Jules gets his daughter

6 Months earlier.

Jules adjusted his tie looking in the mirror in his bedroom, he had just showered, he was looking forward to seeing his daughter graduate. Also see her get the awards that were on offer. He looked at his watch 5.23, the watch his ex wife had given him for his birthday when they first got married. The watch that fitted his wrist perfectly. He heard Emma open the bathroom door, she came out of the bathroom and went downstairs to the kitchen.

Tonight was her course gradation. Her boyfriend would be there. He kept thinking of what he read on her computer. Did she really want to have sex with him. He felt his cock harden at that thought. She was a beautiful sexually attractive girl. He had a good friendship with
her as father and daughter. She told him exactly when she lost her virginity, in fact he gave her condoms to use. He knew she would be having sex soon anyway. But at 16 he would rather her do it safely and. He went out of his room and went downstairs to the lounge. He saw her getting a drink.

” Emma ” he said seeing her. His eyes seeing what she was wearing. Seeing in her lingerie.

” Hi dad. ” She said not caring her saw her. She finished her drink and looked at the clock. She loved her dad seeing her in her lingerie. It made her horny, she had decided she wanted him.

She turned to face him, she knew her fathers problem. He wasn’t sure about perving or not. She wanted him to perve. She was wearing lacier lingerie now.

Tonight she wore black satin panties, covering her arse and her pussy, but lace on the sides on her hips. Her bra was strapless it had satin cups and a lace strap holding it over her breasts, more cleavage he had ever seen on her.

” Right will go get dressed ” she said kissing his cheek as she passed. He turned to watch her. Her lovely arse in her knickers made him almost cum.

He thought of that image his daughter in her underwear. She was only 18. She would be 19 soon. Still a teenager but a beautiful blonde sexy teenager.

Ten minutes later she emerged. ” What do you think? ” She said as he sat reading the paper. He pushed his reading glasses to his head and put his paper down.

” Oh wow. ” He said almost falling off his stool. ” Oh wow ” he said again standing up. She put her hands on her hips pushing her hip to the side.

” You like it? ” She asked. He stepped towards her. She put her arms out and did a twirl.

” Like it, do I like it? Oh fuck I love it. ” He said. His mind going back to seeing her in her underwear. Knowing what she was wearing under that dress. He almost felt privileged. Usually only meant for husband and wife, not father and daughter.

She wore a fitted black halterneck dress, the material hugging her hourglass figure, the dress sat mid thigh and tight around her arse. A keyhole cut out in front showing a hint of her cleavage. She wore black high heels and her long blonde hair put into a high ponytail..

” Good. Mum wont but I don’t care, its my graduation and Im 18 and can wear what I bloody well feel like. ” She said.

” Well lets go sexy. ” He said. He didn’t think about saying it. It just popped out of his mouth.

” Ok handsome. ” She said.

They got to the car and got in. His eyes trying, but failing not to perve. He knew what underwear she was wearing. He saw a hint of a camel toe in her underwear before.

He started driving focusing on the road. He had to remind himself it was his daughter beside him, not a date or a girl he had picked up to take home to fuck. Was that going to happen tonight? ” . No shes your daughter. But she wants you Jules. I cant, ok she wants me. I’m her father.

The war of right and wrong going on in his head. Finally she broke the silence.

” You ok dad? ” She asked looking over at him.

He heard her voice and took a few seconds to compute the question. Finally he answered glancing over at the beauty beside him. ” Yeh, I’m fine. Sorry was just thinking about work. ” He said

” Oh ok ” she said putting looking down adjusting her breasts in her bra. ” Hope my boyfriend likes my dress. ” She said.

” Oh he will, your father likes it, he will as well. ” Jules said.

” Mum wont, she hates dresses like this. She would have me wear a dress that covered my from head to toe. ” Emma said

He looked over. ” So wearing this is a ‘up yours’ to your mother? ”

” Yeah I guess, I hope that bitch of hers isn’t their tonight. I said don’t bring her. I hate staying with mum. My brother loves her. ” Emma replied.

” Don’t be to hard on her Emma. ” Jules said. ” Yes that bitch will probably be there. But just behave ok. ”

” Yeh, I will try. ” She said.

” Emma please? ” Jules said sternly.

” Oh ok. ” She said as she sighed.

Ten minutes later they arrived. Emma saw her mother. Her shaved head wearing jeans, flat shoes and a tight jersey. Her partner wore jeans and a blouse with flat shoes. She had bob haircut.

” At least her partner resembles a female, ” Emma said. ” I love you daddy ” she said kissing his cheek as they parked. ”

” Love you to snowflake22. ” He said getting out.

She felt a rush go through her body. He knows. He read it. She felt more feelings. Was he gross was he excited, was he happy.

They got out. She straightened her dress. She took a deep breath. ” Here goes. ” She said.

” Remember, behave, whatever you mum says ignore her negative comments. Its just her ok. ” Jules said winking at her.

” Yes dad. ” She replied. They walked up to them Racheal looked at Emma a look of disapproval on her face.

