Mom Can’t Help It – Part 1

The engine of our family car revved up, growling in the driveway. My husband, Joshua, sat in the driver’s seat, waving at me with a smile. I smiled back and waved at him.

My name is Katherine Melaina. I am thirty-five years old and have been married for twelve years to my husband Joshua. I stand around 5 feet 5 inches, with a well-toned frame thanks to my involvement at the gym. I have large round breasts, and a round rear that tends to catch the attention of many members at the gym. However, I didn’t care much for them, since I was married to Joshua. We got married right after I gave birth to our son, Daniel. Once I graduated from college, we moved in together in a small neighborhood and dedicated our time to raising our child.

Joshua began to pull out of the driveway, turning the car over onto the road. He was headed to a business trip across the country, and would be gone for an entire week, leaving me alone with our son.

“Bye!” I called out to him, still waving, “Stay safe! Call me when you get to the airport!”

As I watched him drive off, I sighed softly and closed the door, locking it. Joshua has left on business trips before, but they were mostly for an entire weekend. This was the first time I would have to manage the whole house by myself for a week without him.

At least it’s summer, I thought, walking to the stairway, Daniel won’t have any school, so he can help me out when I need him.

I climbed up the stairs, humming to myself. I wore a loose, silky-white sundress with a deep v neck that revealed the upper portion of my breasts. The dress came halfway down to my thighs, leaving my smooth, silky legs exposed. My messy, dirty-blonde hair fell down around my back and shoulders, and bounced with every step I took.

Arriving at the upper floor, I turned around to a well-sized hallway and made my way to my son’s room. The carpeting of the upper floor felt soft and warm beneath my feet as I walked. My son’s room was situated across the hall from a large bathroom, both at the far end of the hallway. Between them was a small storage closet, holding spare pillows, blankets, and bedsheets.

I stopped at my son’s door, seeing that it was slightly open. There wasn’t any noise coming from inside, so I assumed he was asleep.

Slowly pushing the door open with a slight creak, I peered into Daniel’s room. It was dark, only being dimly lit by the sunlight trying to flood through his drawn together curtains. It was a small room, with enough space to encompass a bed, a small desk, a wardrobe, a tiny closet, and a bit of play-space in the center. However, it was enough for a thirteen-year-old attending Junior High.

Daniel lay splayed out in his bed, snoring loudly. He wore only a pair of boxer-briefs and a blue sports shirt on top. He was slightly taller than me by only two inches, and was developing a lean musculature thanks to his commitment to his school’s soccer team. His hair was a dirty blonde like mine, but wild and unkempt like his father’s, and had fair colored skin.

Seeing that he was asleep, I stepped into his room. I walked around and stopped by the foot of his bed, arching an eyebrow at the pile of dirt-covered and worn-out clothing laying on the floor. I bent down to pick it up, my right eye twitching from the strong smell coming from his clothing.

Daniel made a small sound in his sleep, almost like a soft groan. I glanced up in time to see his legs twitch as his head turned to face a wall. My eyes slightly widened as I saw a tent in his underwear, with the fly open slightly to give me a tiny window of a view of my son’s cock.

From what I could see, it was large and thick, almost as impressive as Joshua’s. It throbbed under his boxers, getting harder and harder as it pushed up against the clothing. A dark spot was starting to form where the head of his cock pressed against the boxer.

I slowly straightened, still staring at my son’s crotch as he made another noise. His cock twitched slightly in his boxers, and his entire body twitched.

He must be having a very sexual dream, but of what exactly?

I continued to stand there for a few seconds, gazing at my son’s hard on as he slept. It has been months since I last had sex with Joshua. It was a short session where we were both drunk one night while Daniel slept over at his friend’s house, and we ended up falling asleep after cumming only once. I haven’t masturbated for a while too, since I worked in personally training youth at the gym, and never found a good time whenever Daniel was home.

