Bat Girl (Chapter 2: Heather)

I had this friend, Kelly. I wouldn’t have called her my best friend, but then again. I never played favorites.

I wouldn’t call her the quiet one, far from it. She almost never had trouble speaking up, and expressing herself. So, when she did, at least I noticed. It didn’t even take me long to figure out that it was whenever the subject changed to boys, and things you did with boys.

So, I waited until she left, and told my friends. “Guys, I don’t think she’s comfortable with all the dirty jokes.”

“Yeah, she such a prude.”

“Well, she’s also our friend, so have a little respect for her feelings, and just save it till she’s not around.”

“She left,” the Villar twins noticed, “So, we don’t have to watch our mouths now.”

So, we went back to telling jokes, but after that, we kept it clean around Kelly, so she wasn’t left out.

Then, her sister started talking about this wizzbang sex gizmo, with a tongue shaped head that swirled around, and that wasn’t the first time I thought that she might be batting for the softball team.

Not literally, of course. Half of us were dating guys on the baseball team, because just about all the boys were into it. We had the best team in the city, I guess, and they did well my junior year, when Meg had graduated the previous year. So, I thought it was a little odd when she wanted to ride along with us to the big game.

It turns out that her mom had almost caught her, playing with her new sex army knife. At least that’s what it sounded like when she told us all the features. Like a band of ball bearings that went in opposite directions, and a Rabbit™head on the side to stimulate the clit with soft flexible ears.

That’s what the Rabbit brand was famous for, but being name brand, it was expensive. Then, we picked up the Villar twins at their house, and finally, Barbara.

She doesn’t want us using her real name either, but you know Barbara Gordon, from the Batman cartoon? Well, that was the night that we started calling her “Bat girl,” on a dare. I was driving, so I missed most of it, but bye the time we got to the video store to drop off Melanie, it had turned into a bet.

“I bet I can take that whole thing,” and the Villar twins pulled out a practice bat, from other the seats. My brother’s, it’s light-weight. Aluminum, so he can slide weights over the handle, and build up his arms for batting. So, there was no reason to take it with him to the game itself, they had their own bats, including weights to take practice swings before they stepped up to the plate.

Kelly got in first, so she stayed in shotgun, and I had to drive. So, what little I got to see was through the mirror, until I found a place to park. Some warehouse, with the lights out, and even the parking lot was dark, but I pulled around back where they had trailers set up. Not like mobile homes, you know the trailers 18 wheelers use to deliver stuff from warehouse to warehouse? Well, I pulled in between those, and left the keys in the ignition. Just in case I had to start it up, and back out, because the security guard came to chase us off.

Babs made excuses, like there wasn’t enough room back there. So I unlatched my seat to turn around, grateful that my dad had payed extra for the captain’s chairs as well as the flip and fold cargo seats in back. Then, I showed Kelly how to unlatch her’s, so she could turn around, which surprised me, a little.

You know, because she was so uncomfortable just listening to us kid around about sex, and stuff like that. Related to sex, such as making out, and taking care of our muffs, even though she had a boyfriend. I had no idea she’d gotten to 2nd base, let alone had trouble doing oral.

Then, she told everyone that it was too big to fit in her mouth, without her teeth scraping. Which caused an awkward moment of silent disbelief. Then Megan started clapping for her little sister, finally saying anything even remotely erotic, and admitting to all of us that she even tried giving head to her boyfriend.

So then, we turned our attention back to Babs, because we had a bet going, but first she had to loosen up. I didn’t believe for a minute she could do it, so I figured it was easy money, and I risked mom’s gas stash.

So then, she scooted the seat back, and pulled her pants down with her underwear. Then, she scooted out, and put her legs up. Then, she pulled her pants back down, behind her head to hold them.

“Huh!” I never thought of that.

