Craving little pussy

I had gone off women my age and became more interested in young girls. I’ve been wanted to fuck one for months and last night got to do it for real.

I’m a single man, aged 45, and after dating women my own age for years, I’ve come to the conclusion that they aren’t for me, they’re just too…. annoying, and needy, and moany, I’ve had enough of them.

My attention got turned to much younger girls, and boy are they nothing like they were back in my younger days, these days very young girls are wearing incredibly short skirts, doing their hair all fancy, faces covered in make-up, they also seem to be a lot taller, and their breasts, holy shit, have you seen the size of some of these young girls breasts, what are their parents feeding them?

I’ve seen 12-13-14 year old girls who are just drop dead fucking gorgeous, and they look, dress and act a lot older than their age.

For several months now I’ve been eying up some of the local girlies, viewing questionable content online, lots of nude photos and videos, and I’ve been desperate to get my dirty perverted hands on one of them.

Last night it finally happened, although it wasn’t exactly with the type of girl I’ve had my eye on, her name is Vikki, she’s my neighbour’s daughter and she’s the tender age of 11.

The reason why she wasn’t the type of girl I’ve had my eye on is because she’s not quite like them, she’s short and very chubby, overweight for her age, doesn’t wear make-up or act mature, she’s just a kid that sits stuffing her face with sweets all day and couldn’t care less about her appearance, no pride or care at all in the way she looks, she was a little girl, and she acted like one.

But, I didn’t let that stop me, because underneath all that sticky candy, melted chocolate, and folds of fat, there was still a little 11 year old pussy just waiting to be fucked, and I was going to have it.

I have babysat her before, about a year ago now, haven’t seen her much since, but last night her mom knocked on my door and asked if I could look after her while she went on a night out with friends, “Happy too.”.

After dropping Vikki off at mine, already dressed in her pink and white tie-dye pyjamas, her mom left for her night out and Vikki and I went in to my front room, sat down and put the TV on.

I gave her plenty of snacks and made her comfortable and happy, and while she stared at the TV, I spent quite a while staring at her and thinking about what was underneath those pyjamas and what I would love to do to her, I had to see her naked.

“Did you have a bath before you came around?” I asked.

“No.” she replied.

“Oh, why not?” I asked.

“Didn’t need one.” She replied.

“You didn’t need one, you’re meant to get a bath or shower every day. When did you last have one?” I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders, “Dunno, Monday probably.” She replied.

“Well, you’re going to have to get one now I’m afraid. I can’t have you sleeping in my bed tonight all dirty.” I said.

“Do I have too?” she moaned.

“Yes, you do.” I replied, and I got up and ran her a bath with lots of bubbles, then came back and got her, “Right, come on you, bath time.” I said.

She got up and walked to the bathroom, I expected her to close the door for privacy, but to my amazement and absolute joy, she removed her pyjamas and panties right in front of me, she didn’t even seem to care that I was there.

I saw her little naked body from every angle, she may have been a chubby girl, but you know what, she still looked delicious naked, she lifted her leg up over the rim of the bath to get in and I got the perfect view of her little bald pussy, “That’s it, you get in the bath. Good girl.” I said.

I left her alone for about 10 minutes then went back in to see how she was doing, we had a laugh and giggle as I playfully splashed water on her face and covered her head in soap bubbles, then it was time for her to get out so when she stood up I grabbed a towel, wrapped it around her then lifted her out of the bath, she wasn’t that heavy.

As I helped dry her off she looked around at the floor, “Where are my pyjama’s?” she asked, noticing they’d gone.

“I put them in the washer, they were dirty.” I replied.

“But what will I wear?” she asked.

“I’ve got a big shirt you can wear.” I said, it was one of my old baggy shirts, I put it on her and it covered her up all the way down to her toes and the sleeves were hanging off her arms, she looked cute, and it was such a shame I didn’t have any panties for her to wear underneath… oh well.

