Chatroom Corruption- Chapter 9

Ava and Cody left the theater receiving glares, stares, and a few nodded smiles. “Daddy that was fun. Can we go find someone else for me to fuck?”
Cody looked down at his watch, it was 2:43 pm. If he allowed Ava to go in search of another stranger to fuck, they would miss their chance to meet up with the sexy bellhop. And as much as Cody loved watching his preteen daughter fuck strange men, something he never thought he would say, seeing her with a hot teenage girl was even hotter. “Well baby we can do what you want, but it’s almost time for Violett to get off.”
”Let’s go, Daddy,” Ava said grabbing her dad’s hand and pulling him away from the theater and into the mall.
Halfway through the mall, Cody spotted two young girls about Ava and Lilly’s age. They were walking with one of their dads looking in the windows of a few clothing shops. It wasn’t until the girls pulled the father into Build-A-Bear that Cody felt a ping of guilt wash over him. It only being a few weeks ago that he took Ava and Lilly to the stuffed animal store to get them matching bears. Ava named hers Pickles, and Lilly named hers Ginger, and here he was prowling with his little girl for strange men for her to fuck. “Man things can change quickly,” Cody thought.
Ava noticed her father watching the other girls with their father. She tucked herself under his arm. Looking up at him she said, “Daddy I’m still your little girl. Maybe you can take me and Lilly there next week?”
Cody smiled, “Baby I know you think you are, but you‘re not a little girl anymore. You can’t help but be different after all of this. I just hope you and Lilly can still be friends.”
“Oh shit!” Ava snapped.
“Kiddo watches your language,” Cody said as a woman huffed at the young girl under his arm.
“Sorry Daddy,” Ava said crinkling her face. “I forgot to call Ava and let her know I’m safe and everything is ok. She’s probably freaking out. The last thing she saw was that man from the restaurant fucking me.”
Ava grabbed her phone from her back pocket and quickly FaceTimed Lilly. To Ava’s surprise, her friend didn’t answer. That was unlike Lilly. “That’s weird,” Ava said looking at her phone.
“Maybe she’s in the bathroom,” Cody replied.
Ava looked up at her dad like the man had lost his mind. “Dad, Ava, and I answer each other’s calls even if we are pooping. Even if I have a stranger’s cock in me.” She thought she was being cute adding that last part.
Cody on the other hand didn’t find it amusing and shot her a bombastic side-eye. look it up it’s a new thing kids say “Well call her back then.”
Ava pressed the FaceTime icon again. Once more the phone made the distinctive dong, dong, dong sound iPhones make when they are sending a FaceTime call. This time after three rings Lilly picked up. It was Ava’s turn to look shocked. On the other end of the line was a naked little Lilly. “Lils, why are you naked?”
Cody nearly tripped over himself as he listened to his daughter. “Lilly’s naked?” Cody asked.
Ava turned the phone so her dad could see Lilly. “Hi Mr. Jackson,” a naked Lilly waved. “Ava’s dad is there?” He heard Lilly’s sister say as she turned the phone to an equally naked Caitlin.
“Oh… hi um, wow… girls. It’s nice to see *cough* you both,” Cody said as his cock stirred in his shorts.
“Caitlin’s wha’…” Ava said quickly turning the phone back to herself. “Damn Caitlin, you look good enough to eat,” Ava smiled biting her bottom lip.
Lilly turned the phone back to herself. “Hey what the…” Lily started before Caitlin tried to pull the phone back to herself. The two naked sisters began wrestling over the phone, both trying to show Ava their naked little bodies.
Just then their dad walked into the room to see what was going on. Seeing two precocious preteens naked and wrestling over the phone was enough to get him hard. To make matters worse from his angle all he could see were legs flopping all over the place with glistening little pussies and winking anuses. “Girls just fair warning your mother will be home in about an hour, and you will be dressed like proper little girls by then… right?”
“Right,” they said in unison and called a non-verbally truce to their horseplay.
“Come on Lil, let’s finish…” Caitlin started to say then remembered their dad was still in the room. Despite being older Caitlin was shyer than Lilly. Maybe it was because she was more petite and less developed than her younger sister. Both had barely their breasts but Lilly had bumps for breasts, compared to her completely flat older sister. Also, Lilly’s pussy was slightly more developed. Her pussy was puffier and started to blossom ever so slightly, whereas Caitlin’s was still a bald little slit.
