Aunt Annie decides to help me out

I was 17, and working after school and weekends for a property management outfit in New Hampshire taking care of summer camps, cottages, and estates for people who lived out of state. We worked out of an abandoned Texaco station, and had a bunch of different old pickups, vans, tractors, and even a couple of boats to look after everything. I had worked with Kippy Kneeland learning how things worked, and was now being given some of the basic repairs to do on my own, along with the keys to the vehicles and tool chests. I had a ring of keys on my belt that weighed a pound and a half.

It was about 8pm, I was sitting in the living room across from Mom, listening to the radio (no TV yet, we couldn’t afford the newfangled things) Mom had her dress pulled up with no panties on, winking her cunt at me, she loved to tease me, and watch my reaction. I was just rubbing my crotch, trying to decide whether to dive face first into that, or ask her for a good blowjob, when the telephone rang. We both jumped. Mom was closer to the wall the phone was on, so she stood up and answered it. My boner faded away, and Mom said “Hello” then, “Hi, Annie, what’s up?” (Pause) “Oh, really? That’s awful! You can’t? Isn’t there anyone else around?” Mom turned to me and asked “Georgie, do you know anything about a water pump? Annie’s pump has broken something and it’s spraying water all over her cellar, and the plumber isn’t answering his phone, he never does on the weekends.” I said “Yeah, we have done several water systems last month, I know how they work.” “Well, she wants to know if you will come over and see if you can at least stop it” I shrugged, and said “Yes, I guess so, will you keep that thing warm for me when I get back?” She grinned, and pulled her dress up, and started finger fucking herself. She said, “I’ll use a cucumber till you get back.”

I walked the one block to the property building, used my key, and took the van with the plumbing tools and parts, and drove to my aunt’s house. My uncle was an engineer for an oil company, and was frequently away from home for months at a time, in faraway places, and as usual, he was gone. I drove in and knocked, and Annie answered the door. She was Mom’s sister, and they looked alike in the face, they were both slim, but where Mom was tall, Annie was barely 5 ft tall, and maybe weighed 80 lb. Pretty much the same sweet face, with dark curly hair, but Annie kept her hair long. She grabbed my arm, pulled me in, and took me to the cellar door. There was a fine spray of water in the air, so I went right down, went to the power box and cut the main power switch. Annie was right behind me, “Oh, she said, aren’t you smart, I would never have thought to do that!” And she kind of accidently brushed my crotch with the back of her hand. I looked at her and she was standing as though she wanted to be kissed. Not being completely sure, I turned and looked at the water pump, sloshed over through an inch or so of water. The pipe coming from the pump was cracked, and it looked as though something had hit it. I looked around, and on the laundry table was one of my uncle’s big hammers. My uncle is very neat with his tools, I began to see what was going on, since I was fucking Mom, and I had stayed with my aunt Irma the year before, and spent a couple weeks of great sex with her.

I decided to play along, and see where this went. I wasn’t going to make any overt move just in case I was wrong. I said, “You got a broken pipe there, it will have to be replaced to get it working right again.” She looked up at me, and brushed my cock with the back of her hand again. There was no mistake this time, and we both knew it. She said “Can you fix it?” I said, “Yes, I can, but I will have to turn it in and they will bill you because I am using the company truck, and using their parts, and the truck has an hour meter on it.” “That’s OK, I didn’t expect you to do it for nothing, she said, besides, Eddie makes more money than I can spend, anyway!” I went out to the truck and got some wrenches, and went to work. The work took a little more than 1/2 hour, and I heard Annie upstairs on the phone to Mom, (mumble, mumble) “working on it—(mumble)–might take 2 or 3 hours–(mumble) yes, I’ll send him right home, right, see ya.”

I finished the job, turned the power back on, and tested the pump–OK. I was all sweaty from walking back and forth for stuff, and the hot cellar, and when I came up the cellar stairs, Annie was standing right there. I noticed that she had changed from a blouse to a very loose halter and an extremely tight pair of shorts. She said “Oh you’re all sweaty! I just love the smell of fresh sweat! It just does something to me!” And she kind of squirmed her ass to make her point, again standing right in front of me with her face turned up and her lips parted. I thought Oh, what the fuck, and bent down and kissed her on the lips. She threw her arms around me, started tongue kissing me, and gave a little jump, and wrapped her legs around me, grinding her crotch onto my cock, which instantly turned to wood. She pulled away, and said “Oboy, you are definitely growing up! I think I need to check this out!” She hopped down, and before I realized what was happening, she had my fly unzipped and was struggling to get my cock out of my briefs. She muttered something about men should wear boxers, then gave up and undid my belt, and pulled the whole works down around my ankles. She deep throated my cock right down to my balls. I just stood there in complete ecstasy for about 3 minutes, and then blew my load right down her throat, she didn’t even have to swallow, except the last few drops. She licked her lips, pushed her shorts down, kicked them off, grabbed me around the neck again, hopped back up, and started grinding her cunt on my cock. It came right back up. I finally came to my senses, took my right hand, cupped her ass and lifted up, and with my left hand guided my cock into her. Then I put both hands on her ass and started lifting her up and down. We did this for about 5 minutes until my arms started getting tired, then I had to let her down. When she got back on the floor, she said “We’ll use the couch”, and forgetting that my pants were around my ankles, gave me a pull. I tripped, went full length, she sprawled on her back, and my face wound up an inch from her cunt. The lips were swelled up, her clit was standing up, and juice was dripping out. So I did what came naturally, I started licking. “OOOh, shit, that’s good, did your Mom teach you to do that?” She said. I said, “no, a couple of girls at school are giving me lessons in study hall.” She said, “That must be a great school!”

After a few more minutes, she went to the refrigerator and got out a pitcher of apple juice and banana cream pie, and we refueled. She sat beside me on the couch, constantly fingering and stroking my cock. After a while, I said, “That standing up thing worked pretty good, Aunt Annie, can we try that again, only different?” She grinned, and said “You mean upside down 69?” I nodded. She said “I love it! Go for it!” With my pants and shirt off, I could now maneuver, so I grabbed her, swung her around, and grabbed her by the hips with her legs over my shoulders, hanging head down. She gripped my head between her legs, my face buried in her muff, and she started deep throating me again. After about 2 minutes of that, she started gagging, gave a scream, and squirted pussy juice all over my face and down my chest. I started coming into her face, so she finished me by jerking hell out of me and licking me clean.

Afterward, we showered together, but she made me put my old sweaty clothes back on. When I got home, there was Mom, spread out on the bed with her cucumber. I looked at her, and said, “I hope you’re not mad, but after 10 hours at work, and 2 1/2 more hours in Aunt Annie’s cellar, I’m pretty beat.” Mom said, “I can see that, do you want something to eat?” I said “no, Annie fed me some great banana cream pie, but I can snack on you for a bit.” After about 20 minutes, we both slept like logs.