He used me for sex

When my cousin came to stay with us we ended up doing it, but he didn’t even say thanks.

My 16 year old cousin Eric was staying at our house for thanksgiving, he and my aunt and uncle had travelled all the way to our house and were staying with us for 3 nights.

But our house wasn’t that big so my aunt and uncle took my room, while Eric and I slept on an air mattress on the floor in the front room downstairs, it worked out well because at least we had the big TV to watch every night.

For the first two nights everything was normal, I’d change upstairs in to my pyjamas then come down and get under the warm covers on the air mattress, Eric would strip off to his boxer shorts and get under the covers.

We’d watch TV until it was really late, and eat a lot of chocolate and junk, then just fall asleep.

Then on the last night they were staying with us, something happened. You should know that I was only 10 years old when this happened.

I woke up in the middle of the night because the mattress was moving, it kind of felt like I was sleeping on a waterbed, I rolled over on to my back and turned my head to the side to see what was going on, that’s when I saw Eric doing something under the covers, I guess he was jerking himself off.

After about a minute of me watching him, he turned his head to the side, facing me, and he caught me watching, he stopped jerking off, and I didn’t have time to turn my head away and pretend I was asleep, he’d already seen me, so I just smiled and he smiled back at me, but then he shuffled closer and just kissed me right on the lips, he rolled over on to his side, placed his palm gently on my right cheek, caressing me softly and he locked lips with mine and gave me the most amazing kiss.

It was my first ever kiss off a boy, it made me blush, smile and feel light headed, when he stopped kissing me he gazed briefly in to my eyes, then he sat up and moved around the mattress to the bottom of my legs.

Grabbing my legs at the ankles, my legs were closed together, he had big hands and I was small and skinny so he was able to lift them both with one hand, he lifted my legs up in to the air with my feet pointing towards the ceiling.

Then he pulled my pyjama bottoms and panties up my legs to my knees, I could feel I was fully exposed, still holding my legs up in the air, he leaned down and started licking my pussy, it freaked me out a little, I knew he shouldn’t be doing that, and I turned my head towards the door and was about to shout and call out for my mum to help, when he suddenly started doing some kind of suck and lick combo to my clitoris, and it felt so good.

Instead of screaming out for help, I found myself just gasping out a moan of pleasure, “Mu—-Ooo-Ugh!”, it was so nice what he was doing, it made my entire body tingle with excitement, I could no longer speak, my heart was racing, I could hardly take a breath, and I didn’t want him to stop.

But he did stop, his head appeared above my legs as he sat himself back up, he smiled at me and shuffled closer below me, then I felt something hard pushing against my pussy, I could feel my flaps being squished inward, then a sudden and sharp pain, that felt a little like a papercut, my pussy relaxed, and then I felt rather odd, like I’d just eaten a large meal, I suddenly felt full.

He had penetrated me with his cock, I could feel it moving inside me, when he started to slide it backwards and forwards, my sense went in to overdrive, I lost all control, and I moaned and I moaned, “Ungh – Ooah – Ung – Ungh – Ungh”.
Eric fucked me for a long time, he leaned over me with my legs bent all the way back towards my face, my butt lifted off the mattress, and he continued to thrust his cock in and out of me, getting faster and faster with every passing second, then he slowed and stopped quickly, letting out a groan, “Oooah.” And I felt warmer inside, he had ejaculated in me.

He gave a quick kiss on the lips, pulled out of me, let my legs just drop on to the bed, and he crawled back over to his side, laid on his side facing away from me and he just went to sleep, leaving me to figure out what just happened.

In the morning, once they’d finished packing and were about to leave, I got him alone by the car, “Do you want to talk?” I asked him.

“About what?” he asked, acting like he didn’t know.

“About what you did last night.” I said, blushing at the thought of it.

“Oh that. Yeah, it was fun, wasn’t it?” he asked.

“Well, —- yeah—- but don’t you want to talk abo…” I started to say, then my aunt and uncle came out towards the car, they chucked their suitcases in the trunk and got in.

“Was nice seeing you, cuz.” Said Eric, as he got in to the car like nothing had even happened between us.

Basically Eric had used me for sex, decided to use my virgin pussy to help empty his balls instead of using his hand, he didn’t give a damn about me or my feelings.

He’s an asshole, but I did enjoy having sex, it was a good learning experience for me.