Boy gets tips on how to fuck his Mom and Sister on chat room Part 1

A young boy gets tips from a mysterious women online on how to fuck his sister and mom until they become his sex toys.

[Disclaimer, all events in this story are complete fiction, I do not condone abuse, rape, incest, pedophilia, or any underaged sex. This story is for entertainment and not to be taken literally in any way shape or form]

Dan was your average teen, when I say this I mean he was horny 24/7. He watched porn since he was 11, now being 16, normal porn didn’t satisfy him. He would go into internet chat rooms and talk to people while jerking off, he loved to talking to mothers that fucked their children or siblings that fucked each other. One day he met Tracy, Tracy was a 34 year old mother that had one daughter that was 11. Tracy, like Dan, was horny 24/7, she loved talking to the same people that Dan did but this time she had a different idea when talking to Dan.
T:”So do you have any siblings? how’s your mother?”
Dan told her everything, “My sister is 11 but she has a great ass and big tits for her age”
Dan’s sister, Emily was only 11 but had a big ass, the kind that jiggled when she walked and could cushion her fall. Her tits were around the size of large oranges, Dan dreamed of squeezing both her tits and ass for a long time.
D:”My Mom is great also, same ass but massive, I mean huge, her tits are also big, the biggest I’ve
ever seen ”
Dan’s Mom had the same type of ass that Emily had, the only difference was size and the fact that it was on a women instead of a young girl meaning it’s probably been smacked a few times, her tits were a cup size 80 F, they bounced often when she moved too fast
T:”I bet you really want to fuck them!”
D:”Yes, I want to make they my fuck toys”
Dan started jerking his cock while typing this, he jerked off often thinking about his Mom and Sister.
T:”I could help you with this but…you have to do exactly as I tell you to!”
D:”I’ll do anything to fuck them!”
T:”Good, your sister have sex ed yet?”
T:”While your going to give her one, go ask Mom if you can give her the basics, keep it simple nothing crazy”
D:”Ok, Mom, I think Emily needs the basics of sex ed, can I give it to her? Like that?
T:”Yes, exactly like that and be calm while your doing it”
Dan got up out of his room, his hard cock was making a tent in his shorts, he tried his best to push it down under the elastic band of his shorts. He walked down the hall to his mother’s room. He lived with his mother and sister in a very large house he hadn’t seen his father since a bit before Emily was born, his mother hasn’t been with a man since than, if he did fuck his sister in his room, his mom would most likely never hear. Dan slowly opened the door and walked in, his mom’s body was sprawled out under the covers, he was hoping to see her massive tits or ass, he stood there for a moment watching her sleep, he could jerk off right now and she’d never know unless he left cum stains on the carpet.
“Mom, are you awake?” Dan asked trying his best to remain calm.
She didn’t answer, he stepped a bit closer, his cock was throbbing
“Hey, Mom, are you awake?” he said a bit louder.
He walked over just inches away, his cock’s tip barley inches away from touching her ass. He put his hand out on her hip and shaked her a little bit.
“Hey, Mom?” he said in a normal speaking voice.
“Are you awake?”
“Ya, kinda, what do you need honey?” she said still half asleep.
He jumped back a little surprised she woke up.
“I was wondering if I could give Emily some sex ed, just the basics?” he mumbled.
“sure, nothing too much”
Dan walked out the room with the feeling that his heart was about to burst out of his chest, he couldn’t believe it. Mom just gave him permission to give sex education to Emily, he knew he lied to her, he knew he was about to fuck Emily, he knew she probably didn’t understand what he even asked, all the things he was about to do to Emily was mom’s fault.
D:”Mom said ok, she was half asleep!”
T:”mmm, go get little Emily, tell her to wear a little skirt!”
D:”What if she says no?”
T:”Tell her Mom said it’s important, she doesn’t want you to wake up Mom right?”
Dan walked to Emily’s room, it was right next to his, he knocked on the door before entering. Emily was laying down on her stomach on her bed, he ass in tight leggings showing every curve, she was wearing what looked like a sports bra. “Emily, Mom wants me to talk to you for a bit but you need to change into a skirt!” Dan looked intensely at Emily, hoping she didn’t try to argue back. “Come to my room when your ready!” He said before stepping out.
D:”She’ll be here in a min, what do I do? do I just fuck her?”
T:”No, I want you to play porn on your tv, the kinda where the sister gets raped!”
D:”Ok but where does Emily sit? what do I tell her?”
T:”Have her sit on your lap, tell her to just watch, I’ll walk you through this”
A few minutes later Emily knocked at the door, she was still wearing the same leggings and sports bra but this time wearing a tiny skirt, a silly one probably used for some kind of Halloween costume. “Come sit right here Emily!” Dan said while slapping his lap, “Why do I have to do this? it’s like 11 something” Emily whined, “Mom said it couldn’t wait until tomorrow now come on over here and sit!” Emily walked over to Dan and sat her fat ass on his lap, his cock was pushing up against her pussy, only her leggings and panties were stopping it from slipping in.
D:”She’s sitting on me”
T:”Good, is the video playing?”
T:”Ready for the next step?”
D:”Of course ;)”

[To be continued]

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