Double dick me

Summer in southern California 1989 I was 9 long blond hair boy 75lbs soaking wet. Since I was 9 I was always at the beach and as summer just getting going weekend morning it was going to be hot I took off the shorts and took out a swimsuit only a narrow strip of material front to back some neighbor designer a friend of my uncle pressured me into wearing as a ” trend setting investment idea ” the design was barely covered the waistband above the hips pulled the narrow fabric up between my cheeks of my ass.

I roam the beaches the apartment complex I live in is a nudist colony a block from the ocean my neighbor Randy is my guardian until my father gets back from prison no mom he’s training to be a massage therapist.

Randy room mate Sonny is smoking rock and starts to take off my shorts coats me in olive oil fingers me then as the door is knocked on he is on me ” I told him to wait his black friend comes in pulls his cock out is given the ok films me being fucked hard I said we should go my the new rest area and film me as your black friends fuck me while men watch meet us at midnight I walked down the road with a narrow 3″ wide piece of leather in front to a thick braid in back then divided into two smaller braids around the waist twice above the hips my tye dye hoody that was to small and deck shoes began walking I was about 5 city blocks away stayed on the road very scary road the river bed is 25′ drop off no side walk and man was the cat calls whistles as I could hear people park about a mile away the only other way was get on the freeway to the next exit over the bridge back on south bound get off on the second exit now I followed the easier trail into the riverbed making my way in the darkness to the far side of the bathrooms shower all new noticed some big black guy fucking a maybe 13 year old I retreated into the darkness ass several guys rushed around unable to find me went back others also headed back a flash light swept and Ducked my hoody I walked on the darkside the girls side then this big black guy took me by an office trailer with a retaining wall and stair to a tunnel under the the bathroom to the lagoon beach to allow any flooding a great design a semi had parked so everyone parked could see but if a car drove through won’t see put me on the picnic table as 3 big black men began I put oil in my ass untied and got fucked by 2 then the driver of the truck gave me a blast of meth then fucked me the other guys didn’t come I tied my suit on I would now have to go the riverbed or hitch hike 14 mile the wrong way I darted into the riverbed with trails I hauled ass their was at least 4 or 5 following me I began jogging weaving into area jumping over some guys fucking then another hearing someone run into the first party ” get him his coming your way I went left then stopped went on my knees as a flash light swept hitting the others I laid on my back picked up 3 rocks tossed the towards the other side then a bottle three rocks standing I tossed one real far hitting a metal box or whatever the attention went that way I walked past people in the darkness under the bridges then the campground then the P.C.H.101

Sunrise on the pacific coast highway was mostly just walking put out my thumb was about to cross but just kept walking when a man in a van pulled over ” I can get you at least into town ” thanks ” ” I’m going to grandview but on the otherside at the beach paid parking but they have showers want to go? ” ” Ok ” we got their and parked he asked if I wanted to party we smoked I was looking at a porn mag when he was talking to 2 other men who stopped I got out and said ” just going to look around ” I did some yoga I could see them talking the man with the van was in a towel looking at the mag when I came back ” watched you doing that now I want masturbate watch me ” ” do you want me to suck your cock ” he was surprised he had never had a male suck his cock or sex with a male but after I sucked him off one of the RV guys had looked in seeing me finish him off as he busted cum got in took out his cock I sucked him he told me to follow we all went to the RV I gave the other man head while the other fucked me then the other then the van man was unsure I sucked him he said what gets him excited was violent fucking rough and hard ” ok ” he said in a public place like the beach so we went down the beach I would go walk down the beach as if we didn’t know eachother ” half hour I will go down the beach ” I went down the beach seeing a few men then 3 more went into the next cove there was a man jacking-off 3 more men walking from the other way I walked towards the cave by the man wanking ” nice cock ” ” your a young’n can you give me ahand with this ” the men seen me talking then sit on the blanket and take ahold of his dick all three came close by put their things down got naked walked over I offered them head and they accepted then wanted to fuck me and did even while people came walking down the beach with kids 2 other mature men wanted watched then followed as I went down the beach more a secluded spot with a naked man with a towel over his face snored as I waved one of the mature men over I sucked his big cock he began fucking me that’s when the man woke up watched as I got plowed then he came over both took turns people were getting close told me to go in the next cove the next was a staircase up a road were the guy’s car was he I drove he asked if I know places ” yes went a a farm road to an abandon campground about 2 miles inland everyone was using it as a cruising spot even sheriffs were taking or arresting and fucking people we went parked then went up tp an overgrown place I knew over grown pine tree as cover he fucked me good and hard as I pointed to a guy trying to find us or someone fucking he pulled out his dick while looking at some activity in the bushes then kept going with his long cock hanging out of his pants fly the man that took me there took off when 3 men towards the area we were in realized someone else is here I went another way they were trying to find me I was making noise tried to cut across a campsite way overgrown bored into a clearing got yanked onto the ground with my arm twisted behind my back hand covering my mouth another man ziptied my hands behind my back as the other kept me from making noise put a ball gag on me I heard grunting a man was fucking someone around 14 or 15 and within a minute so was I a pillowcase was put on me loosely caught a view of a skinny boy being fucked and bushes moving as the old pervert watched then the ballgag was removed a cock was pushed in my mouth and I began sucking then fucked by 3 while the other boy made noise they added tape and worked him hard 6 men total they began to focus on me hard and wild taking off the pillow case took me to a campsite with a table in more open area and fucked me tied to the table then afterwards the old man with the cock hanging out of his pants fucked me his cock got huge then some big black guy smoking rock gave me some hits then fucked me he had only freed my left hand after he fucked me cut me loose gave me a ride to arco gas just down the road I knew the owner when he seen me he motioned for me to wait made a call we went to the grounds keeper place on the property next to his smoked he wane fucked me ” ok “