That was the other problem that was causing the older sibling to be less confident. The other girls in her class were having periods, breasts, and pubic hair. Even their hips had begun to widen. Caitlin’s body seem to be exactly as it had been when she was nine. Don’t get me wrong, she is a stunning little brunette girl, a hell of a lot prettier than any of the other girls in her class, but boys in the seventh grade want boobs and girls who look older, not a girl that looks like she should be in third or fourth grade.
Maybe that’s why she loves the chatrooms. Men love her. They want to see her and be with her. They want to hold her and tell her how sexy she is. They want to fuck her and lust after her like the boys in her class should be doing. For Caitlin, when she is in the chatroom, she is the center of their world. They are excited to see her and cum to watch her touch herself. She doesn’t have to be goody-goody, or sweet and innocent. In the rooms her mom isn’t trying to make her be something she’s not, she gets to be her. She gets to be in control. But most of all she can be free and as naughty as she wants to be.
This is Caitlin’s world, and even though she is now sharing it with her little sister, she is going to use it to her advantage. She is going to do all the things she has pretended and fantasized about doing.
“Lils?” Ava’s voice crackled through the iPhone speaker.
“Sorry, Ava got to go. Love ya, call ya later,” Lilly said hanging up on her friend.
“Caity what is it you and Lilly are wanting to finish?” Her dad asked.
Caitlin looked at Lilly. Both girls’ eyes got bigger. It was obvious they were waiting on each other to tell their dad what they have been up to. Finally, Lilly broke the silence. “Caitlin was showing the adult chatrooms she likes to go to when she wants to masturbate,” Lilly said smiling as she threw her sister under the proverbial bus.
“Lil,” Caitlin exclaimed.
Jason started to laugh. Both girls looked at him wondering why he was laughing and not scolding them. “OK girls have fun, just remember your mom is coming home shortly,” Jason said taking in the beauty of his two preteen daughters. He had always been attracted to young girls, especially Ava. After seeing Lilly and Ava fucking, not making love, the other night, and now seeing how incredibly gorgeous Caitlin’s immature body is, Jason knew he would let, not encourage, his daughters to explore their sexuality.
“Oh girls one more thing, if you are letting the men on there see you naked, be careful not to give them our address. The last thing you or I need is some strange man showing up wanting to fuck you and have your mom answer the door. I don’t know who she will kill first, but I know we will all be in trouble.”
The two naked little girls ran up to their dad hugging him, then they each kissed him on the lips. “Thanks, Dad you are so way cool,” Caitlin said giving him another kiss.
“Thanks. Oh and no posting naked pictures on Insta or TicTok,” Jason added. “Oh and don’t get an Only Fans account unless you plan on giving me some of the money.”
Jason was trying to be cute and funny, but he was really afraid that the last comment may have gone over the line. If there was still a line after he just told his two preteen daughters to have fun showing their naked bodies online. Jason closed the door and headed back down to watch some football. The Rams were getting ready to play, and with what he had on the game, it was more important than the naked duo on the other side of the door. “Football over the prepubescent pussies of my daughters, seriously what the fuck is wrong with me?” Jason admonished himself.
Lilly and Caitlin stood there for a few moments processing what had just happened. “Did Dad just give us permission to fuck men that we meet in the chatrooms as long as they don’t come to the house?” Lilly asked as Caitlin loaded up the chatroom.
“Good then I don’t feel bad about last week,” Caitlin accidentally blurted out as she entered their screen name.
SignOn Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly enter the room
SignOn Stronghands enters the room
SignOn Daddy enters the room
olderman65 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : Hi welcome
SignOff Daddy leaves the room
David Dad Uk : Hi all
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to olderman65 : Hi
olderman65 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : hi, how are you 2 doing?
SignOff Stronghands leaves the room
SignOn Brian 1 enters the room
olderman65 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : so you both are princess’?
SignOff Bored Mum leaves the room
SignOn denise mom enters the room
jack 26 hubby : (IMG)
olderman65 : (IMG)
A NaughtyM : (IMG)
Biker Daddy : (IMG)
Cheer Dad Florida 18+ : (IMG)
olderman65 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : do you both have small breasts?
denise mom PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : hi Caitlin and Lilly! a single mom from Alabama here :
postiepete : (IMG)
A NaughtyM : (IMG)
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to olderman65 : Um Lilly’s got more than me but they are just bumps
BudmwmNUDIST : (IMG)
SignOn her bf checks me out enters the room
Biker Daddy : (IMG)
Cheer Dad Florida 18+ : (IMG)
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Cheer Dad Florida 18+ : Do you like naked little girls
Cheer Dad Florida 18+ PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : It depends on the girls
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Cheer Dad Florida 18+ : what if they are like below 18
Cheer Dad Florida 18+ PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : Does your daddy know you come here naked.
