Molested by Dad and Brother

I’ve been molested by my mom, aunt and uncle, older brother and my dad. This is a quick story how it started with my dad.

When I was 10 my parents split up. Dad was cheating on mom and when she found out, she kicked him out. He moved in with the woman he was cheating with which was about 45 minutes away from home.

By this point in my life I had been molested already by my aunt and uncle (my dad’s brother). Maybe I’ll tell that story sometime. My dad had never laid a finger on me. Not even hit me when I misbehaved. That all changed one night after my parents split up.

I would spend every other weekend with my dad at his new girlfriend’s house. This had been going on for about 6 months now and it was going well. I actually liked going over there. It was better than being at home with my mom who was sad all the time.

I was almost 11 years old and still taking baths. I just enjoyed taking baths back then. This night was the same as every previous Saturday night I had spent over there. I was in the middle of my bath in the upstairs bathroom, playing with some toys I had brought when the door swung open. It was my dad’s girlfriend. She was a tall thin woman. We hadn’t spoke much in the 6 months or so but mostly because of me being so shy and quiet.

She had put the toilet seat down so she could sit and she just looked at me silently for what felt like an eternity. She had her legs crossed and was leaning forward resting her elbows on her knees still not talking.

A few seconds later my dad walked in and closed the door. He was wearing just a pair of tighty whiteys and without speaking a word got in the bathtub with me. I felt very scared all of the sudden as it felt similar to when my aunt and uncle took advantage of me.

Dad washed his hairy chest and his arms while his girlfriend sat there silent. Then he stood up and removed his underwear. He rung them out and hung them on the towel rack. He had a massive erection.

He got back down on his knees and sat back on his heels. His erection sticking straight up out of the water.

“Stand up.” He muttered to me

“Why?” I asked

“Just fucking do what your told goddammit!” His girlfriend yelled finally breaking her silence.

Scared beyond belief at this point I reluctantly stood up.

“You don’t need these fucking toys anymore!” She yelled as she stood up and took my toys away.

Then she went and locked the door and turned back towards us and removed her pants and underwear. She sat on the edge of the sink counter and started playing with herself.

“Well, go on!” She shouted at my dad.

My dad reached out his hand and began fondling my genitalia. He started stroking himself as well. I wanted to scream, cry and kick him in the nuts so bad but I knew bad things would happen to me if I resisted.

“Mmm yeah!” She moaned from the countertop “..suck it! I wanna see you suck it!” She demanded

My dad then put my penis in his mouth and began sucking on it. It pains me beyond belief to admit this but it kind of felt good. I tried to suppress and good feelings but the more I tried not to think about it, the more I thought about it and my little dick got harder and harder. When his girlfriend noticed I was getting erect, she came over and began playing with my dads penis. Stroking him.

The proceeded to have sex right in front of me. The yelled at me and she even slapped me when I would look away.

The next morning I called my mom to come get me early. While I waited for almost an hour for her to get there, my dad’s girlfriend sat on the front porch with my threatening to hurt me and my mom if I told anyone what happened. When my mom arrived, my dad and his girlfriend acted all chipper and nice saying I wasn’t feeling well and that’s why I wanted to come home.

I didn’t tell my mom what happened until much later on in life. She was furious but by then my dad was dead.


When I was 13, my older brother who was 19 overheard me and my mom talking about bisexuality. The truth was that I was attracted to boys as much as I was attracted to girls. I was 13 though and knew very little about either.

A few nights later while mom was out with some friends, my brother bursted into my room and pinned me down on the bed. At first I thought nothing of it since he picked on me and pinned me down all the time.

This time he rolled me into my stomach, yanked my pants down to my knees. Then he pulled out his dick, spit on it and shoved it in me. It hurt so bad and I cried for hours afterwards. I couldn’t walk all that well for a couple days either.

As he was raping me he kept yelling “so you’re a fag are ya? Well I’m gonna start treating you like a fag then!”

It was about 5 minutes before he came inside me and got up and left. About 2 hours I had cried my self to sleep and was woken by my brother on top of me once again. He was completely naked. He pulled my pants around my ankles this time. He rubbed my penis for a few seconds before he rolled me over and raped me again. This time he came much quicker but hurt all the same.

He would do this to me any chance he got for a few months before he joined the Navy and moved out.

It also pains me to say that near the end, I was beginning to enjoy him raping me. I had gotten used to the pain and was getting turned on more and more by him just having his way with me.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