” Mum ” Emma said ” So glad you could make it tonight. ”

” Wouldn’t miss it. ” She said. ” What are you wearing? ” She said.

” My new dress. You like it? ” She said.

” If you want all the men perving at you? ” Racheal said. ” Jules you let her wear it? ”

” She 18 nearly 19. She is a adult now. I like it. ” He said.

” Your a man. You would. ” Racheal said.

” Your flaunting yourself. ” Racheal’s partner said.

” Fuck off then you bitch. I never invited you. ” Emma said to her mothers partner, she
turning walking away seeing some girlfriends. She walked over to them saying hi. Minutes later she spotted her boyfriend. She hugged as kissed them.

” Little tart. ” Racheal said.

” Couldn’t fuckin help yourselves could you? ” Jules said. ” Tonight of all nights her graduation. Just be civil tonight please. Her dress is longer than some others been worn tonight. ” Jules said.

” Look at her. She advertising herself as, come and get me. ” Racheal said.

” Look tonight is about her graduation, not her fuckin dress. ” Jules said ” Behave ladies. ” He added seeing a client. He walked off shaking hands and chatting.

He sat with a couple he knew from his work, their daughter was also receiving awards. He looked at Emmas boyfriend with mates. He glanced over at his ex wife and her partner. Racheal used to be so beautiful. How her hair was shaven off, she dressed like a bloke. Such a waste he thought. He thought of Claire. The times they share, his daughter not knowing about her. He would introduce them soon.

He heard her name been called out. He watched her hug her friends. He watched her confidently walk up to receive her graduation certificates. Four more times that night she walked up getting various awards and certificates. He felt so proud. He saw his ex wife shaking her head as her new partner whispered in her ear.


Later that night after goodbyes and she said goodbye to her boyfriend, they got into the car. She sat and then she looked at her father and smiled. He looked over at her and smiled.

” Good night ha. ” He said.

” Yeh, cant believe the other things I got as well. ” She said smiling

” Well you worked hard darling. You deserve it sweetheart. ” He replied.

” Yeh I guess. ” She replied.

” Lets get home. ” He said starting the car and putting on his seatbelt.

They drove in silence. She was proud of her awards. She looked at her father after silence. He looked over at him. He wanted to ask what was wrong.

” I was pissed off with mum. ” She said answering the question that had been going through his mind for the last five minutes as he drove in silence.

” I know darling. She had no right to say what she did. ” He replied. ” She was totally out of line. She cant go saying shit like that. ” He replied.

” Its just a fuckin dress. Its not slutty is it? ” Emma asked.

” Oh no darling its not. It looks great on you. ” He said smiling over at her.

” Thanks dad. ” She said. ” So you know then? ” She said.

Jules knew what she was talking about. He looked at her and grinned. ” Know what honey? ” He said.

” You know? ” She said.

” Tell me. ” He said.

” Snowflake22. ” She replied looking at him with a almost guilty grin..

” Yes baby. Sorry I couldn’t help myself. ” He said.

” That’s ok. I like talking to people on the forum. You have some interesting conversations with a lot of interesting people. ” She said.

” I’m sure you do, so I guess its totally confidential? ” Jules asked.

” Oh Yes, they only know you by your user name. ” She said. ” Your profile you only put on what up want. I have nothing on my profile. Just username and age. ” She said.

” So your not pissed off with me? ” She asked.

” Oh no darling, far from it, in fact I found it interesting reading. ” He replied.

” About? ” She said.

” Oh just about, a lot of subjects I didn’t really even consider. ” He said.

” So I guess you know about….you know. ” She said.

” About what? ” He said as they pulled into the drive. He opened the garage door and drove in. He parked and pushed the remote. The door closed and quietly came to a stop. He sat looking at her.

” You know, ” she said looking at her legs.

” Hey darling, don’t be ashamed. ” He said reaching over putting his hand on her neck. She lifted her head looking at him. ” You are a beautiful sexy girl. ” He said. ” Lets go inside ” he said.

They got into the kitchen. ” Glass of wine? ” He asked.

” Yes please. ” She stood at the bench removing her high heels. She stood next to him as he poured two glasses of red wine. He handed one to her.

” Cheers. ” He said smiling at her.

” Cheers to what? ” She said.

” A very clever, beautiful daughter that I have. ” He replied.

” You think so? ” She asked smiling at him.

” Hey you cleaned up the awards. I was proud of you, your boyfriend was proud of you. Your mother and her friend not sure. They were more focused on this dress and how it exposes all of your body. Personally I think you look absolutely amazing in it. ” He said.

” Thanks dad, its means a lot to me. ” She said.

” Come here. ” He said.

She stepped closer to him. He reached out putting his hand on her hip. Sliding it to the small of her back as he pulled her closer. He could smell her perfume. Feeling her hips. She put her hand up palm on his chest. ” I also found it incredibly surprising that you want to have sex with your father. ” He said.

” Oh yes, I know. ” She said.

” Do you? ” He asked.

She sighed and looked down. She looked back up at him and smiled.