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Cheer Dad Florida 18+ : Yes he told us we could, is that ok
Cheer Dad Florida 18+ PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : No if you are below 18 and you are here naked your daddy is a sick man That probably just wants to fuck you and should be locked away and you both should be spanked and your computer should be taken away
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Cheer Dad Florida 18+ : That’s not nice
Cheer Dad Florida 18+ PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : Stop talking to me
denise mom PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : Hi lovely. How are my two princesses?
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to denise mom : Hi how ru
A NaughtyM : (IMG)
denise mom PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : great thanks! how are y’all?
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to denise mom : Fine u
jack 26 hubby : (IMG)
olderman65 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : nice! are they covered up now?
denise mom PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : doing good! sprawled out on the couch relaxing
Biker Daddy : (IMG)
postiepete : (IMG)
olderman65 : (IMG)
SignOn StrokingBiDad enters the room
olderman65 : (IMG)
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to denise mom : We are in our room
jack 26 hubby : (IMG)
postiepete : (IMG)
denise mom PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : are y’all really sisters? I’m 27 and single, have a daughter Pam that’s 7
A NaughtyM : (IMG)
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to olderman65 : Um no we are naked
SignOff 29f but 30aa leaves the room
SignOn BigPervyDickUK enters the room
scallywag : (IMG)
SignOn Naughty Man enters the room
denise mom PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : is it just you at home or are y’all being sneaky? 😛
olderman65 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : nice! are your nipples hard?
petite : (IMG)
A NaughtyM : (IMG)
Biker Daddy : (IMG)
olderman65 : (IMG)
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to denise mom : Yes we r sis. Lilly is 2 yrs yngr than me
jack 26 hubby : (IMG)
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to olderman65 : Lol um yea
A NaughtyM : (IMG)
BudmwmNUDIST : (IMG)
denise mom PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : oh that’s awesome : )
A NaughtyM : (IMG)
petite changes names and will henceforth be known as petite f
SignOff Biker Daddy leaves the room
A NaughtyM : (IMG)
SignOff Amie 18 wf for pervy rp leaves the room
SignOn * Russ, Lonely in NJ……. * enters the room
petite f : (IMG)
olderman65 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : nice! are you touching yourselves? each other?
jack 26 hubby : (IMG)
denise mom PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : do y’all chat here a lot? we usually try to get in the nudist room but we couldn’t get in :/
scallywag : (IMG)
A NaughtyM : (IMG)
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to denise mom : Dad is down stairs. Um no we thought we had 2 but he was just here and told us just don’t let mom catch us and no men coming 2 the house cause mom would freak. It was weird
SignOff StrokingBiDad leaves the room
SignOn Marty enters the room
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to OlderDWMhomeNalone : No just sitting here. We never been 2 a chatroom 2gether
SignOff Pervert in the Old Shed leaves the room
SignOn knight enters the room
denise mom PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : ohh you have a cool dad! I never knew my dad so y’all are lucky
scallywag : (IMG)
A NaughtyM : (IMG)
postiepete : (IMG)
A NaughtyM : (IMG)
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to denise mom : No just sitting here. We never been 2 a chatroom 2gether
petite f : (IMG)
A NaughtyM : (IMG)
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to denise mom : I never thought he would be so cool
jack 26 hubby : (IMG)
olderman65 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : love thought of you sitting next to each other, naked
SignOn jerking hubby/dad enters the room
denise mom PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : are y’all enjoying the pics?
olderman65 : (IMG)
denise mom PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : its ok : to answer your question…bi/les, people playing, fucking
denise mom PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : what do you two look like
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to denise mom : I have brown hair brown eyes I’m 4’7 79 lb. Lilly is yngr she’s got red hair blue eyes she 4’7 82 lb she’s got freckles all over her. I have some but not as much
SignOff NewEnglandDom leaves the room
SignOff jerking hubby/dad leaves the room
denise mom PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : I’m 5’8 160ish 34dd brown hair brown eyes, shaved
olderman65 : (IMG)
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to denise mom : Wow you got big boobs
FL Mature M : (IMG)
scallywag : (IMG)
lysette PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : hi *s*
denise mom PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : there’s nothing wrong being small honey : )
nightman : (IMG)
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to denise mom : I’m not small I’m flat
denise mom PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : nothing wrong with that either : )
SignOn Mike Relaxed Mature Uk enters the room
lysette PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : 24 single very open minded submissive bi female
denise mom PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : ask your dad, he’ll tell you
SignOn thomascd enters the room
SignOn mannen66 enters the room
denise mom PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : if hes like most guys I’ve met that is lol
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to denise mom : Please don’t tell on us 4 being here
denise mom PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : I’m not honey
denise mom PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : have y’all ever tried to do things like you see in the pics?
