Mercury – 071 (Goddess Queen)

“My Goddess Queen, would you mind wetting Your luscious lips from my moisturizing clit? That way when I kiss You, my flavor will embed in Your head.”

Episode 71 – GODDESS QUEEN

Using the red giant Arcbaran as cover, the 2nd and 4th Corps, in full fleet deployment, fold space to the Arcbaran star system. Cloaked, using PAC engines, and in a Foxtrot Charlie Three fleet formation (fleet combat, multiple Carrier formation) they make their way to Reverue. They encounter a section of three Cerulean Cruisers in a tri-formation. With no warning to the Ceruleans, the RSF fleet disengages PAC engines, and the Eidolon and Diaboli destroy the three Cerulean Cruisers.

The RSF fleet approaches to 4.45 AU of Reverue, which is the maximum distance Reveeki can travel using aether skipping according to the Minisculians. The distance of 2.225 AU is the point of no return for Reveeki using their aether skipping ability to traverse space. It is one of the reasons the Ceruleans cannot bombard Reverue. Aether skipping consumes a large amount of lifeforce energy from the Reveeki. They will die if they do not return and/or replenish their lifeforce energy.

The Queen uses an esper power called voice projection in combination with telepathy in the Reveeki understanding, which the whole populace of Reverue hears. The Queen decrees:

“I am Queen Dianne, Sovereign Ruler of the Universe. I am here to accept the unconditional surrender of the Reveeki to My rule. If you do not present your instrument of surrender in three ampures, I will attack with My forces, and many of you will die. We are much more powerful than the Ceruleans, and your inducements and charms will be ineffective against the might of My android warriors. My warriors are deadly, and they wield steel and iron in storms of death. You have three ampures to decide your fate!” [An ampure is equal to two hours].

Reveeki have weaknesses, such as they can also be seduced, which is not fatal, but it does make them susceptible to control. Another weakness is their fear of death, which can be accomplished by stabbing their heart, otherwise they are biological immortals as long as they feed. The threat of steal, or iron, brings them terror. They have a natural ability to heal quickly from any wounds to other parts of their bodies if their lifeforce energy is high enough. The Eidolon moves to within 0.0033 AU, which is also the telepathic range of the Reveeki without a bond (similar to a soul tie).

The only humans on the Eidolon are the Queen and Aries. Mira and Candy are vigilantly watching both, and their hands are on the Z-Nav button to retreat to ensure the Reveeki cannot harm the Queen. A Reveeka aether skips through the Eidolon’s hull, and she boards the bridge. She is a gnat’s breath from death, as Mira and Candy protect the Queen.

The Reveeka intruder is a sexy hot beautiful blonde with shoulder length hair. She is wearing skimpy body armor, and her gorgeous legs and shoulders up are exposed. The armor is meant to protect her heart. She’s wearing calf high heeled boots, and the whole ensemble is black and gold in color. The Reveeka has an hourglass curvy figure, and double D fun buns. She has black bat wings on her back, and a long black tail with a rounded arrow point with no edges. She has two vector “S” shaped black horns coming out of the sides of her head that extend 6-8” curving in over the top of her head. Her ears are not much bigger than human, and they are sexy but sweep back into a point, and kind of look like bat ears. She telepathically says:

“~I am Rheadelaide of the Reveeki. We surrender. Our goddess queen, Baobhan Sith is prepared to formally surrender to You at the palace. Will You touch my hand so I can assimilate Your language for our goddess queen to pass to the Reveeki~?”

The Queen tells Mira what was said telepathically, and Aries allows the Reveeka to touch her hand. Mira says:

“I don’t know baby. TG3’s information says they are proficient in deception. This could be a trap.”

[Like the first encounter with the Aṭirobelians, Rheadelaide has a neutral expression, and a penetrating melancholy stare. The Queen says]:

“It is not trap. I sense they are dying. The Ceruleans removed the gremlin population from a nearby planet. The Reveeki were being sustained by the sexual/lifeforce energy from the creatures. The fremlins [female gremlins] were especially mischievously lurid. The Reveeki need Me.”

“My Queen Jellybean, the Bristol and Belfast just destroyed two more Cerulean Cruisers,” informs Candy.

“You really just destroyed two Cerulean ships,” asks Rheadelaide?

“Yes, sex demon, that brings today’s count to five,” answers the Queen.

