He That Hath The Gold Makes The Rules..(Part One)

After inheriting his Father’s cotton mill at 23 years old , David Newton soon found out that in fact he, the one with the gold did make the rules.

David Newton sat in his office at the end of another day, he could here the mighty machines in his Cotton Mill being shut down, and female voices from the three hundred plus women working in the Mill taking the place of the constant whirring machinery. There came a light tap on his office door.”Enter” said Newton, and a not unattractive thirty-ish year old woman came into the room closing the door behind her. ” I am Ellen Marks ” said the woman standing in front of his desk ,” I have been advised I should visit you after work ” . ” Well your here ” said Newton smiling at her “what can I do for you ” ?

The woman took a deep breath, ” I am looking for ten extra shillings on top of my wages this week ” she said looking at the floor feeling ashamed to be what felt to her like she was begging. . “May I asked what you want it for ” said Newton . ” My husbands sister has to get married “, she said emphasizing the word has , ” and we do not have the money to pay for the wedding “. ” I see ” said Newton, ” let me ask you ,do you require a loan or a gift” ? He watched the woman squirm, ” I think a loan ” she said softly. ” You think” said Newton tying not to laugh, he knew the loan would certainly turn into a gift, most of them did, and there was a lot of difference in a loan and a gift . “And you will pay the money back how and when ” he asked “? ” I hope to take one shilling out of my salary each week, I am earning nine shillings a week ” she said ,proud of the fact that as an assistant supervisor of a department she earned two shillings a week more than the women who worked under her.

He looked at her and smiled, ” and what have you got as collateral ” he said as a grin spread across his face. She had been told what to expect, one of her best friends who she worked with had been in this unenviable financial position a few months before , and there had been more visiting his office after there days work was over. Since David Newtons Father had passed away , leaving his son the business, and the huge amounts of money the company had accumulated over the years, word had got around that in the case of an emergency, a visit to his office after hours could help solve the problem, if, and it was a big if,well lets just say being a prude would not get any woman anything.

Newton liked women, he didn’t care if they were old or young , virgins or experience old whores , chubby or slim , short or tall , he just loved women, or should that be he just loved humiliating women, or ” putting them in there place “, as he used to say to the few male workers who repaired and maintained the machinery in the factory. Ellen had come prepared , she bent forward and lifted up her long dress, she had removed her petticoats and knickers in the ladies washroom before knocking on his door. Holding her dress up to her waist she stood before him, her hairy cunny on display. Pushing his chair back from the desk Ellen Marks watched as he began to unbutton the flies on his pants, and she watched in amazement as his weapon sprung into life before her very eyes, and what a weapon it was .

” Come here Ellen Marks ” he said smiling at her , she walked around the end of his desk, ” I am going to grant you your loan , now it is time for you to fill in the application ” he said laughing out loud. ” Lift your skirt so I can see your cloven inlet and then get on your knees my dear, your a big girl you know what to do know what to do” Ellen undid her dress and let it fall to the floor, she stepped out of it and dropped to her knees , taking a deep breath she opened her mouth and leaning forward took the large head of David Newton’s cock in her mouth. Ellen gagged not once but twice, she had only ever done this a few times in her life, her husband was nowhere near as big as Newton, and he wasn’t really one for having his cock sucked. Older than her by 20 years their sex life had not been very active for the last few years, and humiliated as she felt ,there was a twinge of excitement in her body as he began to fuck her mouth.

Her hand kept sliding down between her legs where she would touched her little man in the boat, each time she did that she had to remind herself it was David Newton she had to please not herself. She gagged several more times and it seemed he had great control in not letting go of his blow, her jaw was beginning to ache ,she tried everything she could think of but it seemed like an eternity before she heard David Newton begin to breath heavily, several times he put his hand on her head, grabbed a hand full of hair and then lifted his back avenue off the chair pushing his cock deep into her mouth and making her squeal and gasp for air. ” Suck, suck it hard bitch ” she heard him say a few seconds before his salty pearly shower squirted into her mouth and she would have sworn she heard him say softly “suck it, suck it mommy ” ,as she gulped his blow like a drowning man gulping his last breath of air.

His huge cock was stopping her from breathing and she fought hard pushing his legs away and grabbing his hand which was holding her hair, she waved an arm around in the air in a panic as she tried to pull away, but it wasn’t until the last drop of his pearly shower was in her mouth that he released the iron grip he had on her, and she collapsed face down on the floor,gulping for breath .

Ellen Marks felt totally degraded as after she swallowed his load ,slowly she got up onto her knees only to have him take hold of her hair and wiped the remaining pearls off his cock , before doing up the buttons on his trousers. Slowly Ellen got up, her legs felt all wobbly and she had to grab his desk. She watched him opened the draw in his desk, taking out a tin box he reached into his waistcoat pocket and withdrew a key,opening the box he removed ten shillings, locked up the box and put it back in the draw and closed it. ” Newton watched as she slowly got dressed ,he put the money on the end of his desk,and she picked it up . For a second she knew how Judas must have felt , but Newtons voice saying
” go home Ellen Marks I have finished with you for now, go home to your husband, don’t tell him what a good little whore you have become or I might loose an assistant supervisor ,he might have you whoring instead of working for me, ” he said laughing out loud.

Ellen Marks walked sadly home that night, she looked down at her feet as she walked she couldn’t look at the face of any one passing bye , she felt ashamed and felt they all knew what she had done ,she even imagined she could still taste his blow in her mouth. David Newton on the other hand walked home a happy man .He said goodbye to the night watchman and walked across the bridge over the canal by the side of the enormous factory he owned,walked a couple of hundred yards up the hill before turning into the driveway of the huge house his Father had built when David was a child.

One of the man servants from down stairs was waiting for him to arrive home along with a stable lad,
“Good evening Sir” they said in uni-some as David approached . ” Good evening “said Newton stopping by the men , ” your services won’t be required any further tonight ,we are staying home and there are no plans for us to have visitors, ” and with that he went through the front door. After the door closed the
stable lad began to laugh , ” poor old Ape Leader ” ( a mature old maid ), ” I wonder what he has got in store for her tonight ” ? “Jackson” , said the man servant as they headed for the back door of the house “don’t you ever let him hear you say things like that,or you will be swimming in that canal, at the bottom of it. and anyway I hear she likes it as much as he does ,what ever it is that they do , Polly has told me that in secret before, so don’t you say anything”.

David Newton took his coat off and handed it to the woman standing next to him, she hung it up on the coat stand . He looked towards the end of the splendid black and white checked entrance hall floor where a naked woman with large breast was on her hands and knees, her nose touching the floor. David looked at the woman next to him, she was very pretty but the mans shirt and tie she wore under the manly woman’s suite she had on told the world she was the dominant Sapphist, Lasley Richards, employed by David Newton to control his Mothers female hyper -sexuality. “How long has she been there” he said smiling at the woman next to him. ” Not long about 20 minutes ” she replied .They walked towards the naked woman, stopping inches from where she knelt . ” Your son’s home ” said Miss Richards to the kneeling figure, “say good evening “. The kneeling woman without moving said softly ” Good Evening David ” . ” Good evening Mother ” he answered back, already his cock was beginning to stir for the second time in a mere thirty minutes .
Part 2 to follow.

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