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to denise mom : um Lilly and her friend Ava have together.
SignOff Andrew – Divorced leaves the room
denise mom PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : did you watch them? what did they do?
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to denise mom : No I wasn’t there. Lilly told me about it yesterday.
Dirty Priest enters the room
SignOff Make m e a Sissy in Hose and Heels leaves the room
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to denise mom : I met a man from a chatroom before
denise mom PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : did he fuck you?
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to denise mom : Yes I did.
SignOff OlderDWMhomeNalone leaves the room
SignOn Stepdad enters the room
denise mom PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : cool! we have hooked up before too
luke6112 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : hi
SignOff * Russ, Lonely in NJ……. * leaves the room
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to denise mom : Wait who’s we?
denise mom PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : its ok if he did hon…i was masturbating by the time i was 9 and i lost my virginity when i was 11
Lilly saw what her sister typed. “Caitlin what the fuck! Did you have sex with a man you met online?”
Caitlin didn’t answer her sister. Lilly asked again. Still no answer. On her third attempt of asking Lilly walked up and stood right in front of Caitlin’s, blocking her view of the screen.
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to denise mom : Sorry Lilly is freaking out about me hooking up with him
SignOff Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly has ended the session
Lilly logs them out of the chatroom. She turns back to Caitlin, who is trying to see around her little sister. “Spill or we aren’t going back in,” Lilly says folding her arms. “EVERYTHING!”
Caitlin starred at her sister, then finally said, “Fine! His name was Steve. I don’t know his last name. He was like 40ish… brown hair with just a little gray. He had a tummy but not like obese, more like a “dad bod.” We started chatting right after the guy who I was completely in love with just ghosted me. I told him how I had just broken up with my boyfriend I didn’t share our ages and he was really sweet and caring and said all the right things. Like how that other guy was stupid and how he had no clue what he’s lost.”
Lilly stopped her sister. She was confused, “Wait Caitlin. You had a boyfriend?”
“Yea, sort of. I mean he was this guy I met in a chatroom,” Caitlin added.
“Oh,” Lilly giggled, “not a real boyfriend. You mean it was someone online pretending to be your boyfriend.” Lilly’s giggle turned into a laugh until she saw that her sister was upset about what happened. “I’m sorry Caity. At least you had that. I’ve never even kissed a boy.”
“You kissed Ava,” Caitlin grimmest.
Lilly smiled, “Oh yeah.” Then added, “Sorry. Come on tell me the rest I want to know, please. What happened with Steve?”
Caitlin smiled as she thought about how things started to heat up between the two of them. Sitting up in the chair, spreading her legs just enough for Lilly to see that her pussy was moist, Caitlin said, “He and I would send pictures to each other.”
“Wait you sent naughty pictures to a man you met online,“ Lilly astonishingly asked.
Caitlin smiled, “No not all were naughty. In one of the appropriate pics I sent, it was me wearing a hoodie that had my school’s logo on it and he responded and asked if I went to the school and I said I did. He said that he lived six minutes, just over a mile, away from school.”
“Caity, Dad just told us to be careful so no one knows where we live!”
“I know it was an accident, but it worked out,” Caitlin said. “After a few days I was still really depressed about the breakup and he asked if he could take me for some ice cream after school one day. I was a little nervous but said yes because it was a public area and I knew the manager of the ice cream store. I said that I’d have to call him Uncle Steve and he said that would be fine…”
“Wait,” Lilly cut off Caitlin. “You met him at Sno 2 Go?”
Caitlin nodded.
“Holy shit! That’s the day Ava. Zoe, Paige, and I saw you with that man you said was your teacher.”
Caitlin nodded again.
“You sneaky little bitch,” Lilly said her mouth a gasp.
“So, anyways… we met up. I told him as long as I was home by five Mom and Dad would never know. He was very sweet. He bought me ice cream and we just sat and talked. He acted like he was our uncle from out of town and Tyler didn’t think twice about it.”
