Bus Boys

This girl Jody was reading a really naughty story on the bus home from school.

The bus was really full, since we were leaving school, so I sat next to her for the first time. I usually sat with my friends to talk, but they took up the whole seat, the seat in front of them, behind them, and even the one right next to them.

I just kept walking back, until I saw Jodie sitting alone. “Um, you mind if I sit here?”

“As long as you’re quiet,” she didn’t look up from her phone, but there were boys standing up behind her, and they put their arms up on the seat. The bus driver shut the doors, so I sat down before we took off.

I kept looking over, when she scrolled down the page. I couldn’t tell what it was called, but I knew what it was about, because of the dirty language. They said the F word a lot, and when I kept reading, they rubbed their nipples together.

I blushed, and the heat ran down my neck when the boys showed up. There were bushes, they looked over, and watched the 2 girls kissing. It must have been summer, because one of them noticed their hard dicks in their shorts.

I waited for her to finish reading, and touch the screen. She pushed it up, so the words scrolled down to the next paragraph, and the other girl quit kissing to ask the boys if they just want to watch?

She couldn’t believe that worked, just kissing her friend naked, and rubbing their bodies together got all the boys attention, but there were so many they couldn’t count. Then, her best friend told them to get them out, and more came around to unzip their pants…

“Huh?” The bus pulled up to the first stop, while I was waiting for her to finish reading, so she could keep going, but I had a pretty good idea what comes next. I licked my lips, and looked back.

“What are you looking at?” One of the boys noticed, so I looked straight ahead. My knees together, but then the doors closed, and we took off again. My knees together, with my bookbag in my lap. When I looked over, sure enough the story went on.

Now, she was sucking one boy, while the others rubbed their dicks, and balls on her face. She reached up to grab hold of 2 of them, even as she could hear the loud sucking noises. She couldn’t even see her friend, with all the boys in her face, but now she could jerk 2 of them while sucking a third in her mouth.

Then, I realized the 2 boys behind us were like the crowd of boys around the bushes back at the beginning. She was just doing it for attention, from the boys when she really didn’t have to. She was at least 11, and looked much older. The other girls said they were fake, or she at least stuffed her bra, but I don’t know. They sure looked real to me.

Then, she pulled her purse out, to drop her phone in it, and she must have turned it off when I wasn’t looking. “Let me out?” We’re slowing down, “I need to get off.”

She turned, to look right at the boys when she said that. Just to make sure they got her meaning. She didn’t just have to get off the bus, because it was her stop. She had to get off sexually, after reading that gangbang in the bushes, I could definitely understand that.

“We better get off with you.” They elbowed each other.

“Yeah, she better not walk home alone.”

There were lots of kids waiting on the bus stop, but Jodie said “Bye, see you later!” to the girls, and went off alone. I followed the boys, following her all the way to her house, but they stopped on the end of the driveway.

“You think she’s really ready?” They didn’t even notice me, talking to each other.

“I sure am ready, but you better take her ass.”

“Oh, I want her pussy!” The other one whined.

“Huh!” I sighed, “You’re neither one of you going to get anything waiting out here, you ready to go in?”

They shook their heads, dumbfounded, so I looked back up the street. The bus already drove past, so the cars could keep going, and it wasn’t safe to step out in the street. There was a fence right next to them, so I just shook my head, and took a deep breath.

I can’t believe I was brave enough to push them. Both of them, so they got “Out of my way,” and I ran up the driveway to beat on the door. “Jodie, Jodie let me in!” I looked back, but the boys were starting to come up the driveway, “Hurry!”

She opened up the door, and I heard both boys gasp right behind me. She had her dress off, so she answered the door in just her bra, and panties. She was even barefoot, but she just grabbed my arm, and yanked me in.

“Ow, not so hard!” I rubbed my arm, but they sure looked real. Hard to tell if she got implants or not, with her bra on, but she backed up.