Rheadelaide falls to her knees and crawls toward the Queen, and Mira and Candy are blocking the path. The Queen pushes Mira and Candy aside, and Rheadelaide grabs around the ankles of the Queen’s boots. Rheadelaide kisses them and begs:

“Please take me with You lovely Queen. I will serve Your every need.”

“First Rheadelaide, I want to meet your goddess queen,” says the Queen.

The Queen, Mira, Aries, Destiny Aurorahaza Breeze, Trinity Nebulamisty Breeze, Carree Curtis, Sienna Autumn Dupré, and seven brigades of Vipers (35,000) teleport transport link to Reverue around the palace. The Queen, preceded by a Viper regiment, walks up the steps of the palace and enter. They pass through a large foyer and enter the great throne room. All the Reveeki are naked. They prefer to be naked, but like Rheadelaide, they can form armor clothing if needed.

“Damn My Queen, I have not seen an adult limp dick smaller than 8 inches so far, and the tits, ass, and pussy on the females is making me drip with excitement,” says Carree.

“Baby, if You keep conquering worlds with hot naked beings, people are going to start calling You the naked Queen,” says Mira.

“They are sex energy starved. Like famished vampires they are assailing us with their sexual inducement, charm, and lust empowerment abilities. Be careful, if one over drains You, You will die,” says Aries.

The throne is at the far end up some steps on a pedestal, as the Queen’s cortege approaches. The goddess queen Baobhan Sith is standing on the floor in front of the throne steps. She is beautiful, with long wavy red hair and wearing a red horned crown with diamonds and gems in a crescent semicircle with the open crescent end down in between the horns. The crown horns look larger than the Reveeki’s natural horns, because it fits over the goddess queen’s horns. She is wearing a dark green robe, that is slightly opened in the front, and you can tell she is naked underneath it.

The Vipers encircle the Queen and the goddess queen. The goddess queen Baobhan Sith steps toward the Queen, and Mira steps in between. The Queen says:

“It’s okay Mira, she means Me no harm,” and Mira steps aside.

The goddess queen Baobhan Sith removes her crown from her horns, and she removes the Queen tiara and hands it to Mira. She places the horned crown on Queen Dianne’s head. It has a gold cranial cap, but the hollow horns of the crown make it feel awkward to the Queen. She is thinking, I will not be wearing this much. Goddess queen Baobhan Sith declares:

“I relinquish my rule of the Reveeki to Queen Dianne, Sovereign Ruler of the Universe,” and she kisses the Queen.

Baobhan Sith transforms into a mist and enters the Queen’s nose and mouth. The Queen gasps leaning back like she is taking the deepest breath. Mira is visibly upset thinking the Queen has just been attacked and the Vipers turn to defend. The Queen’s mantas battle gown attire and boots remove, and She is naked. Large bat wings form on Her back and she grows a long tail, and they are all golden in color. The Queen’s ears change, and She can feel horns growing on Her head, and they enter the hollow horns of the crown. The crown horns turn golden in color too.

A golden pulse radiates from the Queen passing through all the Reveeki and they shout with joy. Every one of them had their sexual/lifeforce energy completely renewed. The Queen walks up the steps and sits on the throne. All the Reveeki fall to their knees as the Queen looks out at them and they all shout:


Mira walks up the steps and stands next to the throne and says:

“God damn baby, You look awesome as hell. You are a fucking Goddess, and I worship You. You inherited their power too; You look a thousand times more alluring right now.”

“Thank you, baby, I feel awesome right now! I can sense every one of the Reveeki. There is only about 4 million of them left of what was once over 40 billion. They ceased reproduction, and they were sacrificing each other’s lifeforce energy to sustain them after the Ceruleans removed the gremlins. This was the tactic of the Ceruleans, to starve them.

What Baobhan Sith did to Me was the imbue kiss, which is how the Reveeki were sacrificing themselves to Baobhan Sith, so she could sustain the rest. They use drain kiss to siphon sex/lifeforce energy individually, but they can share it communally by transferring it though the Queen.

My uninhibited sexual lifestyle was so charged with sex energy, that it filled their tanks, to use a metaphor, and more. It opened their eyes to different types of sexuality; and trust me, gremlin fucking is fast and dirty, and they were longing for it again as a man in the dessert wants water. They had no idea of the types of pleasures we experience, or that sex with other creatures could last more than two minutes, and now they are eager to try it,” explains the Queen.

