Juiced girls

Super confident friend gets two girls he’s never met to jerk him off and then they drink his sperm.

My mate is absolutely fearless and brazen, his names Mike and he’s 13, we were hanging out in the park and 2 young girls, they must have been about 7 or 8, they were very young looking in their little shorts and vests, were walking towards where we were sitting.

As they walked by us he stood up and called out to them, “Hey you two. Come here.”, they both stopped, turned around and walked back towards him, one was blonde the other was a red head.

“What are you up to?” he asked them.

“Nothing, just walking about.” The red head replied.

He noticed the blonde girl was carrying a bottle of orange, “Can I have a drink of that?” he asked, and she handed it to him, he removed the cap and took a big drink from the bottle, “Aah, that’s nice.” He said.

Then he looked over his shoulder at me and winked, I could tell he was up to something, he ushered the girls to follow him between the trees and in to the clearing behind them, “Have you got boyfriends?” he asked them.

They both giggled, “No.”

“Have you ever seen one of these before?” he asked, pulling his cock out of the front of his pants at waving it at them.

“No.” they both replied, blushing.

“You’ve never seen a cock?” he asked.

“No.” the replied.

“Wow. Well, you have now. Touch it. Go on.” He said, stepping closer to them.

After seeming a bit reluctant, the red head girl reached out and took hold of it, “You too. Touch it.” He said to the blonde girl, she then took hold of it above the red heads grip and they were both holding on to his erect cock and rubbing it.

“That’s it. Just keep rubbing it for me.” He said, he was getting a double hand job from two girls he’d never ever met, I couldn’t believe it, I wish I had his confidence, then he just talked to them while they jerked him off.

“So, do you both live around here?” He asked.

“Cotting Hill.” Replied the blonde.

“I think my brother goes to your school.” Said the red head.

“Who is your brother?” he asked her.

“John.” She said.

“John who?” he asked.

“John Leeming.” She said.

“Oh yeah I know him. Keep rubbing it that feels nice. You’re doing well girls.” He said.

He made them rub and tug on his cock until he about to come, then he quickly told them to stop, he turned his back to them, opened the juice bottle he took off the girl earlier, and he ejaculated in to the bottle, then he screwed the cap back on and gave it a shake to mix his sperm up with the juice.

“That was good. Thanks’ girls.” He said, then he handed her the bottle, “Oh, here’s your juice.” He said.

She took the bottle and they he just kind of ignored them until they got the message that he was done with them and then they walked away, we sat on the bench and watched them walk around the path and waited to see if she would do it, she did, she opened the bottle of juice and took a drink from it, then handed it to her friend who also took a drink from it, Mike high-fived me.

As we were heading out of the park a while later, we bumped in to the girls again, the blonde one was putting the empty juice bottle in the bin by the park gates, they’d drank it all.

I still couldn’t believe how brazen he was, not only did he get them to jerk him off, but he got them to drink his sperm without realising it.
