Gay trial

My name is Brian I’m 52 5ft 10 tall but fat this is what happened with my mate Rab. Rab was similar height but fiscally more muscular than me. We been friends for years, at least 30 years. I forgot to say he was 4 years older than me. We both married but were having difficulty with our wife’s. We both loved football and concerts. So whenever we could we go to a match or concert. After a concert one night we were waiting on the last train home. When Rab said you know I love you. I know you do I replied I love you too mate. But that was all that happened and we went our separate ways home. Then after about a month or so, we booked another concert and decided to stay at hotel that night. We met about four and went to bar for a few drinks and then got the train to the city. We had a few more drinks and went to concert it was brilliant. We had a few more and I was quite drunk and when we got back to hotel we were quite merry with all the drink. We stripped for bed down to our pants and got in the double bed. We both fell asleep. I don’t know what time it was when I felt Rab cuddle up to and caress my stomach and legs. I lay their quietly and didn’t move as his hands moved up and down my body. I was nervous. And my heart was beaten fast. When suddenly kissed my neck and shoulders. When he tried to pull my pants down I stopped him. He said sorry I replied it’s ok. Things went quiet for we while then he again started caressing me. Again I stopped him. I need to go to the toilet I said. I got up and rushed to the toilet, I sat there for a few minutes thinking what was happening. I had a pee and pulled my pants up. I was about to walk back to the bed when I stopped. I took my pants off and went to bed naked. It was dark and Rab couldn’t see I was naked. After a few minutes he cuddled up to me. He soon realised I was naked and was fondling my bum cheeks, l moaned as his hand found my small cock, and was stroking it. We turned to face each other and we started kissing. His hands where all over my naked body, it felt electric. I started licking his nipples through his hairy chest. Gradually working my way down to his pants and releasing his cock. Soon I was stroking and sucking his cock as best I could. Yes he moaned and tried to fuck my mouth. Then we went into a sixty-nine position and sucked each other off. But he wanted more and started massaging my asshole. Be gentle I said as I felt the tip off his cock enter my bum hole. Slowly he got deeper and started with slow thrusts inside me. I was sore but excited. He had a rhythm now and fucking me harder, to my surprise precum started to ooze out of my cock and soon I shot my load then felt him cum inside me. We lay their quietly and went to sleep. Next morning my hole was sore. We went and had our breakfast and went up to the room to get ready to leave. I went to the toilet as he was talking to me. I got naked and surprised him when I walked into bedroom naked. I sat on edge off bed and said we have hour before we have to get out. He smiled and walked over took his cock out and I started sucking again. Soon he was inside me again and fucked me to he cum inside me. He then sucked me off to I cum in his mouth. We now secret lovers.