Aries walks up to the other side of the throne and says:

“Well Queen, You are a demon Goddess now. Are You going to be able to shift back to human form? If You return to Earth with pointy ears, horns, wings, and a tail, parliament will for sure have You removed from the throne.”

“Yes, devil cunt, I can revert back. Don’t I look sexy though? Tell Me devil, are there any demons with horns, wings, and a tail as pretty as Me?

“Not really, and it’s getting where there are fewer devils. My devil kin are starting to envy You, and desire You even more. I had to share You last time with Astarte,” says Aries.

Rheadelaide approaches the bottom of the steps and bows and curtsies, and she says:

“My Goddess Queen, You have renewed the Reveeki and defended us against our enemy. We pledge our faithful allegiance to You forever. If You like, it would be our privilege to pleasure You. We understand You like sex with both genders. This is a new concept to us, but we are eager to try it.”

“Mm, that sounds interesting, like an orgy to teach succubi-sex,” remarks the Queen.

The Queen stands and decrees:

“I forbid the Reveeki to totally drain the lifeforce from other beings unless I specifically command them to. I also forbid the Reveekas from collecting semen from other species for the Reveekus to use for impregnation of the Reveekas in order to create Cambions. You will keep your race pure. Violation of these laws means your death.”

“We all hear and will obey Your laws My Goddess Queen,” says Rheadelaide.

The Queen has some Vipers to the right of the throne on the floor remove. She apports a chamber to the space. The Queen says:

“This is the latest invention of one of our Minisculians…”

[Many of the Reveeki whisper among themselves. They have heard of Minisculians, but it was more of a myth to them].

“…This chamber will teleport you to a chamber in a secluded cube grid of My castle. From there you will have access to the castle, Earth, and Mercury. These domains have billions of inhabitants. You will be free to use your dream walking ability to collect sex and lifeforce energy. However, you must always use your invisibility ability around these beings. It is permitted to shapeshift to a physical form mimicking other beings, but not to the knowledge of other beings.

I know it is very, very rare, but should you fall in love with another being and wish to be with them; you will submit a request to Rheadelaide and/or her staff as she organizes. She will submit it for evaluation to My staff. The best course will be taken to achieve your request. Other domains I rule may want to kill you if they know you exist. These rules are for your safety,” orders the Queen.

“My Goddess Queen, we hear and obey Your laws. We also thank You for Your grace and generosity in our behalf. We love You,” says Rheadelaide.

The Queen walks naked down the steps, and Rheadelaide takes Her hand and leads Her to a bedchamber with an enormous bed. Aries and Mira follow, as well as several other Reveeki. The rest of the humans that came with the Queen were parted and started getting fucked in other rooms too. The Reveeki were fighting each other, swarming in the air flapping their wings and lower their horns and pushing each other around like vultures fighting over prey.

Rheadelaide removes the Queen’s crown, and she rubs the Queen’s golden horns. None of the Reveeki have ever seen golden horns. For some reason, the Queen found the rubbing of Her horns very arousing. The Queen could move Her tail, and she moves it up between Her and Rheadelaide’s legs and rubs Rheadelaide’s back, and down her crack to her pussy. Damn, thought the Queen, it was better than using Her hands, and She pushes Her tail into Rheadelaide’s cunt, and Her tail is so sensitive it feels good.

The Queen and Rheadelaide kiss, and Rheadelaide uses her tail on the Queen’s pussy. They are not thick, but it feels much better than a fingering. Mira is fucking four or five Reveeki at the same time, but they are not able to absorb sexual energy from Mira. Aries has already gotten herself DP’d by two Reveekus with cocks from 9-12 inches long, and she is in a grunt, moan, and try and suck a third cock mode.

The Queen pushes Rheadelaide onto the bed and kisses down to her DD tits that are perfect. The Reveeki stop aging too, but there is no set cycle. It is more like they reach a prime seductive state for their individual being, so it is a perfect state. No two are alike, and some could even be called milfs in their 40’s-60’s, down to tweens that look 10-12 (and younger). All manner of ages and body types to fit every seduction or fantasy need.

Rheadelaide is a perfect mid-20’s specimen, with hot curves and juicy features, including a pristinely groomed black hairy pussy, which the Queen has a mouth full of now. The Queen is lying on her side in the bed as two more Reveekas devour her ass and pussy. Several more are rubbing and kissing Her all over, sucking Her toes, kissing Her thighs and ass, tits, shoulders, all over.