“Sh!” She closed her eyes, and felt around her cheeks, but I’d never seen a girls V, and A this close before. She wound up right behind me, so when I turned around, even with her seat rolled all the way back, she was right there in front of me. Feeling up to the top, and holding it open with her fingertips so she could wiggle in a pinky first. Then the other, so she could pull the hole open, and start working more fingers in. Back, and forth, so when she got up to 5, and started working on the sixth.

Those were her middle fingers, and I kissed that money goodbye. I guess she had gotten hot, and wet from all the dirty talk on the way out here, or maybe she’d been stretching herself like this for so long it was easy, but she didn’t even slow down. It must have taken all of a minute to get all 8 fingers in, and pull them apart, so she gaped wide open, and I picked up the bat off the floor.

“Uhn, it’s dirty.” She shook her head, but then Melanie dug around in the bottom of the bag.

From the toy store, “That’s what rubbers are for.” It turns out that they had a big jar of them, and lube packs, so they could throw in a handful of them for any purchase over $30.00, but none of us found that out until we turned 18, so we could shop there.

“Huh!” Well, it was my money, my mom’s car, and my brother’s practice bat. So, I just held onto it, while Megan figured out how to roll it on. Instead of cutting it in half to use it as a dental dam, even though she was 19, and more than old enough to do it on camera with men, because she didn’t swing that way.

I knew it, but I didn’t say anything, because I had Babs right here, ready and waiting to get plowed with a baseball bat.

“Uh!” Megan waved her hand across her face, and popped the latches to push out the window.

“I think I need some fresh air.”

Then, she rolled open the door to get out, and Babs moved over to the middle for more room. Before she put her pants back up behind her head again, she said “You better start with the little end,” but the Villar twins got up to look over the seat on either side, and Kelly actually offered to help?

“Here,” she tore off a rubber with her teeth, and pulled the handle over. “Let me help, it’s kind of a 3 handed job anyway.”

“Uh, hrry! Ngh!” Babs was really soaked, so it ran down her ass crack, and even wet her pucker, but I shook my head, and blinked away from it. When Kelly pushed it over to me, already wrapped loosely around the flat rounded bulge to keep your hands from slipping off, when you swing it with all the weights attached.

Then, I heard a clink, and saw a flash of light out the back window. “Here,” I handed it to her, “I’m not left handed, anyway.” I pushed the button under the shoulder strap, and got up while the door rolled back. On that side, the motor still worked, I guess because we got in on the passenger side enough times to burn out the motor, but I didn’t make any excuses about “Fresh air.”

I just got out, and the girls started egging them on. Kelly, and Barbera, I looked back in time to see Kel stirring it around like a witch intoning about trouble, and eye of newt.

Then Meg said “Hey, you want a drag?”

“Yeah.” I never smoked before, in my whole life, but I tasted it, inhaled, and held it in my mouth until she took it back.

“Huh, gaugh, kuh!” I still coughed, because a little tickled the back of my throat, but all of a sudden, I knew exactly how Kelly felt.


“Uh!” She rolled her eyes. “Looks like you owe her 20 bucks.”

“I don’t care about that, but you don’t have any trouble talking about.”

She finally looked up at me, instead of over my shoulder, and all a sudden, I realized how short she was. Standing there in flats, she’s maybe a little taller, but still not 5’6″ like me.

“Like my sister?” She shook her head, and took another drag. Blew it out her nose, “No.”

“Well, then. Uh.” How do I put this, without offending her.

“From what I hear, you never had any trouble either. Is it because, oh.” She looked back, laughed, and shook her head. “Hahahuh! Sorry.” She looked back.

“Well,” that gave me a chance to think of what to say. “I couldn’t help but notice that you don’t date, or we never saw you with a boyfriend. When it’s obvious to anyone to look at you that you could have any guy you wanted.”

“Yeah.” She just left that out there. I waited for her to make the next move, but she didn’t go for it. She had the perfect chance to say something about not wanting any man, but I could tell that she had to leave, not because the smell was turning her off.

