I fucked my sister when we were both high on drugs

For contacts at the time of this happening I was (28 / M / 6’2 / 225lbs) my name is Jake, and my sister was (23 / F / 5’5 / C cup /115lbs) her name is Jenn.

So at the to time my sister was going through a pretty messy break up with her longtime girlfriend at the time (she is lesbian).
So naturally at that point in time she was pretty bummed out and depressed. She texted me to see if I would come by to kind of hang out maybe cheer up her up. Because at that point we hadn’t seen each other in probably 3 months as I live two cities over from her.

So on the way I stopped and grab a pizza as it was coming close to dinner and I was hungry.
So when I got there we ate pizza chitchatted for about an hour. And then all of a sudden my sister said

“yo I got some shit I wanna get fucked up”
By “shit” she meant cocaine.

So we started doing cocaine not a whole bunch but enough to get pretty high. But I kept noticing that my sister was going off to the bathroom every so often. Which kind of got me aggravated because I thought she was probably doing some other drug with needles in there.
So when I confronted her on it after the third time she went to the bathroom. She told me no she was not using needles.
Then she showed me a bag of what we call around here “down” aka fentanyl.

She was trying to hide it from me I guess she was embarrassed for using it. She was putting a little bit on the tinfoil and using a lighter to smoke it with a straw.. so she was showing me how she smoked it.
Then she asked me do I want to hit?.
Naturally I was hesitant because given the nature of the drug. But she was in a shitty mood and she seem to be getting in a bit better mood the more and more we did drugs….. so like an idiot I did it.

I only took two hits and I did not like the effects from the drug.
But my sister kept doing it and I was noticing after each hit she was like laying down on the couch for like 10 minutes motionless in like a coma. The first time it happened I stood up and I slapped her in the face to try to wake her up which I had to do 4-5 times before I even got a response.
She assured me she was not overdosing that was just the effects from taking a big hoot. Either way I made her go get Narcan kit and leave it on the table just in case.

As the night went on it was getting extremely hot in the apartment as it was July.
And without an A/C it was absolutely miserable. Also adding the effects from the drugs we where doing witch makes you all sweaty it was horrible.

Eventually my sister was sitting there in just her bra and skimpy short short pyjama shorts. I was still wearing my shorts and T-shirt.

But honestly I couldn’t stop myself from staring. I had never really seen my sister attractive or in that way before. But with her sweaty body/chest. Plus add the effects of the cocaine which stimulate your sex drive too the high heavens.

At this point my sister was all fucked up she wasn’t even really making conversation anymore. She was just kind of laying there couldn’t really even put sentences together she was pretty fucked up.
I was sitting on the loveseat. She was sitting on the couch and where her body was angled or she was half laying on the couch she couldn’t really see me. And I don’t know why but for some reason I reached in my shorts and started playing with dick.
looking at her sweat covered cleavage and her sexy thighs. Honestly i was fucking rock hard. And like I said I’ve never had feelings like this before about her.

Then Outta know where she just shoots up and sits up I quickly pull my hand out of my shorts and cross my legs in an attempt to hide my raging 7 1/2 inch Dick.

She looks at me and goes
“fuck I need another hit”

I told her

“you’re pretty fucked up as it is maybe have a glass of water”.

But that obviously didn’t work. She’s gonna do what she wants.
so as I sit there awkwardly with my rock hard dick in my pants. She starts preparing herself another hoot.

at the same time I’ll bust up two fat lines of coke and snort them lines right up.
And these were pretty big ones so they hit me pretty good.

By the time I look up from the table after doing Coke my sister is in mid hoot. I’m just sitting here watching the smoke rise off the tinfoil as she is using a straw to capture the smoke to inhale.
This last for about 15-22 seconds.

At which point she exhales a fat cloud of smoke. She mumbles something to the extent of
“fuck that was good.”
And she just lays down on the couch and rolls onto her side with her back facing towards me.

Then I see it. These pyjama short shorts are hiked up so far and she’s not wearing any underwear.
Then hanging outside of her shorts. As she lays in a sort of foetal position. One whole Libya is fully exposed.

My cock that’s already rockhard somehow gets even harder some how. instantly I grab my cock and start playing with myself and. After about a minute it just dawned on me.
She just took a pretty big hoot she’s gonna be out cold for at least 20+ minutes. I don’t know what came over me, to this day I still can’t tell you. I stood up and undead my shorts.
with my shorts half on I go to my sister and I just shake her shoulder and say
“hey Jen, Jen are you OK? Jen wake up.”
With absolutely no response.
And yes I did check if she was breathing first.
And then I unhooked my belt and my shorts hit the ground.
I was now standing over my spun out, passed out sister with a full on hard on.
I then got down to my knees to get level with the couch.
At this point my hearts racing 300 beats a minute, I am nervous as fuck, my hands are shaking my legs are shaking.

I then lift the shorts to expose more of her vagina. I can see it’s completely hairless. It looks like it was shaved that day.
I then spit on my fingers and rub the tip of my dick.
And with my whole body shaking like a leaf I am beginning to penetrate my sister.
slowly eased in tell I’m balls deep. she didn’t so much as flinch.
In my head I chuckled to myself. Because it dawned on me, my sister‘s gay. And this it’s probably the first dick she’s ever had inside of her. She’s 23 years old and her brother just gave her.
Her first dick. And she doesn’t even know it.
With my one hand on her tight small little ass and my other hand now cupping one of her breasts.

No I wish I could say I fucked that bitch for an hour. But with the amount of nerves running through my body and shock and cocaine. I only lasted about 15 to 20 pumps.
as I was about to cum, I was thinking too myself.
Should I bust inside of her?
but at the last moment I decided
I then pulled out of her spewing my load all over her ass and vagina.
Then I just stood there looking at her pussy. With my one hand on my cock and my other hand on her ass .
I probably stood there frozen in disbelief for about 30 seconds. And then it clicked
thank God I pulled out , Not only is she probably not on birth control (because she’s gay.)
But for someone who’s never had a dick inside of them. When she sobered up she probably would’ve got super suspicious when my cum starts to discharging out of cunt.
So I quickly stood up did up my shorts as I walked towards the kitchen and grabbed a few pieces paper towel. Then walked over and gently cleaned up my cum witch was currently all over my sister‘s pussy and ass.
I went to the bathroom splashing water on my face and then set back down on the loveseat and did two more lines of coke and then about 10 minutes later she started coming out of this daz. And boom she said again
“fuck I need another hit”
I said
“just slow down you’ve been pretty fucked up the last hour”

And she said OK. And then she started a conversation about things we were talking about earlier in the evening.
She had zero recollection of what just happened to her no more than 10 minutes ago.

It’s been close to 2 1/2 years now. There’s never been an awkward moment between us
she’s never mentioned anything she does not know what happened.