“Duh, Tyler smokes a lot of pot. He barely thinks twice about anything,” Lilly cut in giggling.
“Anyways…” Caitlin continued. “When we left, he said it’d be weird if we walked away in different directions and asked if I wanted a ride home. That made sense to me so I got in his truck and he drove me to our street. I sat in the middle part of the front bench next to him but nothing happened. I had him let me out around the corner so no one would see us. That night we chatted on KIK and that was the first night I sent him a picture of me that I took in the bathroom mirror before my shower. My face wasn’t in it but the rest of me was on full display. He sent me one back of him and told me if I was his girlfriend he’d never let me go.”
SignOff denise mom leaves the room
SignOn Disney Dad enters the room
“The next day after school he DM’d me and said he missed me. Ha asked if I wanted to come to his house the following day. I knew exactly what he was asking and I said “Yes.” He sent me his address and I told Dad that I had a project for Math and was going to my friend’s house to work on it and have dinner there. He was oblivious and didn’t ask any more questions.”
Lilly shook her head saying, “Um duh Caity. I once told Dad I was going to go watch Zoe and Paige at gymnastics practice. Then me and Ava suck off to go see After Ever Happy. He even saw us walk out of the theater when he picked us up and never said anything.”
Caitlin scolded Lilly, “If you want me to tell you stop interrupting me.”
“Fine but…” Lilly started before Caitlin cut her off.
“So that day to school I wore a skirt with a sweatshirt, no bra, and plain white panties. After school, I walked to Steve’s house. It was small and kind of run-down but there were a lot of trees and bushes so it was also private. When he opened the door I could tell he was nervous and said he was happy I came. We went inside and he asked if I wanted a snack and I said sure so he made some popcorn. While it was popping he asked if I wanted a tour of the house and I said yes so he showed me all around. The last room was his bedroom. He had a nice large bed and he had laid out two robes on it. I asked what those were for and he said that he usually doesn’t wear more than a robe at home but didn’t want to assume anything and I said that I had started wearing less at home too. The microwave stopped so I said to go get the popcorn and I’m going to get more comfortable.”
“Finally the good stuff,” Lilly said, getting an eye roll from Caitlin. Lilly covered her mouth, locked it, and threw away the key.
“When he left the room I took off all of my clothes and put on the robe. I tied it very loosely where it didn’t cover anything and went to find him. His eyes got really big when he saw me. I said he could go get comfy too. He left and came out with his robe on but tied tightly. We sat on the couch and ate a few bits of popcorn. I leaned up against him and could tell he was looking down at my body and I let him. I could also tell he was excited under his robe. I snuggled up against him and looked up and said “Kiss me” so he did. And from there our robes both came off quickly. We went to his room and he turned on some dirty videos. Lil, we did everything- making out, oral, and he took my virginity. It so was very loving and romantic. He made me feel safe and comfortable, and it surprisingly didn’t hurt that much. He didn’t pull out when he… you know. He drove me home again afterward and dropped me off at the same spot. But this time before I got out of his truck I kissed him deeply and told him that I’d always remember him as my first time.”
”Oh wow, Caity that sounds amazing. I want to have sex so bad,” Lilly enviously said.
“Just make sure you do it with someone who cares for you and knows what they are doing,” Caitlin said rubbing her fingers through her pussy as if she’s remembering the moment. “Sis just do me a favor. Don’t fuck some little boy in your class who doesn’t know what he’s doing.”
That caused Lilly to crinkle her face and slap Caitlin across her chest where her boobs should be. “You are such a bitch…” Lilly snarled. Then mockingly sneered, “Don’t fuck some little boy in your class who doesn’t know what he’s doing. Maybe I will find your Uncle Steve and fuck him. I mean since you want to fuck my Ava.”
“Hey Ava is both of ours,” Caitlin snapped back. “Maybe you should fuck Dad.”
“Oooo, could you imagine fucking Dad?” Lilly giggles. “I spied on him and Mom doing it. Ohmygod they looked so bored. Dad just laid there with his eyes closed while Mom was on top bouncing up and down.”
Caitlin began laughing hysterically, “Maybe Dad was thinking about you. You know since you got everything to make a guy hot.”
“Oooo haha, laugh it up,” Lilly grimaced. “At least I have booblets. Your still completely flat.”