“Or, any girl?” Just like seeing Babs’ V and A up in the air just turned me on.

“Oh, is that what that wisecrack about riding around with high school girls ment?”

“No, I.” Don’t actually remember, “Did I say that? I didn’t mean that, you’re into school girls.”

“Look, I’m gay.”


“Huh!” She looked up, and took another breath, then she looked at her butt, and held it up for me.

“No, I don’t smoke.”

“Huh,” she dropped it, and stubbed it out with her shoe. Her high heel shoe, which just reminded me that I didn’t get a chance to go home and change out of my sensible school shoes. Because I had to get my brother to practice, and then I played bus driver for all my friends, as if they thanked me, or showed any appreciation.

“Look, I was a high school girl, just last year. So even if I ever, even thought about one of your friends that way before tonight.” This time, she craned her neck, to get a better look, and she got such a dirty grin on her face.

“Fuck it,” I just grabbed her neck, and bent down to kiss her. In flats, with her in 2″ heels at least. I even felt like a boy must, when he has to bend down to kiss you.

“Huh!” She smiled, against my lips, and that made me break the kiss. Just to pull back, and see the look on her face, lit up by the light from the van behind us.

She didn’t even look back. She just looked me in the eyes, searching, while I looked back, and forth trying to follow them.

“I think I might be, a little bisexual.”

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure.”

“Oh, shit!” My beeper started buzzing. “Shit timing, I better find a phone.”

“Well, the boys might be wrapping up about now, so I’ll go tell the girls to stop fingerbanging each other.”

“What?” I finally looked back, “Really?”

“Ah uh! Neah!”

“Holy, shit!” That wasn’t all, either. “There’s a regular orgy in there, guys?”

“Sorry, oh.” Kelly sat up, and wiped her mouth. “Oh sorry, to leave you out.”

“Huh!” I just rolled my eyes, but, then my brother rang my beeper again.

“I think I saw a payphone around front when we came in.”

I had to think, but obviously ever since she started fucking Barbera with the handle end, I should have figured out that she was holding something back, but the other 3?

Maybe it was just, one of those things, where there was so much sex in the air, but I found a couple quarters in the bottom of my purse, and copied the number off my beeper to call my brother.

“Where the hell were you?”

“How was the game?”

“Never mind that,” I took that to mean they lost, or he’d be bragging, instead of complaining. “I’ve been waiting for hours.”

“Oh, bullshit. We haven’t even been gone for.” I cleared the number.


“Uh sorry, I. Just. Hang on, I have to drop off some. Stuff, and I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

“Never mind, dad’s already on his way, but what the heck could be so impor.”

I just hung up, and tried not to hyperventilate. On the way back, I decided that I don’t care about what all my friends were getting into back there. I didn’t feel left out? Honestly, I felt like Megan must have, when she finally came out and told me she was gay.

“Huh, I’ve got the hots for Megan?” Why not, honestly her being so short was a major turn-on that I never expected, but she made me feel tall, and yet she’s so much older, pretty and, I don’t know about pretty-Er, but. Underneath all those baggy clothes, I bet she had a lot more figure, too.

Just as soon as I can get her alone somewhere that I can get them off. After I drop off the girls, pick up my brother, and take him home…

“Uh, god!”

“What were you doing back there?”

“My brother called, and do you know what time it is?” They all tried to crowd together to look at the clock, on the dashboard.

“Oh god, it’s almost midnight?”

At least they all had their clothes on, and both doors being open let it air out, so all I had to get in, and back out to get back on the road, and head into town.

“Shit, what am I going to tell my mom?”

“Well we can’t tell her the truth, and there’s no time to hose out all the juices.”

“Uh, Kelly?” The worst part was hearing it from her, but she just giggled, and all the girls laughed, too.

“You told a dirty joke.”

“Well, it’s not as if I never told a dirty joke before in my life.”

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