Rheadelaide reaches down and grabs the Queen’s horns. Holly fuck, thinks the Queen, as Rheadelaide moves the Queen’s head around by Her horns because it feels good as hell to the Queen. The Queen shapeshifts and removes Her wings, and so do the Reveekas. One of them has the Queen by the tail, and the Queen can tell it is being pushed into a pussy. Others are licking the base of Her tail, and it is almost like the Queen has gained erogenous zones.

Rheadelaide orgasms pulling the Queen’s horns and the Queen orgasms from the other Reveekas eating Her, and from Her horns getting pulled. The Queen rolls to Her back, and She grabs the Reveeka still eating Her pussy by the horns, and she squeals so sexy. The Queen drags the Reveeka up and she squeals and kisses Her, then She twists her by the horns to her stomach, and she grunts and moans.

The Queen mounts and rubs down the Reveekas’ back with Her horns and it feels good to both of them. The Queen presses in harder, and the Reveeka starts to bleed from the scratches, but she loves it. The Queen grabs another Reveeka as the scratched one quickly heals, and She flips her by the horns and mounts her mouth. The Queen agitates Her clit with the Reveekas’ mouth rocking her horns, and again, they both like it, but the Queen orgasms again.

The Queen lays back, and the Reveekas pleasure Her body more, and then a Reveeku drives a 10” cock into Her and She grunts and sighs. She pulls him down and grabs his horns pushing and pulling him to fuck Her harder and faster. He cums, and She pulls, and when they relax, and he moves. Another Reveeka dives into the Queen’s pussy and sucked the Reveeku’s ejaculant out. The Reveekus are sterile. The Reveeki reproduce via the heart.

A Reveeka comes in season for reproduction, and during intercourse with a Reveeku, her tail is wrapped around him, and the rounded arrow tip is flat against his chest. The Reveekus’ tail is wrapped around the Reveekas’ waist, and the tip is resting between her breasts. It is an intense love making session, and electrical pulses penetrate the other, and the Reveeka becomes pregnant.

The other way a Reveeka can become pregnant is by stealing the sperm of another being (orally or vaginally) and giving it to the Reveeku who absorbs it through his penis and uses it like humans have sex, and he ejaculates it mixed with his sterile ejaculant. The offspring is called a Cambion, and it is a half-breed but has supernatural powers too, but not as powerful as the Reveeki.

The Queen and Her party, partied, enjoying several hours of an orgy with many different Reveeki. The Queen was lying on Her back resting in a pile of Reveeki all over Her. A beyond cute platinum blonde with straight layered shoulder length hair, small dainty features, red horns, tail, and wings; lowered her horns and pushed a few of the Reveekas away from the Queen. She looks to be of a mid-20’s age, 5’ 5” tall, and her measurements are 32B-23-34. She has a light brown landing strip hairy pussy and a soft white skin complexion. She is a fucking baby doll.

She lays down after clearing the space, and she leans her body up against the Queen. She kisses the Queen’s neck, and runs her finger down the Queen’s breasts, and her tail begins to rub on the Queen too. She asks:

“My Goddess Queen, if a Reveeka were to fall in love with You, do they have to go through all that request submission, or would You just evaluate it Yourself?”

The Queen smiles and asks:

“What is your name?”

“My Goddess Queen, ruler of My heart, my name is Zazuleah.”

“Well, Zazuleah, are you asking for yourself, or someone else,” asks the Queen?

Zazuleah moves on top of the Queen and lays her head sideways on the Queen’s shoulder. The Queen can feel her tail rubbing up the inside of Her thigh, and across Her pussy. Zazuleah is using her finger and rubbing playfully on the Queen’s breasts. Zazuleah asks:

“Mm, My Goddess Queen, are You saying You are attracted to me?”

“I am fixing to leave Zazuleah. If you love Me, then kiss Me and make Me believe it,” says the Queen.

Zazuleah forms her wings, and flies up and lowers her pussy on the Queen’s mouth and she says:

“My Goddess Queen, would you mind wetting Your luscious lips from my moisturizing clit? That way when I kiss You, my flavor will embed in Your head.”

The Queen opens Her mouth slowly and Zazuleah lowers her pussy in. the Queen closes Her mouth and does not open, and Zazuleah jiggles her wet pussy around on the Queen’s lips. Zazuleah hoovers back up and lowers to kiss the Queen. Zazuleah covers her and the Queen with her wings, and she kisses Her slow and deep, and no one can see. Zazuleah raises her head in her room made from her wings, and she says:

“I love You My Queen, You are My Fantasy Dream Walker. I will fuck You, and anyone You want me to fuck, but I only love You.”