The long absence of sexual activities had only built up my desire to relieve myself, and now seeing my son’s hard-on was making me feel hot. I could feel my pussy tingle as I gazed at his member throbbing underneath his shorts, and my nipples were gradually becoming erect.

After a few seconds, I shook my head and snapped out of my trance. I screwed my eyes shut, feeling ashamed for my sexual feelings bubbling up from the sight of my son. I quickly gathered up his clothing and stepped out of his room, heading to the bathroom to throw his clothing into the laundry basket.

As I organized his clothing into two piles of leg wear and shirts, my mind flashbacked to a couple of weeks ago when I had stepped out of the shower. It was early in the morning, and Joshua was at work. Daniel was supposedly sleeping, and I had confirmed by peeking into his room before I went to shower. I used the bathroom in my and Joshua’s room, which only had a standing shower, a small sink, and a urinal. The inside of it was visible to anyone standing in the hall as long as we kept our bedroom door and the bathroom door open. Oftentimes, Joshua would mess around with me by making a big show of him watching me change clothing whenever I forgot to close the door.

This one time, however, Joshua wasn’t home. Forgetting to close our bedroom door, I slowly undressed from a black, silky nightdress. I didn’t wear any panties or a bra underneath, as they were uncomfortable to sleep with while wearing a nightdress. I left my perfect round ass and gorgeous breasts on display as I tossed my dress onto our bed.

Unbeknownst to me at that time, my son had woken up and was watching me undress in the hallway. I wasn’t sure when exactly he had woken up or how long he was standing there, watching me, but I caught a glimpse of someone in my standing mirror. When I looked back, I managed to see his arm disappear back into his room, but his door remained slightly open.

He must have seen me, but I wasn’t too sure.

Grabbing a towel, I headed into the bathroom to take a shower. After I was done, I walked out with my towel wrapped around me. It only covered the middle and lower parts of my breasts, leaving only the top part and my collar revealed, while it stopped just above my thighs and covered my crotch. My hair was still partially wet, and splayed out all over the back and sides of my head, back, and shoulders.

Pulling the towel off, I stood naked and wet before my standing mirror. I began to dry off my hair, not knowing that my son was peaking at me from the hallway. As I dried my hair off, I caught a glimpse of something once again in my mirror. I rubbed my eyes, and then looked back out into the hall, not being able to see anything.

Thinking that I was just seeing things, I went back to drying myself off. I rubbed my towel across my body, enjoying the sensation as my pussy tingled.

Once I was done, I draped my towel over a drying rack, and then reached into my wardrobe to pull out clothing. I heard a sound from the hallway as I started to pull on a black skirt, and I once again looked over. However, yet again, I still didn’t see anything peculiar.

Pulling up my skirt, I looked at myself in the mirror. I liked the way it wrapped neatly around my wide hips, and reached down to my knees to show off my slender lower legs. Turning back around, I searched through my wardrobe for a top. Once again, I heard a strange noise from the hallway. It sounds almost like a soft groan, and I looked up once again to see what it was. Still, nothing was there.

“Hello?” I called softly, straightening and holding a purple shirt in my hands. There was no reply from the dimly lit hall, but there was a strange sound coming from it. It sounded like clapping mixed with two smooth surfaces rubbing against each other.

I blinked a couple of times, and then shook my head. I pulled my shirt on, deciding to omit my panties and bra. I stood still for a few seconds, listening carefully for any sounds.

There was another sound, this time a sharp gasp of breath. The strange clapping and rubbing noises immediately came to a halt. In a few seconds, there were footsteps thumping down the hall, and I managed to catch a glimpse of my son’s door quickly closing.

“Daniel?” I called, walking out of my room. As I stepped out into the hall, my foot stepped on something wet and slimy that stuck to the carpet floor. I lifted my foot up and glanced down, seeing tiny drops of some sort of liquid staining the carpet. Under my foot was a sticky substance was beginning to dry up. I reached down and felt the substance on my foot, confirming that it was indeed sticky and slimy. It felt familiar, and my body reacted strangely to it from the familiarity, causing my pussy to tingle.