“You boys just going to stand out on the porch, or cum inside?” She pulled her panties out with her thumbs, so they knew exactly what she ment. She was ready.

“Anal, seriously?”

“What?” she shook her head, “Ew no. Gross, what made you think I take it up the ass?”

“Well,” I pointed back, but they already had the door closed, and one of them kicked off a shoe. “He said,” I pointed to the other one, “He could take your ass.”

“Well, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but you liked my story. Too?”

“She’s totally bi.” The boys high 5ed.

“No? I don’t know, I’m a virgin.” I just blurted that out, then covered my mouth, but when they looked over, she was slipping her bra off of her arms. I giggled, just realizing how silly this whole situation was, and Jody set it up.

She set us all up, and I guess she was expecting a 3 some when she got home, but she wasn’t expecting me to follow, when honestly, it was the bravest thing I’ve ever done.

I talked to them out on the street, when I never had the guts to talk to older boys before, and I even pushed them out of the way. Yeah, they let me, and they were just as surprised as I was, then I remembered what she just said.

“Did you really write that whole story?” I shook my head, but she was gone. “All by yourself?”

“Out of my way,” one of the boys pushed past me, and the other one pulled me out of the way to follow him, but his pants fell down, and he had to pulled them back up. The other boys bumped into his bare butt, and I giggled.

“Hey, watch it!”

“BOYS!” She yelled, “When I said I needed to get off, I ment RIGHT NOW?”

“Sorry, sorry Jodie.” They held their pants up, and followed her to the end of the hall. There, she was up naked on the bed, with her legs spread wide open, and I had to look between them.

One of them turned to look back, but then his boner swung into view. “You really a virgin?”

“Come here, lover boy before you blow it in your pants.”

“Uh!” All of a sudden, the cat caught my tongue, and I turned away to giggle, nodding.

“Well, I’m gonna take the virgin,” he touched my arm, and I ran off giggling.

“No, not yet, you have to catch me first!” I’d never been to her house before, so I just ran to the first doorknob I could catch.

“Oh,” it was a boy’s room, and there was a boy in it. He put down his book, and looked over.

“Hey,” he smiled.

“AH, FUCK! Fuck me yeah!”

The other boy didn’t even look back, he just pulled his feet out of his britched, and reached for the door.

“Huh, you must be lost, and feeling a little confused.”

I pulled the door, and stepped in to close it behind me, but now he was sitting up. I shook my head, “They’re.” I hesitated before I said the F word out loud, for the first time in my life. “Fucking.” I giggled.

“Them?” He turned around, and let his legs dangle off the bed.

“Oh yeah,” I held up my hand. “2 boys.”

“Huh!” He thought, “Well, she always wanted to try that.” I guess, because they were older, and he was a teenager, Jodi got to talk to her brother about sex. Well, just from what little I read on her phone, she must’ve gotten really horny to go with those big boobs of her’s, or all the attention from the boys went to her head.

“How old are you?”

I shook my head, “Never mind, uh!” I finally gave up, and untucked my shirt. Flapping it to puff it up with cool air. “I’m hot, is it hot in here, or is it just me?”

“No,” he put his leg up and rubbed it hard in his pants, “I’m getting pretty hot too.”

Thank God I couldn’t hear them, fucking and sucking all the way down the hall, with both doors closed, but she wasn’t yelling any more. I bet the second one stuck something in her mouth to shut her up.

“Huh!” I crossed my arms, “I better get these hot clothes off.” He didn’t say anything about my flat chest, or plain old training bra.

“I’m going to pull this out, okay?” I nodded, and watched him unbutton his pants first. Then, he pulled the zipper down, slowly.

“I’m going to take this off.” I pulled my training bra out on the bottom, and twisted my shoulders to pull them through, one by one. He got up while I wasn’t paying attention, and his pants fell down.

“You want me to touch you?” I felt a little better, because he was nervous too, but when I saw his big hard full grown cock, I shook my head.

“Huh, can you kiss me first?”

