gloryhole first time

When I was young, I couldn’t wait until I turned 18 so I could go to an adult bookstore to buy some porn videos.
So, the time came, and I finally turned 18 and I wasted no time going to the local porn shop. Being a young good-looking guy in a porn shop, I noticed there were no women in the store but plenty of middle-aged men who kept looking at me and even following me around the store.
. At first it seemed a little creepy but being able to browse the videos and magazines was making me very horny. As i was checking out the aisles of videos, a good-looking guy probably in his early 30s, came up from behind be as I was checking out a video and as he said excuse me, he reached over my head to grab a video and when he reached over, I felt his semi hard cock rub briefly on my ass through his thin shorts.
This startled me a little as he rubbed it up and down twice on my ass as he clearly pretended to have trouble reaching the video. I looked at him like what was that! He just grinned and stood there reading the cover of the video. I glanced down i saw a pretty big bulge in his shorts which oddly made my own cock twitch a few times.
I thought to myself, what are you doing checking out his bulge as I have never thought about another guy in a sexual way ever! I quickly looked away and started walking towards the other aisle as I found myself taking one more glance at his bulging shorts, only this time from a few steps away i could clearly see the outline of his large cock through the thin material.
I must have looked just a few seconds too long because I looked up to see him smile, he then ran his hand over that bulge and with a smirk he gave his cock a little squeeze. I let out a small but audible gasp as my own 18-year-old cock was starting to swell. being nervous I went quickly towards the back of the store to figure out what just happened.
I have never in my life thought about another guy’s cock and yet there I was, starting to get a hardon from seeing this old stranger with a bulging cock. as I looked around, I noticed a dark hallway which said video arcade. I decided to take a deep breath and check it out. As I walked down the hall, I saw rows of video screens lit up with private doors some were closed with a red light above the door with girls moaning loudly on the videos inside being played. I momentarily forgot about my little encounter and entered a booth.
As I closed the door, I noticed a few guys quickly walking towards the 2 booths on either side of mine, I thought nothing of it at the time. So, I put in a five-dollar bill into the machine and a porn video starts to play and I saw a button with arrows. Much to my delight I could scroll through a full menu of videos playing a new video each time I pushed the button.
I settled on one where a brunette girl was deepthroating a big cock while getting fucked from behind. So, I decided what the hell I’m here alone behind the door, so I removed my shorts and underwear and began jerking off to the video. I then decide to scroll through by pushing the button while stroking my now rock-solid cock with tons of precum lubing up my session.
As I continued to scroll through, it came to a video of a guy sucking off another guy while stroking his own cock. Now typically I think I would scroll through to find more scenes of women getting fucked but for some reason I stayed on this video of this guy going to town on another cock.
As I kept stroking my own cock, I noticed I was really enjoying watching this and even let out a few moans of my own. I don’t think I had ever had such a hard cock in my life!
As I was watching and jerking my cock, I noticed a hole in the wall on both sides of my booth with 2 sets of eyes watching me stroke my cock to a guy on the screen now slowly fucking the ass of the other guy. At this point I really didn’t care if anyone was watching me. I was so horny and hard!
All of a sudden, the guy on the left slowly pushed his big hard cock through the hole and I was staring at my first closeup 2 feet away of a big hard dick. I sat there and froze for a minute just staring at this beautiful cock in front of me when I hear a voice from the guy on the right say well what are you waiting for suck his cock! I glanced at the hole on the right only for an instant as I found I couldn’t look away from this cock in front of me. I slowly reached out and touched my first cock and it jumped a little when I first touched it.
I then wrapped my hand around it and naturally started stroking it. I then found myself slip out of the chair and was kneeling in front of his cock now only a few inches away. I then heard the guy behind me saying just suck his cock you know you want to! The truth was that right then, yes there was nothing I wanted more than to have that cock I was stroking in my already open mouth! As I leaned forward, I opened my mouth wider an wrapped my lips around that swollen cock!
The first thing I noticed was how soft and spongy the head was but the taste of his precum was sweet and i couldn’t get enough of it! As I started sucking and going up and down on his cock, I suddenly felt a hand on my ass as the guy behind me in the other booth stuck his arm through the hole and was now trying to reach down lower to feel my swollen cum filled balls. I lifted my ass a little higher so he could feel me because at this point I was beyond refusing anything.
As I lifted my ass, I didn’t realize how small the booths were and my ass went right up against the hole!
All of a sudden, I feel a wet warm tongue rimming my asshole which almost made me cum! Immediately I pulled away a little so I wouldn’t cum, as he reached under me and started playing with my balls and rock hard cock.
I let him play for a while, I kept licking and sucking the shaft filling up my mouth getting more and more of that delicious precum that I now craved! I then lifted my ass back up hoping he would resume his expert rim job which he did continue for about 30 seconds, until I felt him pushing a wet lubed up finger slowly into my ass. The feeling was totally incredible and had me sucking and licking that big dick even harder!
There was now so much precum that I was rubbing that slick cock over my entire face and then started slapping the sides of my face and tongue with his cock.
Just as I thought I couldn’t get enough of my newfound love for cock, I felt something bigger starting to slide into my ass! The guy in the back booth was going to fuck me through the hole! To my surprise I started pushing my ass harder against the hole and he slid his cock right into my ass! the feeling was indescribable!
As he started increasing the pace of my ass fucking, I started to get that feeling in my stomach slowly building! He was going to make me cum without even touching my dick! He was slamming my ass for all he was worth! oh my god I was starting to cum the biggest orgasm I’ve ever had in my life and all with no contact to my cock! I didn’t even know that was possible! As I started to cum, I could feel my ass squeezing down on his cock and all of a sudden, I could feel his cock starting to pulse inside my ass, I felt an endless stream of hot cum being dumped into my ass! I was totally in a different sexual world with him dumping all his cum in my ass and me dumping cum all over the floor!
I then felt the cock in my mouth start to swell and start pumping so much hot delicious cum into my mouth that I had a hard time swallowing it all!
I knew I wanted every drop! I never knew something could taste so good!! As we all finished Cumming, I heard my 2 new friends leaving their booths. I sat there wondering what the hell just happened! I saw to my right another hard cock, this time shorter and slimmer, push through the hole! I put another twenty bucks in the machine and immediately slid his cock straight into my lubed-up ass!! I ended up sucking 4 more dicks and fuckin one ass and also getting fucked once more! needless to say since that first time at the gloryhole I have been back countless times! I am totally addicted to strange cock but wouldn’t change it for the world!