Fair Game

This boy started looking up our skirts, and dresses to see our underwear.

Some girls pulled his pants down on the playground, and called him “Creep!” They were 6 graders, so I ran up to talk to them, after he pulled his pants up.

“What you do that for?” I never saw girls bully a boy before, but they told me what’s he’d been doing. In the lunch room, under the bleachers, and they even showed me how to sit on a bench.

I already knew that, we weren’t supposed to show boys our underwear, so we sat with our legs crossed, or our knees together. “He pulled up my skirt, right in the lunchroom!” One girl said.

Then the other one said “We chased him out to expose him, so fair’s fair.”

I nodded, so that made sense. He bullied one, so she got another girl to bully him back, and nobody got in trouble. They didn’t have to tell the principal on him, they got him back.

I was feeling naughty, so the next time I saw him creeping around the playground. He was looking up under the platform, while little girls were running around in skirts, and dresses, so he could see their panties through the boards.

I stuck my feet under a board, and leaned back over the ladder. So, I hung up-side down, and my dress slipped up, to show him my panties. I wore my favorite, they were blue, and had My Little Ponies all over them. Then, I grabbed the ladder, and unhooked my feet, so I could flip down, laughing.

“You like my undies?” I ran off giggling, but he followed me, around the corner. It was just like playing Tag, only it was just me, and him, and he was it!

“I didn’t get a good look,” he pulled up my skirt in front, and even squatted down for a closer look.

“No fair, now you have to show me your’s!” He just had plain white underwear, but it had a weird pocket in the front. “What’s this for?” I stuck my fingers in there, but all I felt was more cotton, before he pulled my hand out.

“It’s my fly, so I can get my dick out to take a piss.” I giggled at the 4 letter words, but he looked around before he pulled his pants up, and fished around in there. “You want to see?”

I nodded, so he got it out, and I let my mouth go to say “Now piss!”

“I don’t have to go now, but you’re a dirty little girl, huh?” I shook my head. “Maybe you can help, if you want to see it so bad.” He took my hand, but he was standing up now.

I looked around his hip, to see if anybody could see me touching him, but it was really warm, and soft. “Pinch it, and pull it like this.”

“It’s getting bigger!” Sure enough, it got hard in my fingers, and he pulled my head, face first into his crotch.

“Suck it.” I shook my head, and clenched my teeth.

“Mh hm!” I didn’t want him to pee in my mouth, but then he got down again, and stuck his hand up my skirt. He pinched it just like he showed me, and touched me while he rubbed it up, and down. I giggled, knowing he definitely shouldn’t be touching my underwear, and pinching it.

“Ow!” My lips slipped out of his thumb, and fingers, but he pulled them down, and started rubbing me by feel. He finally got a finger between my lips, and closed his eyes, tight. He grunted, and his hand slipped out, but then I looked down at his dick, leaking.

First it was a drop, but then more dribbled out, until it shot up a couple inches, and landed in his lap.

“Haha!” I pulled my panties up, “You peed your pants!” Then, I ran off, looking for the 6 grade girls, to tell them I made him pee his pants.

Lunch was almost over, so I had to wait until after school, but I saw one out at the curb, waiting for her mom. I started telling her what happened, but then her mom picked us up, and she made her drive to a pay phone.

Where she could call the cops, and Karen sat down to talk to me, so we could get our stories straight. She made sure I left off the part about showing him my underwear, and only told them about him grabbing me back in the corner. Trying to make me suck him off, and touching me until he jerked off in front of me.

Her mom, and her explained to me that he was a pervert, and he molested me sexually. So, the cops picked him up the next day at school after me, and Stephanie pointed him out. “That’s the boy that touched me,” so they could take him away to Juvie hall, where he belonged.

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