“Yeah,” he took my hand, and I curled my fingers up in a fist, but instead of putting it on his cock, he just pulled me closer, and bent over. So, I looked up, and closed my eyes.

“Un!” My jaw dropped, and his tongue went right it. “Huh!” I twisted my arm, and grabbed his waist. His cock rubbed up my bare tummy, and he picked me up. I laughed when he fell back on the bed, with me on top of him, and his hands ran down my sides, almost tickling, but then he stopped, and rubbed my hip bones with his thumbs.

“Oh!” I bent over, and kissed him. Up on my knees, so I could feel my pants, and unbutton them. I hadn’t even talked to my mom about kissing, we’re supposed to get started on Valentines today, I got a list of all the boys in the class so I could make sure I gave one, to each one, and now here I was pulling my panties down so he could touch me between my legs.

“Uh!” I squirmed, and he stuck his other arm between my legs, he bumped his knuckles with his wrist, and he must have been saving up, because it sure felt like a lot sticking to my butt, and running down when he stopped.

“Huh!” I sat up, and it squished on his tummy when he pulled his hands out. He looked up, breathing hard, and said “Sorry.”

“Oh, no.” I wiggled my wet sticky butt so his pubes tickled it. “I’m glad you blew it before we did something,” I shook my head, “That would have gotten me pregnant.” He looked over my body, which was still red hot all over.

“You got your period?” I shook my head, “Well, then you can’t get pregnant.” He felt up under my arms, and picked me up again. “Come here,” he lay back, and scooted down, so I could straddle his face, and his nose dug into the last little bit of pudge left from my baby belly when I outgrew it.

“Oh, ohhhhh!” All I could do was moan, but his tonge was amazing, and it licked all around in there, so it didn’t leave a single inch untouched, but when he found the hole, he wiggled it in, then fucked it in and out. “Oh, uh!” I humped, “Ah HUH?” I shook my head, but he bumped something with his nose, “I think that was my clit?”

I looked down, and he looked up. He smiled, nodded, and licked up to the top.

“Oh!” I rubbed his hair, and my eyes fluttered shut when he found it. “Oh god. Faster, I feel. I feel something, oh! I must be getting close? Oh, oh god, I think I’m cumming? OohHH! I’M CUMMING!”

The door opened, and I shook my head, but when I could finally open my eyes, Jodie was there. Just standing there watching.

“Good job, bro!” She threw something like a ninja star, and it his his shoulder. “There, you better use that.”

It was a rubber ring, in a square plastic packet. He got it up again, easily, so he could unwrap it, and roll it on.

“You ready?” I shook my head, but then I nodded.

“Huh, I don’t know when I’m going to get another chance, so. You better go ahead, and get it over with.”

It hurt, of course, but after that orgasm, it wasn’t actually that bad. He pulled out, and the blood came off with the rubber, so he could stick it in my mouth, and I could suck him until he came in my mouth, with his first load still sticking the sheets to my butt.

Their parents got home, while I was in the shower with Jodie, so I could see they were real enough. Then, Scott borrowed the car to take me home.

“Huh, well.” He looked around, before he leaned over to kiss me. “My parents wont be home again on thursday, if you want to come see me again?” He looked down at my crotch. “You should be healed up again by then.”

“Uh, Scott? Is Jodie bisexual?”

“I don’t know, why? Did she try something in the shower?”

“No,” I laughed, out loud. “Of course not, we just washed each other’s backs, but. Could you ask her for me? I know she liked threesomes.” At least, until she gets a gangbang orgy together.

“Sure,” he kissed me one last time, and opened the door for me. To walk back to my room, week kneed, and wobbly.

“Huh!” I lay back on my bed, and rubbed my tummy. I patted it, and told you, “You’ll have to wait, until Thursday.”

I don’t know if she heard me, or understood, but I just fell asleep until I had to get up for dinner.

I even dreamed about Jodie, and her big boobs. Wondering what those would feel like, rubbing against my nipples.

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