I wish it was me

The usual disclaimer, this is a fantasy – it is my fantasy. I am a female writer and I wish this had been my reality

Our family was small, just me (Elizabeth), mom (Beth) and dad (William/Bill). But, we were an extremely close family, no topic was off limits, we showed affection readily and occasional nudity was not frowned upon. I didn’t realize while I was growing up how young my mom was in relation to my dad. I really didn’t even know how they met – do kids really care about those things?

As it turns out, my mom was only 16-years-older than myself. Whereas, my dad was almost 35 when I was born.

I was / am a happy child and loved both my parents very deeply. Maybe it was because they only had me, I felt that I never lacked for attention or wants, maybe that is why I really was usually in their good graces and rarely got in trouble. I didn’t know at an early age how our family was different…but as I grew I did get softly spoken to in regard to how we didn’t share our home life with anyone outside the house because our family was special and other people wouldn’t understand. All I knew is that I was happy, fulfilled and loved. Unknown to me is how much more my parents could love me, fulfill me and make me even happier – over the moon happy!!!

It was not unusual for me to see either of my parents naked, on occasion and they were not embarrassed by it in the least. We only had one bathroom, so we never locked the door when we bathed in case someone had to use the toilet. I frequently used the toilet when either of my parents may be showering – but never flushed the toilet while the shower water was running. My parents would walk naked from their bedroom the bathroom when they showered. I know they both slept naked because if I got scarred in the middle of the night and crawled into bed with them I could feel their nakedness. I think I showed less nakedness than them.

My mother worked parttime outside the home and my dad was a fulltime schoolteacher, so their scheduled permitted for a lot of family time and we always had dinner and evenings together. My mother bathed me most nights, even when I was old enough to complete this task on my own. She said it was our special girl time together and we could share our day and bond. I really enjoyed this time with her. This time was also spent explaining the parts of my body and how they parts would change as I grew older. I don’t really have many memories before the age of six, but I imagine that my bath time before this age was the same as it was after.

After dinner was cleaned up, mom and I would head up to the bathroom for my early bath, so that I could cuddle and watch some TV with them before it was bedtime. Frequently mom would get naked and get in the bath with me. I would sit between her legs as she washed me…it felt good to have her soap up my body and give me a soft massage when I rested the back of my head against her breasts. Her breasts were not small, but they weren’t saggy either. They were probably a small ‘D’ cup, all natural. She was very much an hourglass figure and I was fortunate enough to inherit her shape. Since her waist was so small her breast appeared more prominent. I’m sure having me so young helped her body bounce back quickly. Those early years in the tub together was special…she explained all my girl parts and what they were for. She would rub my breast and tell me that one day they may be as large as hers and men would admire them and want to caress them like daddy does to hers. And that between my legs is sacred spot known as a vagina and one day it would bring me great pleasure and deliver me to great heights. She would rub my vagina, and refer to it as a pussy…saying it was a common slang word for my very special place. Sometimes daddy would be in the bathroom during bath time and reiterated everything mom said and confirmed how special my body was and how it would bring me great pleasure one day. Sometimes daddy would take his penis out to show me the difference between a girl’s and boy’s body and they tried to explain to me that a penis would give me great joy once I was old enough to experience being with a man. It never occurred to me how they always mentioned me being with a man and not a boy….

So from an early age I understood the basic foundation of what the mechanics of sex was, the difference between girl’s and boy’s bodies and how babies were made. Up to this point, I honestly had never seen my parents have sex…so it was all verbal explanation.

During these early years…some of you would say I was groomed, but I don’t see it that way….(I have a philosophical question [maybe some of you can email me your opinion on the matter]…but if our parents are responsible for providing us with food, shelter, security and love, why are they also not responsible for providing us with physical satisfaction? Why is it that us girl’s first and many initial sexual experiences end up with inexperienced / selfish boys who don’t know the first thing about a girl’s body and don’t care about our climax and only theirs and this is OK? Maybe we don’t want to be with our Daddy’s per say…but if an older man would take us young girls under their wing and touch us, worship us and show what should be expected in the bedroom from a male – why is this frowned upon by law makers? I see it as another way of keeping women subordinate. And if your daddy is someone you are attracted too…why shouldn’t he show you the pleasures your body can experience all in the safety of your home – versus in a bush or back seat of a car. Why are parent’s responsibilities lacking in our physical needs which also translates to possibly stronger emotional place?)

Around the age of ten I started asking more questions during bath time. I guess before this I was simply content to have my mom’s hands caress my body and have her and dad tell me how special I am and how much my body will bring me job. I guess I need to know more about this joy and I was becoming curious (and a little impatient about the development of my body) and how nice mom’s body looked and how much I desperately wanted to look like her. When we were in the bath I would ask mom to explain the joy my body would bring. She told me how a girl can climax, and it can happen with the assistance of a finger, tongue or man’s cock (I had learnt this slang for penis). And daddy always referred to his penis as a cock when he showed it to me.

At this time I had also become extremely fascinated by mom’s breasts…and asked her if I could touch them. She was very receptive to the idea of my touching her breasts and told me that I could touch them anytime when we were in the house, not just during bath time. I turned around in the tub on my knees and started rubbing mommy’s breasts with my small hands, focusing more on her nipples, they were fascinating to me. Mommy said why don’t your suck on my nipples like you did when you were a baby…I looked in mommy’s eyes and saw the love she had for me and in that moment there was nothing I wanted more than to be my mommy’s baby as I latched onto her left nipple. It surprised me but mommy moaned as I started sucking and told me I was a very good baby girl and she liked me sucking her breast a lot and wanted me do it more often. Just as I was moving over to suck her right nipple, daddy walked in the bathroom. He cooed and said that was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen…his baby girl sucking on mommy’s nipple. Daddy caressed the back of my head as I suckled and he and mommy kissed above my head as mommy continued to moan softly.

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