I got fucked by my Dad’s boss at our house during a dinner party

My parents had a dinner party with his boss and his wife at our house. Later in the night, Dad’s boss came into my bedroom.

My Dad and Mom had a dinner party, in which they had Dad’s boss and his wife over. Mom had feed all us kids before, and ready for bed. I put on my regular, just a used T-shirt of Dad’s. Mom let us, my brothers, sister and I hang out in the family room watching TV while the adults had drinks before dinner.

I was laying on the floor facing the TV. My sister sat in Mom’s chair, and my brothers were laying on the sofa. Dad’s boss came into the family room and sat down in Dad’s chair. I knew that whenever I laid on the floor as I was, that Dad was always able to see right up my between my legs when I wore his old T-shirts. I turned onto my side and looked back, Dad’s boss was staring right down at me. Mom called out that dinner was ready, and Dad’s boss got up and went into the dinning room. Mom poked her head into the family room and told us that as soon as the show on was over, it was off to bed for all of us. The show was over within ten minutes, and all of us went to our rooms. My brothers shared a room, my older sister and I had our own rooms. I never close my bedroom door, and laid back on top my bed and started looking through one of my comic books. Every now and then, I rubbed my pussy with my fingers, making myself wet.

I was getting sleepy, and was almost done reading through my comic book. I heard foot steps in the hallway, and looked up from my book to see Dad’s boss standing in my bedroom doorway. He told me he had come upstairs to use the bathroom, I told him it was down the hallway the other way. He stepped into my room and sat down at the end of my bed, right next to my feet. He asked me what I was reading, I turned my comic book toward him and was telling him what it was. He leaned further toward me to look at the book, he put one of his hands down between my legs to brace himself as he looked at my book.

He told me that I smelled good, as he then looked away from my book and looked right down at my open legs and my partly showing pussy. He asked if the good smell was from my pussy, and bent further down, his face right between my legs. He said, to me or to himself, that the fantastic smell just had to be from my sweet little pussy. He moved his free hand down, putting his hand on my leg and started sliding his hand up my leg and right up to my pussy. His fingers started to rub my pussy. This was not something new to me, as my older brother and also my Dad had done the same a few times. And like before, he put a finger into my pussy, sliding it in and out.

Dad’s boss stood up, I thought he was going to leave and head to the bathroom. But he undid his pants, dropping the pants and his under ware down, his dick was hard and pointing straight out. He stepped out of his pants and under ware and climbed onto the bed, moving his body in between my legs, forcing my legs further apart as he did so. I could feel his dick head touching my legs and my pussy. Then he used one hand and reached down grabbing his dick and poked the dick head right into my pussy. He then slowly started to push his dick into my pussy. Oh it was much bigger that all the fingers that had ever been in me, and also bigger than the dildo that my Mom had in her bedside table that I sometimes snuck in and used on myself. He continued to keep pushing his hard dick into me, making my pussy feel painful, but also real good at the same time.

Then just as he had done with his fingers, he started to move his dick out a bit and then push it back into me, and he kept repeating this. I had never been able to do that to myself with my fingers, but I had done it with Mom’s dildo. Dad’s boss had only been pumping in and out of my pussy with his hard dick for what seemed like only less than ten times when he started to make groaning noises, and I felt my pussy get really wet and hot. He had been holding himself over me with his arms, he lowered himself down and gave me a kiss on the mouth, pushing his tongue inside my mouth. He then pushed himself up, his dick pulled out of my pussy, and it started to feel like I was peeing. He moved off the bed and stood up, grabbed his under ware off the floor and put them on, and then he put on his pants. He leaned down over me, using one hand and raised my T-shirt up further, up to my neck and he started to lick and suck on my nipples. I did not have any real boobs yet, like my older sister has. My Mom had told us both that we would most likely both get big boobs just like her. Dad’s boss stood up, and told me that I was really cute and that I was really good at fucking, that he had not cum that quick in some time. He then walked out of my room and down the hallway.

I moved my hand down to my pussy, there was warm white cream slowly coming out of my pussy. I had seen this cream before from my brother, who I had learned it was called cum. And a few times when I had gone to my Mom and Dad’s bedroom and asked to sleep with them, I had seen cum on Dad’s dick and also coming out of Mom’s pussy.

I heard some more footsteps in the hallway, and my Dad walked into my bedroom. He sat down at the bottom of my bed, right at my feet. He told me that his boss came back downstairs, returning from the bathroom. His boss told my Dad that he was going to get a big raise, and that his daughter was just great. Dad said they talked more, while Mom and the bosses wife sat and talked in the other room. Dad said his boss told him how hot I had made him, seeing my butt and pussy as I laid on the floor in the family room. And when he went upstairs to use the bathroom he had come into my room, and ended up fucking me. Dad came up to check on me, and asked if I was alright. I told him I was, that it had been just like with Dad before and then his boss did more by putting his hard dick into my pussy, and it kinda felt good. I told him that the cum cream was leaking out. Dad looked down, and said he would take care of some of that, and he leaned down and started to lick and suck on my pussy. Now this felt even better than anything anyone else had ever done. I could feel Dad sucking and moving his tongue inside my pussy. Dad stood up and told me that we would talk more after his boss and his wife left, and if I feel asleep Dad said he would wake me up so we could talk. Dad walked out, and I laid there, and was going to wait, because I really wanted to talk much more about it all.

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