“No Zazuleah, you will not have to go through the evaluation process. You can come with Me.”


Queen Dianne (INTRO) 24 yrs. old, 34-26-36, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Sandy Blonde Long, (CUP) 34DD Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Light Brown Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Complexion Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Joey Lynn, (COMMENTS) Small Facial Features, Very Pretty Face, Sexy Legs, Dainty Feet and Toes, No Tattoos or Piercings

Aries I’tuhot (AKA Authorities), (INTRO) 24 yrs. old, 36-24-36, Devil in Caucasian Human Flesh, 5 ft 4 in, (HAIR) Brunette Long, (CUP) 36DD Natural – Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Full Hairy Trimmed, (BODY) Light Tan Hourglass Perfect, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Lena Paul, (COMMENTS) A True Babe, Aries’ Thighs Curve into Her Sexy Hips Nicely and They are Ample and Soft, Plush Calves, Lovely Legs, Feet and Toes, Busty Breasts, Beautiful Nipples and Areola, Built to Fuck, Nice Creases, Defining Attraction is Her Hairy Pussy (a Work of Art) She Trims but Does Not Shave It, She has that Gap between Her Ample Thighs which Makes Her Pussy Totally Visible and Gives Her a Perky Ass

Mialyn Mira Echo W.I.E.I. Ten (INTRO) Mid-20’s yrs. old Biologic Immortal, 36-24-36, Cyborg Alien, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Black Short, (CUP) 36D Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Beautiful Black Full Hairy Pussy Pristinely Manicured, (BODY) Athletic Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual Optional Hermaphrodite, (PERSONA) Can Mimic Anyone, (COMMENTS) Perfect Features, Dynamic, Mira’s jet-black head hair never extends below where it would naturally grow on a head; therefore, it is always short on the sides so that her forehead, neck, and ears are always exposed, because she is flawless

Candy (AKA) Venus Candy (INTRO) Mid-20’s yrs. old, 38-27-40, Android Caucasian, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long, (CUP) 38DD Perfect Pink Areola and Nipples, (PUBIC) Brown Trimmed Full Triangular Hairy Shaved Below, (BODY) Curvy Perfect, Light Tan Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Mia Melano but Candy’s Measurements are Fictitious, (COMMENTS) Candy’s default form is a 6’ gorgeous blonde. To describe the rest of Candy is to say she is perfect.

Rheadelaide (TYPE) Reveeka or Succubus, (INTRO) Mid-20’s Biologic Immortal, White Humanoid, 5 ft 5 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long, (CUP) DD Natural – Pale Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Hair Pristinely Groomed, (BODY) Exaggerated Hourglass Curvy Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) N/A, (COMMENTS) Rheadelaide is seductively attractive. Rheadelaide is a perfect mid-20’s Reveeka specimen, with hot curves and juicy features. All the Reveeki prefer to be nude. They can form armor clothing if needed. They have bat wings on their backs, a long tail with a rounded arrow point with no edges, and two vector “S” shaped horns coming out of the sides of their head that extend 6-8” curving in over the top of their heads. The wings, tail, and horns vary in color among the Reveeki, but usually match their hair. They have ears that are not much bigger than human, and they are sexy but sweep back into a point, and kind of look like bat ears. They live off sexual and lifeforce energy they drain from other species. Their age appearance varies even though they are biologic immortals. It is more like they reach a prime seductive state for their individual being, so it is a perfect state. No two are alike, and some could even be called milfs in their 40’s-60’s, down to tweens that look 10-12 (and younger). All manner of ages and body types to fit every seduction or fantasy need.

Zazuleah (AKA) Sharon Peters, (TYPE) Reveeka or Succubus, (INTRO) Mid-20’s Biologic Immortal, White Humanoid, 32-23-34, 5 ft 5 in, (HAIR) Platinum Blonde Straight Layered Shoulder Length, (CUP) 32B Natural – Pale Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Light Brown Landing Strip, (BODY) Slim Fit, Small Dainty Features, Red Horns, Tail, and Wings, Soft White Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Zazie Skymm, (COMMENTS) Zazuleah is a fucking baby doll. All the Reveeki prefer to be nude. They can form armor clothing if needed. They have bat wings on their backs, a long tail with a rounded arrow point with no edges, and two vector “S” shaped horns coming out of the sides of their head that extend 6-8” curving in over the top of their heads. The wings, tail, and horns vary in color among the Reveeki, but usually match their hair. They have ears that are not much bigger than human, and they are sexy but sweep back into a point, and kind of look like bat ears. They live off sexual and lifeforce energy they drain from other species. Their age appearance varies even though they are biologic immortals. It is more like they reach a prime seductive state for their individual being, so it is a perfect state. No two are alike, and some could even be called milfs in their 40’s-60’s, down to tweens that look 10-12 (and younger). All manner of ages and body types to fit every seduction or fantasy need.

