All For One Part One

Sara had been sent to the rehabilitation centre by the courts as a very last chance to sort her life out, she had been warned that if she appeared in court again she would be sent to a young offenders centre. Sara sat in the back of the car taking her to the centre which was on the outskirts of the town where she lived. Sitting beside in the car was Steve who at sixteen years of age was three years older than what Sara was, Steve and Sara were both out of control with both having bad reputations for their tempers, after arriving at the centre Sara was shown to a room which was to be her bedroom for the next twelve months. As she sat in her room Sara listened to the noise drifting in through her open door, as she sat in in her room Sara saw sixteen year old Karen go into the room opposite hers, being a bi sexual girl Sara quite liked Karen and thought she was cute, after a few minutes Karen walked into Sara’s room and told her the unofficial rules of the centre, Sara soon knew that everybody stuck together and supported each other no matter what they did or what happened. A couple of hours later at tea Sara saw a lot more people that she knew and learnt that at seven in the evening the day staff went off duty and an old man took over and that he sat in the office all night often going to sleep. Sara went to her room from where she saw Karen in her room wearing just a towel then after a few minutes Karen took the towel off, Sara looked at her ample boobs and love tube and thought very nice, Karen looked at Sara and asked her if she was coming to the day room, then walked out of her room still naked and down the corridor, Sara was surprised not long after Abdul who was a year older than Sara appeared in her doorway asking her if she was coming to the day room, Sara saw that Abdul was also naked and had a seven inch erection, Sara knew that Abdul was a flasher and had seen his dick a few times, Abdul walked away not long after Sara’s best mate July appeared Sara was surprised to see that she was naked, when July told her that nearly every body got naked after seven and there was lots of sex going on Sara thought that she was being wound up, Sara followed July to the day room and saw that nearly everybody was naked and there were people having sex, Sara walked back to her room on the way she was passed by Steve who was naked, Sara looked at his seven inch soft dick and thought nice, Sara went and sat on her bed not long after Karen returned to her room as she did Sara saw that her nipples were erect, not long after Steve appeared, Sara smiled when she saw that he had a nine inch erection when he went into Karen’s room and sat on her bed Sara just looked then after five minutes was watching in awe as Steve thrust in and out of Karen’s love tube then after ten more minutes when Steve pulled his dick out of Karen’s love tube and squirted cum in four spurts Sara thought very nice, not long after Steve had left Karen’s room July walked into Sara’s room and said ” come on get your clothes off and join us ” Sara stood up and stripped naked ” and was surprised when July said ” yes at last I can see you naked ” Sara looked at July who had ” I have always wanted to see your tits ” Sara could hardly believe what she was hearing, July then said in here we are all perverts ” reached out and cupped Sara’s well developing boobs then gently pushed her onto the bed bent forward and started to lick Sara’s nipples, after a minute Abdul appeared in the doorway and stood behind July, after a minute July stopped licking Sara’s nipples and let out a cry, Sara moved up the bed a bit and saw that Abdul was thrusting in and out of Julys love tube from behind, Sara moved a bit and when July started to lick her love tube Sara said ” yes ” and lay back when Karen entered the room and started to rub her boobs Sara thought life is going to be good in here and lay back enjoying what was happening.