We watched a bit more TV in the front room and then it started to get late and cold so it was time to move to the bedroom, “Let’s get in to the nice warm bed, shall we.” I said.

As she walked by me on the way to the bedroom I gave her a cheeky slap on the butt, she giggled and continued running in to the bedroom, I turned everything off, locked the door and then joined her in the bedroom.

She was already in the bed under the covers, right in the middle, “Hey, make some room for me.” I said.

She giggled and pulled the cover up over her face, “No.” she said, being playful.

“Well, if you don’t then I’ll have to sleep on top of you.” I said, and she just giggled, and I thought damn this kid has no idea what I’m planning and everything she’s doing is making it so much easier for me.

I took my shirt and trousers off and walked around the side of the bed, I lifted up the sheet and climb in and rolled on to her, just draping half my body on to hers, she kept giggling, “There’s not enough room, you need to move over.” I said, tickling her repeatedly, I loved hearing her cute giggles.

“Okay. Okay. I’ll move.” She said, unable to take anymore tickles, I took my weight off her and she shuffled over to the side of the bed.

We both laid down and I turned off the bedroom light, there was silence for a few minutes, then she spoke, “What was that thing?” she asked.

“What thing?” I replied.

She sat up and lifted the covers a little and then pointed down at my crotch, “That there.” She asked.

She was pointing at my cock, which, after getting undressed, I’d purposely left hanging out the front of my boxers as I approached the bed hoping she’d notice, and she did, “Oh that. That’s my penis, or as some girls call it, a cock.” I replied.

“Oh. It looks funny.” She said, her face turning red and blushing.

“It does not.” I replied.

“Yeah it does.” She said, “Looks like a worm.” She added.

I then sat up and pushed the covers all the way off of me and switched on the light so she could get a good look at it, “It does not look like a worm.” I said, she just kept giggling at it, “Here, touch it. See if it feels like a worm.” I said.

She was hesitant but did it, she leaned over and touched with her fingertips, as soon as it felt the touch of her delicate little fingers it started to throb and twitch, “It’s alive.” She said, looking shocked.

“Oh no. You’ve woken it up now.” I said.

“Sorry.” She said.

“That’s alright. But you’re going to have to get it to go to sleep again.” I said.

“How?” she asked.

“You have to stroke it so it falls asleep.” I said.

She shuffled up close to me, still sitting up, then she leaned over and started to stroke my cock, damn it felt good, her fingers were so tiny and fit perfectly around my shaft, it was like they were made for this, “That’s it, you’re doing well.” I said, lightly gasping with pleasure.

I let her rub it for a good while and she made me come, I ejaculated all over her tiny hand, she jumped when it shot out but she wasn’t too bothered by it, “Don’t worry about that, that just means its going to sleep.” I said, but she still had my thick sperm all over her hand, “Let’s wipe that off…” I said, and I pretended to look around for something to use, but there was nothing, “…I know, take off the shirt.” I said.

She took the shirt off and I used it to wipe all my semen off her hand, then I tossed it on the floor, “There we go.” I said, leaving her naked in my bed, we laid back down, this time she snuggled up to me and I put my arm around her.

Then she did something I never would have expected.

“Can I show you a secret?” she asked.

“Show me? – Yes, of course you can.” I replied.

“You promise not to tell – even my mom?” she asked.

“I promise.” I replied, crossing my heart.

She lifted the covers and put her hand between her legs, spreading them wide apart, “You see that?” she said, pointing to her sweet bald pussy.

“Yes. I see it.” I replied, I couldn’t stop looking at it.

“Watch…” she said, then to my absolute surprise, she put her middle finger up her pussy, I couldn’t believe it, “…There’s a hole there.” She said.

This girl was looking better and better by the second, who cares if she was chubby, I was extremely turned on by her.

“Wow! – How did you find that out?” I asked.

“I just did it one day, it was itching and when I scratched it my finger went in.” she replied, then she pulled her finger out and showed it to me, it was covered in her pussy fluids, “It’s warm and sticky inside, look.” She said.