Holding my fingers up while they were still covered in the substance, I sniffed them. The smell was strikingly familiar, and it too caused my pussy to tingle even more and my nipples to start to become erect.

I frowned, my brain flying through possibilities of what it could be. One stood out to me, but I didn’t want to acknowledge it.

I made my way to my son’s room, and grabbed the handle. Taking a deep breath, I turned it and open the door.

“Daniel?” I called, peering into his room.

He sat in bed, reading a comic book. He wore a black shirt with a pair of red shorts, and his dirty blond hair was a mess. There were a couple of balls of tissues on his bed, but I didn’t think much of them at the time. However, I did notice an extra pair of shorts on his bed that were stained at the front of them.

“Hm? Yeah mom?” Daniel looked up from his comic. His bright blue eyes locked with mine, and he gave a smile.

“Good morning, honey,” I called sweetly, smiling at him as I stepped into his room, “What are you up to?”

“Oh, I was just reading,” He replied, holding up his comic. His leg quickly swept over the balls of tissue, hiding them from my sight.

“I see…” I stared at him, unsure if I should bring up my suspicions of him watching me or the substance I found on the carpet. I didn’t think my son was capable of anything suspicious or alarming, considering that my husband and I put in a lot of effort into raising him well. However, I did know that almost any human can fall victim to their primal instincts, and perhaps my son was taking part in some sort of practice.

“Something… Wrong…?” Daniel murmured, his smile fading as he looked me over with concern. My eyes widened slightly, and I shook my head.

“No, no, not at all,” I assured him, showing off a warm smile, “Just checking in on you. Make sure to come down for breakfast.”

“I will!” He nodded to me, before looking back down at his comic.

Reaching over to grab the pair of shorts on his bed, and the extra clothing laying on the floor around his bed, I walked out of his room. As I closed the door, I held up his shorts and stared at the dark spot staining the front of them. After a few seconds, I leaned close with my nose and sniffed them.

Letting out another sigh, I headed over to the large bathroom. I knew what the smell was, but I didn’t want to assume anything about my son. Opening the laundry basket, I tossed his clothes inside, but kept the pair of shorts with me to wash separately.

Cutting back to the present, I knew exactly what my son had done. The stains on the floor and on his shorts were cum, meaning he must have jerked off to me that time. I pieced it together after another incident a couple of days ago when I was cooking in the kitchen and he sat at the kitchen table. He was watching me with his bright blue eyes, but I paid no attention. I was simply wearing a pair of very short shorts and a sports bra, completely ready to head out for a light jog.

As I served him food, I noticed Daniel’s hand under the table, moving. I didn’t think much of it until later when he finished his meal and headed up. When I was cleaning the table of crumbs, I noticed that the table cloth was stained with cum.

Tossing his clothes into the laundry basket, I stepped out of the bathroom and looked over at his room.

I wanted to confront him about his masturbation habits, but not simply because it was inappropriate. I am an advocate of masturbation, believing that the experience was healthy and beneficial. However, what worried me was the fact that he kept doing it in places where it would make a mess. What worried me more than that was that I was his reason to masturbate.

Taking a deep breath, I walked over to his room and peered inside. He was still asleep, and still with a hard-on. I crept into his room and reached his bed. Taking another deep breath, I slowly sat down next to his legs and looked over at the window.

I was contemplating on whether or not I should wake him up. It was his summer break, so he deserved to sleep in a bit longer. Even if I did wake him up, what exactly would I say to him? Would I ask him if he wanted breakfast, or let him know that his father headed out of town? Or, would I confront him on his masturbation habits related to me and the locations he’s done it in so far?