Minisculians (General) (AKA) Teenies, Fairies, (General) All of the teeny females have slim waists and exaggerated hourglass figures, with ample thighs for their size, and the cutest legs, feet, and toes. They are all 4 inches or less tall. Whatever length their head hair is on their 16.5 birthday cycle (33rd year) remains their length, and the females do not grow hair anywhere else except their pubic area, and it also stops at that age. If they cut it, it will not grow back, which is why their pubic hair is so neatly trimmed and stays that way. They have ornate bows, barrettes, clasps, ties, and pins to hold their hair.

TG3 (Jingleheimer) (TYPE) See Minisculians (General), (INTRO) 33 yrs. old, Biologic Immortal, White Fairy, 4 in, (HAIR) Sandy Blonde Shoulder Length, (CUP) DD Natural – Pale Pink Areola and Small Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Full Triangular Hair Trimmed, (BODY) Exaggerated Hourglass Figure, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) N/A, (COMMENTS) TG3 is so cute with her exaggerated hourglass figure and double D boobs, ample luscious thighs, and she is so seductive too. TG3 likes to use the catchphrases, Anyway, Whatever, and bazillion gazillion.

Destiny Aurorahaza Breeze (AKA) Zephyr Twins, Oldest, (INTRO) 16 yrs. old, 28-22-33, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 3 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long, (CUP) 28B Natural – Flesh Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Shaved, (BODY) Pale White Complexion Slim, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Dolly Little, (COMMENTS) Destiny is Trinity’s identical twin sister, and both are Tildy’s younger sisters. All the Breeze sisters are adorably cute. All are skinny and have fair skin. Destiny has nicer hip definition than Trinity, but both are sexy cute.

Trinity Nebulamisty Breeze (AKA) Zephyr Twins, Youngest, (INTRO) 16 yrs. old, 28-22-32, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 2 in, (HAIR) Blonde Short to Middle of Neck, (CUP) 28A Natural – Flesh Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Shaved, (BODY) Pale White Complexion Slim, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Dolly Little, (COMMENTS) Trinity is Destiny’s identical twin sister, and both are Tildy’s younger sisters. All the Breeze sisters are adorably cute. All are skinny and have fair skin. Trinity’s inner pussy lips extend to the outside of her outer pussy lips. They are not big pussy lips, and are elongated, and they are actually very sexy. Despite her slim body type, she has a sexy ass and cute hips, just small breasts.

Carree Curtis (AKA) Sise-C, (INTRO) 28 yrs. old, 32-24-32, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 4 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long, (CUP) 32C Natural – Pale Pink Areola and Small Nipples, (PUBIC) Brown Full Triangular Hairy Shaved Below, (BODY) Rocking Tight Body Tan Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Carter Cruise, (COMMENTS) She is a hottie with a fucking rocking tight body, and her legs, feet, and toes are to die for. If you suck agitate her clit when she orgasms she oozes pure sweet ejaculant, not a squirter

Sienna Autumn Dupré (INTRO) 20 yrs. old, 36-25-35, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 5 in, (HAIR) Strawberry Blonde Long Soft Curls, (CUP) 36DD Natural – Bright Red Nipples, (PUBIC) Brown Full Triangular Trimmed Shaved Below, (BODY) Hourglass Curvy Soft White Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) No Equivalent, Still Looking, (COMMENTS) Sienna is so cute it hurts. She has the prettiest strawberry blond hair that is a little curly and hangs down past her shoulders. She has soft white skin. What makes Sienna’s breasts look so good is her white skin, strawberry blonde hair, and her bright red nipples and areola. Sienna’s breasts just jump out at you in beauty. Sienna has ample hips and nice thighs with lovely creases, attractive calves, and pretty feet and toes. Sienna is a curvy perfection naked with her strawberry blonde hair, big tits, red nipples, and brown hairy pussy against her white skin tone.

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