Christmas Day sex on the sofa

Let me tell you how I lost my virginity, to my brother. It was the best Christmas ever.

It was Christmas Day 2007, my brother Liam was 16, and I was 10, I would have been 11 on December 26th.

We lived with my mom and dad and every year as a family we’d all get matching Christmas themed pyjamas, we’d put them on Christmas Eve night and then spend all Christmas Day wearing them, the house was always decorated with a big tree, tinsel hanging everywhere, mom got the festive ornaments out, they’d be stocking hanging on the fake fireplace, and it was just magical.

So, I woke up at about 5am Christmas morning, ran in to my parents’ bedroom, jumped up and down on their bed shouting, “It’s Christmas! – It’s Christmas.”, my parents and brother would wake up and we’d all go downstairs.

I raced downstairs, sat on the floor next to the tree, my brother and parents then came in to the room and we opened all our presents, I love opening presents, ripping the paper off and making a big mess, and then I played with my new toys while mom made dinner, dad and my brother would be sitting on the sofa watching Christmas TV or playing video games.

After eating dinner we all sat in the living room, getting warm, and it actually snowed that year so we could see the snow falling outside through the window, it was just the most perfect day.

At about 8pm mom and dad got tired after stuffing themselves with food and drink all day, so they went up to bed, Liam and I stayed downstairs because we were watching Christmas movies on TV, we both sat at either side of the sofa, we had one of those where the two end seats leaned back and the foot part came up, so it was like you were laying down, really comfortable.

Liam had drank some alcohol that day, it was the only day he wasn’t allowed to drink it, and when mom and dad went to bed he sneaked a few more glasses of my dad’s whiskey and he fell asleep at around 9:30pm, and then it got interesting.

I was still awake, cuddling my new doll, and watching TV, when out of the corner of my eye, I see Liam’s bottoms move around his crotch area, and it kept moving, there was a lump moving under the fabric, it kind of looked like he had a mouse inside his bottoms or something.

I pushed him on the shoulder to try wake him up and alert him to what I’d seen, but he was passed out drunk, and I was curious as to what it could be, so I sat up on my knees and moved towards him, I saw it move again, so I prodded it with my finger and it moved some more.

I needed to know what it was, so I took hold of the elastic waist band of his bottoms and pulled it up, then I looked down his bottoms and saw it move, it was his cock, it was big and twitching around, so then I pulled really hard and fast on his bottoms pulling them slightly down, they I let go and fell backwards, quickly moving away, his cock and balls were exposed, his balls were hairy and his cock looked huge.

I looked at his face to see that he was still asleep, and I was very curious at that age, so I moved back towards him, after watching his cock twitch a few times, I grabbed hold of it, it felt really hard and warm, and I quietly giggled when I felt it throbbing in my grip, then I started stroking my hand up and down his long 6-inch cock and was fascinated watching his tip appear in and out of his foreskin.

After stroking his cock for about 5 minutes, it swelled up in my grip, and a long stream of sperm came shooting out of it, it didn’t scare me thought, in fact I thought it was cool, I smiled and giggled when it came shooting out, and it landed all over my hand and dripped down my fingers, there was a lot of it and it was hot and sticky.

Liam must have heard me giggling because all of a sudden his hand lifted and he grabbed my wrist, he opened his eyes then looked down and saw that I had his cock in my hand, and my hand was covered in sperm, then he looked at me, I didn’t know what to do or say, so I just smiled and gave him a cheeky look, “Hi.” I said.

He grinned, then put his other hand on the back of my head and pulled my face towards his and he gave me a long sloppy kiss, when he finished kissing me, he let go of me and I leaned away and wiped his slobber off my mouth, but I’d forgotten my hand was still covered in his sperm and ended up wiping it off on to my face and mouth, “Eew.” I said, and he just laughed at me, “That’s not funny.” I said, wiping it off with the front of my pyjama top.

Then he turned around, lifting his knees up on to the sofa and he leaned towards me which made me lean away on to my back, “What are you doing?” I asked, as he hovered above me, “Kissing you…” he said, then he started to kiss my lips, my cheeks and then my neck, and rubbing his hands over the outside of my pyjamas, proper feeling me up.

His kisses were ticklish and made me giggle, and they also felt nice, especially on my neck, he tucked his fingers behind the waist band of my bottoms and panties then pulled them down my legs, “Liam.” I giggled, thinking he was just playing.

He managed to get my bottoms and panties off then toss them over his shoulder, then he leaned down, tucked his arms underneath me, holding on to me tight, and he laid on top of me, right between my legs, his bottoms were down to his knees and I could feel his hairy balls rubbing against my pussy and tickling me.

Then I felt a sudden sharp pinch, followed by a painful stinging sensation, he’d pushed his cock in to my pussy and tore open my hole, “Argh.” I whimpered, then he started thrusting his hips, and I could feel his thick cock moving in and out of me.

I laid wondering what was going on, my body experiencing brand new feelings and sensations, and they were nice, Liam was kissing my neck again, and had one hand up my top rubbing my flat chest, I folded my legs around him, and he started thrusting faster, he was fucking me on the sofa, and I liked it.

“Ooah – Mm – Ungh!” I moaned, quite a lot, I couldn’t help it, his cock just kept moving further and deeper inside me, and stimulating nerves I never knew I had, it felt so good, “Uh – Ooh – Mmm – Ungh”

My head was hanging over the arm of the sofa, and I could see the clock on the wall behind me, Liam fucked me for nearly 17 minutes, then he pushed his cock really deep inside of me, “Ooooaaa-urgh.” He groaned out, and I felt it throbbing inside, I knew what had happened, his sperm had shot out and gone inside of me.

He used his hands to push himself off me and he sat on his knees and pop his cock out of my hole, I could see his sperm trickling out of my pussy and on to the cushion, “You alright?” he asked, sounding very out of breath.

I felt very, euphoric, very satisfied inside, I smiled at him widely, “Yep.”, and he handed me my bottoms and panties to put back on.

“Let’s keep this between you and me, alright?” he said.

“-K-“ I replied.

Then Liam kissed me on the top of my head and staggered up the stairs and went to bed.

I stayed downstairs and fell asleep on the sofa cuddling my doll.
It was the best Christmas ever.