Family cum dump 4

Mike reserved a three bedroom private villa in st Croix for 7 days. He had already contacted Donna’s mom, Sara who was 65 and a widow and Rick’s mother-in-law, Mona 68, also a widow. Jim and Tina, Mikes parents were not able to be there for the first 4 days but said they could join them after that.

So there were 11 people initially that were going on the trip.

Sara and Mona didn’t know about the incest games the family had been playing. Sara was a strict religious woman and they were looking forward to changing her attitude. Mona was a bit more free spirited but they were not sure if she would willingly go for incest.

So on the departure date they all met at the airport and boarded the flight to the island.

Mike had also reserved a 17-passenger van to get out and about on the island when they weren’t fucking each other.

They picked up the van and used the nav system to find the villa. Mike had preregistered and the access door used a smartphone app so they could just park and get settled

The villa had a high privacy fence and a swimming pool. It was expensive but worth it!

They picked rooms to stay in. Sara and Mona in one bedroom, Rick and his family in another that had two queen beds and a cot and the other bedroom for Mike, Donna, Kenny and Manny.

Sara asked Mike if it was proper for teens to be sleeping in the same bedroom as their parents.

“It’s okay Sara, we have separate beds and they’ll be in PJ’s so not a problem.”

They had all agreed that they needed to get the grandmothers involved the first day. So they said the first day they would relax at the pool. Everyone had suits on except Sara who didn’t like to expose herself.

The other women all had bikinis including Mona. Hers was more conservative compared to Helen, Donna and Cara whose suits barely covered their nipples and cunts.

Mike and Rick wasted no time getting started. They had Manny and Kenny approach Donna and pull her top down and Jerry pulled his mom’s top down while Marty took Helen’s top off.

Sara gasped, “oh my gosh! Boys! Stop that right now!”

Donna told her, “it’s okay mom, they do this all the time. I really like the way they sick my nipples! And when they fuck me, I come like crazy! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh god how I love it!”

Cara breathed, “Oh god yes! I love sucking and fucking my boys!”

Helen chimed in, “and dad just broke my cherry last week! I love fucking!”

Mona laughed and said, “you guys should have invited me sooner!”

Sara got up and went into the house, saying as she left, “you people are perverted! I’m going to see if I can get a flight out!”

She went into the house and sat down, trying to calm down after seeing her family doing and saying those disgusting things. She was in the great room of the house and could see the pool. She was going to use the phone to have the villa staff arrange a ride to the airport after she reserved a flight. As she was calming down she saw that the boys had stripped Donna’s bikini off and pulled their trunks off. She tried to look away but the sight of the boys’ erect penises awakened a desire that she had suppressed for many years. She tried to ignore it but when Cara took her clothes off and her sons started to suck her nipples, Sara started to get wet in her pussy. Without thinking, she started to rub her pussy through her pants.

“Ohhhhhh! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!” She moaned in pleasure as she rubbed her pussy for the first time in as long as she could remember.

All thoughts of leaving were forgotten as she watched Manny put his cock in his mom’s cunt and Donna take Kenny’s cock in her mouth.

Then Mike and Rick took Helen’s bikini off.

Oh no! Not my darling Helen! She thought. But it only made her hornier and she had to pull her pants and panties off so she could get to her cunt! She jammed two fingers into the swampy interior and shoved them in and out while tweaking her clit with the other hand.

Mike and Rick were taking turns fucking Helen, fucking her for a few minutes then letting the other fuck her.

Sara couldn’t resist any longer and walked out the sliding door and announced, “oh god, please! Somebody fuck me! Oh my god! I can’t stand it!”

Mike left Rick fucking Helen and led Sara to a lounge.

“Just shove your cock in my cunt Mike! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh yes! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck!” She moaned as Mike penetrated her long unused cunt with his long fat cock!

She was next to Donna and the boys and looked over at her daughter, moaning, “oh god Donna! It feels so good! I can’t believe I have been such an idiot!”

“It’s okay mom. Just enjoy it now that you’ve woken up. Mike is an excellent lover!”

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh god! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh yes! I’ve never had a cock this size! I’ve only ever fucked your dad. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh yes! Oh god! I’m cumming already! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh yes!”

She bucked up against Mike’s cock as she spasmed violently. When she finished, Kenny said, “I want to fuck nana now!”

He pulled his cock from his mom’s mouth and shoved it in his nana’s cum drooling cunt!

“Ohhhhhh yes Kenny! Fuck me! Oh god! I want everyone to fuck me!”

Jerry left his mom and went to Sara, pushing his cock in her mouth. She had never had a cock in her mouth but she started sucking on it like an all-day sucker.

“Oh man!” Jerry moaned, “she’s gonna suck the cum right out of my balls!”

That made Sara suck harder! She wanted to taste his cum, she wanted to swallow it!

Jerry was almost cumming with his mom so he only lasted another minute.

“Ohhhhhh god! I’m cumming! Oh god!”

Sara wasn’t prepared for the force of his eruption! It went right into her throat and she gagged on the first spurt. The cum bubbled out and down her chin, but she recovered and took the rest in her mouth, swallowing all of it.

The display was too much for Kenny, “oh god nana! I’m cumming in your cunt! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh yes! Oh fuck!”

“Oh god yes Kenny! Fill nana’s cunt with cum! Oh god yes!”

Sara started to cum again as Kenny emptied his balls into Sara!

When he pulled out, a flood of cum poured from her cunt.

Marty and Cara were still fucking but the whole scene with Sara brought them both to a mind shattering mutual orgasm!

“Ohhhhhh yes Marty! I’m cumming! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh god yes! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh fucking hell! I’m cumming! Oh god! This is too much!”

“Ohhhhhh yeah mom! Cumming in your cunt! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck!”

That’s when Jim and Tina walked onto the patio.

“Looks like we came just in time! We canceled our plans knowing how much fun this would be!”

Manny had just cum in Donna. She knelt in front of her mom and sucked the cum from her cunt!

“Oh yes Donna! Suck my cunt! Oh god yes!”

When Donna had sucked a mouthful of cum, she got up and kissed her mom, pushing the cum and cunt juice mix into Sara’s mouth. They swapped the slimy mix back and forth then swallowed it.

The rest of the time was a blur of sexual activity. They barely had time to eat and see a few sites before they had to leave.

Not sure where to go with this series from here. Any suggestions?