Caitlin stopped laughing, “Lil… go look in the mirror. Those little booblets, as you call them, aren’t even close to being bumps. Besides, at least I know what it feels like to have a real cock in my pussy… Ms. Hairbrush girl.”
“At least I got to lick Ava’s pussy.”
“Looks like anyone can do that now,” Caitlin said laughing. Lilly started to laugh and sat back down next to Caitlin.
“Come On let’s go back into the chatroom before Mom comes home,” Lilly said giving her pussy a little rub.
SignOn Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters enters the room
SignOffBrian leaves the room
SignOn horny older m enters the room
Thomas : thanks everyone
SignOn Brian’s Big Cock enters the room
SignOn NewEnglandDom enters the room
SignOn Bama Mom ..being naughty enters the room
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : Do you and your sister come here a lot together
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : Mostly I come here, but Lil was been secretly going to a room I caught her yesterday
SignOff Jake1 leaves the room
Lilly told Caitlin that they should just talk to this one guy. “Last time it go so confusing with all the pictures and everyone trying to chat with us.” Caitlin went to the chatroom setting and put it so they were only listening to singledadof2.
You are now listening to singledadof2.
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : ahh, so now you go on together?
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : It’s are first time here
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : oh nice. I hope everyone is being kind to you two
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : It’s a lot of ppl trying 2 talk 2 us
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : I believe that
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : like I said, it’s rare to have TWO princesses in here at the same time
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : what are y’all wearing? Beautiful princess gowns?
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : We r naked.
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : oh wow I bet that’s a sight!
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : It’s been a weird 2 days
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : can I ask how old you are? or better not knowing?
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : Please don’t tell
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : I won’t
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : Um u wont chat with us if we say it
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : I’m sure I would… but you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : If u promise u won’t tell we will
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : I swear baby
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : I’m 12 Lilly is 10
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : see told ya
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : wow. I won’t stop chatting but are you sure you want to be here
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : OMG yea
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : then okay! As long as you want to be here I won’t say anything
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : Chatrooms are fun
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : they certainly can be!
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : my girls are 7 and 5… I’m not sure I’d love them being here but it’s okay for you
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : How come. Our dad knows. Well now and that’s kinda part of the weird
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : oh you should have led with that! lol
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : Huh
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : as long as you have permission, it’s fine. I think mine would be a little young for some of this but maybe not
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : as long as your daddy is fine with you being here, then I’m sorry I even questioned it
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : Ur nice
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : I believe in treating everyone with kindness
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : I wish there was a way to see you two
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : I have brown hair brown eyes I’m 4’7 79 lb. Lilly is yngr she’s got red hair blue eyes she 4’7 82 lb she’s got freckles all over her. I have some but not as much
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : you two sound so tiny.
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : Hey!
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : you two both sound adorable by the way
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : Oooo Ok.
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : Are you wearing princess dresses
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : LOL no we are naked.
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : Does your daddy know your in here
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : Our Dad told us that we can be naked when Mom is not home and he said we could come here but had to promise not to give men our address he said he don’t want men showing up to fuck us with mom answering the door cause she would kill him and us
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : well that sounds very reasonable of him. What about going out somewhere else to meet them?
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : Lilly’s mad at me cause she found out a lil bit ago that I did that
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : oh really? sounds like its her turn then
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : But to be fair she and her BFF Ava who I have been in love with for 2 yrs did it the other night
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : aww are they girlfriends?
Lilly reaches over Caitlin and begins typing a message to singledadof2.
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : Caitlin fucked a 40 yr old man she met from hereewfxzrfsdGH
Caitlin grabs the keyboard back from Lilly hitting sever keys at one time.
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : Sorry my dumb sis wasn’t supposed 2 say that
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : oh wow that must be Lilly
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : how long ago was that?
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : It was like 4 months ago
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : was it fun? was he nice to you?
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : Yes he is so nice. We have done in like 7xs
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : sounds like it was his lucky day then!
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : Lol that’s not all in 1 day
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : ohh, okay
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : well still. lucky man
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : 1st time I met him was 4 months ago
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : were you 12 then or 11?
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : My birthday was last month
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : were you a virgin
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : Yea, I was a virgin
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : I’m glad he was nice, then. It can hurt
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : It hurt so bad at first
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : Ava made me not a virgin with a hairbrush
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : Sorry that was Lilly
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : that’s so hot
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : sorry if that’s weird to say
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : Lol I would have loved Ava to do it to me.
