Babysitter, strapon, dildos

All this happened during the first period of the pandemic or said better March 2020, when my country got into lockdown. Then I was 12 years old and I have one sister Sonia who then was 10 years old. Our parents are working as doctors in the hospital and because of their internship, they spent hours or worse days in the hospital.
Of course, they couldn’t leave us alone and from the fear to take inside the house the virus, we haven’t nearly other siblings they start searching for someone to take care of us. Difficult but they found a young girl from Russia. She migrates to our country together with her mom when she was 5 years old for a better life, she introduces herself to us with the name Veronica. She was one very stunning 21-year-old lady with long brown hair, blue eyes, and one deadly body.

As she explains to us she studies pedagogy and she is babysitting kids to gain some money. She gains our trust very easily and in this way one new life begins. She knew to cook, make the beds, and help us with school lessons, schools were closed we had distance learning, and sometimes problems with the internet but what to do. Veronica had this funny pronunciation of Russian and strange behavior I mean March is cold but many times she was walking inside the house without trousers even and topless wearing only panties. She explains to us that the weather here in comparison with Russia is summer for her.
I and my sister however at first it shocks us, later we admired her because of her nice body but mostly for her big round tits both of us pray when we grow to have these tits many times, and she encouraged us to do the same but we weren’t let say ready, I already have to start developing breasts they were like small pyramids. Our lives continue like normal until one night Valerie was in her room sleeping while I and Veronica were together in her room watching tv a comedy. I was in my nightie While Veronica wears one sleeveless vest and white panties we had popcorn together with us to eat.

We were laying down on the bed enjoying the movie when Veronica’s hand went above my nightie and thigh at first I don’t give a shit and her hand went inside my nightie and went up and down above my thigh. I must say that until then I am sure all of you will find it funny but yes I was still a virgin I meet some boys and I let them snug me but only this. Soon her hand rubbing my thigh turn me hot and ask her to stop but instead her hand went more below my nightie and rubbed a bigger part of my thigh and nearly my special area.
What is going on, you don’t like it mmm, I answer no I mean yes but you are a girl, what with that little sweet Amelia, girls can love other girls and she comes nearly to me whispering in my ear but I love little girls like you and your sister, then she rises her leg and put it on the other side as result in her body was some meters above my body. I was in shock and ask her again to stop but she lower her head telling me to not be scared iam experiencing.
She lowers more her head and suddenly starts kissing me on the mouth, at first I resist but her fat lips were magic, fabulous I don’t know how else to describe them. Soon I surrender to her we start to give passionate kisses and my hands go behind and around her back. We were so horny Veronica take off her vest revealing her big boobs, I try to touch them but Veronica stops me Bad little Amelia, you don’t touch them if I don’t tell it. Then she helped me take off my nightie and left me with my white panties, nice tits little cute Amelia have.

Veronica gives me some last kisses in my mouth and goes down in my boobs, there I see my left nipple losing in her mouth doing me stay with my mouth open while the other hand played with my right nipple. It was so good as result I started moaning with pleasure and pain because she use her teeth to bite my nipples or her fingers to pull them and she did that one in right, one in left, I cover my mouth to not hear my moans, Sonya.
Suddenly with her legs open my legs and she leaves my poor nipples which have become red and she starts moving, first kissing my belly then bellybutton all this time I only watch. She goes down to my thighs kissing them and suddenly with her hands open my legs further, then I feel one hand rubbing my pussy above my panties the feeling doing me jump no one had a touch like this again down there, little Amelia’s pussy is wet she enjoys Veronicas taking care and rubs become intense once more time I cover my mouth.
After a lot of oh my god, I feel Veronica pull aside my panties I scared of the pain and a little shy because I am a little hairy down there I tell her I am a virgin but I feel her mouth play with my pussy, there I scream a huge holy shit, Jesus Christ, oh my god many times, then tongue I was crying, I grab the pillow and use it to cover my moans.

There I think I will die it was when a finger start slide in and out of my pussy I grab the pillow strongly, my thoughts were this was Veronica going to take my cherry because I could feel finger hit my hymen but she was careful, second finger come, then I couldn’t hold myself and an explosive wave of relief come.
Finally Veronica stop, I was breathing heavily trying to calm down still laying down. It doesn’t end here in another part.

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