Love the feel of little hands on my big cock part 1

Growing up I was always big for my age and that included my cock. And thanks to my best friend who turned out to be bi sucking my cock at an early age I got to where I enjoyed having both guys and girls of that age jerking me off or sucking my cock. Even when I was much older and was having regular sex with women my own age I still craved feeling those little hands of 10 to 12 yo’s stroking my cock. And even more the feeling of their mouth wrapped around my cock.

It wasn’t something I got to enjoy often but when I did it was always amazing. Like I said my best friend was the first guy to suck me off. The first girl in that age range came a few years later. By then I’d had sex with several girls, the first being my older sister. But no young girls. Until one day when I was around 16-17. A guy in his late 20’s in our neighborhood was showing me and a 10 yo girl named Mary some pictures of girls in bikini’s he’d taken on vacation and then suddenly it went to girls who were nude. He the entire time was telling Mary how pretty she was and how he bet she’d look great in pictures like that. Eventually getting out his camera and taking some pictures of her.

He made it as if it was a photo shoot and she was a model and gave her instructions on how to pose. Then he gradually started having her undress. The whole time saying what a great job she was doing & how beautiful she was. After she was naked he had her get in sexy poses showing her pictures in playboy to go by. Then he took out another more graphic photos of girls sucking guys off. Playing on the knowledge he had of her having a little crush on me he suggested she pose for some pictures like that with me. At first she was reluctant but gradually gave in. When I felt those little hands of hers wrap around my thick cock I almost shot off right then. Her hand wouldn’t fit all the way around it so she used both hands and even though this was her first time holding a guys cock she instinctively started stroking it. Then running her little tongue up & down the shaft and around the head and even moving down licking my balls.

She finally wrapped her lips around it and started sucking it, taking more and more of it as she stroked it and played with my balls. I reached down and was playing with her hard little nipples on what a few years later would be some nice big tits. I’m sure it wasn’t the best blowjob I’d ever get in my life as far as the mechanics of it. But it was something about that small mouth and little hands that were really turning me on. Finally I couldn’t hold back any longer and I was afraid she’d choke on the massave amout of cum I usually produced so I pulled my cock out and shot off all over her face & chest. Only then did it register the older guy had been taking pictures all along as he had her scoop the cum up with her fingers and lick it off. Then I got a surprise when he leaned over and started licking my cum off of her and asked me to take a picture. He helped her clean up then she got dressed.

The whole time he’d been telling her how great she’d done but reminding her she couldn’t tell anyone about it making it seem as if she’d get in trouble. What really surprised me was when she told me how much she’d liked sucking my cock and how she liked the taste of my cum. That was the last time she did that with the other guy there but far from the last time she sucked my cock. Every couple of months if our parents weren’t home she’d suck me off. Or on occasion we’d go into some nearby woods and she’d strip and suck me off, getting better every time. Even after I got married it continued. At first my wife didn’t know about her sucking my cock or that at 12 I’d taken her virginity. But by the age of 14 Mary had a hot little body and was always hanging out around our house. My wife Lynn and I had gotten married at 18 and had started swinging right away and Lynn had been with several women older than her. But seeing Mary’s hot little body in some of the sexy outfits she’d wear really got my wife’s attention.

At 14 Mary could have easily passed for 18 or older from her body, but still had that little girl face. I could tell Lynn was turned on by her. But I think that at 22 she was afraid if she suggested having sex with a 14 yo girl I’d think she was sick, though she’d had sex with boys that age. So finally I brought it up. With it seeming to be my idea she felt comfortable with it. So one day she invited Mary in and asked if she could help her rearrange some things since we’d bought a new bedroom set. As she started taking out some of her sexy lingerie she saw a gleam in Mary’s eyes showing she was turned on by the revealing outfits. So Lynn started saying how hot Mary would look in certain ones and eventually asking if she wanted to try one on Mary seemed to like. Mary didn’t hesitate and stripped right in front of Lynn without hesitation and put on a totally see through babydoll & panties. Looking in the mirror she loved how she looked in it. As she admired herself in the mirror Lynn picked up an outfit and said that was her favorite and Mary made it easy by saying she should put it on.

Following Mary’s lead Lynn stripped in front of Mary as Mary’s eyes moved over Lynn’s sexy body. Even at 14 Mary’s tits were almost as big as Lynn’s 34DD’s and Mary seemed to be comparing their bodies and the only real differance was Lynn was a red head and Mary a blonde. And Mary told Lynn how much she liked her red hair as she looked at my wife’s red bush. Lynn complimented Mary’s sexy body as Mary did with Lynn. Lynn had chose to put on a garter belt & stockings and nothing else and Mary really liked it. Lynn invited her to feel how good the smooth silk stockings felt, and was delighted when her hand went above the stockings to Lynn’s bare thigh and kept going until her hand was between my wife’s legs rubbing her pussy and seemed to be almost inn a trance as her hand moved up over her stomach, then as if snapping out of it Mary stopped and quickly said how sorry she was. But Lynn assured her it was OK and told her how good it had felt.

Lynn took Mary’s hand and placed it where she had stopped and even moved it up a little then let go. Soon Mary was fondling Lynn’s big tits and tweaking her nipples asking if she liked that. When Lynn said she did Mary said she did too as she looked into Lynn’s eyes. So Lynn took a chance and lifted up the top of the nightee Mary was wearing and Mary proceded to take it completely off as well as the panties. Lynn started fondling Mary’s firm young tits and leaned forward and licked one of her hard nipples as Mary let out a gasp Lynn recognized as a gasp of pleasure. She started sucking Mary’s tits as her hands explored her body after a while Mary gently pushed her away in order to take her turn working on my wife’s tits, as her hands explored Lynn’s body. Lynn was curious as to if this was a first for Mary when she found out as Mary said she’d only been with a couple of girls and their bodies were nothing like Lynn’s and confessed she’d fantasized what Lynn would look like naked.

Then shocked her when she asked if Lynn would eat her pussy as she’d only had a guy try and he wasn’t very good, but that she thought done right it would be great. Lynn went down and ate Mary and after a while suggested a 69 telling Mary to do to her what she was doing. They both had orgasms very quickly and for Mary it was her first orgasm brought on by someone else. They spent the whole afternoon having girl on girl sex and Mary had no idea I was in the next room watching through a little hole I used to watch Lynn fuck guys she’d seduce. Lynn still had no idea I’d ever been with Mary and when she suggested a threesome I was nervous but Mary didn’t say a word about us being together and just said she’d like that and said she bet I was really good in bed. I wanted to run in there dick in hand and dive in bed with them but I controlled myself. But as soon as Mary left I fucked the hell out of my sexy wife. And for the next week all we could think about was our upcoming threesome with a barely 14-yo hottie. But I’ll share that for later.