I let out a sigh, and then looked down at him. I froze immediately, my eyes widening slightly as I stared at his fully erect cock now peeking out from his boxer’s fly. It was at least five inches in length, and almost as thick as my husband’s nine-incher. It was pulsating like a heart, and precum oozed out from the tip.

Daniel was still asleep, snoring away peacefully. However, his legs twitched occasionally while his still erect cock throbbed, indicating that he was still in a sexual dream.

I gulped, gazing up and down at the fully erect pole that stood up tall and proud between my son’s legs. It’s been a while since I’ve last seen a cock, and I didn’t think the one I would be staring at after a long time would be my son’s.

I pressed my thighs together as my pussy tingled.

“Daniel?” I whispered softly, tearing my gaze away from his cock briefly to look at his face. He was still asleep, his eyes closed and his nose flaring open and closing as he breathed heavily. Drool poured out from the corner of his mouth and spilled onto his pillow.

My now erect nipples pushed against my dress, sending tingles through my body.

I took a deep breath and looked back down at my son’s cock. I watched as a large drop of precum oozed out and slowly trickled down the bottom side of his shaft, splattering onto his boxers.

I screwed my eyes shut, and took another deep breath. Heat rose up from within me and my heart was hammering away in my chest. I could feel my pussy flood with juices, quickly soaking the inner and deeper parts of my thighs.

I opened my eyes slowly and gazed at my son’s cock. Carefully reaching out with a finger, I poked it. It twitched from the touch, and another drop of precum trickled out from the tip.

I clenched my jaw and tensed myself briefly.

I reached out again, and slowly wrapped my fingers around the shaft. A soft whisper of a moan escaped my lips as I felt the heat from the stiff rod. The whole shaft and head were glazed with precum, making it feel slimy and wet. It throbbed like a heart in my hands, and more and more precum streamed out to soak my fingers.

In a few seconds, I slowly began to stroke his cock. Up and down my hand traveled, my rhythm slow and sensual. I felt the entire length of his cock, from the head to the base of the shaft. My hand slid across the flesh smoothly thanks to the precum, and it continued to do so as more of it oozed out.

I let out soft moans and gasps as I stroked the cock. I stopped at the head of it for a few seconds, massaging it at its base and underneath it. A soft groan escaped Daniel’s lips, and I suddenly became fired up from it.

I continued to stroke the cock again, going a little faster. I slipped my hand down between my legs and touched my dripping wet pussy. I let out another moan, deeper this time, and juices flowed out from me and onto my fingers.

Daniel’s legs twitched, and his face contorted in strain. His cock was thicker and was throbbing furiously, and his hips slightly pushed upwards.

After a few seconds, a stream out hot, white cum shot out from the tip. It landed back down onto my hand, and I quickly reached over with my other hand to cover the tip of the cock. I moaned again, closing my eyes as I felt more and more cum shoot out onto my palm, caking it and my hand that continued to stroke it.

Daniel’s mouth was open, and he was breathing heavily, almost sounding exhausted as I continued to stroke him. I kept squeezing out more and more of his cum, letting is pool out into my hands and onto his boxers.

Once I was satisfied, I pulled away and stood up. Quickly grabbing tissues and a spare shirt from his desk, I wiped up the cum from his boxers and cock. His member gradually softened before falling limb over his stomach.

Being extremely delicate and careful, I slid the flaccid cock back under his boxers. I stood up and quickly walked out of his room and headed to my room.

I felt ashamed for losing myself in my feelings of lust and touching my son like, but at the same time I felt extremely pleased. It was a weird mix of feelings, and it made me more and more confused and upset.

I glanced down at my hands, seeing the cum that remained on it. I stared at it for a few seconds before lifting one of them up to my face. I sniffed it, and my pussy and nipples tingled from the sweet scent of it. I quickly licked it up and savored the taste of it, letting out a soft moan in the process.

“I am never doing that again,” I whispered to myself, heading into my bathroom to wash my cum-soaked hands and shirt.