staying in, I went and got a bah and then headed to bed Lisa had already gone to sleep by the time I got out and my uncle was lying in bed watching the TV, I went to bed wearing just a pair of pants and a thin sheet covered us as it was hot and it didn’t take long for me to drift off.

At some point during the night I was woken by the feel of bed shaking as I started to come round only the light from the TV was in the room the sheet had been removed and I could see my uncle pumping his dick up and down pretty fast he was watching porn on the tv and finally I could feel his other hand slowly squeezing my dick through my pants.

I had never masturbated or anything no one had ever touched me there and I didn’t understand what he was doing, as a reaction I moved my hand down to my pants which made him pause what he was doing to me and he slowed down on his own cock but made a point of not stopping or letting go of mine.

Uncle: are you ok

Me: yes

Uncle: does it feel nice

Me: it feel weird what are you doing

Uncle: Im just playing a game can I keep doing it

Me: ok

He started softly squeezing my little dick between his fingers and rubbing it along its length he had now stopped playing with himself and was on his side his cock resting on my leg playing with me staring at his hand, after a few minutes he asked if I was ok again and I replied yes, I assume he took my reply as a sign he could go further as he pulled the front of my pants down slightly and took my bare cock in his fingers I immediately became embarrassed and asked him to stop.
Uncle: why what’s wrong it won’t hurt.

Me: I just don’t want you to see it

Uncle: oh if I put the blanket over would that be better

Me: yeah

My uncle got up from the bed and got the sheet to cover me with as I laid there he came to my side of the bed and covered me up he was not hard at this point but his cock was hung and fat and he was making a point of making sure I got a really good look, once done he got back in bed and asked me to take my pants off, I gave them to him and he quickly started to stroke me up and down

He asked me to watch the TV and 2 men were giving each other bj’s sucking away at each other. My uncle looked at me and asked if I would hold his cock like he is doing for me I told him I was scared but he convinced me by explaining it was just a game and that if I did as he asked he would take me and my sister out the next day again so I agreed.

He now stepped up the game he asked me to lie the other way so my face was near his dick 69 so to speak I took his cock in my hand staring at it as I did this and for the first time in my life I got a hadron tbh I didn’t like it at the time it felt strained against my skin but as he pulled it over my head I felt a lot better I was only small maybe 2” erect but he seemed to enjoy it the sheet was above my waist now he was able to see it but I could not see him so I was ok.

He spread my legs apart and I felt his wet finger probing my bum hole I didn’t mind it felt nice until he tried to push his finger in I asked him to stop and he agreed but said he was going to put my dick in his mouth he rolled me on to my back and mounted me so his dick was over my face and he took me in his mouth he realised I was just lying there and he asked me to keep stroking him, it was awkward but I managed it was however really hard to concentrate with him sucking me he would often stop to lift my legs so he could rim me then go back to sucking I didn’t take to long and I felt like I needed to pee I told him and he went faster as I came in his mouth I had so many questions I thought I’d just pissed in his mouth but he wanted to finish he got up and made me kneel in front of him he told me to lick his dick one time then that would be it.

I leant forward and licked his head as he pumped his cock rapidly he pulled back and came over my chest he passed me some tissue paper and said I could clean it off. I felt weird dirty or like I might get in to trouble but we sat for a while talking he asked if I enjoyed it I said I didn’t know so he said that every night I let him play he would make sure that the next day he would take us out of give me money to spend but that I could not tell anyone. I said I would think about it and I drifted off to sleep

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