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : Can we ask u sumthing
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : you and Ava could still play
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : sure you can ask me anything
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : Is it weird our Dad said we could be naked and stuff when Moms not home
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : Sum1 said it was that he is a sick person for letting us be naked
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : I think it depends on the relationship you have. My girls mom wouldn’t have been okay with it so I get that. But I let my girls run around naked all the time inside.
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : their mom left two years ago. we haven’t heard from her since
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : We wish our mom would leave shes like so mean and strict. She treats us like we are babies.
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : my girls miss her sometimes but I try to keep their minds off of it
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : so if your dad is fine, and you’re both comfortable, go for it
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : Dad is way more fun
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : I like to think I’m fun
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : I’d never make you put on clothes unless you wanted to
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : It’s fun being naked
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : I agree
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : Sum1 said dad just wants to have sex with us
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : and you can be naked without having sex.
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : Do u like seeing ur girls naked. Are ur girls cute
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : i think they’re cute
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : What do they look like
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : they’re small, very petite. brown hair and brown eyes
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : Hi its Lilly. Caity wants me 2 tell u about Ava. U have to swear not 2 tell
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : they tan easily. Their mom is me Mexican
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : I promise
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : Fine first Caitlin wants to know if u find them sexy
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : I swear she is obsessed with our dad
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : they look like young versions of their mom so yes
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : I swear I think she wants to bone are dad
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : I’m sure he’d love it
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : I was going to tell you a sumthin but Lilly said no
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : it’s up to you two.
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to singledadof2 : It’s not about us its about Ava
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : Oh well then there is no reason not to tell me.
“Caity… Lils… your Mom just called. She’s picking up dinner,” Jason said knocking on his daughter’s door before walking into the room. “What do you want from Sol Agave’s?”
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : Girls you there?
Jason could not help but eye the girl’s naked little bodies up and down as they spun around in the desk chairs. Both sitting with their legs crossed under them, causing their bald little slits to open wide enough for him to see their pink glistening labia.
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : Girls?
“Ummm… I just want a couple street tacos, Daddy,” Caitlin mewed biting her bottom lip.
Me too Daddy,” Lilly said as she re-positioned herself, causing her pussy to open up enough for Jason to see her little twat hole wink at him.
Jason’s cock was beginning to take notice. It too wanted to see the naked cherubs displaying their pretty little kitties. It seemed like yesterday that was their name for them. Now the two are chatting with grown men about sex. His twelve-year-old is sneaking off to fuck a man his age, and his baby girl is having the hottest lesbian sex he ever witnessed, and dreaming of a day she can fuck a hard man’s cock. Yeah, the two girls didn’t know it, but SDCC exclusive Monster High doll they refused to open was the perfect place to hide a mini-cam. For the past year and a half, Jason has seen and heard everything they have done in their room. He has lost count of how many times he has jerked off watching one of them play with themselves, or Caitlin talking to men online in chatrooms and on cam.
singledadof2 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : Sorry I offended you.
“Alright girls I will text your mom your order,” Jason said taking out his phone and taking a picture of them.
“Dad,” Lilly exclaimed.
Jason smiled, “What you both look so good sitting there I wanted to have something to look at when you aren’t around.”
“Yeah to jack off too,” Caitlin said smiling.
The girls looked at each other and smiled. At the same time, they lifted their legs onto the arms of their chairs, spreading them wide open. To make the picture even hotter they used their fingers to spread open their pretty little moist lips, showing their daddy everything they had. “Here Daddy, if you are going to jerk off to a picture of us, at least have one where you can see everything.”
And everything he could. From their new position, Jason could see their little clits, labia, and fuck hole. He could also see their little pink anus just waiting to be entered.
“Fuck…” Jason whispered louder than he meant to. He then snapped a couple of pictures, and a video as the girls began to rub their little fingers through their folds.
Realizing he hadn’t taken a breath, Jason exhaled deeply. “Girls as much as I want you to have fun, start wrapping it up. Your mom will be home anytime.”
“Ok Daddy,” both girls said as they turned around, ending their tease.
As Jason left the room Lilly looked at her sister. “See… Like I told singledadof2of2. You are obsessed with fucking our dad.”
“Um, your fingers were in your puss just as far as mine were… virgin.”
SignOff singledadof2 leaves the room
Caitlin was to busy typing to notice the man left the chatroom. “Caity, stop typing he left the room.”
You are on longer listening to singledadof2.
“What?” Caitlin asked before looking up and seeing they were no longer listening to singledadof2 “Well that sucks!”