I held her hand and sucked on her pussy soaked finger, “Mmm – it tastes good.” I said.

She smiled then laid herself back down and pulled the covers over us again.

After she fell asleep, and she snores pretty loudly, I put my hand under the covers and rubbed her little pussy while jerking on my cock, then I slipped my finger inside her and gasped when I felt how warm and tight it was inside, I couldn’t hold back any longer, it was time to have her.

I spread her little legs open and then gently rolled over on top of her, but not putting my weight on her trying not to wake her, I rubbed the tip of my cock up and down the crack of her pussy and then slowly eased it inside, just a little at a time.

Her tight pussy felt incredible wrapped around my cock and my legs were shaking like crazy, I got about 3 inches in when she woke up and caught me, it took a few seconds for the feeling of my cock being inside her to reach her waking brain, then her eyes and mouth opened wide and she gasped out a long deep breath, “What are you doing?” she asked.

“My cock woke up again, I’m trying to get it back to sleep. It wanted to get warm so I put it in here.” I said.

“Oh – Okay – Ungh – Oom.” She moaned.

“Are you alright, my darling?” I asked.

“Feel funny.” She replied.
“Good funny or bad funny?” I asked.

“Good.” She replied, then she closed her eyes and laid her head down, still gasping and moaning as I slowly and tenderly fucked her.

“You rest, darling. That’s a good girl.” I said.

I swear I slowly pumped her tight little pussy for at least 45 minutes, it’s the longest I’d lasted in years, probably because I was doing it so slow, it still felt amazing though.

In the last 60 seconds I pumped her faster, she moaned louder and grabbed at the sheets beneath her, she lifted her legs off the bed and spread them like she was doing the splits, my cock slipped in to her deeper, her little body shook as she had an orgasm, her pussy was very sloppy and wet during the last 20 seconds, and I pumped her a bit faster and then… and then…. and then…. “Ooooah!” …I ejaculated and completely emptied my balls inside her.

At the exact same moment that I came, she opened her eyes and looked directly in to mine, and it was incredible, there was a sparkle in her eyes and it felt like I was staring deep in to her soul, her sweet beautiful soul.

I pulled my cock out, and she gasped, “Is it sleep now?” she asked between breaths.

“Yes, darling, it’s asleep now.” I replied, rolling off her on to my back and catching my breath.

She fell asleep almost instantly afterwards.

When we woke up in the morning, we went in to the living room, I dried her pyjamas and she put them on, and we had breakfast while she watched cartoons on TV.

I called her over, “Come here for a minute, darling.” I said, she came over and I picked her up and sat her on my lap, “You okay?” I asked.

She nodded and smiled, “Yeah.” She said.

“Did you have fun last night?” I asked, brushing her hair off her shoulders, she nodded again.

“Listen, I need to talk to you. You know how you showed me your secret last night?” I asked.

She blushed and nodded, “Yeah.”

“And how you made me promise not to tell?” I said.

“Yeah.” She replied.

“Well, I need you to promise me something. You have to promise not to tell your mom or anyone else what we did in bed last night. You can’t tell anyone that you helped my cock go to sleep.” I said.

“Okay.” She replied.

“I need you to promise and cross your heart.” I said.

She crossed her heart, “I promise not to tell.” She said.

“Good girl. You’re really pretty, do you know that?” I asked her.

She shook her head and blushed, “No I’m not.” She said.

“Yes you are. My pretty girl.” I said, tapping her on her little nose and kissing her quickly on the lips, “Would you like to come stay here again some time?” I asked.

“Yeah.” She replied.

“Great, I’d love to have you again. Okay, off you go, back to watch your cartoons, your mom will be here to pick you up soon.” I said, and she hopped off my lap and sat back on the sofa to watch TV.

That was this morning, my cock is still tingling from fucking her last night, it really was incredible, but I finally did it, I got to fuck a little girl and I can’t wait to do it again…. and again… and again.