I didn’t know

This happened when I was in the 6th grade

When I was 11 I lived with a cousin and her boyfriend. My arrangement was super cool, allowance every week that I let pile up because I didn’t go anywhere. I was a bookworm. We always did family things together like out to eat, movie night, skating etc. One time while my cousin was working me and her boyfriend were watching a movie. I don’t know what we were watching but I was focused on it. He was sitting behind me and I wasn’t paying him any attention. The house was dark and the window was open so when a chill came through I decided to grab some cover. When I did he jumped and held on a little tight. I told him that I wanted to block the breeze and he let me get enough to do so. I continued to watch the movie but since we were sharing the same cover his movements were now noticeable. I knew nothing about sex at 11 but I knew he was touching himself and I shouldn’t be there. I went into the kitchen like I wanted something to drink and headed to my room. He asked me where I was going and I told him to read. He made me feel bad for not finishing the movie so I came around and sat back down. As the movie started to get good he seemed to get bolder. He let the cover fall and revealed his erection. His hand was going up and down in a slow motion. I saw this out the corner of my eye and froze staring straight ahead. He grabbed my hand and started massaging his dick with my hand instead. He began to moan out loud and hump up and down. I didn’t move or look his way. The faster he pumped the closer he pulled me to him. He started asking if I liked it and telling me how good it felt. After a few more minutes of this he tugged on my arm as if he wanted me to come to him and it made me lean over. The next thing I know I was sideways on the couch with my mouth around his dick. It was huge. My little 11 year old mouth didn’t know how to respond to this invasion. At first he started slowly going in and out. Then he told me to close my eyes and relax as he began to speed up. I was in an awkward position so he ended up maneuvering me around to be on my knees in front of him, never allowing my mouth to release his dick. He started back pumping up and down and told me how to hold my mouth. He told me to suck like a popsicle and don’t bite him. Once he found a good rhythm he fucked my mouth for what seemed like forever. He began to go faster and faster while telling me how good it felt. After a few more pumps he pushed my head down so far I thought I would throw up. I choked and he let go and my head popped up. When I finally looked up he was cumming all over himself. It was shooting up like it was coming out a toy water gun. I was scared shitless until that moment. I was amazed at the nut and how it looked. He told me to go shower and get ready for bed and I did as I was told.

My cousin came home from work and everything was normal. I knew enough to know that what happened was wrong and I was scared to tell her because I didn’t want to get in trouble. After that day he acted normal, went back to dropping me off at school and making sure I had my lunch money. We never spoke about what happened. I stopped participating in movie nights unless my cousin was home and always went to bed before her. A few weeks went by without incident and I began to let my guard down a little. I went to the kitchen to get snacks to headed back to my room. As I walked passed their bedroom he was standing in the middle of the floor in just his tank top caressing his dick. I kept walking and he called out to me. I went to see what he wanted and he told me to come here. When I got in their room he told me to lay on the bed. I figured he’d just play with it and let me leave. They didn’t have a head board so my head was on the edge both ways and he walked up to the bed and put his dick on my lips pressing forward. When I didn’t open my mouth he squeezed my newly developing breast which caused me to say ouch. And of course he stuffed himself into my mouth and began fucking slowly. The way he moaned you’d think he was having real sex. My head ended up hanging further off the bed allowing him to go deeper into my mouth. In this angle I didn’t gag as much but was ready to get it over with. He started to pick up his speed and kept caressing my breasts but not as hard as before. He kept one hand on my chest and started playing with my pussy with the other through my jeans. This went on for a few minutes before he pushed his hand into my pants and panties and started rubbing really fast. I didn’t know any better then but it felt great. The faster he rubbed me the faster he pumped in and out of my mouth. I was on fire and didn’t know what was going on. I began to moan around his dick and move my hips up and down. The next thing I know I was shaking and rolling my hips on his fingers. Once he felt that he exploded in my throat and I could only swallow because he was lodged in my throat no longer moving. I felt his body tremble a couple times before he slowly pumped his way out of my mouth. When he was done he licked his fingers and played with my nipple a little longer. He walked away and went to the bathroom so I assumed he was done. I got up to go to my room and he walked back in and grabbed my waist. He pulled my pants down while walking me backwards towards the bed. I was shaking like it was 0 degrees in our apartment. After getting my pants off he pushed my legs up and begin eating me out and playing with my clit. I knew it was wrong and at this point I didn’t know if I was scared of what was happening or scared of getting caught. His phone rung and he picked ; it was my cousin calling to check on us while she was on break. He talked to her in between licks and I guess she heard the noise because she asked what he was doing. He told her he was eating ice cream and watching a moving. The only time he stop sucking my pussy is when he needed to respond. I was biting my lip to keep from moaning out load. When he hung up I couldn’t hold it anymore and I squirt all over his face. He just kept licking. He stood up and put the tip of his penis on my opening and I finally found the courage to speak up. I said please don’t. He promised he wouldn’t hurt me. He massaged my pussy with his dick and alternated between that and sticking the head in. I didn’t want to enjoy it but I couldn’t help how it made me feel. I started to moan and shake again and he began cursing and saying he was about to cum. He pulled the head out nut on my stomach. He played in it as more came out. We were like that for a while before he backed up and let me up. He instructed I get myself ready for bed. At the time I thought I had lost my virginity to my cousins boyfriend. To this day she doesn’t know what happened and it’s been 22 years

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