BiDaddy4Fun : (IMG)
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : Hi girls. I hope you are yng princesses
FL Mature M : (IMG)
scallywag : (IMG)
lysette PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : hi *s*
nightman : (IMG)
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : Yeah right every1 says that
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : few do what I do
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : What’s that mean
FL Mature M : (IMG)
scallywag : (IMG)
BigCock PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : hiya sexys
BiDayy4Fun : (IMG)
FL Mature M : (IMG)
BigCock : (IMG)
scallywag : (IMG)
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : I play with yng
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : Fine whatever u will tell anyways
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : nope
You are now listening to Disney Dad.
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : I’m 12 my sister Lilly is 10 please don’t say nuthin
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : cute ages
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : what do you 2 like here
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : See told ya you’d stop
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : I did not stop
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : wish I was there with you both
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : Umm do really?
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : That’s cool
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : oh yes you are both fun ages
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : either of you been with a guy
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : I have. Lilly’s mad at me cause of it
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : why is she mad
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : Because she found out I met a guy from a chatroom and had sex.
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : was it fun?
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : But to be fair she had sex with her BFF Ava and I have been in love with her for 2yrs
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : so cool How old is Ava
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : Shes 10 too
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : yummy
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : You mean me with the guy
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : I meant Ava
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : So has was it with the guy
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : Huh we r confused
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : 2 things 1 how did you enjoy the guy
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : 2 how hot is Ava
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : OHHHHHH it was gr8. It hurt at first.
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : always hurts at 1st
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : Ava is so pretty not like me
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : Even Lilly is hotter than me and she’s got freckles everywhere
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : oh I bet you all are pretty… did the man make you cum
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : have brown hair brown eyes I’m 4’7 79 lb. Lilly is yngr she’s got red hair blue eyes she 4’7 82 lb she’s got freckles all over her. I have some but not as much
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : Yeah i cummed it was so good
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : very hot both of you
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : uhmmmmmmmmmmm and did Ava make Lilly cum?
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : Ok fine Lilly wants me to tell u Ava made her not a virgin too
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : But i don’t think is should count it was with a hairbrush
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : My my, l like Ava too
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : so not the same as a cock
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : Ava had sex with a guy. Me and Lilly saw it on FaceTime
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : Did you like watching
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : We didn’t see much. Lil called to make sure she was safe and Ava showed us his thing in her
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : you all sound like fun
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : But the crazy part was that before the phone hanged up we saw her dad walk into the camera
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : well some dads fuck their girls
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : No her dad wasnt fucking her
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : Well hold on Lilly wants to tell you
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : ok
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : Hi its Lilly
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : Hi Lilly
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : How was it with Ava
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : So Ava stayed over 2 nights ago that’s when me and her did it But yesterday she was supposed to switch places with this girl at school and me a man at a hotel to have sex with. They was supposed to b wearing masks so no1 knows faces. But i think the man was her dad. But that’s not just it. When i FaceTimed her 2c if she was ok she was doing it with sum1 else but just b4 she hanged up Caitlin and me saw her dads face
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : oh I see
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : They were to wear masks so no one would know each other. I think the man the girl was meeting was Ava’s dad.
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : I know it sounds crazy but IDK know until I talk to Ava 2morrow
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : ahhhhhhh I think you are right
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : did you like seeing Ava with a cock in her
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : OMG it was so hot
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : Ava wants to be a slut
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : I would love to fuck her
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : She told me to be 1 too
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : would you like to be 1
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : Kinda
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : I wanna have real sex now since Ava and Caity have
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : did Ava make you cum
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : OMG a lot
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : how did she make you cum
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : With the brush and her fingers and her tongue
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : I bet her tongue felt real nice
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : Do u come here a lot?
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : at times yes
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : We g2g moms home. Shes not cool and will get pissed if she knows we here
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : But ur so cool
Disney Dad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters : u are cool
Princess Caitlin & Princess Lilly sisters PRIVATELY whispers to Disney Dad : TTYL
“Caitlin! Lillian! Dinner is here,” the girls heard their mom yell. “Get down here now!”
Lilly and Caitlin grabbed the closest shorts and tops they could find and threw them on, not bothering to put on panties. “I am only telling you one time to get down here, or you are grounded.” Luckily the girls were about the same sizes because the clothes they put on were each other. Rushing out the door the girls, hoped they could get back to the chatroom after their mom went to sleep.
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