Beach day with daddy 2

I got my surprise from daddy after he played with me at the beach. I’d never seen a boy’s private parts before. Daddy changed that.

Sitting in my seat next to Daddy, I kept wiggling. My thighs pressed together, I could still feel the tingles I felt when Daddy touched me on the beach. I couldn’t believe I laid there in his arms with his thick fingers exploring my princess parts. The sun shining on them. His thumb pulling back my clitty and rubbing it, making my legs shake. Daddy said that what had happened was “cumming” and that only Daddies could make that happen to their princesses.
I wanted to feel it again. The tingles between my legs made it wet down there. I sat naked in the seat. Wrapped in my beach towel.
“What is my surprise going to be daddy?”
“If I told you, Princess, then it wouldn’t be much of a surprise. But I’m so proud of you for doing just as I asked. You looked so pretty laying in the sand like that. Would you want to do that again?”
I thought for a second. It made me embarrassed, and kind of scared. I’m not sure why daddy wanted me naked in front of others. But, it felt good and it made me his good girl. “Yes daddy. Anything for you.”
The drive was full of my wiggles and daddy reaching over from time to time to check my kitty. He smiled each time and kicked his fingers clean. I noticed that he kept pulling at his shorts. There seemed to be a bump in them… it made me worry. Was he hurt? What was in there that was making it stick out like that? I don’t have anything that would poke out… my princess parts do get puffy sometimes when daddy touches them for a long time. Or when he gives my kitty rougher kisses.
When we got home, we unloaded the van and ate left overs from the night before. It was bath time and then we’d relax! That bump in daddy’s shirt was still there though and although he seemed happy, I was still worried.
“Daddy, are you ok?”
“Of course Baby. Today was one of the best days ever. How could I not be ok?”
“Are you hurt? Because there’s something in your shorts. And it looks like it is bothering you.”
Daddy looked down and smiled.
“Baby, daddy does have a little problem. But it doesn’t hurt me. It’s something only you can help me with. And it’s part of your surprise. If you’re done eating let’s get cleaned up and we can talk about it.”
I started to get up and head to my bath tub.
“No princess. Tonight I want you to take a shower. With me.”
I was surprised! I’ve never been in daddys big shower in a long time. Not since the night mommy left us actually. I was in the shower because daddy said I could. And he was helping me wash my hair when mommy saw. There was yelling and then she left. But now daddy wants me to shower WITH him? I’ve never seen my daddy naked. I’ve wanted to. But I never have. He’s been seeing my private and telling me how mine work. Telling me that Daddy’s show their love by touching them. So maybe another way for me to show my love will be to touch his?
“Oh ok daddy.” I said nervously. I remember mommy telling me before that I’m not supposed to touch anyone’s privates. Ever. And they shouldn’t touch mine. But daddy touches mine. And it feels good. Even if it’s uncomfortable and scary sometimes. I think mommy is wrong.
We went upstairs to Daddy’s bathroom and he started to turn the shower on. While it warmed up he went and grabbed my tear free shampoo and my soup. They were my favorite princess set he bought me last time we went to the store.
I was already naked, still wrapped in my beach towel. Daddy started to undress. First his shirt. Then, facing me, he looked right at me as he lowered his shorts. I gasped. There was something there. Something really big. And pointy.
“Daddy what is that?!”
Daddy stepped into the shower pulling my hand. It was big and had a nice bench inside. He sat and pulled me onto his knee. I tried to scooch away, afraid whatever that was was going to touch me.
“Cupcake, this is what daddys private part looks like. My peepee. It’s magic and is nothing to be afraid of. Only you can make the magic work in it though. It’s part of your surprise.”
I looked at him, then down at his magic private part.
“Is.. is it a magic wand?”
Daddy chuckled. “Well, kind of. But not really. But let me tell you what. If you’d like, you can call it your magic wand. Or you can use the word private part or peepee.”
As daddy said that, he pulled me closer into him, making it and the things hanging under it touch my leg. His hand moved to his wand and wrapped around it. He pulled his hand up, and then down. He kept doing that slowly as he talked.
“Today Baby, you earned this. So let me tell you about it. Right now, because I’ve been so proud of you and because my love for you is so much, it’s hard. It sticks straight out and makes it easier for you to touch. During times where I’m feeling normal, it’s soft. And stays quietly in my boxers. But when things like today happen, the magic was activated and it wanted to see you. Wanted your touch. Wanted you to use your magic to make it feel better so it could relax again. There’s a magic juice inside. One kind of like the juice that came from your kitty today.” He touched my kitty and it reacted. Surprised but not as uncomfortable as it used to be when daddy first started touching it.
“The magic juice is something I want you to have. You can let it spray out, you could drink it, and other special things too.. it can even make babies! But tonight, I want to let you drink the magic juice. Know why? Because drinking it will help your pretty little boobies grow!”
I looked down at my little bumps. Puffy, with a darker spot where they came to a point. Daddy’s kisses there feel good. And he had said at the beach that he wanted to help them grow..
“So your peepee isn’t going to hurt me? It’s magic and has juice in it I should drink? How do I get the juice out?”
“At first, you can touch it. Feel how firm, but soft it is. It can’t hurt you and you shouldn’t be scared. Put your hand on it and move it like I have been doing.”
I put my hand on his magic wand and moved it up and down. It was soft and smooth. It wasn’t hurting me but i was still pretty scared.
“Goddammit cupcake. Your hand on it feels so good. You’re doing it just right. Fuck princess I’ve waited so long to have you touch it. It’s yours. All yours. That’s right. Keep moving it. Touch daddy’s magic wand.”
The praise made me feel more sure. My hand barely wrapped around it. It was so thick. And long!
“Will the magic juice come out soon? How do I drink it? Do you have a cup?”
Daddy was breathing really heavy. But he seemed to really like it.
“No princess. No cup. For the magic to fully work; you have to kiss it. To put your pretty princess lips around the tip and drink that way.”
“Oh uhm, kiss it? Like this?”
I sank off of daddy’s knee and sat on my knees. The water hitting my back as I lowered my lips to the tip. I have it a little kiss. Then looked up at him. His eyes looked wild.
“Fuck. Yes. Like that. Keep moving your hand though and open your mouth. The juice is coming soon. You’re doing so good it’s coming faster than normal.”
I kept my eyes on him as I opened my mouth, just a little. His hands went to hold each of my piggy tails and he pushed my head toward it. The tip popped between my lips and pressed against my tongue.
“Ohhh fuuuuuck! Open more and when it comes, do not pull back. Drink it all. It will help those bobbies grow big for daddy! Fuuuuuck!”
My mouth opening more, my tongue ran along the under side of the magic wand and suddenly, his grip got tighter. It hurt. He pulled it out some and then pushed my head down on it more. My hands went to his knees and I tried to push myself off. I couldn’t breathe! I started to panic. Then, it happened. The magic came from the wand and a thick, salty juice came out into my throat. His hands tight on my piggy tails he pushed further as I swallowed. I could feel it pumping on my tongue. Tears were rolling down my face as I looked up at daddy.. him looking down at me and his hip thrust into my face and his hands pulled me into him. Pump free pump went down my throat. Finally he pulled me off and up. I panted for air. Tears were still rolling down my face. Daddy picked me up and pulled me into his lap. I could feel the magic wand touching my bottom, already feeling less firm.
“Princess. You did so so good. I know that might have been scary but Daddy’s love just kind of took over. The magic was so strong. And look at you! You drank every last drop!! I bet if we keep doing this, keep having you drink, your boobies will be growing in no time.”
I was quiet as I let daddy wash my body and hair. His peepee began to get firm and touched above my tummy when we stood. He made sure to clean everything really good. Then told me to grab a towel and get ready for bed.
I went to my room still thinking about what just happened. It was scary. And tasted funny. But I guess magic juice tastes funny. I thought about how our privates were so different. Crawling into bed my mind full, I began to fall asleep.
Not long after my eyes had closed, did I feel my covers pull back. Daddy was there spreading my legs.
“I’m really sleepy daddy.”
“If daddy wants to see your kitty then you’ll let him if you love me. I need to check that all the sand is out of there. And I want to show you how good you were today.”
First the feel of his breath touched my peepee. Then his fingers opening it wide. Then his lips. Daddy’s inspection for sand lasted for hours. Twice he make my Princess juice come out.
Daddy kissed me on my lips before tucking me back in. I could taste myself on his lips. On his tongue.
“There’s more I want to show you sweetheart. But you’ll have to keep showing daddy how much you love me.”
There was something I couldn’t get off my mind.
“Daddy? How can your magic juice make a baby?”
“That’s for another time Princess. A very special time. When you start to bleed, we will work our magic together and make a baby.”
I feel asleep again to the taste of my juice on my lips and thoughts of having a baby with daddy.

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